Archive Home > Archives > 2019 Archives > Discordia, The Forsaken Isle > Closer to Danger [P/Event]

Character Info
Name: Scarlett Al'teran
Age: Early to Mid Twenties
Alignment: CN
Race: Fire Genasi
Gender: Female
Class: Artificer Alchemist
Silver: 3152
She didn't often get an excuse to venture anywhere different than the Isle of Discordia or her workshop in Baltil. So venturing to the Plains of Bohar to see the monstrous spire that Xunatar had created with Dalanesca to show the world the ills of complacency was proving to be quite the little experience. The trades people had all but abandoned the trade routes, and people were avoiding the spire more or less like the plague, unless they thought they might be able to dare the spire to try to speak sense to the deities of Death and Darkness respectively. This appealed to Scarlett. It meant that there was a lot of ground that she could pick over in her search for crafting materials. True enough, she could have gone back to Baltil in Parvpora to find what she was looking for maybe a touch easier, but she didn't particularly feel like digging. The plains of Bohar at least had shards of obsidian just jutting out of the dirt on occasion so there was little reason to actually mine for it. All it took was a sharp eye to find what she was looking for. 

It was stormy, and gloomy so close to the spire, and wind whipped around her angrily as lightning and thunder crackled and roared in the distance. She didn't mind as long as it didn't rain. She wasn't fond of rain at all. Water typically just put out her good mood. Wind fueled her though, and allowed her to move swiftly in her search of the ground. 

She pulled her hair out of her eyes and tied it in a messy bun on top of her head to keep it from hindering her as her sharp gazed scanned the grounds and her calloused hands lightly moved away grass and stones. She didn't expect anyone to approach her, not in this din at least. The area was dangerous, but she knew she was far from harm here. She had trust in the King of the Night when others did not. 

Character Info
Name: Hacesh
Age: 3000+
Alignment: CG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Male
Silver: 0
[OOC: Permission from Whit for Gmod on Dalanesca for this.]

It had taken some doing but the dragon had finally managed to wrest control of his own mind and body back again. He had succumbed to the gas leaking from the mines in the Steppes area and, like the orc tribes, had turned violent and had started to slaughter the orcs like they were slaughtering everything else, including themselves. The Steppes had been tinged red in large swaths of grass as result and Hacesh was ashamed of himself for what he had done. While he was not one to like orcs as a general rule, he didn't ever go out of his way to kill them like he had done. Yes, it had been the gas, and now he knew that two of the Gods were behind everything that was going on.

So it was to the Plains that he would go next, to do what he could to try and talk to them. He was old, maybe not as old as a dragon could be, but at over three thousand years old, Hacesh had had a good long life already. If he lost it now trying to speak to the Gods, for he wasn't stupid enough to think he could actually hurt them or make demands of them, well, so be it.

He could see the tower in the distance, the great obsidian spire stretching to the sky, but not so high that he could not fly over it. Hacesh was in his full form, all of forty feet long and tall, massive wings propelling him forwards through the winds, the rain wasn't bothering him and lightning wasn't much of an issue either. Not to say that he liked getting struck by lightning while flying, but at this point in his life he knew to keep his magic up to help dissipate the shock around his body and allow it to continue to the ground below. He had learned the hard way at a much younger age, but he had learned.

His intent was to fly over the tower and land at the top of it and confront of the two Gods. He wasn't looking forward to it, he hadn't lived as long as he had by making enemies out of immortal beings that had enough power to kill him with a thought. But he felt like he needed to. However, as he drew near he felt a chill run down his spine and he could sense the magic forming above him. ”Dalanesca!” He spoke allowed as the spell was unleashed and a heavy burst of air struck him from straight above right in between his wings. This got a roar from Hacesh, that had hurt! Not to mention it numbed his muscles enough and long enough that he wasn't able to move them anymore, which meant he was now a huge dragon dropping from the sky.

It seemed that Dalanesca wanted him to use the stairs.

Hacesh snarled and tried to get his wings to work, but the impact of the wind had stunned the muscles so he had to accept what was going to happen. He gave another roar, more of frustration, as he crashed into the ground with a ground shaking landing, skidding along on his left shoulder digging a rut into the ground until he came to a stop.

After a moment the dragon gave a groan and relaxed his body, stretched out on the ground a little sore from the experience. It wasn't the first time had crashed like that in his life, but that didn't make it any better. At least this time he had the excuse of it being a Goddess that had done it to him and not something he had done on his own.

Looking around Hacesh spotted what looked like a fire, but as he looked closer it was someone with fire for hair! ”Are you okay?” He asked calling out over the winds. ”Seems that Dalanesca didn't want me to reach the top that easily.” He snorted, he'd rest for a bit before trying to go up the tower, maybe make some conversation with this flame hair being for a bit before hand. What was she doing out here anyway?

Character Info
Name: Scarlett Al'teran
Age: Early to Mid Twenties
Alignment: CN
Race: Fire Genasi
Gender: Female
Class: Artificer Alchemist
Silver: 3152
"Come on, there is no one here to be picking you up," Scarlett muttered to herself as she scoured the ground. She looked up briefly as the sound of wings over the wind grew closer. She looked up to see a dragon flying towards her and subsequently the tower. A word, she thought she heard it call out the name of the Siren before it was met with a great big lightning bolt that made even Scarlett's flyaway strands stand up on end. Then it was falling right towards her.

"Oh, great,"
she muttered. As the dragon touched down and skidding over her, Scarlett hit the ground and covered her head, barely dodging one of the great wings as she did so. She stayed there until she heard the dragon stir and get up before she stood herself and brushed herself off of dirt and other debris. Her hair had ignited out of excitement and as a self-defense mechanism and she turned to regard the dragon with a quirked brow. 

"You were trying to get to Dalanesca, huh?" she asked with a slight laugh when the dragon queried after her state of being, and then explained that the Siren wanted him to use the stairs. "Yeah, could have told you that trying to fly wasn't going to work," she said with a slight laugh. "I've been out here long enough to see several people get shot down. Rather amusing, but I am not really here for the show," she said. "Ah!" she said with delight as she bent down suddenly before standing up with a large chunk of obsidian that had been unburied in the dragon's rather hasty descent. 

Her hair went out and went back to being the wispy strands of red and the messy bun on the back of her head. "Thanks for that, I've been looking for some of that for a while now. So what's your beef with the Reaper and the King of Night?" she inquired. 

Character Info
Name: Hacesh
Age: 3000+
Alignment: CG
Race: Dragon
Gender: Male
Silver: 0
[OOC:  So sorry for the delay!]

The dragon saw the woman's hair ignite, such a unique thing, he hadn't ever seen anyone like that before! She gave a slight laugh at him for trying to fly his way up, and Hacesh did deserve it, before she picked up a chunk of obsidian. ”Well, for that you are welcome.” He replied with a nod at her thanks, at least someone got something out his crashing landing. He had noted her hair going out and returning to looking like normal hair.

”I have no beef with them on a personal level, it's what they are doing to the lands I wanted to speak with them about. I know it's a long shot, but I wanted to see if I could talk them out of letting things go further, there has been a lot of death and suffering around the lands already and it's only getting worse.” He gave a grumbled sigh. ”It's shameful for me to admit that I to lost myself to the violence, only recently did I manage to break its hold on me. I rampaged through the orc clans while they attacked themselves and everyone around them. I can only imagine, and I don't want to do so, what other places are going through. I've seen a lot in my long life, and this level of chaos is, isn't something I want to see ever again. I'm long lived, but I'm no immortal, and I do have children out there, when the Gods get like this I fear for them, for if I can't resist what they do, then I know few can.” Hacesh explained as he got back to his feet fully and stretched himself out like a cat.

Looking around Hacesh looked back to her again. ”I am Hacesh, by the way, who might you be?” He asked and then added out of curiosity. ”And, may I ask, what might you be? In my life I haven't come across anyone with hair of fire before.”

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