The booming voice of the Life Goddess didn’t phase Sirona when Angela had appeared, even when Angela stalked over and raised a hand to strike Sirona, the angelic Goddess didn’t react to it. The pat on the head, however, put a confused look onto Sirona’s face, but she said nothing as Angela sat down and continued to speak. Of all the Conclave Sirona did have the most respect for Angela, next in line would have been Shiloh, so Sirona was more apt to listen to the elder Goddess than anyone else.
Sirona was listening, but when Angela looked to her Sirona was looking down at Lume who was still asleep in her lap. This little creature had become a bright spot in Sirona’s life, unable, or at unwilling, to love other people, Sirona had diverted all her love to Lume and he had come a great companion to her. She petted his head as she listened to Angela and eventually Sirona did turn her bright eyes to Angela when she mentioned that she had been the Goddess of the Death at one time.
When Angela swore Sirona did flinch slightly, at the same time Lume had woken up once he had picked up the unfamiliar voice. As Angela spoke of Sirona taking victory over herself, and her regrets and problems, Sirona was again looking down at Lume who was looking up at her as she scratched his head. A thin smile spread across Sirona’s lips for a moment as Lume’s attention was then turned to Angela, who he hadn’t met yet. Large eyed looked up Angela as she patted Sirona on the head again and offered a hug with open arms.
Lume had looked like he was about to pounce on Angela for some scritches when Sirona moved and wrapped her arms around Angela, her wings opening and they wrapped around to. This was a rare thing for Sirona to do, the only other she had hugged like this was her big sister Arti. ”I’m sorry.” Sirona finally spoke in a heavy exhale as she hugged Angela tight, Lume squeaking and managing to get out from between them with an annoyed hoot.
Sirona broke the hug after a few moments and collected herself, folding her wings back down again. ”I’ll be right back.” Sirona flashed away and in the few moments she was gone Lume hooted at Angela before bumping his head into her leg wanting attention from the Goddess.
Sirona appeared again and she had a tray with some tea on it and poured a cup for Angela and handed it to her. Sirona could have had an emotional break down, but since that had happened with Atri already Sirona was a little more composed than one might expect. Grinning at Lume’s attention seeking, Sirona spoke, sitting down again next to Angela as she did. ”I suppose I could blame everything on the Revolution Aspect that I had within me from my home world, but, that wouldn’t be fair. As the Voice said, Strength just enhanced the beliefs and emotions I had within me to start with, perhaps in time without Revolution, I would have done the same thing? Who knows? My big sister, Artiya’il, was here right after everything ended and we spoke for a long time. The world that we come from is gone, destroyed, totally. I was banished here before that by Gabriel, another Archangel, because I started to ask questions, about him, his motivations and where some of the other archangels had gone to. So Gabriel banished me, because he didn’t like being questioned.
Arti and I agreed, though, that if I had been there nearer the end of things, I could have stopped it, I could have stopped the end. I’m stronger than Gabriel, really, only Arti is stronger than I, if I was still mortal.” She sighed. ”But that Revolution was still in me while I was here, dormant until I ascended, add in what happened to me before that and, I guess it led to everything that happened. But it was still me, I know it was, it’s not something I can, or will try to, deny. The others can think what they will, the Clergy and I will rebuild what we have lost, and start over again, we know we won’t be trusted by many, but we’ll work on gaining that trust back.”
Looking down for a moment Sirona sipped her own tea. ”Personally, I know I have a lot to work on, I’m not blind to what I am like, like some might think. Angela, I don’t even have mirrors in my own private quarters.” She gestured to the tattoo work on her face. ”These tattoos? They aren’t only on my face, from my wrists up to my neck, and around my midsection, but I can’t take time to look in a mirror to figure out what they mean, because…” She trailed off and gave a heavy sigh and wiped a tear from her eye. ”Suffice to say, I know what I am like, and I will try and work out my issues as best I can.”
Sirona, Goddess of Light and Strength, Lady Glory and the Stronghold of Peace
Sirona's Divine Powers;
1. Light From - Sirona can take on a form that is made of pure Light, she has no physical form while like this and can move at light speed.
2. Grant Strength - Sirona can pass some extra Strength onto those around her if they need it. The kind of strength they get is up to them, be it magical, physical or spiritual, it is a small lone of her Strength for a short time.
3. Solar Flare - Sirona can call down a beam of pure sunlight from the sun itself! She can focus this beam to a surprising degree, from the ability to target one being in a crowd to wiping out said crowd in a luminous cleansing of Light!
OOC: Shawn
Warehouse – If you need synth and stuff check here, if you want to buy anything please PM me on Sirona or find me is Discord :)