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Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:57 PM, Post Subject: An Idea of Sorts [GO]

The goddess was looking into things related to the curse on the girl. She had asked Shiloh about it whos curiosity was sparked fully. Who knew how weird the goddess was going to get now. There were a few things she had noticed from how Simone reacted to magic and how she reacted to fey magic in general. Moving her glasses off her face and into her red hair she flipped through her book a few more times. “Infectious.” It brought a smile to her face but it was interrupted with a blood-curdling scream for her.

“Wis!” Angela left her office and made her way out calmly. She put her hands on her hips when she saw the sight. Emry was latched onto her aunt with her teeth and Wisteria was beating Emry yelling bad. “Enough!” Angela separated Emry from Wisteria. “Now explain.”

“Wis hit!” Emry roared as she tried to fight her now much bigger aunt.

“Emmy sass!” Wisteria stood her ground.

“Alright well you were wrong for hitting and you were wrong for sassing. You go to your room and you!” Angela picked up Emry. “Are coming with me so I know where you are causing trouble.”

Wisteria groaned as she stomped her way off. Emry scowled until Wisteria was gone. “Where go?”

“We are taking a trip but you have to be on your best behavior because I heard he eats little girls who are rude and misbehave,” Angela threatened lightly.

“I fight. Not go down easily,” Emry crossed her arms up at Angela who sighed.

“Why does nothing scare you…” The goddess felt defeated as Emry’s blue eyes were drilling into her. Spending too much time in the Bastion had probably done this to her.

They made their way to Raith’s temple taking the long way as not to offend him. “My feet,” Emmy complained rather loudly but Angela just looked back at her.

“Walking is hard but you are being punished for fighting, remember?”

“Yeah, I just telling you,” Emmy gave a coy smile and Angela sighed a bit.

The labyrinth Angela thought for sure would scare Emmy. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, just dark,” the toddler was keeping up with her grandmother. “Like Bastion.”

“And this doesn’t bother you?”

“Why should?” Emmy snapped up.

“Because you are like three and stop giving me attitude before I smack your mouth,” Angela sighed a bit. Angela let Emmy navigate the maze and watched her as she got down and listened to the floor. She was more sensitive than most and Angela wanted to see what she would notice.

“Dis way,” Emmy could smell her grandmother as she took her hand and pulled. Emmy’s determination to get out so she could see what was at the end was exhilarating. The child was just as smart as her mother was before her and it scared Angela. “Here,” Emmy patted the exit. It took them a long time but they made it.

“Wonderful job Emry,” Angela was pleased as she followed Emry out. Children were eyes to the soul as some would say and some were very special. “And that didn’t scare you?”

“No, just dark,” Emmy once again repeated. “Now where?”

“Now we seek an audience with Lord Raith. Do you know who Lord Raith is?” Angela got down on Emry’s level.

“No,” Emry shook her head.

“He’s the god of this domain, Emry. He’s very powerful,” Angela wondered if she remembered what she had taught her.

“Powerful? All gods powerful in own way. What do?” Emry had curious eyes.

“The heavens,” Angela pointed up to the skies, “And wrath.” Angela poked Emry’s belly who let out a laugh but then got serious. “Do you remember how we greet important people.” Emry gave her a nod. It was drilled into her head every day since she attended Court with her mother.

“Yeah.” The little white-haired child took hold of her grandmother’s hand because she didn’t know whether or not it was frowned upon to be ‘set loose’ in this temple.

Once Angela made it to where she could meet Raith she bowed and so did Emry, “We’re here to see if the great Lord Raith master of Heavens and Wrath will speak with us today. We have an important proposition today that might interest him.”

“Please,” Emry spoke up and Angela smiled down at her.

“Yes, please. Very good Emmy.” Angela pat her head.

Of course, the first thing that Emry did was stare but she tilted her head, “I like your maze.” She couldn’t say labyrinth yet but Angela was wondering where the girl was going with that. It wasn't out of rudeness that the child stared and squinted, "Can't see normally. Maze make like you?" She knew about trials from Angela and Nemesis. "Can you see magic or just shakes?" The toddler was trying hard for complete sentences and found herself getting upset she couldn't but Angela calmed her down with a hand squeeze. "I tryin'," Emmy said up to Angela and she sounded disappointed. It looked like Angela had finally found something that Emry was interested in.

Angela smirked a bit but she would wait for Raith now and Emry was just as considerate as she looked at everything in the room from the spot she stood. The toddler was very aware of not doing things she wasn't allowed to and this was one of them.

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