Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:14 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"Tar Eisalae is open to you as long as you wish to remain," Drae told Drake. "I'll have Iris set up a room for you as long as you stay so that you can sleep as you see fit and train as you see fit. You can come and go as you please," he added. "Magnus will be here if you have any questions that I am not available to answer. Iris can also assist. You may even meet more of my family here, as they come and go."

Magnus sipped his tea quietly as Drake and Drae conversed, his eyes occasionally flicking from Drake to Drae and then back to his tea cup. 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:18 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake wasn't sure how to process the information, so he stayed quiet for a moment while he thought about how to respond.  It wasn't that Fate was stuck in his mind persay, but he felt as though there were forces at work that left him with little choice but to accept what was given.

Deity or not, there was definitely some cosmic force that felt the need to correct Drake's course should he stray from it's path.  And it all pointed to that woman.

“No,” he replied finally.  “I don't think I really need to research it.” He sighed, taking a sip from his cup.  “I mean…learning about the history wouldn't be a bad thing, but I don't think understanding it's history is going to change much.”

“Still…if it's all right with you, I might spend some time browsing the library when we're finished here.  I'm curious about what I might find.” If fate really wants to push me in a particular direction…maybe I'll find something of use.

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 10:44 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"Boring is mundane, but mundane often means safe," Drae replied with a shrug. "At this point, I am pretty certain that half the world would trade safe and mundane for all the hardships they've had, especially at the hand of my fellow Gods," he said grimly. "It's a bit of a double edge sword for me…" 

He smiled when Drake complimented the food. "I should hope so. A lot of it has kept from when my wife Angela was the Goddess of Earth. The Awakening Gardens stocked most if not all the Temple larders because the food never spoils. Or didn't at least. Now we have to bring it in from the farms, since Angela's domain shifted not too long ago. By the Voice, that was an ordeal. I ended up sheltering the entirety of her clergy here in the Library for the duration of the building of Elysium. It was noisy and crowded. Though, it made me respect her champion Serci a bit more," he chuckled. Drae looked sideways at Drake a moment. 

"None of the current deities hold sway over Fate or Destiny, Drake. However, centuries ago it was held by a Caneluxian deity by the name of Frey LeSilve. Tar Eisalae should have documents on him if Fate is something that causes a bone of contention in you…" he said, his eyes flashing slightly. "Magnus can assist you if you have any real questions. He's longer lived than even most Sularians."

Author: Firesong, Posted: Tue Jul 3, 2018 10:28 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

“It sounds like you have been through quite the ordeal,” Drake said, looking to Magnus with a new sense of awe. It almost felt wrong to complain to the old sea spirit at this point. Anything that Drake could have experienced or ever would experience couldn’t begin to live up to what he had lived through.

“Well, I’m glad I met you when I did, then,” the draconian said with a smile. “Otherwise none of this would have happened.” He wondered briefly if there was any other person capable of pulling out his magic like that. God or no, perhaps there were others who were trained in the art. Nowhere near the capacity of Lord Drae, for sure, but what would the odds have been of one helping Drake?

“Fate,” Drake muttered. There was that word again. Was the meeting of Magnus and Drake a twist of fate? Or was it orchestrated by some higher power like the Gods? He shook the questions. He was going to end up losing focus in the conversation and come off rude.

“Well, nothing truly exciting has happened to me, past these dreams and the obvious,” he said. “It would seem my life has been fairly boring up until now. But, I guess I can’t complain too much. From what I understand, boring isn’t always the worst.” He took a sip from the cup in front of him. “The food is delicious,” Drake said after a moment.

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 12:25 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"We met only recently actually," Drae answered. "Magnus only came into my employ less than a year ago, after a rather long incarceration of undeath in the desert ruins of Asyut," he explained. Magnus chuckled to himself softly. 

"I was more mummy than man at that time, but I still had hold of my intelligent faculties thank the Gods for that," he explained. "I happened upon Lord Drae's son-in-law in Asyut. He was in a really bad way, thanks to a fallen pillar. Crushed his legs and pelvis. He had massive internal bleeding and several wounds that had been cursed with severe mummy rot. I didn't have the power or energy to save him completely, but I was able to repair the worst of the damage enough for him to take his true form and fly us out of that cursed city before it was swallowed up by the sands again," Magnus told Drake. 

"After that, Magnus came to stay with Angela and I to heal. The extent of the mummy rot was incredible, it was amazing to note that he hadn't been corrupted entirely," Drae added. "But time is a great healer, and now here he stands before you as a nearly completely whole man again. We got talking and he mentioned that he had been a scholar and was well-traveled and had spent time in libraries in both Canelux and Parvpora, even before the Parvpora World Tree fell. That was enough for me to offer him a position here while he recovered." 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 7:49 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake listened once more to the wise words that Lord Drae held for him.  In his time in Tar Eisalae, he had definitely learned more than he could ever have hoped to anywhere else from just the information he gleaned from both Magnus and the deity.  And the fact that he was welcome to stay made things that much more amazing.  However, he did realize that he couldn't stay forever, even if offered.  The fact is, I could lose a lifetime to this place, and I'd still never reach my goal.  I should probably limit myself…

"I would hate to be hunted down as well.  It would definitely cause issues for what I have to do," Drake said, diving in to the food and ale for a moment, relishing the taste.  "Again, I do appreciate everything.  I know the invitation is open, but I don't think I should stay here for too long.  I think a few weeks at most is what I should limit myself to.  Enough time to adjust to this new form, and then I should be off."  To Zets'ki.  Will I find her there, I wonder?  

"So, if I could ask…how did you two meet?  I mean, I know that becoming a god is complicated, but to become the keeper of something like this Library…How does one fall into that role?  This was more of Drake's curiosity peeking through.  Everything about Tar Eisalae was a magical mystery to the young draconian, and the ore he learned, the more fascinated he grew about the mass potential that magic held.  So far, he had only ever seen magic used in combat, but to realize that it had non-combat uses surprised him. 

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 11:55 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"The simple answer to that question is it would depend on the situation," Drae answered. "There are countless factors that could come in to play, but potentially, yes, there is the chance of being stuck in this dragon form for a time. I have seen it happen to a lot of first time shifters. There was a time when my son Rohan spent more time in animal form than he did in human form as a child. Mostly because it was more fun for him, but the first couple times he couldn't figure out how to turn back. Granted he was an infant back then," Drae explained. "However, if you were to take this full dragon form here in Parvpora, the chances of getting stuck would be significantly greater if you were in an area that falls prey to a Void Storm. At that point there would literally be no mana in the land for you to draw energy from to turn back, and depending on how severe the Void Storm is, you could end up remaining in that form for some time," the Keeper explained. 

"However, chances are, if you practice the shift, you should be able to at least keep your mind and mental faculties about you. Your magic is not tethered to a lesser dragon, but to a true ancient draconic line, and they were very powerful and very intelligent," he added after a moment of thought. "So, I don't think you would need to be afraid of going on a pillaging spree if that is what you are afraid of. Not unless you wanted to, in which case if I were to recommend a place, I'd say Varaz or Kometeia, where no one lives but there are plenty of spoils to be had should you want them," he said with a chuckle. "I'd rather not see a friend hunted down."

Author: Firesong, Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 12:47 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake listened to the explanation with earnest, taking in the information like a sponge.  There were so many things that Drake still had to learn about the world, and based on what Drae was explaining, there were many different races and abilities in addition.  As they walked into the kitchen and Drae summoned the stools with magic, Drake was caught off guard, falling hard on the stool, and groaning in the process.  I really should pay more attention….

"Oh, I mean," Drake started, holding out his hand.  With a bit of focus, flames engulfed his hand, and shifted it back into a claw.  "Once it changes, I can feel a draw of energy, but…"  He closed his eyes, and the flames came back, dispersing his claw.  "It takes focus to shift to and from.  Is it…possible to get stuck in a draconic form if it requires too much focus or energy?"  He realized mid-sentence though, that Lord Drae and Magnus potentially wouldn't know.  Each situation was unique, and from Lord Drae's lecture on how his ursine qualities showed, it was different even for similar 'species.' 

"I guess, I'm just worried about turning into a dragon and not being able to change back," Drake said.  "I can feel it, now…the power sleeping.  But if all of it woke up…I don;t know what would happen."   

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Wed May 9, 2018 9:01 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drae chuckled. "When he means wolfish grin, he means a smile that might be hungry or cunning, or even predatory," he explained. "It's really just a poke at my ursanthropy," he said to clarify. "A wolfish grin does not suit me simply because I am a bear, not a wolf. I am one of three bear gods right now. My blood brothers are Lokir, and Zanar."

"Lord Drae has an interesting way of displaying his ursanthropy compared to the others," Magnus said. "He follows Parvpora more in the cycle than Canelux, and his is more a physical manifestation," Magnus stated.

"It's true. While I do feel the monthly pull of Canelux, my bear nature waxes and wanes with Parvpora. During ignius and venti, I grow in bulk like a bear would getting ready for a glaciem and terra of hibernation. The bear is strongest during Hebheka, the time of year when both Parvpora and Canelux are full. This is the same for all those afflicted with Lycanthropy," Drae said as he, Magnus and Drake entered the temple's larders and kitchens. Drae waved a hand and stools scooted up behind Drake and Magnus and himself. Magnus immediately sat down comfortably on his stool. 

"What do you mean, 'get stuck'?" the spirit inquired of Drake while Drae went about waving his hand and using his powers to manipulate food and drink to fly around the kitchens to fall on the wooden island they all sat around. Wine for the Keeper, tea for the Librarian, and ale for the draconian, while various food stuffs piled up onto platters for them to eat at their leisure. 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Wed May 9, 2018 7:30 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake followed the two as they spoke, listening intently.  It seemed as though even the Gods had their own issues to deal with.  Not that the vibrant pink hair that Lord Drae had wasn't enough to provide proof.  I wonder how long it'll be like that, Drake thought.  As they finished, Drake noted that Magnus had said something about a bear grin versus a wolf grin.

"Er…might I ask what Magnus meant by the grins?" Drake questioned.  "I know you're a deity, but past that, you look fairly….er…normal."  He looked the God over once more, just to be sure.  I mean, to be fair, I look fairly normal too when I'm not half on fire and sporting dragon claws….  He thought about that for a moment longer.  Dragon claws were going to take some getting used to, even after all of the training.  

"Is it possible to get stuck?" he asked aloud, more questioning himself than anyone in particular.  I can't imagine trying to do menial tasks with those claws….

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Wed May 9, 2018 7:15 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"You need not say it, Drake, I could hear your mind screaming your gratitude from the Occulus," Drae laughed as he clapped the draconian lightly on the shoulder. Magnus chuckled and looked at his friend.

"He isn't exaggerating, I promise you," he laughed. "Lord Drae can hear the thoughts of anyone on Tar Eisalae's threshold. I watched him fly out of here so fast once when Lord Naota came to asked for help with obtaining something from people in Kurayo, and Lord Naota hadn't even made it in the door yet. His thoughts were THAT loud." 

The God rolled his eyes at the recollection. "Would have been a lot easier a venture if Naota had told me what he wanted from the beginning. Wouldn't have needed to go to Kurayo at all if he had mentioned he wanted that book…" he muttered. "Anyhow, food. I'm ravenous. Good thing I had the larder stocked recently, too. I'm sure our draconian friend here has worked up quite the appetite," Drae grinned wolfishly. 

"You really need to work on your bear grin," Magnus commented. "Smiling like a wolf is misleading."

"Bears are harder to find. People expect wolves. I like that element of surprise," Drae returned. 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:58 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

As requested of him, Drake followed Iris as they left the training area.  So I can potentially use wings when I get more control? he thought to himself.  That's an…interesting thought.  It's a good thing I'm not terrified of heights.  Once more he entered into the main library, and even a second time he was taken away at the sheer concept of what knowledge it contained.  A part of him wondered if anyone had ever gotten lost in the library before.

"Thank you," Drake said as Lord Draw commented on how long Drake had been training.  He smirked, "It's thanks to Iris that I've been able to get this far."  As Iris started to leave to tend to her other duties, Drake did a slight bow.  "Thank you, Iris, for your help.  It's more than appreciated."  

As Lord Drae motioned for the draconian to join, Drake all but hopped back from his bow.  "Of course.  I would be honored to join you.  Thank you," he said, starting to follow Magnus and Lord Drae.  "Really…I can't emphasize enough how much I appreciate all of this."

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:45 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Iris kept a close and careful eye on Drake throughout the hours he trained with her, relaying all information back to her master as he went. He seemed quite pleased. 

When Drake finally wore himself out, which had taken a lot longer than she had expected, she gave him a small smile. "You did progress greatly. The more you practice the easier the change will be. In time you may be able to fly with the dragon's wings once you get used to using its powers," she said. 

When he said he needed a break, she nodded. "Of course, my master believes you deserve one. Come," she said motioning for him to follow her as the training room once more became smooth and normal. 

Once out in the main library, they were met by Lord Drae and Magnus. 

"You look like you've trained hard," Drae commented. "Thank you, Iris, you may tend to your duties. I'll call you again when I need you," he said, dismissing Iris. The Avatar nodded and looked at Drake. "Good luck," she wished him before she vanished. 

Drae motioned for Drake to join him and Magnus. "You look like you could use sustenance. Care to join us?"

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:19 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake watched as Iris showed off more of what his potential could be.  Already he was trying to get a feel for the newly formed muscles in his legs, and how they would react to such a fast paced transition of directions.  As Iris popped back beside him, and resumed her original form, though, Drake found himself wondering just how far he could go.  As if to answer his question, Iris spoke of potentially assuming a full dragon form.

That's not something I had considered.  Even now, I'm terrified of the sleeping beast.  And the concept of losing myself to it…  Drake shivered.  It was one thing to see the dragon in his mind's eye, it was another to imagine being devoured by it.  "Thank you.  I'll…I'll keep that in mind, for future use."  He turned back to the stone pillars, and tried once more to focus on the control of his body.  

For at least another few hours, Drake trained under the watchful eyes of Iris.  He was starting to get the hang of his strength, and just what he was physically capable of.  However, the form was starting to wear on him, and he felt more than just fatigued.  Okay…change back.  He closed his eyes, and let his mind go back to the dragon.  He imagined himself releasing the borrowed power, and letting it go back into the dragon.  Flames encircled where his skin had scaled over, changing back into the tanned flesh that he was accustomed to.  

His muscles felt sore, but he could feel that they had retained a great deal of the strength that his partial dragon form held.  So that's permanent then.  Good thing I was able to train and get the hand of it here….  

As the form fully released, and Drake was back to being, well, mostly human, he took a deep breath.  "Thank you, Iris," he said.  "I think I need a break, though." 

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:59 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"That's good, because once you have an idea of what your upper body can do, you need to calibrate your lower half," she said. She took a ready stance before she ran through the pillars that were placed like obstacles, turning and dodging on a dime, with extreme speed and accuracy before she launched herself up into the air in a flying kick that completely crumbled the top of one pillar, before she landed on the top of a second like it was nothing. She panted however. It was draining mimicking magical abilities that weren't inherently her own. With a snap she reappeared beside Drake and let the adaptation drop until she was just standing there beside him as herself. 

"You see? And this is only a tiny fraction of what you can do. Imagine becoming the dragon completely. Wings and breath and all," she said. "It would be a sight to see. Dragons are tricky though. I don't want to say they are easy to corrupt, but they are easy to forget themselves and just be savage. There are a great many of these beasts who are incredibly intelligent, but their rage can be all consuming," she warned. "And there are very few things that can stand up to an enraged dragon."

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:38 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

With Iris' help, Drake found himself back on his feet. The reality was setting in that his new form was much, much more different than what he had previously been accustomed. The raw power alone was something that he could feel a considerable difference in, but reigning it in would take a concentrated effort, something which Drake would require time to learn.

As Iris explained what went wrong, and called off the sparring match, Drake couldn’t help but feel a bit disheartened. Perhaps, somewhere deep down, the awakened dragon was itching to test itself out. But Drake nodded to Iris’ statement and the reasoning behind it.

"So control then," he said as he watched Iris obliterate the stone pillar she had summoned. Drake walked up to another stone pillar, and touched it with his new claw. It was a strange, novel sensation to even touch something with his draconic claws. The size difference alone set things in a different scale, and threw him off. The tips of his claws, razor sharp, scraped against the stone, leaving small marks. Even the black scales, supposedly tough as iron, had their own unique feel to them. After a moment of taking in this new sensation, he made a fist, and with the lightest of taps, hit the pillar. With his eyes shut, he tried to focus on the feeling of his new muscles, how they tightened and loosened, how they reacted to the impact.

Drake opened his eyes, and hit the rock again, this time a little harder. Once again, he traced the sensations down his arm, forcing a memorization of the muscles. And again. Each strike harder, each time memorizing the vibrations course through his arm. Finally, with one last punch, the pillar cracked. Drake paused, and smiled as he looked to Iris.

“It’s taking a little while, but I think I’m getting the hang of it now.”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:14 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

This was going to be fun. As soon as she took her stance, he pounced. And it went about as she had expected. She relaxed as he completely overshot her and crashed into the wall behind her. She shook her head as she walked up to him, losing his façade and taking her own with the exception of the draconic claws and strength. 

"You didn't take into account your new strength. Had you been acting on your normal human strength alone, you would have come at me easily. But your dragon strength, was a lot more than you anticipated and a lot more than you knew you needed to gauge and control," she said as she reached out to help him up. 

"For now, I think we need to work on your control. We'll go back to sparring once you have a better idea of what it is you are capable of," she said. She reached out to the ground ahead of them and large stone pillars came up out of the ground with a rumble. "If you use this power recklessly, you are going to be capable of serious destruction," she told him. With a roar, she channeled the strength Drake had into a punch that completely decimated one of the stone pillars. "So precision and control are going to be key."

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sun Apr 1, 2018 5:05 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

As Iris changed, her body mirroring his own, Drake couldn't help but stare in wonder.  The power of magic was something to be inspired by, and all of the new things Drake had seen as of late had shown him that there was far more to magic than he could ever have imagined.  As Iris showed off Drake's new form, her features a perfect mirror of his own, he couldn't help but shiver at the uncanny accuracy.  It was one thing to see yourself reflected, it was another to see yourself standing physically before you.  

"This is…unreal," Drake said, looking Iris-Drake over.  "It's…perfect…"  He blinked.  "My hair…does it really look that messy?"  A frown crossed his face.  "I'm going to need to fix that…"  He sighed, shaking his head.  More work.  But Iris wasn't done with him yet, and that made him smile.

"Oh?"  Drake smiled, his eyes wide with anticipation.  Iris-Drake's smile may have been sinister, but true Drake's smile was nothing short of battle hungry, and raring to go.  "I'm ready then!" he said, his voice with a draconic underlay.  As soon as Iris-Drake took a stance, Drake pounced.

Everything about his new draconic form seemed to be wrong.  Or, to put it more accurately, Drake's perception of what his limits used to be, versus where they were now, was completely wrong.  What should have been a full strength kick off for a human, was instead a full strength kick off with enhanced strength, causing Drake to launch himself at Iris-Drake and completely overshoot her, slamming into the wall.  

"O-ow…" Drake muttered as he stumbled up, propping himself against the wall.  "W-what…what happened?"

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sun Apr 1, 2018 5:05 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

As Iris changed, her body mirroring his own, Drake couldn't help but stare in wonder.  The power of magic was something to be inspired by, and all of the new things Drake had seen as of late had shown him that there was far more to magic than he could ever have imagined.  As Iris showed off Drake's new form, her features a perfect mirror of his own, he couldn't help but shiver at the uncanny accuracy.  It was one thing to see yourself reflected, it was another to see yourself standing physically before you.  

"This is…unreal," Drake said, looking Iris-Drake over.  "It's…perfect…"  He blinked.  "My hair…does it really look that messy?"  A frown crossed his face.  "I'm going to need to fix that…"  He sighed, shaking his head.  More work.  But Iris wasn't done with him yet, and that made him smile.

"Oh?"  Drake smiled, his eyes wide with anticipation.  Iris-Drake's smile may have been sinister, but true Drake's smile was nothing short of battle hungry, and raring to go.  "I'm ready then!" he said, his voice with a draconic underlay.  As soon as Iris-Drake took a stance, Drake pounced.

Everything about his new draconic form seemed to be wrong.  Or, to put it more accurately, Drake's perception of what his limits used to be, versus where they were now, was completely wrong.  What should have been a full strength kick off for a human, was instead a full strength kick off with enhanced strength, causing Drake to launch himself at Iris-Drake and completely overshoot her, slamming into the wall.  

"O-ow…" Drake muttered as he stumbled up, propping himself against the wall.  "W-what…what happened?"

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:17 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

She watched him and grinned when he asked if she could actually show him. "Yes, I can," she said brightly. As soon as he gave the go ahead, she shifted, her body changing fluidly as she became, for all intents and purposes, Drake, right down to the scuffs on his boots. Iris-Drake flexed the claws that had become his hands and smirked. 

"Not bad," she even sounded like him. "This is barely scraping the surface. I can feel that now. We will have to do more to draw out your true power," Iris-Drake commented. Something sparked in the crimson eyes, and a smirk painted Iris-Drake's lips that borderline scary. 

"I think I know how we are going to do that…" she said confidently. Iris-Drake backed up again several paces. "How better to determine your true powers, than to fight yourself?" she asked with a grin, before she took a ready position. 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:12 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake's first real deflection of the magical blast left him more surprised than anything.  But his real shock came when Iris started to clap, instead of attack.  The draconic blood boiling through his veins wanted nothing more than to take full advantage of the situation and attack her, but Drake forced himself to calm down.  The transformation took a lot out of him, and although he was't completely exhausted, he definitely felt spent, his quick and shallow breaths giving it away.

"So…this is the dragon that I saw when Lord Drae awakened my power?" Drake asked, not really directed at Iris.  He looked over his own claws, forcing a grip a few times.  Everything seems to work.  It looks bulky, but it's not hard to move at all.  He tightened his claw into a fist, and smirked.  "Not what I expected, but I'm not disappointed."  

He looked up to Iris as she asked him the question.  "You can do that?"  There's a lot of different kinds of magic, aren't there.  He nodded.  "Yes.  If you would, please show me how I appear."

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:59 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"Wrong instinct!" Iris called as she set off another barrage of blasts and knocked one of the blades clean from his hand. She had read him right, his first instinct as a warrior was to draw his weapons. She had figured on it. That was the point of this lesson, to show that from a distance like the one she was at, his weapons were pointless. He needed to find another way.

"Weapons will do little against concussive force!" she called to him as she sent another blast whizzing past his ear. "Use your magic to block, deflect, or counter!" she ordered sharply. She could see the frustration in his face. He couldn't read her. That was the idea. He could not use his knowledge and training as a fighter in this situation. It was all to force him to try something else. The ability to mask her movement, emotions and intentions was why her master had given her this task. It was all for Drake's sake. 

Two more blasts left her hands, one of which he avoided, but the second struck his hand and sent his final blade skidding across the floor to the other side of the room. The barest hint of a smile twitched at the corners of her mouth. She barely gave him time to recover before another barrage rocketed towards him. There was no longer anything for him to hide behind, so to speak. He must have realized it too, because she watched as he turned to face her square and lowered his center of gravity to take the blast. The cross block kept him from being knocked off his feet, but the force pushed him backward several feet as the first of her attacks hit him square. But then it seemed to click for him. She watched with her liquid silver gaze as crimson flames spread up his arms, glistening black scales forming in its wake, his hands becoming clawed.

The second blast came a split second later, and was deflected harmlessly towards another wall as it bounced off the dragon scales. 

This time, instead of attacking, Iris clapped slowly. "Good. You've activated your magic enough to create a defense against moderate magical attacks," she said. She walked towards him and to examine this partial transformation. It was rather impressive.

"Would you like to see how others would perceive you right now?" she asked him. 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:14 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake was listening intently to Iris, his focus on her words.  It was probably his first mistake.  He should have known better than to drop his guard, even in the residence of a God.  The first blast hit him hard, throwing him back and on the ground.  The next two blasts knocked Drake around before he could fully react, scrambling up and to the side.  He had no time to think, drawing his blades immediately as his instinct dictated.  His first reaction was to slash the next concussive blade with his blade, but it was a mistake.  The magic was stronger than he anticipated, and merely blew the sword out of his hand.  Drake scoffed, and dodged the next blast, but caught the one immediately after directly in the chest, blowing him back yet again.

I can't move quick enough!?  He gasped as the air left his chest, and he started to cough.  Drake had always been able to read the flow of battle.  There were signs and tells for every motion, from the tightness of one's grip to the stance used in a swinging motion.  But this, this was madness.  Iris had zero tells, or if she did have any, they weren't like anything Drake knew how to read.  

Another two blasts came Drake's way, and he managed to dodge to the left, but a third once more struck him hard, causing him to drop his second blade.  Damn it!  He growled, and tried to move as another onslaught of magical flames came his way.  

I refuse to back down.  I absolutely refuse!   Drake's stance lowered, his mind clearing.  The blasts hit him hard, but at the last second his reflexes kicked in, and he crossed his arms to guard.  Flames erupted across his skin, but they weren't Iris'.  Crimson red flames danced across his skin, leaving black scales in their wake.  His hands started to resemble something closer to a claw.  Lastly, his eyes, once a brilliant silver green, now shone a bloody crimson, as if to reflect the newly unleashed draconic blood running through his veins.


Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:23 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"That's right. Most people come into magic on their own, whether through study or by chance. But the point is that you cannot use it if the initial seedling is not there," she said. "We've established that you have power, now the trick is to draw it out," she said as she crossed the arena to face Drake. "Master Drae wants me to pull that response from you. So there is only one way to really do that…"

She flung a hand at him suddenly, a concussive blast of purple green flame shooting towards him from her fingertips. "So I will force you to react."

She began her onslaught of attacks. She didn't vary much in the spell she used, but she was relentless with the eldritch blast, the concussive purple green flames hitting with the force to knock him back several feet, if not off his feet completely, though not packing enough damage to render him unconscious. That would have been a bit of overkill. The entire time, her face was devoid of emotion. There was no physical tell of what she planned to do. 

"Block me!" she ordered.

Author: Firesong, Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:07 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake was completely unsure of how to take Iris' remarks.  She was surprisingly difficult to read, though in Drake's defense, he wasn't the best at reading people.  Still, it made him feel awkward the entire way to the practice ground.  As Iris lead him through the archway, Drake wondered just how many rooms a temple this large could hold.  Between its physical size and the potential of magical spaces, it could quite literally be an infinite number of rooms.  

I'm always thinking so small, aren't I?

Iris finally turned, and asked him if Magnus had told him the nature of his magic.  Drake started to answer, and paused.  I should have been paying quite more attention that I have been.  Have we talked about it?  Drake crossed his arms, frowning.  "I can't remem-"  His eyes widened.  Instinctive and reflexive.  

"Oh, right!  Magnus said that magic is an instinctive thing, and reflexive!" Drake said excitedly.  I really should pay more attention.  Starting now.  I should definitely-  Wait, I'm thinking too much.  Just pay attention.

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:58 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"That is what my master has instructed me to do, yes," Iris answered simply as she stood board straight and still on the platform but gave Drake a friendly smile. "Unfortunately, I cannot offer any tips until I have assessed where you stand. Mentally, you should be prepared by knowing it might not all happen at once. Just because the power has been awakened does not mean you will automatically be able to access it without difficulty," she explained. 

"Of course you are not bothering me," she added as they platform touched down on the main floor. "You are being inquisitive. It is something that Master Drae looks forward in new students," she said. She stepped down off the platform. "Follow me, please," she said as she lead him through the seemingly never ending rows of books. She lead him to an archway, and stepped though it to reveal a massive practice arena. 

"Now, tell me, Magnus must have said something about the nature of magic when you first arrived here. What was it?"

Author: Firesong, Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:34 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake followed Iris to the platform, wondering what Iris had in store for him.  As the spirit cat left his shoulders, he made a small wave to it, and said goodbye.  

"So, Iris," Drake said, unsure of exactly how to proceed from here.  "I guess you'll be helping me in figuring out my magic, right?"  Well, duh…  "Do you have any tips for me to start out?  Like, any mental preparation that may need to go into this?"  It was a surprise to Drake that he was struggling so hard to find the words.  Perhaps he was still feeling the aftereffects of his magic being woken by Lord Drae.  Or maybe the mana flow that he had just learned to sense was starting to overwhelm him.  Regardless, Drake was feeling quite sheepish.

"I'm sorry…I must be tired or something.  I'm not bothering you, am I?"  

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 12:16 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drae listened quietly to Drake's second question and his concerns. It wasn't something that was horribly uncommon, though it seemed more complicated in Drake's case. 

"It sounds to me that these dreams you are having are more than likely memories from your former life," Drae explained. "Dreams themselves are not my domain, but any research you want to do I or Magnus can help you. If they are in fact memories, then I think I have something that may help," he told Drake simply. "And if they do turn out to be just dreams that need some unraveling, I can assist you in getting an audience with my friend Naota. He is the God of Light and Dreams. He might be able to help you more," Drae said. "Iris!"

There was a shimmer of light and a young woman who looked like she could have easily been Drae's daughter appeared standing beside him. 

"Yes, Master?" she inquired.

"Iris, this is Drake. He is going to need some help training his newly unlocked powers. Will you please escort him down to the training rooms and do some training with him? I need to have some words with Magnus."

"Of course, Sir."

"Drake, this my avatar, Iris. She will assist you with whatever you need," Drae said, introducing the young woman. Iris stepped up onto the platform. "Please come with me," she insisted. She waited until Drake was on the platform with her, before she activated it and they descended back down to the main floor of the Library. The cat that had curled around Drake's shoulders jumped off the platform and remained in the Occulus as Drake and Iris left the Occulus. 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 11:58 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake nodded slowly.  This sudden change in his body was something that would take time to get used to.  "It it would be okay, could I stay here for awhile and try to get the hang of things?  You said you could find someone to help as well?"  The young man bowed again, "If it's not too much of an inconvenience, then I would definitely appreciate the time and space."  This was more than perfect.  Not only had he tapped into some unknown potential, but he was being given the opportunity to flourish with it.

"I…have one more question," Drake said hesitantly.  "This power…I'm almost sure that it is not entirely my own.  To be honest, you probably felt it…I'm experiencing something close to what Magnus described as two souls from different worlds merging into one.  As a result, I've been having strange dreams of a black winged angel, or a celestial, and of fire and death.  Would it be possible, while I am here, to do some research into these dreams?  If my other soul is indeed from a different world, I would…like to be given the chance to learn about it."

"I can't explain it, but it feels…important."  Drake bowed for a third time.  

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 4:20 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"It will take practice," Drae told Drake simply. "With potential like yours, you will definitely need to take time to learn how to control and tap into it. Fortunately, you are in the ideal place to do it. First we need to find your trigger, what you will need to do to draw on that magic. Fortunately, that is something that will be instinctual. We just need to put you into a situation where you have to use it," Drae explained. He went back to his chair and took a seat again. 

"Tar Eisalae has practice arenas that we can use for this specific purpose. You are free to use them if you wish. If you would like, I can provide you with someone to help you tap into this power so that you can start practicing with it. There are rooms here where you can stay and rest if you would like while you learn," Drae offered. "Of course, you are not obligated to stay," he added. "If you would rather learn on your own, that is not a problem."

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:44 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

The moment the God opened his mouth, Drake felt the tension in the air break.  It was apparent that Drake had completely misjudged what a God should act like, and had made Lord Drae out to be more imposing than he really was.  That doesn't change the fact that the aura here is incredible…  Drake watched as Lord Drae circled him.  The God took a whiff of his scent, which caused Drake to shiver, as if he were being scented by a wild animal for a feast.  Or maybe it's all in my head.

"I have what coming off in waves?" Drake tried to ask, incredulously.  "I, I don't know what I feel, or ho-"  he paused.  Okay.  No use in asking why.  He's right.  And so the God told him not to move, and started the ritual that would, hopefully, unlock the potential within Drake.  As the ceremony started, Drake started to feel something stir.  The world around him seemed to cease to exist.  All that mattered was the arcane energy encircling the two as Lord Drae's incantation took it's effect.  

And as fast as it started, it was done.  At first, Drake felt oddly normal.  And then…

"I feel fi-"  Drake's eyes widened.  He could feel it.  Something inside of him, sleeping.  His eyes closed, and when they re-opened, he was staring at two beings. The first, was a great, black dragon, curled and sleeping.  "I feel…a power.  A dragon…"  The immense power that the dragon held, however, was dwarfed by the small, human sized being curled up next to it.  It was a mirror image of Drake, balled up and floating next to the dragon.  No.  He's older than I am…

"It's me."  Drake reached out to touch the sleeping Drake.  "A second soul…"  His hand brushed against his other self.  

Drake's eyes shot open in the real world.  "I feel…everything.  This immense pool of mana…it's…almost too much.  How…how am I supposed to control this?"

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:30 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drae noticed Drake's stifled laughter and smiled. "Go ahead, get it out. I know it looks ridiculous," he stated with a laugh of his own. "My wife, Angela, is carrying our youngest child, and she is wreaking havoc here and in Elysia while still in the womb. This–" he indicated to his hair "is one such magical mishap. And try as I might, it is being incredibly stubborn about turning back," he explained as he stood. He walked up and looked Drake over with his shining silver eyes. He and Drake were roughly the same height, but there was something about his aura that suggested that Drae was not at his most impressive at this point in the season. 

He listened to Drake's explanation, and circled him a couple times, examined him closely and even inhaled deeply of his scent, which might have come off as slightly invasive, before he backed up again. Drae narrowed his eyes at Drake before he regarded Magnus. 

"You can feel that, right Magnus?"

"Absolutely. It comes off of him in waves. It's hard to believe he can't feel it himself," Magnus replied. 

"How in the name of the World Tree are you not able to feel that inside yourself, Drake?" Drae asked incredulously, but then waved off his own question. "That's of no matter. You are here, and I sure as hell can fix it," he said with a broad grin that showed off some less than human teeth. He let out an animal-esque growl of satisfaction. "This might be a bit uncomfortable, but do try not to move," Drae insisted as he stepped up to Drake again. He created a triangle with his index fingers and thumbs and pressed it to Drake's so-called third eye. He closed his eyes and began speaking in the old arcane languages. Wind picked up inside the Occulus and the crystal grew cloudy and lightning flashed as though they were inside a storm. An uncomfortable pressure built up quickly around them as the arcane lock inside Drake was being opened. Drae's voice echoed off the crystal walls over the din of the magical storm, until with a final word, the pressure suddenly ceased, like a bubble popped. The storm subsided and the Occulus looked out once again on a clear sunny day. Drae stepped back away from Drake and put his hands on his hips. 

"Now. Tell me what you feel."

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:12 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

As soon as they reached the Occulus, Drake felt another shift in the air.  It was almost dizzying the power that the God that was to be introduced held, and more so the fact that Drake himself could not effectively filter the magic he was know perceiving.  Still, he did his best to move forward as Magnus introduced the resident God, Lord Drae.  Immediately, despite the overwhelming pressure, Drake had to stifle a laugh at the God's absurdly pink hair.

Drake made a bow, trying his best to mimic what he saw Magnus do.  "Lord Drae," Drake started.  "I…er…come with a selfish request."  He straightened himself back out, and stood awkwardly for a moment while he tried to find his words.  "Er…as I am now, I'm unable to truly tap into, what Magnus has told me, a strong magical potential.  It was recommended that I, um…seek you out and ask for your aid."  The young man had never really had much of an issue articulating words before, but for some reason, Drake was struggling.

What do I do now?  Another bow?  Grovel?  I'm not…sure how to interact with a God.  I should have asked Magnus more questions.  I should have been more prepared.  

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 1:30 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

"I know for a fact that it does. Particularly the sister world that many of the people of Revaliir had doubles come through when that world was consumed by the Void," Magnus replied. "But we will investigate that another time."

The sigil on the platform beneath Magnus' and Drake's feet lit up, and the platform lifted silently off the ground. It moved upward through the center of the suspended translucent spiral staircase that wound around the temple to allow access to the upper levels. Magnus observed Drake silently as they were granted an aerial view of the library that seemed to expand in all directions endlessly around them. The platform floated higher, until it filled the space at the top of the temple that had granted looked up into the Occulus at the top. 

The Occulus was awash in natural light that filtered through the thick massive crystal dome. Suspended above there heads were three orbs, representing the known world of Revaliir and the sister moons that it held in orbit. More crystal stairs wrapped around the inside of the dome, stopping at intermittent platforms that were meant to allow for better observation of different areas of the night sky. Situated towards the west side of the Occulus was a work desk and a massive plush armchair that was decorated with arcane runes. It didn't look like a traditional throne one might expect a deity to sit in. However, situated comfortably in the chair was a trim looking half-elf. While clean and well groomed, his clothing had the look of being slightly to large for his slim frame. His hair was an absurd shade of pink, but showed signs that the color was fading back to his natural black. He was lounging in the chair, eyes closed as though he was sleeping, but radiated an unimaginable magical aura. As Magnus stepped off the platform and bowed respectfully, a faint smile came to the lounging god's lips. 

"Magnus. Welcome back. I see that your leave of absence has proven to be effective," Adraejen Porthyrius spoke, still assuming the position of lounging and sleeping. 

"Yes, Lord Drae," Magnus said as he straightened up. 

"I'm glad to see it worked. It is nice to see you without that mask you had been wearing when you first came here," Drae said as he opened his eyes and looked at Magnus. "I see you brought a friend with you."

"Thank you, Lord Drae. It's been quite nice to be free of it," Magnus replied. He turned and motioned for Drake to step forward. "This is Drake Alzrahi. I met him in Abed and hired him on to be my aide while I was there."

Drae furrowed his brow as he rolled the name off of his tongue. There was something familiar about it, but he couldn't quite place it. "Alzrahi. I feel I should know that name from somewhere. Huh…" he shrugged slightly when it didn't come to him. He turned in his chair and stood up. "So, what brings you here, Drake Alzrahi?"

Author: Firesong, Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:29 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake was surprised at the spirit cat's sudden liking of him, but didn't complain as it climbed him and curled around his neck.  With a light pet, Drake followed Magnus to the brilliant crystal tree.  The young man had never seen anything even remotely like it, and was once again struck with a sense of awe at how little he knew of the world and its magic.  And of course, there was the Codex.  

"All knowledge that was ever written, huh?" Drake asked back.  "Could it contain knowledge of other worlds?"  He thought back to the black winged angel from his dreams, and of the flames of destruction that seemed to consume everything.  Maybe I can find out about her, and this other soul that is trying to merge with mine…  "No.  Never mind.  I…"  I'm not ready for that.  Not yet.  Maybe….maybe another time.

Magnus stepped around the Codex, and pointed upwards.  Drake followed the direction, gazing upwards.  "Woah…"  He looked down to see Magnus beckoning him to the platform.  "Right…"  He took a step onto the platform, his excitement and nervousness growing.  "Well…I'm ready."

Author: Magnus, Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:24 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

The giant cat that was Tar Eisalae regarded Drake in interest and sniffed him. As if giving a sign of approval, the giant cat became suddenly smaller, about the size of a small house cat, and jumped up onto Drake's shoulders and curled up around his neck, purring. The cat lightly batted Drake's messy black hair before he lay contentedly on Drake's shoulders. 

"Well, look at that. It seems to have taken a shine to you," Magnus chuckled. "Come on."  Magnus strode forward towards the blooming crystal tree that bore the silver apples of clarity, and the pedestal with the ornate tome that contained a list of all the information kept in the library. 

"You aren't wrong. This is where the collective knowledge of all Revaliir is collected and catalogued. The moment it is discovered, Tar Eisalae collects the information and adds it to the Codex. Everything that ever was written is found here," Magnus said. "This is the Codex," he said as he guided Drake up to the book. "You can say a topic any topic, and the Codex will locate the shelf and give you a spider silk thread that will lead you to where you want to go," he explained. 

"But up there," he said as he stepped around the Codex onto a slightly raised platform behind it and pointed upward. "That's the crown jewel. The Occulus. Observatory and Throne Room to The Keeper," Magnus commented. He motioned for Drake to join him on the platform.

Author: Firesong, Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:17 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake has never seen something as grand as the interior of the temple.  It was strange, though, that it seemed to be easily compared to a fallen star.  It made young man feel something akin to longing, but the feeling was short lived and faded.  It was replaced with awe at the mosaic depiction of the very God he had come to meet.  It seemed to Drake that the God had come from almost nothing.  This made Drake respect the God, even if they had yet to be introduced.  Yet, there was more.  As Magnus welcomed him to Tar Eisalae, Drake stood with his mouth agape at what would probably be the largest library he would ever see in his lifetime, though the young man would probably never truly understand that.    

Following Magnus, he walked through the archway.  "This is amazing…"  Drake couldn't really find the words suitable to express it.  "Something tells me you could get lost in here with all of this information."  I wonder if there are stories and legends here as well?

Drake noticed the cat, finally, as it rubbed up against Magnus, and then made its way to Drake.  "Why…hello there," he said with a smile, leaning down.  "It's fur is beautiful….like the sky at night…"  Yet again, Drake felt the sense of longing for the sky and it's stars.  What's wrong with me, lately?

Author: Magnus, Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:17 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Magnus grinned at Drake as he figured it out, and the only response Drake got was the 'I' responding to his lightest touch and sinking flush with the rest of the stone. There was a rumble as the door opened wide, admitting the pair of them inside to the entrance hall. 

"See, some things in this world aren't meant just to be seen," he said as he clapped a hand on Drake's shoulder and walked inside. The buzz of magic was still potent, almost tangible as they entered. Upon the walls were documented in mosaic the rise of Tar Eisalae and the life of Adraejen Porthyrius, the resident god. Most notable, was the fact that the Temple itself was depicted to have fallen from the sky. A fallen star. 

"Welcome, Drake, to Tar Eisalae, the Temple Library of Adraejen Porthyrius the Keeper of the Key and Secrets of Knowledge and the Arcane," Magnus said as he indicated to the massive expansive bookshelves beyond the entrance hall archway. He guided Drake through the archway, passing the visitor book where Drake's name was recorded for the Keeper's knowledge.  Ahead of them were the crystal stairs, the Tree of Clarity and the Codex all at the very epicenter of the Library directly beneath the massive crystal Occulus high above them. 

As they walked in, a massive cat with a pelt like starlight walked up and rubbed its face against Magnus, purring loudly before it moved to sniff at Drake. 

"This is the spirit of Tar Eisalae, the physical manifestation of Lord Adraejen's powers here," the Sea Spirit said introducing the giant cat to Drake. 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:05 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Drake watched as Magnus placed his hand on the stone, and contemplated what the Sea Spirit had said.  Instinctive and reflexive.  He closed his eyes, and took a deep, calming breath, and tried to open up his senses.  It was quiet, save for the humming of the magic in the air.  He could hear Magnus breathing beside him.  Past that, it was nothing.  No.  Wait… I…  He couldn't just hear Magnus.  He could feel his presence there.  An aura of magic surrounding him, and in turn, an overwhelming magic that surrounded the entire temple.  At first, it was almost too much, and Drake almost felt himself lost in it all, but slowly he brought himself back to where he was standing, to the calm, radiating magic aura of Magnus.  

This is what I felt when I came here, but…now, I can actually discern what it is.  It's powerful magic.  And…the door?  His eyes still shut, he placed his hand on the emblem of the door, feeling the mana coursing through it.  Oh…  Drake opened his eyes, and looked at the emblem.  Only I Know the Secret.  He smiled.  "I think…I figured it out?" Drake said tentatively as he pushed the 'I' ever so lightly.  "Well…?"

Author: Magnus, Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:10 PM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

Tar Eisalae was definitely a jewel. It grounded magic across the Jasumin Plains, creating an effective barrier against the Void Storms that continued to blight other parts of the continent. Magic hummed through the air and the ground as they crossed the threshold marked by the spires at the base of the hill. 

Magnus chuckled at Drake's awe. Yes, it was pretty. Magnus had only seen one thing similar to it, and that was in the Valley of Vada across the ocean. "I am pretty sure I told you that I am the head librarian here," he chuckled. "But I might have left that particular detail out," he smiled. Magnus walked with Drake up to the temple entrance and stood back a bit while Drake tried to figure out how to open the door. It was a puzzle. That was the point. He waited patiently until Drake asked for his aid in opening the run emblazoned stone. 

"Lesson number one in magic, Drake. You can't overthink it. Magic is instinctive, reflexive," Magnus said. "So, stop using your eyes to figure it out, because sometimes you can't see everything that is there. Use your other senses," Magnus insisted as he came up behind Drake. He lifted a pale hand and pressed it to the cool celestial stone that hummed and vibrated beneath his fingertips. The stone reacted to his touch, changing colors as though he was touching something as reactive as flesh. 

Author: Firesong, Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:06 AM, Post Subject: Waking the Dragon [PR]

The time that it had taken to journey to the temple with Magnus was inconsequential to the potential that could be unleashed if everything went well.  Still, as Drake and Magnus made their way to the elaborate temple, Drake finally realized just how small he was.  This was the first time he had ever even remotely come close to the domain of a God.  It was a completely different feeling than any town or forest he had ever visited.  

"It's…huge." Drake said.  Even the sound of his own voice felt small.  "And…pretty."  That doesn't begin to describe it, but…I can't put it into words.  "Magnus…you never told me your friend was a God."  Or maybe I just wasn't paying enough attention.  Yeah…that's probably what it is.  

Drake walked up the path, admiring the stone monoliths and intricate designs of some foreign design that Drake hadn't recognized.  It wasn't long before he stood in front of a simple looking entrance.  A door with what appeared to be some kind of magic.  I really wish I knew more about these things…but then, I guess that's why I'm here.  He looked closer, "What does that say…."

"Only…I…Know…the secret?"  Drake blinked curiously.  Only I know the secret?  He took a step back.  Obviously the door has some kind of visible magic.  And this…thing on the door, a phrase.  It is a code?  How would I even know the answer?  

"Hey, Magnus…is there something I'm missing?"  Here I am, relying on Magnus once more.  I feel so guilty, but…maybe I can repay him back somehow?  Eventually…  Drake sighed.  

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