Archive Home > Archives > 2019 Archives > Discordia, The Forsaken Isle > Child in the Dark [GO, R?]

Character Info
Name: Makoa Al'Kar
Age: 10 (ageless)
Alignment: CN
Race: Al'Kar Vampire
Gender: Male
Silver: 14
Moonless night blanketed all of Vilpamolan and its surrounding area, but that wouldn’t stop the young child. He’d seen the darkened outlines on the horizon many times and had always wanted to explore. Child-like fascination and a sense of wonder kept drawing his gaze towards that dark figure upon the sea. He’d managed to steal a small boat this darkened night and, using the oars stowed on board, made what should have been an impossible journey. He’d finally found himself upon this wondrous isle of eternal night.

The child set eyes upon the pier, a run-down mess of wood that looked barely capable of holding him, let alone any grown person. He set upon the dock, feeling and hearing the groan let out by the wood as it bent and moved. Crimson eyes set upon an old man fishing and watching the child. The child smiled warmly. “Um… H-hi,” he said nervously, “I saw this thing from the city and I wanted to come see it! I’m Makoa!” The fisherman paid the boy no attention, but muttered, “Turn back now.”

Makoa stepped back, worried the man may strike at him, but no such attempt was made. The young vampire frowned and pressed forward, stepping off the dock and onto ground once more. He found himself in a forest filled with bare trees and beaten paths scattering in all directions. He let out an audible, “Wow,” as his eyes set upon the faint dancing lights. The vampire child set off, chasing after the faint glows that scattered through the forest and laughing all the while.

Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Xunatar didn’t often visit the woodland area that surrounded the outer perimeter of Discordia. He left it to be so that he would be visitors would work their way through it, give up their quest or succumb to the wilderness. Tonight, however, the god would walk among the deprived place but not in his own skin. Instead, he chose a more mystical form whose shape could be seen in the distance time and time again to foreigners. Towards the denizens of the city that were lucky to catch a glimpse, they knew (or had an idea of) who it was and stayed clear of his path.

The beast’s slim body raced around the woods, swiftly evading every tree, rock, and crevice he met with. But soon his pace ceased to a grinding halt, his ears perked up into the air as he overheard someone in the vicinity. A newcomer from the sounds of it, which made the white kitsune curl its lips up into something resembling a smile. Its four tails whipped about as the beast started to run towards the source.

The sounds of one approached his guest would seem to come from one direction one moment, and another the next. Tricky he was as he edged ever so close to him until his form came out of the thicket of fog. Piercing blue orbs watched him intensely as it came to show that he was naught but a child. Or perhaps something far more fascinating than what met with the eye. He barely paid any mind to the will-o’-wisps that danced around in the air. His whole focus fell onto the boy and tiled his head slightly. “Far from home, aren’t you boy?”, he spoke into the air with a still mouth. Not since his daughter’s arrival had his island been visited by the youth. Parents would strictly warn their children not to come to see the creature that ushered nightmares and terror in the dark, or at least that’s what they claimed him to be.

“Why have you come here of all places?”

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

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