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Author: Xunatar, Posted: Mon Oct 1, 2018 4:20 PM, Post Subject: Prayer from God (Solo,R)

Settled among the beauty of his gardens out front, Xunatar felt a great weight crushing him. It was bothersome to think that one of their own had perished so easily, though she returned not too much longer later. While it had been foolish to believe that they were invincible (the demon himself refrained from getting involved unless he was sure that the odds were in his favor), it was unsettling that one of most experienced of their class was cut down so easily. Even now as he was joined by his son Dante, who looked troubled by his father’s demeanor, it couldn’t be freed from his mind completely. Nor was it comforting to the half demon to see a bundle of scrolls beneath one of his arms.

“So, what’s going?”

For moments, the God was quiet as his glance lifted to the sky as if something was to come. The silent night seemed comforting, but it was an omen to come in the coming days. “War. A creation of mortals to take from one another… I have never seen the point of such a thing, but one is coming. You will be sent to Apoy to check on matters there. I’m going to Endapano.” There was no whimsical tune in his voice; instead, a grim voice slipped out before taking a long, deep breath. To those that had connected to him through prayers that often went unanswered, he tapped into those darkened hearts. My children, war is coming to our lands by invaders that threaten to destroy all that we have made. Your lord wants you to prepare yourselves…sharpen your blades, steel your minds and let out the full force of your mana. They come with no mercy intended and we must do the same. Let our foes know that the endless night will not end, that our chaos is limitless and that they will not ruin us in our own home! Send them back as nothing more than splatters of crimson and entrails!

He could hear the wolves of Canelux give their responses to the moons; his own Steele who was hunting on the island raised his own head and let out an excited howl from his maw. He knew well that he had been itching to see battle again. Assassins, mercenaries, and sorcerers readying their tools. Demons that swore their allegiance to him started to flock to the island, filling the chaotic city and awaiting his command. Dante looked a bit closer to the scrolls and realized what they were. “Dug deep into your library…you sure they are needed?”

Xunatar’s eyes lowered slightly to see him, cold and steely they were as the mental connection was broken. There were still many things unsure about the enemy, but given that somehow they were involved with the Godslayer, divine magic would likely be useless against them. Even so, he had plenty of tricks left in his repertoire. “Yes. It’s been a while since I practiced the advance demonic spells…It won’t take too long for me to relearn them for this.”

He moved slowly passed his child, “While I can appreciate all of us being forced to accept that even that giant weed’s power doesn’t make us absolute, I will be damned before I’m done in by insects. I’m sure that you could appreciate that as well. Our connection as God and Avatar may be limited due to the interfering powers, but we can keep in touch through our usual method, Dante. If you wish to survive to see your daughter born and your sons grow, you will have to be as crafty as ever. ” The normally playful Dante slowly nodding, holding a much more serious look. He knew that there was no joking about this situation and that death for everyone he knew and loved as possible.

“As you wish”, he spoke as he watched his father faded into the darkness…

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