Archive Home > Archives > 2019 Archives > Discordia, The Forsaken Isle > Taking a Break With Starbright [P]

Character Info
Name: Scarlett Al'teran
Age: Early to Mid Twenties
Alignment: CN
Race: Fire Genasi
Gender: Female
Class: Artificer Alchemist
Silver: 3152
The trek through the eternal night was rather nice. Normally Scarlett's work kept her busy during the 'daytime' and she was so exhausted she rarely went out at night. However, now that all of Xunatar's domain was shrouded in eternal night, it was something that the Fire Genasi had gotten the pleasure of doing more and more often, especially since Steele and Eldora were now living in the mayorial estate just a short distance away from the palace where she and Xunatar lived. If she wanted any time to spend with Estelle, she had to take the jaunts into the city of the night. The first time she had ventured out into the city, one or two of the denizens made the mistake of thinking she was property and or prey. They learned very quickly that IF she belonged to anyone she was Xunatar's queen, and she was not a woman to be messed with. The fear of immolation was enough to keep them all respectful of her after that. 

Scarlett wrapped loudly on the heavy door of the manor and was granted access by one of the servants and was directed to where Eldora was with Estelle. 

"Hello Eldora," she said with a smile. "Xunatar sent me to let you know he has a job for you. I can watch Estelle while you are gone," she explained. 

Character Info
Name: Eldora Norcross
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Oracle of Arri
Silver: 1502
“Can you say please, Estelle?” Eldora had a banana in her hand that Estelle was trying to get. The girl’s hunger was more like a ravenous wolf. She was sure that she had to eat so much because of the energy she burned up through magic and how active she was.

“Pwease Eselle.” Estelle repeated and Eldora chuckled a bit as she cut the banana up and gave her some.

“It’s just please. You are Estelle.” The little girl looked up at her with big blue eyes as Eldora spoke. “What am I going to do with you.” She kissed the top of her head as Estelle devoured the banana. “Slowly please… don’t choke on it.” Luckily it was a banana.

When the door had a knock she perked up and cautiously looked through the window. Seeing the red locks she left her child’s side if only for a moment. “Hello Scarlett…” She heard the news and tilted her head. “I see… She is currently trying to win against a banana.”

Eldora brought her inside the spacious manor and took her into the dining room where Estelle was attempting to figure out if a banana peel tasted good. “Yucky…” Estelle stuck her tongue out. “Nana not good.” She went to show her mother the peel when saw Scarlett. “LETT! LETT!” Estelle squealed at her. “Papa?”

“No papa just Scarlett… Is that ok?” Eldora chuckled a bit. “She has food… she eats often because of her wolf blood. Don’t let her talk you into too many treats because she will.”

Estelle’s smile vanished for a minute before she resumed being happy at the mention of no papa. “I got nana.” She lifted up her fingers to show the banana on them.

“Also… nana is all and any food she can get… I don’t know why she associates bananas with all food but she does.” Eldora chuckled, kissed her daughter, and left the mansion after changing.

How I hate what I have become
Take me home
Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway

Character Info
Name: Scarlett Al'teran
Age: Early to Mid Twenties
Alignment: CN
Race: Fire Genasi
Gender: Female
Class: Artificer Alchemist
Silver: 3152
"The war against the banana rages ever onward I see," Scarlett chuckled lightly as she followed Eldora into the dining room and she smiled brightly at Estelle as she tasted the banana peel and decided it was not to her liking. The delight on the young child's face when she saw Scarlett made the Genasi's already flaming heart melt, and Scarlett went to scoop her up in her arms regardless of the banana mess on the little girl's fingers. 

"Nope. Just me today, Starbright. Papa has to go work with Mama for a bit, but I am sure he will come see us when he is all done," she told Estelle. She looked back at Eldora. "You know me. She'll work up that appetite first. No just snacking, we need to work for our food, right Starbright?" she said with a bit of a laugh in her voice. It seemed to reassure Eldora because quick as a wink she was changed and rushing out of the manor to see the Lord of the Night and left Scarlett with her 'granddaughter'. Scarlett found a rag and wiped off Estelle's messy fingers and face. 

"What do you say we go explore the garden, Starbright? We can make fire pictures too if you are a good girl."

Scarlett carried Estelle outside where everything was shrouded in night, but the light of the moons high above them illuminated everything. Scarlett set Estelle down on the grass and took a deep breath of the fresh night air. 

"Now, what game should we play?"

Character Info
Name: Estelle Norcross
Age: Adolescent
Alignment: CN
Race: Lycan/Rosenite/Demon
Gender: Female
Class: Student
Silver: 388
“She smooshed one into Dante’s face the last time he was here… It is her favorite weapon.” Eldora smiled proudly at her young daughter who was a fighter above everything else. Estelle squealed as she was picked up and put her lips to Scarlett’s face in a kiss. “You both have fun today.”

After that Estelle was left all alone with Scarlett. Not that Eldora was worried. Scarlett had actually run into the pyramid to get her daughter when Xunatar had taken her there. “Flowers?” That was one word she had down as she heard garden. “Pictures… Pretty.” Estelle giggled it out as she smiled up at Scarlett.

Estelle was sat down on the grass but blinked a few times before pushing herself up and laughing up at her. The purple tree that Estelle had created when they first showed up was still there. “Sing… And…” She pointed to the swing and the sand box. She ran over to the best she could falling only once. For a few seconds Estelle was in tears but she wiped her face got up and continued to the box.

“HOT!” She laughed as she tossed the sand at Scarlett. “Lett.. Lett… And hot!” Her black curls were bouncing and her eyes were a warm blue.


Character Info
Name: Scarlett Al'teran
Age: Early to Mid Twenties
Alignment: CN
Race: Fire Genasi
Gender: Female
Class: Artificer Alchemist
Silver: 3152
Scarlett watched as Estelle pushed herself up to her feet and toddled across the grass. She smiled as the toddler pointed excitedly at the swing and sandbox and began running as best as her little legs could. Scarlett started as Estelle fell into the grass, but resisted the urge to rush over and baby her. It had been a short and soft fall into the grass, and though there were some small tears from the initial shock, Estelle was soon back up. Cheeks wet, she climbed into the sandbox and Scarlett came to sit down beside her in the sand. Scarlett pulled a kerchief from her pocket and gently dabbed Estelle's cheeks quickly before the little girl began hurling sand at her. Scarlett laughed as shrieked about the sand being 'hot' clearly remembering the hot sand that they had last played in while they were fighting off Mummies in the Arri Desert. 

"What color is the sand, Estelle?" Scarlett asked the child as she began shifting the sands into a pile with her feet and hands. The pile that she created grew steadily larger and larger until it was rather sizeable. "Should we build a castle?"

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