Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Sabishii Kouen, Posted: Thu Feb 1, 2018 12:40 AM, Post Subject: Phoenix Ascending [P][R]

These Gods were full of themselves, they didn't think a pair of mortals were worthy of even challenging them.  Not worthy of being in their sight.  It made Sabishii sick.

"Okay, so you're planning on wasting time destroying civilization?  Why would any sane human being even worship either of you?  Are you the Gods of the Psychopaths, the Insane?  What do you get from this, besides some sick pleasure of watching people tear each other and themselves apart?  I believe in the goodness of mankind.  There's good everywhere, in everyone.  Not that I'm going to try to appeal to that in you guys.  We're beyond that, right now.  Even if we fail, there will be others.  I believe in the other Gods, like Lady Angela.  I've known her for a long time.  She won't let this go unpunished, and neither will I."  He was asked what he was planning to do to end the terror they wrought upon the world.  "What ever it takes."

Hiro launched arrows at Xunatar, while Sabishii was now focused on Dalanesca.  Sabishii saw the dome closing in around both his son and Xunatar.

"Stay safe, my son, believe in yourself, and believe in me," he said before the dome of darkness closed the two of them off.  Sabishii turned to Dalanesca, sword in hand.  She decided to summon a ball of hellfire.  "Hellfire?  Haven't had the pleasure yet.  I've used almost every form of fire BESIDES that.  I don't dabble with the powers of darkness.  I believe while we both have darkness and light in us, I chose to reject the darkness."  She talked about the natural order of things, being able to do whatever you want. "Boring?  Just like you?  Blah blah destroy, blah blah, natural ORDER.  BORING.  At least TRY to convince your self you're doing this for the right reasons, by the Conclave!  Just hit me if you can!"  The Hellfire was tossed toward him, Sabishii started moving toward her, disappearing in a puff of smoke, reappearing behind Dalanesca, he swung his blade, an intimidating longsword.  He was going to make her bleed her own blood.

Meanwhile, Hiro stood watching the God Xunatar carefully.  He plucked out the arrows he had been hit with effortlessly.  The bow was only good for pestering him.  Therefore, Hiro released the bow from his grip, it disappeared into thin air.  He reached down to the sheathed sword on his hip.

"Actually wasn't afraid of the dark.  Being born from the union of two fire elementals, one of them being among the greatest warriors in the land, I didn't fear the dark.  I've made my way through Infernis alone, didn't I?  You were there.  My father believes in me, and I believe in him.  If he thinks I can take down a God, so do I.  I have more than just trinkets.  I have the power of justice!  I have my own strength, forged in combat!  Have at thee!"  Hiro held his hand on the hilt of his blade, his opponent was moving erratically.  He was up to something, but Hiro had confidence in himself and his father to combat this threat to their world, he would prevail.  No doubts.  A slight power of holy light surrounded him, due to a possession of a crystalline artifact known as Oh Holy Night, which provided minor protection against evil, which was in his possession.  He held the artifact close to his heart.

Snakes.  Probably venomous.  The God of Darkness had turned his arm into a barrage of snakes, and had even taken the likeness of one.  Hiro quickly drew his sword in a bright, intense flash of heat and flames.  The blade was made from a dark metal, with a slightly curved blade that radiated heat, glowing an orange color on its edges.

"Phoenix Blade: Sword of Wildfire."  Heat rippled across the battlefield as Hiro's sword cleaved through the mouth of the first snake, incinerating it's body.  He started moving to the side, slashing down through the next snake, cutting it off with a sweeping slash engulfed in fire.  More snakes were launched at Hiro, who raised his left hand, summoned a wall of earth from the ground, the snakes smashing into the wall with considerable force.  Several bolts of flame went flying from around the wall and flew towards the rogue God.  They exploded around him, kicking smoke and flames up into the air, and from those flames, Hiro emerged, unmelding from fire, he flew from behind Xunatar and struck at him with his Phoenix Blade, aiming for the God's neck.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:59 PM, Post Subject: Phoenix Ascending [P][R]

Whoever this windbag was, he was surely confident that he was about to get his way against not one, but two of the divine picked. Perhaps if his skills were as powerful as his mouth was getting him and his son into trouble then Xunatar would actually be frightful. But the only thing that came across his face was a look of disgust, not of fear. Sprouting on about things from another world and of the past mattered very little to the King of Nightfall. “My, my what a list of accomplishments. Tell me, great hero…what will you do to end the terror finally?” His partner in crimes chimed in with their discussion, knowing that she could always use some more entertainment and these two would see to it that her indulgence was filled.

His attention circled back to the duo as they made it unscathed, though not without the protection of a particular ring. Oh course, he recognized it as one of a set of three that he had collected not too long ago in case he required some form of protection, back when he was a mere demon. So they had toys crafted from the aid of deities, so they had prepared for a fight indeed. But to him, and likely Dalanesca , this was more of a game to pass time for them. Their little tricks would only delay their torment, their destruction and their damnation.

But Xunatar looked forward to breaking them, he wouldn’t mind the hours that would come with that.

He spotted the foolish knight charging at him but from the corner of his eye, he could see that Hiro was about to strike him with a rain of fiery arrows. His father would choke on his words, he swore it but the Dark Queen made her intention known that he was her prey. So be it. The younger one would be taught yet another painful lesson anyway. The arrows found their mark as they pierced his arms, legs and chest. He stumbled back a step or two as he…savored the searing pain. A warrior or fighter he was not, but the anticipation of the pain he would inflict upon him made his wicked heart thump with joy. He took the remnants of the arrows out, bit by painful bit.

“You earned my attention now, but don’t say that I didn’t warn you, child.”

The shadows twisted and turned beneath them, flaring up as if angered by the intrusion of the knights. In fact, they were angry- they were an extension of the god as he, the boy and their surrounding area was quickly swallowed in by darkness. It blanketed them into a dome of sorts with no way in…or out. Fortunately while Xunatar could still see the outside world, it was a far cry the other way around. With his hood over his head and hands slipped into the sleeves of his robe, he approached the lad with only his eerie blue eyes shining out. “Where you afraid of the dark when you were little? Like so many children? And your parents? Did they tell you that there was nothing to be afraid of?”

As he spoke, his arms and head seemed to jerk abnormally at times. The disturbing scene only grew as he continued to walk forward, step by step. “They lied. There is reason to be scared, even now.” The irises of his eyes seemed to sharpen like that of a dangerous animal as a dark colored liquid oozed from what one would suspect to be his mouth. His arms were flailing wildly now, as if something was trying to fight its way out. His body suddenly halted and he rose his right arm towards Hiro as something flew out from it. It was the head of a viper, bearing out its fangs towards him. Then another flew towards him, and another. The length of their bodies seemed endless as they sought to sink their bite into his flesh relentlessly.

Another head slithered from the hood, where his head should have been, giving him a smile or the appearance of one.

“I will give you reason to fear, child.”

The venom of the snakes, should they struck him, would not kill but instead would infect him with hallucinations of terrors that would drive him to quiver. They would feel so real to his senses and it would but the start of the nightmares that were to come.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:57 PM, Post Subject: Phoenix Ascending [P][R]

Dalanesca remained rather silent as Xunatar addressed the two men in much more detail than she had bothered to do. It seemed that the younger of the two intruders had crossed paths with Xunatar before, and from the sounds of things, it had not necessarily been a friendly meeting. As the conversational topic switched to Dalanesca’s desire for her power to be acknowledged, she flashed a quick yet dark smirk at the younger man and the older.

Her smirk broadened into something much more threatening as Xunatar conjured the jet black orbs, circling them around Sabishii and Hiro in an effort to trap them and stop them from being able to escape the wrath of the two angry gods. “You’re such a welcoming host, Xunatar, truly,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her words as she quipped about the predicament the two men had been ensnared within. She clapped her hands together as Xunatar spoke of sending more souls to her realm. “I do love a full house!” she declared, positively bouncing up and down with excitement. “But you’re absolutely right,” she continued. “This place is a bit drab and a bit of decoration would do us well, I think,” she added, her eyes darkening as her smirk returned.

She watched in anticipation as the spears and spikes extended towards Sabishii and Hiro, but the pair was protected by an unnatural blue light that surrounded them - a Sanctuary ring. She had seen one in use a while back, but it was one of the last things she had been expecting the pair to use. A disdainful and disappointed expression stretched across Dalanesca’s lips as Sabishii hit the ground, charging forward, while Hiro held back and fired arrows engulfed in flame toward Xunatar.

The goddess suddenly dropped her elegant and formal stature, an animalistic snarl escaping her lips. “How dare you come before us and defile our eyes with your sickening presence,” she hissed, cutting through the path between Hiro and his arrows and Xunatar. She remained unscathed as she crossed the path, where she began advancing towards Sabishii, her hand extended in front of her. Black and green flames began erupting from her palm, dark and smoky tendrils of corruption trailing from each side as she walked towards him.

“Have you ever felt Hellfire on your skin?” she called, her eyes now a deep crimson as she continued advancing towards Sabishii, the odd colored flames growing larger in the palm of her hand. “It’s like your skin is melting away, but it feels as though you are covered in ice at the same time… and no ointment can heal the burns you sustain from it,” she said, twisting her hands around slightly so the ball of flame took a different shape.

“You know, you mortals are all the same. You think you can reason with us, think you can change our minds… but you’re forgetting one small detail… We don’t have to appease you. We can do what we want - literally, we are capable of whatever we want, whenever we want. We choose to follow the natural order of things because it’s easiest for everyone that way… but let me tell you something, Sabishii,” she said, pausing as the two had now reached a fairly close distance between them. “Natural order is so fucking boring,” she hissed, before hurling the ball of black and green Hellfire at him.

Author: Sabishii Kouen, Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 1:30 AM, Post Subject: Phoenix Ascending [P][R]

Sabishii listened as the Goddess and God mocked the pair.  He felt his anger grow, like a raging fire kept just barely kept under control.  These Gods reminded him more and more of Dimitre Knight who was God of Darkness and Light back in the old world of DaeLuin, and to Sabishii's knowledge, had faded into obscurity after coming here to Revaliir.  They blathered on about their own importance, and they weren't willing to listen to a couple mortals who wished to tell Gods what was right and wrong, and what to do.

"I don't know if you've met me, you may not remember me.  But this old man, once commanded respect in the old world.  DaLuin.  I've fought orcs, dragons, demons, Gods, and Titans.  The Sun Wyrm?  I was there.  The Blustersquall?  I was there.  Does the name of Dimitre Knight ring any bells?  I've taken him on as a mortal.  Perhaps the position I held back in that world means nothing here, and now.  But I was one of the greatest champions of that world, Avatar of Fire or not.  I will not allow this world to make the same mistakes as that far gone world.  When the Gods rage war against each other, when the wage war against the mortals that seek their guidance and protection, their faith in the Gods falters, and their anger grows.  Godslayer Wars.  The death of the World Tree.  There were TWO World Trees in this world, were there not?  What's to prevent some army of mortals from chopping that remaining one down, like the other?  When the Gods turn against the will of the World, nothing good comes of it."

Hiro looked at his father, a look full of admiration and respect.  His father was brave and strong, and had performed many great feats over his many years.  Surely he would perform a miracle here, and save this world from destruction.  He had to have a plan.

Sabishii himself, knew where this was going, though.  Words enough weren't going to be enough to stop these Gods' madness.  He just prayed they both had enough strength to triumph over these Gods.  This was going to go to combat.

"And here it comes!"  Sabishii yelled out loud as he saw the shadows moving around them.  The shadowy spikes flew out from all directions to engulf them.  Hiro moved quickly, a light shining from his hand.  He grabbed his father and a protective blue sphere engulfed the pair.  The spikes appeared to go through them  Hiro had protected the two of them using a Sanctuary Ring.  "Nice trick, son.  I'm glad you gave me this list of all the magical equipment you collected in your journeys,"  Sabishii said with a grin.

"Me too, father, but now what?  We're safe for the moment, but what can we do?  Our words had no effect on them," Hiro gave a look of concern at his father.

"There's only one thing we CAN do.  It's not pray for a miracle, and it's not begging for forgiveness.  This course of action could kill us, but I don't have to tell you that.  You knew this from the beginning.  I just need you and your bag of tricks with me every step of the way.  I've taught you everything I could.  I'm proud of you, let's put all that training to good use, shall we?" Sabishii asked, with a wry grin at the end.  His son nodded silently.

The spikes seemed to dissipate, and with that, the bright blue sphere protecting them in sanctuary shattered, flames erupting from inside of it.  Sabishii dropped to the ground and charged forward, while Hiro leaped backwards summoning a fiery bow, launching powerful flaming arrows aimed toward Xunatar, covering his father who was trying to get close in to the rogue God to strike him down.with his sword.

"Whom is going to make an example out of whom, now?  Just remember you piece of shit, that you brought this on yourself!"

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:26 PM, Post Subject: Phoenix Ascending [P][R]

Time was an irrelevant thing for Xunatar but on this occasion, he would savor every last drop of it like a fine wine. He and Dalanesca delivered a plague unlike any other to Canluex and it was what these mortals deserved. Perhaps those that followed the darkness in their hearts and gave into these despicable gods would find some comfort, some enjoyment through the torture, but the vast majority would not. They couldn’t see that they brought forth something splendid, something that the world needed to see and endure. It was why he personally oversaw to these events as they played out in the nine selected regions. Those that would require- those loyal few that he would actually recognize, he would hear their pleas and act accordingly. Though it was only towards immediate family, including his wife to be and a few servants. Aside from that and his co-conspirator, he shut himself away and allowed the pleas and the cries of the sufferers to ring in his ear but no voice would come to soothe them. Like all the other days since their plan came to fruition, Xunatar was seated and watched in eerie, comfortable silence upon the island of wealth itself. It was only fitting that those greedy little fools that only craved the caress of simple metal coins would be forced to send those and more over into the sea of lava below. He could see their faces turning as they plunged their valuables into the very thing that allowed them to receive it in the first place. The smile that had been painted on his lips for days had yet to cease.

It wasn’t long before Dalanesca had joined him and he took his eyes off the hellish sight in favor of a more lovely one in her. But then the joy of their actions was placed on hold once she picked up something. And then he did as well. A pair of knights seemed to have made the trek over to them, and while he would have congratulated them, they seemed to had taken their achievement and used it to boost their egos into being able to tell deities what they ought to do. His eyes lifted from the hood he bore, acknowledging one of them as being familiar to him. Hiro, wasn’t it? He had meant the boy when he first tried to persuade the Reaper back when her blood was out to the public. He seemed more respectful back then, but now it seemed like he might have been wrong about him. His father, on the other hand, was completely horrid and needed his mouth sewn up…for starters. While she had found this situation as somewhat humorous, the God of Darkness held an indifferent, but cold look towards them. “Perhaps he is merely jealous of her suffering and wishes to join in?” He spoke such words with the utmost seriousness and let her tongue lash out against them while he went back to enjoying the show until he was forced back into the annoying conversation when the two kept on going.

“Comprehension is beyond them, though it doesn’t surprise me.” He patted the Goddess’ hand lightly before he rose from his seat and took three sluggish steps towards the duo. “My boy, I had warned you once about how this world works”, he stated at Hiro, “You really think that if we stop this, then all will be good and wholesome? We are doing no more than what mortals have done to themselves for eons. Trust me, gentlemen, I would know from witnessing many things here far long before the thought of either of you ever being conceived had come. War, greed, lust, power, all of those things and then some had cost you a lot and those before to destroy nature as well as each other for the stupidest of gambles. If I was to list off every single horrible action or event that was caused to this realm because of mortals, then I would think that the Queen here and myself were being…lenient here.” His own blues darkened until they fade to black. His anger that had been by the wayside, erupted as his words turned venomous towards the father.

“The punishment that warrants these crimes should have been far worse. Your goodness, that light you must cherish so near and dear, is something false and implanted inside by lies just to make yourself feel better about not facing the truth. And now you pass it on to your son. Pity.”A slick smile crept up while he took another step towards them. “You both misunderstood another thing- only one of us is in this for respect. You come here and dared to instruct us as to what to do, and even more ridiculous is that you threaten us?” He threw his head back towards the Goddess, “The Reaper wishes for you to acknowledge her and her power, of which your kin seemed to have forgotten that once you owed her for saving your necks. Greed allowed for the spread of her blood despite her warnings and had she not been so kind, then I believe that Adeluna would have fallen, and perhaps many other places would have.”

Folding his arms, Xunatar looked up at the sky as if he was waiting for something to come down. Honestly, he wasn’t one that wished for a fight, but these men were pests and he only knew of one way on how to deal with such things. “I’m in this because I want to see exactly what everyone else here deserves to get. I don’t care either I’m loved, feared, respected or hated and I don’t care about you either. But…since you have made it through the tower, I can give you something…” As he spoke, the shadows beneath them slowly morphed and twisted while he captured their attention until tiny black orbs rose from the ground and float up to their level, entrapping them in a circle.

“My dear lady, I think you will have more visitors upon your realm…rather shortly.” When the final word left him, thin spikes erupted from the spheres in all directions, most of them heading towards the knights to ensnare, puncture and wound them fiercely. “But first, let’s make an example out of them and hang their bodies from the tower when this is over. I think that will send a message towards any more foolishness”, he spoke, no matter the outcome of his attack.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:22 AM, Post Subject: Phoenix Ascending [P][R]

While the Warped Spire that Xunatar had crafted in the plains of Bohar was a rather interesting place for Dalanesca to keep watch on each of the nine places she and Xunatar had cursed with the nine levels of Hell, she still had business to attend to other than watching the slow descent of mankind into utter madness. Luxuria Mortiferum still needed its queen, and Mortuus Cordis was her home. The Spire provided a fair amount of entertainment, and it most certainly seemed that she and Xunatar had done a top notch job of terrorizing Revaliir - or at least Canelux, where they still had power. There were the day to day operations, of course, but she had a few trusted messorem who were more than capable of handling those things. She just… liked being there, and that on its own was enough to have her traveling back and forth.

Once things were well underway in Revaliir, however, she knew that both she and Xunatar would venture out and witness first hand the monstrosities that their combined work had created. For the time being, however, until they were able to better gauge how the world was reacting, she was content to travel back and forth from Luxuria Mortiferum to the Warped Spire. It was simple, a snap of the fingers, really, to get back and forth - travel was something that came generally easily for a god.

With a wave of her hand, the Reaper was transported from her luxurious bedchambers to the top room of the Warped Spire. She half expected Xunatar to be sitting in one of the nine replicas of his throne that sat beside replicas of her own, and she was not disappointed as she saw him sitting in his seat facing Egjora. She sauntered over to him and sat down crookedly in her own throne, watching in the distance as the citizens of Egjora threw their most valuable possessions into the lava surrounding the port. “It’s almost therapeutic, watching these bastards destroy the very wealth that gives them their power,” she said to Xunatar, expecting no response in return. She was about to speak further to him, when she sensed two mortals entering the vicinity.

She could hear them talking, one of them warning the other - a father and son, how adorable. She remained motionless and silent as they plead with both she and Xunatar, clearly unaware that they were already in the room with the pair. After a beat, she leaned sideways around the back of her throne so that she could see them, and raised an eyebrow before leaning back around and looking at Xunatar. “This is going to be annoying,” she said, with a heavy sigh, before hoisting herself out of her throne and walking towards the two.

She stared at them, wordless for quite a long time as she contemplated what they had begged for the two gods to do. They begged for mercy, begged for them to stop the needless destruction of the world. After a moment, however, Dalanesca gave them a response.

She laughed.

She laughed loudly.

After she had regained her composure, she took a few breaths and turned towards Xunatar, crinkles still around her icy blue eyes as she smiled at the absurdity of the request. “Oh, no, Xunatar! This man’s wife is suffering in Sularia! I guess we should stop what we’ve done, just for her?” She suddenly whipped back around to face both of the men, her eyes no longer blue, but now burning a fiery crimson. “What made you fools think this was a good idea?” she asked, advancing towards them, but still keeping a fair distance. “Do you really think two gods are going to listen to the pleas of a couple of weak mortals? You ask for respect, but even the idea that you thought you had a chance shows enough stupidity to negate the respect you would have earned by making it this far.” The fire flashed in her eyes as she analyzed them.

She looked back to Xunatar once more. “What do you propose we do, my King?” she asked, a sneer on her face. It was clear that she found these men an annoyance. “I mean, they did make it through the tower, so they may not be completely worthless in a fight but… I’m at a loss, I’m afraid.”

Author: Hiro Kouen, Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:40 PM, Post Subject: Phoenix Ascending [P][R]

The land was in chaos, two rogue Gods, Dalanesca and Xunatar, had turned on the world, for they believed the world no longer feared them.  They unleashed deadly curses of nine deadly sins upon Revaliir.  They wanted to prove their power, that the Gods should be feared and respected in terror.

This whole situation was wrong.  The Gods should not be turning against the people of the land that worship them.  Hiro Kouen remembered the tales his father told him of apocalyptic tragedies in the Old World they lived in.  Titan-like monsters, and Gods turning on the world.  This sent shivers down HIro's spine, and he imagined his father was similarly affected.  He watched as his father, Sabishii Kouen, had to chain Seraphia, Hiro's mother, and Sabishii's wife, down with special shackles, because she was so afflicted by the curses that the two Deities placed upon the world.  She was afflicted by the curse of Lust, and could no longer control her body.  HIro and Sabishii locked the house in Suliaria up tight, and had to leave her there.  They both knew what they had to do.

To defeat the two Gods, the father and son had to take matters in their own hands.  They had to convince the Immortal Deities to stop their foolishness, either through words or through force.  They had to best not one, but two Gods.

Not an easy matter.

Hiro stood at the entrance, staring at his father.  The tower was an imposing structure, a nine-sided building, stretching up in to the sky.  They both wore similarly designed suits of crimson plate mail.  Hiro had rich, dark cloak covering his body, with streaks of crimson running through it, in the design of flames.  It mirrored his hair, which was the color of jet, with streaks of red running through it.  His father, Sabishii, was taller than Hiro, who was already a tall young man.  Sabishii wore a crimson cloak, his hair was brown with streaks of red running through it.  They both had similar eyes: Sabishii had sapphire colored eyes, while Hiro's eyes were closer to his mother's shade of sky blue.

"You think we can do this, father?  We're challenging two Gods, not just one.  They're strong enough to cause chaos throughout the entire land," Hiro felt the doubt, the fear of challenging the Gods.  Sabishii turned to face his son, he placed his hands lightly on his shoulders.

"Son, I know you're scared.  I am too.  But we can do this.  We must do this.  Many others have given up, warriors have dropped their blades from their grip.  Many others have been overtaken by madness.  These people are the ones we have to help.  We have to help everyone, the greater good!  We cannot let their power of fear overtake us.  If we give up, they'll win.  We cannot do that.  We have to be strong.  For your mother.  For Lady Angela, for the good Deities and all the people of Revaliir.  We cannot let this new home of ours turn out like our old world.  Be strong, I've trained you well.  Your mother and I have brought you up the best we could.  I'm proud of you, son.  I can't do this alone, but together, we're unstoppable.  We'll show them the power of the father-son Kouen team."  Sabishii said, grinning at the end of his speech.  Hiro managed to crack a smile.

"Okay, let's do this dad, let's defeat these Gods.  We'll climb the tower, and do what we have to.  As long as you're here, with me backing you up, we can do anything!"  Sabishii grinned at his son, then they both turned toward the tower.  As if sensing their determination, several of the flying centipedes that patrolled the skies dived at the pair.  Hiro and Sabishii leap to opposite sides, drawing their blades.  Hiro's sword was a fine blade crafted by his father, a glowing black bladed phoenix sword, with crimson edges sticking out from the hand guard.  The blade's edge held a fiery tint as he swung the blade, unleashing a shower of flames through the air at the flying monsters.  Sabishii's blade was more plain looking, but it was a claymore of master craftsmanship that he whipped about his head, focusing his own fire magic through the blade, flames escaping from the blade and slicing through more of the flying monsters.  Their burnt corpses dropped to the ground and dissolved into the ether.  Another flying insect dove down at Hiro as his back was turned.  Sabishii gave a shout, Hiro ducked as his father thrust his palm forward, unleashing a blast of flame from his hand destroying the monster that dared attack his son while his back was turned.

"Thanks dad, didn't see that one coming."

"Keep your eyes open, and stay on your guard.  We're entering the belly of the beast, and we're only just beginning."  The two warriors stepped through the doorway, and began their scaling of the tower.

Five hours later, Hiro and Sabisihi were climbing a set of stairs somewhere high up in the tower.  Sabishii was taking the lead in the climb.

"Holy crap, father.  Think this leads to the top of the tower or what?  If this leads back to the beginning again, I swear . . ."

Sabishii raised his hand, calling for silence.

"I hear something . . . a female voice talking."  Sabishii and Hiro entered a large room.  Sabishii moved into the roof further.  The air was thick with the scent of lavender and various flowers, like a heavily perfumed smell.  A female voice spoke to Sabishii.

"Come to me, my darling, come rest in my arms," the soothing female voice sung.  Sabishii stepped forward.  A woman with purple hair and a flowing gown beckoned to him.

"Murasaki?  What?  What are you doing here?  Weren't you . . ."

"It's been a long time, my darling, you must be weary, come rest by my side."  Sabishii kept approaching the woman.

Suddenly, Sabishii could see stars, a blinding flash of pain overwhelmed his skull, as Hiro smacked him on the head.

"Dad!  Wake the hell up!"

Sabishii blinked and looked around, dazed and confused.

"What?  What happened?"  Sabishii stared at his son, who pointed forward.  Sabishii blinked his eyes, then rubbed them with his hands.

"Giant monster fly trap.  You are walking toward certain death.  You're calling some OTHER woman's name while walking toward a fly trap."  What HIro saw was a giant monster flytrap with a gaping maw slobbering all over.

"What?  But .  . . no, you're right.  You're 100% right, son.  There's no way SHE is calling me, and even if she was, I reject it.  It's a trap."  Sabishii raised his hand as if it say no, and unleashed a torrent of flames from that palm at the illusion of a purple haired woman.  He heard streaming, the woman's shrieking and cursing as the illusion broke away, revealing a writhing fly trap.  It dissolved away, revealing another stairway leading upwards.

"So, FATHER, who the hell is Mursaki?  Should Mother be worried?  Do I have a story to tell her when this is over with?" Hiro asked, with a bit of disdain in his voice.

"Son, that was my first love, my childhood crush.  A long, long time ago, I was in love with a girl, named Mursaki.  I was in a magic Guild, where I learned to control my fire magic, where I became a Phoenix Knight, and there I met and fell in love with Murasaki, a purple haired maiden who had wind magic.  She was in a relationship with a man who . .  . abused her.  He would beat her, and make her sad when he was not happy.  He was a Dragon Knight named Midoriya.  I wanted to save her, I wanted to take her away from him, so he would never hurt her.  However, I failed to protect her.  There was a fight.  Midoriya killed Murasaki, and I killed Midoriya.  This was many, many, many years ago.  I learned that you can't protect everyone, you can't be everywhere at once, no matter how strong you become.  Life is precious, and there are causalities, no matter how hard you try.  But it doesn't mean you shouldn't try."  Sabishii said, tearing up toward the end, he wiped his eyes.  "I love your mother, I always will.  I don't know why the illusion chose my first crush, but they prey upon the weakness in men's hearts.  Thank you, son.  Let us continue, shall we?  This won't be a problem in the future, I swear."  Sabishii and Hiro continued onward, climbing another set of stairs.

They suddenly reached a large nine-sided room, each with a pair of thrones facing windows on each of the nine-sides of the room.  It seems the Deities had wanted to sit on any throne they wanted and be able to watch the carnage down below.

"We're here, it seems.  Son, be careful.  We're in the heart of the beast.  Watch my back."  They moved to the center of the room, and Sabishii spoke out.  "Lady Dalanesca!  Lord Xunatar!  My name is Sabishii Kouen, and this is my Son, Hiro Kouen.  We are Phoenix Knights here to convince you two to please stop this madness.  We've fought our way through this entire tower.  We've reached the top.  We request an audience.  Please!  Please stop the carnage down below!  People are losing their minds.  They're losing their lives!  People are dying!  My wife is down there, suffering.  That's his mother, my wife down there in Sularia suffering from a curse!  I will not stand for this, neither of us will!"

"Please, Lady Dalanesca," Hiro spoke after his father had finished.  "Mankind doesn't deserve this.  I'd like to say there's good in all men's hearts.  There's darkness too, but the good is greater for most people than the bad.  Please, we respect you, but this isn't the way to get people's attention.  You're killing everyone!"

"Respect should be earned, not demanded.  If we have to earn your respect, whether through words or through force, we will do what we have to.  This needs to stop.  We already passed through the trial of this entire tower protecting you.  That should be worthy of some kind of respect."  Sabishii and Hiro were armed, but their weapons lay in sheaved, and not in their hands.  But they were ready to fight if it came to it.

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