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Character Info
Name: Zanar Arowin
Age: Immortal
Alignment: TN
Race: Werebear
Gender: Male
Class: Deity
Silver: 10002
Flidais, The Eternal Hunting Grounds

A hunter’s paradise surrounded by a ever flourishing forest at the border of the Virens Forest and the Ancense mountains. Hunters come here to hone their skills and pray to the wilds for a fruitful hunt. The Gate is ever open if the wilds choose to accept you, for to be a hunter you must also respect that which gives its life to you.

Flidais Forest

A part of the Virens Forest that thrives off the new divine magic that has flooded through the area.The area has grown lush to upkeep the more thriving wildlife that inhabit it. The path to the gate unclear, as there are no clear markers to show the way. Instead are timber wolves that guide visitors through the thick forest and to the large wooden walls that surround the keep. These wolves and all the wildlife are protected by the God, and anyone who poaches on the creatures he will be dealt harshly by the Rangers who patrol or the God himself.

Gate of the Wilds
At the end of the dirt path a large engraved wooden gate stands before visitors to the land. No way to open it seems apparent to the naked eye. A bare spot in the myriad of animals carved into the gate being the only hint given to the visitor. If one placed their hand on the spot they could feel a wave of magic wash over them, as if it was sensing your purpose. If satisfied the eyes of all the animals alight and the the gate splits open, as if the wilds themselves welcome you into Flidais. If dissatisfied the Gate does not budge and the cries of all the animals on the wood gate the mind of whomever placed their palm on its surface alerting the Rangers of Flidais to escort the individual off the grounds.

Flidais Grounds
Having gained the acceptance of the Wilds, visitors would find them on the main grounds of Flidais.While not thick as the woods before, trees paved the grounds while dirt paths guided visitors to the various parts of the ground. Wooden ladders lined the walls for the chosen Rangers to access the watchtowers that lined the Wooden walls. The grounds themselves were a hunter’s haven. On one side leather tanning racks lined the grounds, alongside of them skinning stations and small outdoor forges to make use of the bone from the animals. The other side held a grand stable for horses and wagons that were pulled through. As well on this side were targets for archery practice and striking dummies for those who wish a more close range style of fight. Scattered were small fire pits with wooden stumps for seats for those who wished to rest. All these facilities were free to used by those within the walls of Flidais.

On the far side a grand stone fort keep stood flush with the mountain that overshadowed the grounds. Stone steps led up to to wide double doors of the colonnade entrance. Standing torches placed between each of the columns lighting the whole thing during the nights.

Grand Hall
Opening the oaken doors brings one into the Grand hall. A Large fire pit sets embedded into the floor. Tables lining both sides of it between the four large stone pillars. In the front of the room a larger more decorated table sits for the God himself and those whom he has a close relationship as honored guests. The atmosphere of the hall gives off that one of friendship and the fire pit is ever burning for hunters to cook their meats that they got on the hunt. Two oaken doors are to the east and the west of the hall, the east leading to the storerooms and the kitchens while the west leading to the Armory and the stairs that lead to the second floor which host the private quarters.

There is a door behind the main table that leads to the master chambers of the Flidais, in which no one may enter besides the Lady of the Keep and the God himself, For in the master chambers leads to the heart of Flidais Keep.

Heart of the Keep
Any door of the keep can open to this sacred place if one so chooses. A permanent door is available from the master chambers. It is a place of prayer and and serenity. A single large white oak with evergreen leaves stand in the center of a field of green grass beneath the cavern. A hole in the ceiling of the craggy rocks ever gives sunlight to the tree, and water runs surrounds the patch of land. If one looks closely they they can see the flow of mana in the water the gives. The only sounds one hears in this sanctuary is the birds that fly through the opening in the mountain and the sound of the water.

Zanar is the God of The Endless Hunt and Boundless Wilds

Zanar's God Powers are as Followed:
i. Can Track Anything in the world, no matter where they may go.
ii. Can see and strike the weak points of his prey, allowing for a clean kill
iii. Can use the ability of any beast of the wild, or give that ability to another.
Limited GM of my character is always allowed!

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