Archive Home > Archives > 2020 Archives > Ormë Observatory > Rules, Followers & Other Notes

Character Info
Name: Raith
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Part Minadrias-Part Diowolf
Gender: Male
Silver: 3483
Please adhere to the general rules of Revaliir at all times. All rules within The Observatory are simply additions that must be followed.

You are not required to roleplay out every twist and turn within the Labyrinth, but please bear in mind that it is designed to BE hard for people to reach the centre, and that most people will probably get lost and require Raith, or one of his followers to save them.

A 50-word minimum is required for all posts, however, a 250-word minimum is preferred (but not required - the more I have to work with the more I can give you back!).

If you need clarification on any part of the rules, information, or description of The Observatory, please do not hesitate to PM me

Please keep all posts within The Observatory - this includes any of the areas. - do not post things that have no place here (unless otherwise discussed and approved).

Please make use of the following post tags when appropriate:
[P] - Private - Only users who have been given permission by the thread’s creator (and myself, unless otherwise notified) may reply to this thread.
[R] - R-Rated Content - This thread may contain language, violence, or other themes that may not be appropriate for some readers. (Note: Overly graphic sexual content or overly graphic violence is still prohibited, as per the normal rules of Revaliir.)
[NG] - No God - This means that I don’t have to come in. Though I reserve the right if you are doing something that Raith wouldn’t like.
[O] - Open Thread - Please tag posts using this tag if you do not have a specific person in mind to reply.
[GO] - God Only - This means you only want Raith to reply.
[Quest] or [Q] - Questing or looking for a quest from Raith should be marked with this tag

Other post tags may be used as needed (can be found in Revaliir’s rules).

6. If you are interested in having your character serve Raith, within The Observatory, please PM me. We can work out the details/whether he'd even remotely tolerate your presence.

7. Do not deface Raith's Temple, or go where it is specified it's invite only. IF Raith, or one of the people listed here have specifically invited your character to one of these places then you are good to go…. otherwise Angela help your soul….

8. I reserve the right to god mod completely in my own temple.

9. Do not under any circumstances hurt Alairia, or anyone under Raith's employ, because I can guarantee it will not end well.

10. I can enter any thread unless marked appropriately. I will enter NG if you are breaking rules.

Important Persons:

For the moment, there is only one person of note, as Raith gathers more Pilgrims to him this will change.

Alairia: Raith's lover, his light, the one person in this world he truly trusts and loves. If you dare to upset Alairia you will know about it.

The Celestials:

As Raith is able to call upon Celestial beings, there are a few he calls upon more often than other (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

Raith; God of Wrath and the Heavens, Wrath Incarnate, Commander of the Celestial Fires, The Blind God and The Endless Rage

Raith's God Abilities:
1. As his rage increases, so too does his physical strength and the strength of his magic.
2. Able to call upon ‘Celestials’, physical beings from the Stars who will come to his aid, can call up to 10 at a time depending on the size and power they possess
3. Can wield Celestial Fire, essentially the fiery essence of a star, in a raging inferno

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