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Author: Colden Rose, Posted: Fri Feb 9, 2018 9:50 PM, Post Subject: The Prodigal Son [GO,R]

Ever since he set foot on the island, Colden could feel the eerily calmness all around him. Like there was plenty of danger lurking behind every corner and yet it seemed like he was safe from it? Was it because of who he was to the lord of the isle? Xunatar had never been known for going out of his way for anyone, even his own children. If anything, he had heard that his father became much colder, yet the last time they were in the same place, it had been a much different story. Just which side of him was the real and which was the facade?

Trekking for what seemed like hours through the dreaded forest, he kept up the flame in the palm of his hand up to light the way. Colden had been sure that he been walking for miles and yet he hadn’t seen a single thing other than dead trees. Though he was sure that there were things out here- every crunch of leaves beneath his boots seemed to echo out and occasionally, he would hear things that he hadn’t caused. After a bit, it no longer unnerved him and eventually, he made it to the palace that Steele had told him about when the God had changed domains. As strange and spooky as this isle had been, the palace felt even worse for he knew who was inside it, likely waiting for him.

Deep breaths were taken as he moved up the stairs and went through the doors. The light of the Coldfire lit up the place inside and he immediately recognized the flame that Xunatar had crafted. Following the instructions of his brother, he moved up the stairs to the second floor and passed by the rooms that were meant to lead other visitors astray before coming inside the throne room. As soon as he spotted his father, he approached with care, refusing to cave into utter fear as he looked at the demon that had spawned him.

“I came to…thank you. For what you did for Crystaline.”

It felt odd to offer his thanks to him, but it appeared as though there hadn’t been any tricks up his sleeve this time, at least as far as he could see. “I had thought that you were involved with helping us for your own intentions, not out of the goodness of your heart. I just don’t know you.” He had held a serious face, but soon his eyebrows narrowed in thought as he tried to get a feel of his father.

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