Archive Home > Archives > 2019 Archives > Tar Eisalae: the Temple Library > Amorphous Study [O]

Character Info
Name: Ozzet
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Mongrel
Gender: Male
Class: Just This Guy, You Know?
Silver: 0
One of the many unwritten rules of planar travel was as followed; If you find yourself in a new, wondrous land. The best way to learn about said land is to find the largest depository of knowledge and history, and beat it like it just cheated you in a card game. This was rule forty seven, and even more interesting was rule forty eight which dictated the many ways in which to escape the wrathful fury of an enraged librarian or scholar, most of which included some form of tripping them or alternatively throwing sand in their eyes as you made your timely escape. It hadn't taken much asking around for the horned man to figure out just where this was on Revaliir. " Tar Eisalae!" He exclaimed to himself as he ambled towards the fallen meteor, his body ducking low and head lurching forward as he came upon the riddled door. "Only I know the secret." He stated all to himself as he straightened his form and narrowed his eyes. He never understood what it was about deities of knowledge always having some sort trick about getting into their temple. Oz would love to come across one that just walked into a random library in an even more random city or village, sat in the middle of the floor and looked to everyone there while stating that this was now their temple; deal with it. 

Of course, this wasn't the case. No, this temple had to be out between the middle of nowhere and a pain to get to. He still wasn't familiar with the lay of the land, and just couldn't get his gate magic to take him here right away. First it had dumped him into a lake which while refreshing was somewhat annoying, and through trial and error along with various other places he had no interest to visit again; he found his way! This door though was another matter, he wasn't about to try to brute force his way through it, after all the last time he had forced his way into a locked door belonging to a deity of wisdom he ended up going dribbling mad for a couple hundred years while he tried to wrap his head around, well, everything. He didn't want to tempt fate again, she always seemed to have a notion to treat him like a red headed step, and he just wasn't having it this time around. "Only I know the secret, what does that even mean?" He grumbled as he reached up, pulling at a small key shaped piercing hanging from his right ear, tugging it as he rolled the riddle over while he reached up and tapped aggressively at the I. 

"But, I don't know the secret! What sort of rubbish riddle and doo-"

The single letter sank into place, and just like that the doors separated and slowly slid open. Ozzet smiled widely, clasping his hands in front of him. "Oh.. Oh! I do know the secret. It's meee." He coaxed out slowly and lovingly while motioning to himself and clasping his hands over his heart with a smile. With the temple doors open he slid his hands into the pockets of the coat he wore and shuffled his way inside, absolutely pleased with himself in every sense. Doing his best impression to ignore everything in the entrance area he jogged aggressively under the archway, and the book recorded his visit as it had countless before him. Much in his own spirit, his name was recorded in a lopsided, larger penmanship that took up two spaces in the book as if out of pure spite, and it was only two letters that that. It simply read; Oz. Once he entered the library he came to a slow and stop. He reeled his body around and frowned. "Yes, yes I shall create a vast temple inside a fallen, heavenly meteor.."  Ozzet said in a taunting manner with an overly booming voice, doing his best to imitate what the deity might sound like, at least in his own mind. "And make it look like every other library in the land! The people shall all shall rejoice with an echoing eh." It didn't look like anything special, and kinda defeated the whole building a temple within a meteor thing, such a build up and then a total let down, much like the first night of his second wedding, and third for that matter. 

Ozzet wasted no time, he had a purpose for being here after all, i might not of been a very good purpose to be fair, but a purpose none the less! Reaching up as he walked quietly into the room he bit down hard onto his right index finger, and tore the skin from the tip of it. Blood rushed to the surface and trickled down his digits as he clenched his fist and held it out in front of him. Gravity took hold of the drops, pulling them to the floor in quick succession. Each one shown with a dull luminescence and a deep, prismatic hue. "Five, six, and seven." He said to himself, counting each drop as he walked around in a wide circle before shaking his hand quickly, and just like that the wound healed, and whatever blood had coated his hand before quickly turned into a chalk like dust of gold, dissipating in a small cloud of bizarre arcane. From each drop of blood, a translucent sort of plant sprouted from the floor, each of the seven a different color entirely, and they seemed to be growing quickly. Oz slid his hands back into his pockets, and yawned quietly as he waited, watching the lazy labors of his magic take fruit. 

One after another each of them erupted with a sharp contrast of color and light, leaving in their wake a mass of twisting hues, each looking to be some sort of humanoid shape but without definition or detail, just a shifting, turning amalgamation of liquid like color that held a dim glow to their vague forms. Ozzet clapped slowly and glanced around the room. There was one here for each important color, and finally he addressed them all. "Okay, so long story short, we're in a library! I need to learn." He rolled his eyes up and bobbed his head a bit as he thought his phrases over. "Need to learn pretty much as much as I can about this world, and you're all going to do that!" He tilted his head back, and snapped a finger before pointing it at the being of gold. "You, history! " He held his hands in front of him, wiggling his fingers around. "Just any books on history, mythology, all that good, dull stuff. Read up as quickly as possible."  He turned to face the next one, an indigo figure that tilted it's vaguely shaped head. "Magic for you, friend! Go, go!"  He crouched down excitedly, turning his head to the crimson figure and pointing to it. "Religion! I want to know what these deities here do, who follows the, what they stand for and even what or who they eat for breakfast!"  The next he addressed was a shining silver. "Medicine and herbology for you!"  Ozzet stood walking to a figure of deep lilac. "See what you can find on the planes here, couldn't hurt after all, right? Right!"  At this point though, Oz was honestly running out of topics he cared about learning, and puffing out his cheeks he eyed the patient figure of green. 

"For you, hmn.."

He stared blankly at it, suddenly clapping his hands once and holding them out towards the figure. "Erotica! That's right green, you're gonna read all the stories you can about things doing things to other things in obscene ways!" The green being hung it's head and arms expressively. "Oh don't give me that look, no pouting! Off with you, and likely the same for the characters in those books, right?" He laughed at his own funny pun, but could almost feel the contempt coming from the green spirit like being. Finally he turned to the final figure, an amber construct of pure color. "Philosophy, go find out why I'm here and why I think I'm not here." The being stared at him in complete confusion, and Ozzet nodded. "Right? Go on then, figure it out for me!"  And with that they all made their way into the depths of the library, each with their own task in mind, some more excited than others. Oz watched each carefully as they faded into the many isles and shelves of the library, and crossed his arms behind his head as he walked over to a large table, and sat at a chair.

"Learning is exhausting, truly."

He mumbled to himself as he reached forward, picking up a thicker book. It didn't seem to have a title but all the same he leaned the chair back on two legs, and propped his weary feet onto the table.  He had started reading it, it told the tale of a man who had lost his wife and blamed the gods for it! While it started off promising it, somewhere through it the man had started acting with criminal intent towards the deities followers and their people, which didn't make sense to him, and quickly he lost interest. Resting the open book over his face he slowly drifted off to sleep while the colors worked about the quiet library. His arms hung at his side, and he began to snore the ballad of a blissful sleep. it was somewhat loud, and not pleasing to the ear like many other ballads.  


Character Info
Name: Myouga Ryou
Age: It's a secret~
Alignment: CG
Race: Hanaoni (oni variant)
Gender: Female
Class: Arcanist
Silver: 0
She was back here again! Having been past her third visit, she was wondering if she should just make a cabin near the entrance and use that as a place to crash the next time she wanted to pop on by. This was the biggest collection of books she'd even seen, and it was fun to walk around in. Waving to the cat that was always present in the Library Temple, she tried to give it a snack. When that failed, she used her magical winged armor to fly high above the shelves. "I'm so booooored. Now that the bunny's gone, everybody's busy. Lise's helping out at her house, Nick is working on grading term papers, and I've run out of places to sight-see." The last one was the most serious of them all. Boredom wasn't something she could handle for more than a day. "I've run around the whole world tons of times, now what am I gonna do?" 

It was that weird transition period between Terra and Ignius–neither hot or cold. Nobody was searching for ruins lately, and she needed something to roll around in her brain. "Hrmm…it's quiet. Too quiet. And it's a library so I can't even si–" A loud snore interrupted her thoughts. Was somebody sleeping? Curious, a cheeky grin spread across her face. Maybe she'd tickle their ear and leave a dollop of fresh cream on their hand to see what would happen. Floating down, she followed the rhythmic sound of snores until she came to the source. There was a stranger she didn't know, and nobody else was around. There were no librarians in the nearby area, so it was just the two of them. Taking out a completely ordinary-looking green bell pepper, she shook it and whispered: "O Great All-Knowing Pepper, should I put cookies or cream in his hand?" A moment of silence, and a monotone voice responded. 'Neither.' "Aww….well I guess that means I need to ask it again. O Great All-Knowing Pepper, should I tickle his nose?" Shaking it again, the monotone voice replied: 'Yes.'

Throwing up her hands, she silently cheered as she prepared to pull a prank. Taking out what looked like a severed arm, she placed a feather between its fingers and snuck over to where the man was nodding off. Slipping under the table, she reached up and proceeded to brush beneath his nose with the feather's tip. Pulling it back, she hid under the table to see if he would respond.


Character Info
Name: Ozzet
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Mongrel
Gender: Male
Class: Just This Guy, You Know?
Silver: 0
The horned man had been asleep for quite awhile, already deep into slumber at this point his chair rocked back and fourth slightly as he snored none the wiser to the girl sneaking up on him with a truly evil scheme. He grunted and tilted his head a bit, but as the feather hit his nose back and fourth he shook his head and mumbled, and yet as it continued to play at him he finally sneezed. It was the type of sneeze that could knock someone off their feet, or in this case their chair, and that's just what it did. Suddenly following the sneeze the chair fell back and on it's side, and the man along with it. He was startled awake, trying to stumble to his feet, his eyes blurry as he toppled over again. "Attack! Under attack!"  He bellowed, stumbling and falling over again, and this time knocking a chair on it's side in his waking vengeance. There was a flourish of liquid like color at his fingertips, bursting with arcane power before seemingly from no where, a large crossbow formed into his grasp. It seemed things were about to get serious and quite deadly, that was until he threw the crossbow in his confusion rather than shooting it, but in his defense he did manage to throw it pretty far, and no where near the girl. 

It was at this moment the girl might notice three of the oddly shaped, color filled figures to come into view from various spots in the library One of amber, one of blue and one of gold. Each of them held a book in their oddly shaped hands, and watched curiously: yet made no movements to help in the least. With his back to a bookshelf he finally managed to stand, his hands rubbing at his eyes. Everything was still blurry, though he could make out the shapes and colors, with a dismissive wave he squinted his eyes and shook his head. "Go, go back to work."  He told them, grumbling under his breath. "Worthless lot, didn't even try to help.."  He rubbed his hands against his face and groaned loudly as he slapped his own face a few times with both hands. It seemed he still didn't realize that someone was in the room with him. "That was a good nap.." He said, pouting to himself as he contemplated going back to sleep.  


Character Info
Name: Myouga Ryou
Age: It's a secret~
Alignment: CG
Race: Hanaoni (oni variant)
Gender: Female
Class: Arcanist
Silver: 0
From her hiding spot beneath the table, she watched with glee as the man sent himself flying backward from a single sneeze. Tilting back on a chair meant he had nothing to keep him from sailing through the air, and she covered her mouth to stifle her giggles. What happened next made her mouth gape with wonder–rainbow liquid bringing a crossbow into existence! Then he threw the thing instead of shooting with it, which was silly even for Myouga's standards. All while he stomped around thinking he was being attacked, he didn't even think to look underneath. The plan was a success! From her lower point of view, she saw three things with the same colors from that rainbow water he conjured up. Rubbing her chin, she wondered if they were friends or just summons. 

They didn't do anything while he was rampaging, so it was hard to tell. When he finally stopped, he told them to go back to work. So they were summons then! They did have that same 'feeling' to them. But why were they holding books? Did they want to read too? There was only one way for the little arcanist to figure this out–by asking him herself. Creeping out from under the table, she poked her head out just far enough for him to see. "Hehehe~ Got you!" She pointed at him with the zombie arm, and in her grasp the fingers of the limb proceeded to point at him too. Taking the feather and stuffing it back into her pockets, she let out the laughter she'd been suppressing. "Hello! Are you new here? Didn't see your face before! Hey hey–are those rainbow-water thingies your friends?" 

Pointing behind her with her thumb in the direction of one, she tucked the severed arm underneath her own. "They're really cool and super colorful too!" Myouga herself was the type to appreciate the odd and unusual. Her growing assembly of pets back at her house was a clear example. Not many people would willingly keep a krampus corgi as a pet and think it was cute. 


Character Info
Name: Ozzet
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Mongrel
Gender: Male
Class: Just This Guy, You Know?
Silver: 0

His adrenaline was only just beginning to subside, and reaching up he rubbed at his face with his open hands. Had he fallen out of his chair? He could of sworn there was something that had been the tipping point of it all, aside from his chair that was. The answer soon came to him as he raised a brow seeing the small figure creep out from under the table he had just been resting at. So he wasn't losing his mind again, this was good, always a good thing and an upside. He ducked back slightly watching her point the undead arm towards him, and his face contorted slightly to something just unpleasant. Who was this small thing? Why was it tormenting him? Why did it have the severed arm of a Zombie with a feather in it's grasp? As he asked these questions, something hit him square in the middle of his mind; so these are the questions others have had to ask themselves over the years when they met him, because simply put these were all things that he'd do, and they never made any sense. 

He glanced to the side as she asked her questions, though he was still fixated on seeing this sort of nonsense from the outside for the first time. Finally, he shook his head, and leaned it back just slightly to her, and his expression changed like a switch being flipped. He beamed her a smile, and leaned down slightly to her level. "Oh those?" He asked, raising a thumb over his shoulder and pointing behind him as the amber one ambled across to another set of shelves. "Yes! They're my friends." The word friend caused the amber one to stop, and give some sort of dead, blank stare to Ozzet who quickly corrected himself. "They're things, strange things is what I meant to say." Ozzet glanced back, watching it go about it's business once more. The girl didn't need to know the details of what they were, just that they were pretty and reluctantly listened to him for whatever reason, which were sometimes the best reasons to be honest. 

He clasped his hands together and gave something of a warm smile, though the whole thing was rather foreign to him so it was a crooked smile at best. "And what brings you here? Terrorizing law abiding people who've come to mind their own business and relax?" He nodded, appreciating his own thoughts on why she might be here before continuing with a nod. "I too enjoy terrorizing people who want to mind their own business and relax." His eyes narrowed slightly though as he crouched down even more until he was almost sitting, and resting an open palm against his chin he watched her carefully. "Okay so why are you here, odd little one?" He mused, strumming his fingers against the side of his face. He was learning the lay of the land and it's past, a most noble cause! Though if this girl here had simply come to annoy and pester people, well there would be a measure of respect there, that kind of disregard is something Ozzet used to take part in almost daily to the disdain of many, many others. 


Character Info
Name: Myouga Ryou
Age: It's a secret~
Alignment: CG
Race: Hanaoni (oni variant)
Gender: Female
Class: Arcanist
Silver: 0
"That's amaaazing! I've never tried summoning before! Most of the time when I do magic, things to KA-BOOM!" She waved her arms to emphasize her point, grinning from ear to ear. "They're great!" She crossed her legs and used the zombie arm to adjust her hat from sliding off her head. When this also-horned-person asked her why she was playing pranks on people in the library, then stated he himself was of the same ilk, Myouga giggled again. "Hehe~ I'm here to see if anything's new! It's the biggest, best library in all the world so if I wanna read anything I can find it in here! And sometimes I find new people too! Like you!" The little arcanist pointed at the curly horned man. "I was gonna put a dollop of cream on your hand then tickle your nose, but I didn't. The great All-Knowing Pepper said no."

She then pulled out what appeared to be a completely ordinary, farm-fresh green bell pepper of average size. There was a sort of magical aura about it, but otherwise it looked like something that should be in a salad than in someone's bag. "Anyways, I picked you because you were sleeping! Most people just try to go away if they saw me sneaking up on them. Plus you're ok, so it's all good! The librarians might kick me out if I bugged them, and I don't wanna get banned." As much as she loved seeing people's reactions to her shenanigans, she knew better than to go too far. It wasn't fun if people got mad at her after. "Hmm…I like you! You're not mad that I tickled your nose and made you sneeze, and you didn't yell at me either."

Pointing to herself, she announced: "I'm the great and magnificent Myouga–arcanist extraordinaire! What's your name?" Pulling her knees to her chest, she rested her head on her hands as she looked up at him with a cheeky smile. There was the sound of munching coming from within her bag, and it wriggled for a moment. The pint-sized mage didn't seem to notice though.

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