Author: Xunatar, Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:53 PM, Post Subject: Then and Now [go]
Xunatar was hesitated at first when he read through the contents of the latest letter received by the demon touched one. Hiro was a touchy subject that still bit at him sorely from dealing with him and his father. the experience was insufferable but what really made the demon think was Caitlin speaking of traveling in-between planes. An art that not many had the talent for and much few could use it to its full extent. If not for his affiliation with the darkness, then the God himself was sure that he would not be capable of using such magic.
After a moment or two, he let the quill meet with the parchment.
First off, my home is always open for those that are brave enough to come. The Isle will allow for you to venture if you accept the darkness in your heart, for that is where we all come from in the very beginning. It’s its truest essence, after all. I look forward to seeing what you have learned and mastered from your studies.
I would…also be very cautious around this Hiro. I too met with one- a Hiro Kouen. He has a false sense of justice which was gifted to him by one of the most ignorant men I have ever seen in my years of life. But what he speaks of about other worlds is quite true. Many people here have used to come from another world, one that mirrors Revaliir. I, myself, was one of the ones that came and absorbed the one native here. The strong will always prevail, not that I’d consider my other self weak. No, it was just unfortunate. Perhaps there’s another you running about, or maybe you have already claimed your dominance.
But back to the subject, planes-traveling is a very difficult power to wield. Many attempted to claim it only to lose themselves in the in-between. I myself can only travel through the planes of shadows because of my power. Without it, I am only permitted to go to the land of demons- a place that I’d strongly suggest to avoid in your position. If you seek to practice such an ancient skill, I’d suggest that you take all the precautions you can and delve more into the subject.
If you’d like, I can personally oversee your notes on Ataiyo. The area intrigues me, perhaps it's because of the culture. Some say that I reflect some of its attire, its mannerisms and the like.
Study hard, young one, and I shall keep in touch.
Xunatar. “
Author: Caitlin, Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:03 AM, Post Subject: Then and Now [go]
Thank you for letting me know, I had heard some rumors of change, but I have a unique advantage over most when it comes to you at least. Most people do not have a deity for a penpal. I will visit at some point, if you would permit it. I'm curious to see what changes happened to your realm since I last set foot there. Perhaps when I'm done here in Iria. I've enrolled in a number of classes, some on magickal theory, another on the history of magic, and another on dragons. I'm learning so much, there is so much I would have never experienced. So many things I would have never thought possible.
One thing I need to ask, have you any experience traveling between worlds? I spoke with someone named Hiro, and he told me of many other worlds that exist. Traveling from here to any of them seems a dangerous prospect, and I would rather be prepared. I've only found a few things here in Iria about it, and not much of it is helpful. Most of it speaks of a place in between, and how it can be used to travel through this world. Perhaps I should perfect that first before jumping into planes-traveling?
I will keep that in mind, I've only heard stories of Ataiyo, but I want to see it for myself. I've heard it is helpful to hire a guide, so I will likely do that. I will likely pen my observations into my journal, and I can send you a copy if you would like. My penmanship has only gotten better since I entered the Academy. Funny how that was seen as one of my only useful skills back at the village, aside from being a trophy piece.
Time for my next lecture though, this may interest you. It is on the theory of how opposite elements can be melded together, and not blow up in the mage's face. Difficult, but fascinating. Until next time,
Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:48 AM, Post Subject: Then and Now [go]
Most impressive that you made into the Academy on your own power. I shouldn’t be too surprised really to hear that you didn’t require my little offering. I’m also not surprised to learn that the apple weaned before you could use its power. The changes you speak of, I believe they are about my domains…if that’s the case, then it is true. My throne has shifted from Lies to Darkness in someone’s crude humor. I will spare you the details of it, but needless to say, time has a way of changing everyone.
Ataiyo is a curious place, one I have set foot in a few times. I believe that you will thoroughly enjoy your stay there. There are many things in that land alone that differs greatly from the rest of the realm put together. Culturally, their laws, way of life and even the roles assigned to both men and women are a far cry to what the rest of the people here would understand. Perhaps you will learn the other things that silk can be used for aside from mere attire.
As far as “plans” go, I have yet decided on my next investment in this world, but what you may learn from Ataiyo make stroke the flames of inspiration in my head later on. Continue to keep in touch with your findings of this new world you indulge in.
Author: Caitlin, Posted: Sun Jan 7, 2018 2:13 PM, Post Subject: Then and Now [go]
My friend,
I write you this letter in curiosity. I made my way to Iria, into the Academy like we had planned. And completely on my own wit. I'm rather proud of myself, actually. A tiny lie, mixed with mostly truth, has gotten me quite far. The library here is like nothing I've ever seen, and the classes I've found myself in are quite illuminating. But the apple you gave me, it withered before I could use it like you had mentioned. I'm guessing the recent changes I've heard rumors of are the cause of that?
I am quite enjoying myself in this town, I intend to travel to Ataiyo once my business here is done. One of the few tokens of my family I've kept is a silk scarf from there my father brought me. That scarf, oddly enough, is what ignited my desire to see more of the world. I wanted to see how it was made, and what other things the silk is used for. There are so many little pieces that many people wouldn't even think of, but being the daughter of a merchant has its advantages. There are many things to consider, such as the dye makers, the weavers who made the cloth, the person who cut and dyed the fabric, and I'm certain a few steps I've forgotten.
Write back to me please, at your convenience. I'd like to know if there are still plans I can help you with, while making my own path.
Best regards, Caitlin