The Lotus Gardens
One of the city's common attractions are its lotus gardens. These idyllic gardens are filled with exotic plants and rare creatures, especially the golden lotus flowers in great ponds. The flowers are always in bloom, and when night falls they glow with a soft golden light. Carnivorous beasts can be seen lounging about alongside creatures that normally would be their prey, grazing on the lotus petals. All of the animals here are completely at ease, and are unusually placid. These blooms are tended by beautiful men and women clothed in gossamer and fine silk, and they invite those who come near to join them. Their guests are encouraged to partake in their food and drink, especially the ambrosia–a fragrant, amber-colored distilled spirit made from the nearby lotus blossoms. Should one refuse, they will insist that one should give it a try, saying one sip is enough to bring one into paradise.