Archive Home > Archives > 2019 Archives > Luxuria Mortiferum > Only We Would Understand [GO, R]

Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Many times where he had gone to see the Goddess, it had been through more pleasant intentions. Their friendship was quite a peculiar one, partly because he was sure that they had forged an alliance without another certain deity in the middle of it. All the others were tied and bonded through Angela Rose but even she couldn’t completely understand how important the balance between “good” and “evil” was. The latter side wasn’t one that many could very well acknowledge without there being some disdain leaking from their tongues like venom. Such ignorance was only spawned from decades, millennia even worths of teachings.

This time, he came here to observe how Dalanesca has adapted to the changing of spheres once again. Her reign had been for quite some time yet she had been through the most changes in shortest time. In fact, her recent change had reacted with his own and such thoughts were kept in the front of his mind as he descended further into the realm. There was some familiarness into it and yet it became apparent that she had carved it into something vastly different, much like his precious Discordia. It was likely due to her surrendering of the darkness and welcoming the new domain.

Eventually, he reached the gardens and recalled how much of an impression she had left him the first time he came, merely upon a whim. Keeping his hood low, the god silently trotted along the silver bricked trail. The darkness felt a ting of belonging, knowing well of its former master, the tie hadn’t been severed completely. Xunatar felt it as well by the time he made it over the pool of poison and gazed into it.

A much colder demeanor crept over him ever since his shift and the demon king tore his eyes away from the deadly concoction and rose his head up slightly. “How have you taken to the shift this time, Reaper?” It was barely a whisper, but it would carry throughout the home until it reached her ears.

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca could sense the moment Xunatar arrived in Luxuria Mortiferum. His arrival was not necessarily unexpected - in fact, she had been quite sure that her fellow deity would be paying her a visit. After all, when her time with Darkness had come to an end, Xunatar had been the one who had taken over the reign of that particular domain. She had to admit to herself, it suited him well - and she was mostly over the whole doom and gloom aspect of her existence, anyway - thanks in part to Xunatar’s brother, of all people.

Jarmyr had not been present in Dalanesca’s realm for too long, and a lot went unspoken between the two of them - but there was certainly something there that had changed her for the better. While his presence was not what had spurred her spheres of influence to shift, it certainly made the change a bit easier - though she was rather sure that his interest in her had nothing to do with the resonation of desire she carried.

Her senses told her that Xunatar had found his way into the gardens of Luxuria Mortiferum, information that brought a smirk to her lips as she recalled the first time he had come to visit her, when she had first taken up the throne in the Underworld. It didn’t take her long to traverse her palace until she reached the gardens.

”I’ve taken it rather well, thank you,” she answered him as she approached him from behind. ”I see you’ve taken to my old domain rather well, also, haven’t you?” she continued, smirking at him. She laid a hand on his shoulder as she reached his side and stood on the tips of her toes, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. ”Pleasure to see you, as always, Xunatar,” she said.

With a wave of her hand, two chairs appeared next to them, as well as a small table with a decanter of a dark liquid - one of Angela’s concoctions for Dalanesca, no doubt. ”Please,” she said, gesturing to the chair closest to him, before sitting down in one herself. Before speaking again, she poured them each a glass of the drink and handed one to Xunatar. ”No poison this time, I promise,” she said, taking a drink of her own.

”I will admit one thing to you, Xunatar. Since my spheres have shifted… I don’t think that everyone takes me as seriously as they used to. I’m seen as a sinful and sultry lush, essentially… and while none of that is wrong, I am so much more - I think people are beginning to forget who I truly am,” she said, sighing and taking another sip. ”Don’t get me wrong - it suits me, don’t you think?” she asked. ”But it gets old, you know? They forget that I’m the Reaper. What do you do, to show that you reign over Chaos and now Darkness? How do you keep a balance between the two?” she asked.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Xunatar had a good feeling that his friend wouldn’t keep him waiting for too long, and a crafty smile crept up once she came to greet him. Even though she may have behaved in the same manner that he had come to known, there was some change in her likely because of her new domain. “Yes, I believe that is this the second time I have been granted one of yours. Though I’m content with not going for the third time”, he humored. “But I see you have been doing very well yourself. Can it really be that what Jaymyr said was true? That your sorrows have ceased recently?” The two brothers rarely spoke unless one needed something from the other. Other than that, they generally were left to their own devices. Even with the professional and perhaps personal relationship between him and Dalanesca was left alone as far as Xunatar was concerned. Still, that didn’t mean that he didn’t have an open ear about things.

The god took the seat offered and peek at the decanter, and before he could even think of the words, she told him rather plainly not to worry about poison. “It never gets old, does it?” He followed that up with a slight callous chuckle before taking to the glass and sipped just a little bit. “At some point, I will have to offer my home to you. I promise to be just as good of a host as you have to me.” While it could have been taken by him wanting to play around with her just as she had with him, he was being genuinely serious. He figured that Dal would appreciate his humble little Discordia and what it could offer.

Sipping the lovely little drink, his eyes darted towards her, her words of unappreciation and perhaps lack of respect. While he could be grouped into that category, it would be for different reasons. If anything, his latest accomplishments had been met with growing ire from the public and even the dead seemed to take insult to how he ran things, as proven by that priest that dared to use his power for a dead god. “It is not you- people are fickle. Always have been. Unless you do something that benefits them, then they will scorn you at worst and at best, ignore your existence in favor of others. I am perhaps very disliked among our kin simply because I do as I wish regardless of how it affects others.” He leaned his head against the back of his hand and sighed, “I believe that Desire fits you like a glove to a hand. But you ARE also the Reaper, and they seemed to forget what you are able to put them through with your circles at the end of their roads.”

Xunatar gave it some thought as he created nine little spheres floating in a circle in front of them. Each differed in color and upon closer inspection, they held a brief image relating to her sinful punishments. “I fancied how you made them undergo them so that they could save themselves from the Reaper blood some time ago, and they felt your power through it. But what if you were to bring them into the mortal realm? Not only that but if I was in your shoes, I would add some twists to the punishments.”
Lifting a finger towards one of them, he merely tapped it and soon the changes to that sphere occurred as he spoke of it. “For instance, those that were doomed to suffer through the punishment towards greed would also suffer through horrible boils over their bodies, their feet scorched beneath the earth and maybe even little goblins that would only to that workload of them pushing their carts into the lava. Some food for thought really.”

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca had to admit - Xunatar’s suggestion did pique her interest. “The only reason I made them undergo the trials of the Circles was to prove that they were worthy of being saved. I may be powerful, but I’m not about to waste my time saving those who don’t deserve it,” she said, the tone to her voice suggesting that it was something she had put quite a bit of thought into. “I wasn’t necessarily punishing them, though I can see where that would be rather fun,” she said, a smirk coming to her lips. Her gaze drifted to the spheres that Xunatar had conjured and she took in their intricacies, looking at the changes that Xunatar had made to one of them.

The smirk on Dalanesca’s lips widened as she watched the new events being depicted in the sphere. “So what you’re saying is that I should show them the Siren still has teeth?” she asked, getting up from her seat to look at the spheres more closely, her words trailing off as she became entranced by the images depicted in each of the floating orbs. She glanced at Xunatar for a brief moment before turning her attention back to the orbs. “The earth scorches their feet, and there’s no escape from the torment…” she said, her smirk spreading into a dark smile before she moved to sit back down.

She took another drink before speaking to Xunatar again. “So tell me - how do you propose I go about doing this in a way that won’t have Angela breathing down my neck?” she asked, eyeing him over the rim of her glass before lowering it and setting it down on the small table that had appeared between the two. “Unless…” she trailed off for a moment, as she contemplated what best to say next. “Unless you and I worked together,” she said, her tone becoming so quiet that her voice was barely above a whisper.
She got up from her seat again and walked towards Xunatar, circling around him until she stood behind him. Her hands found his shoulders and she bent over, her lips inches from his ear. “Think about it, Xunatar,” she said, her voice low and full of a mixture of excitement and malice. “For too long, Revaliir has been a place of good - hell, even the trouble you and I try to get into ends up with a good result.” She reached out with one hand around him, gesturing towards the conjured spheres that floated in front of him. “This time - we will show them what the true evil in Revaliir is,” she continued.

She swiftly circled around to stand in front of him again, a devilish grin on her lips. “With your control over Chaos, you can warp reality and bring my Circles to the mortal realm… and they will learn what we are truly capable of…” She trailed off again before the smile dropped from her lips. “You knew this before you came here, didn’t you?” she asked, tilting her head at Xunatar, eyeing him rather carefully. “Your plan all along was to ‘combine our forces,’ so to speak, and really fuck things up, to put it bluntly… wasn’t it?” she asked, giving him a crooked smile. “You know, I’m starting to think your brother might be telling you the right way to appeal to me…”

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
“Teeth and then some. They will remember that the most beautiful can also be the deadliest”, he responded. Each circle was in full view for her to explore and even manipulate herself. Perhaps he had just the creative spark to get her mind flowing with possible new ideas. While he wanted to say that he was very good at being a bad influence, he knew that Dal was also capable of some wondrous and tormenting things herself.

While he wasn’t too concerned with dealing with the goddess of love and life, he was no fool to believe that his partner was like-minded in that regard. Angela was the thread that essentially tied them all together in some way, as much as he loathed it. Nothing personal between them, but she was one of the few that was a thorn in his side at times. His eyes were settled upon that of the sphere representing ruin, a personal favorite vice of his when she considered the offer of them working together and see that a darkness unlike any other would come and spread in the mortal world.

“The thought intrigues me”, he said, finishing his drink. His eyes left the spheres and followed his hostess until she was right behind him and he felt her anticipation in her grasp and voice. The people had yet to face a true crisis like what they were scheming and a dangerous smirk slipped out the longer she talked about it. “Perhaps they won’t be prepared for it, but I would love to see how they’d fare against the two of us when our minds are put together.”

Oh, the sly fox laughed when the Reaper caught on rather fast to the plan he merely suggested. “But of course I knew if anyone was going to see how valuable this opportunity was, it would be you. However, I hadn’t known the level of disrespect you faced and truly did wish to see how you’ve been. Honest.” Of course, something very brilliant came out from this and now they would turn the physical world into their own playground.

But there did remain a problem that they would have to face. “I do not doubt your power, but I’d imagine that summoning all nine realms would tire you out. Even I’d fear myself facing a similar fate, if not worse since I’d be encroaching on your domain. But there is a solution.” He pointed in the center of the rotating spheres where there was open space. Within seconds, a miniature tower sprouted from the table and shot up high above the air. “We can use a tower as a conduit and double as a point of observation so that we can enjoy the sites. Perhaps to make certain that we get the results we wish, we can place each onto a city and twist them to our liking.

Dal’s blunt way of putting it was simply what he had in mind and soon he withdrew from his seat and smiled at her. “Perhaps. Jarmyr and I share some devious ideas. I see that he’s made an impact on you.”

For a brief moment, he vanished from sight and ventured to Bohar. Sensing that he was in the exact middle of the plains, the god conjured a great deal of his energy and soon brought out a towering spiral that ascended into the heavens. The process lasted minutes though time was lost on Xunatar as he felt spent but accomplished as he looked at his creation. Giant centipede-like creatures hovered about it, summoned to guard it fiercely against intruders. Perhaps the spike in power on Revaliir would draw out the attention of his partner as well as their fellow gods. Oh well. He returned to Dalanesca with a tired grin on his face. “The spiral awaits the next course of the plan. I will warp the spheres as you draw them out.”

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

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