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Character Info
Name: Lilith
Age: Old
Alignment: CE
Race: Hellcat Shifter
Gender: Female
Class: Trouble
Silver: 184
When things changed, there were certain things that never changed.  Lilith remained as she always had with Xunatar, and she knew he would seek her out when the time was right.  In the meantime, she had been thoroughly enjoying the new city and its dark nature.  She had spent many hours exploring, talking with people, and coming to understand the new realm she lived in.  It somehow felt even more like home than before, even if she wasn't fully aware of the changes to her lord.  But there would be time for that. 

Relaxing in the library, she considered the tome before her.  It was about summoning entities from other realms, a magic she had always been interested in.  But she had just now decided to learn what she could.  The ability to summon an ally would be useful, and Lilith turned the pages eagerly.  It was slightly chilly in the library, and she tugged the sari around her a bit more tightly.  She was beginning to understand why some humans kept cats around as pets, having a small, warm feline on her lap would make studying this book more pleasant. 

She tapped the quill against the inkpot and applied the end of the nib to her notebook, adding another item to a growing list of components she would need to begin testing her spells.  Lilith was a natural with many kinds of magic, given her nature, but she also knew her limitations.  There were times it was not a bad idea to augment her abilities, especially when it came to learning something new.  Lilith wasn't entirely sure of where she would find the snowdrops without a journey to a colder place than she liked to visit, but at least ectoplasm was enough enough to come by.  The pages of the tome turned, and her list kept growing.


Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
While he was aware of Lilith’s presence, her lord allowed for the curious little hellcat to wander about to her heart’s content around the isle. Xunatar knew that eventually, she would find her way back to him, as she always did since the beginning. Not to mention that she was adaptable enough to go along with the changes that he had gone through primarily the shift of domains as well as the isle itself. Ever since its creations, it took his other loved ones some time to get used to it but not her.

But him? Oh, there would be quite some surprises indeed but for the time being, he would merely observe every now and then from afar.

At some point later, he could feel her inside his palace and not too shocking, in the library of all places. She was a thinking woman, smart enough to know how to achieve her goals and even more so on how to steady herself and not cross onto thresholds she couldn't’ handle. But even the god, as he was perched upon his throne, surrounded by naught but the cold glistering flames of the Coldfire, he was curious himself as to what she was hoping to achieve through some of the old parchments and records kept neatly on his shelves. Which that in mind, the god mused to himself as he faded from his seat of power and into the shadows. Just as quick as he was to disappear, he reappeared right behind Lilith’s seat and easily peeked over her shoulder due to their height difference.

“Not so much as a “hello”, and yet I find you at home and quickly burying yourself in work, Lilith.” He couldn’t help but snicker a little as his eyes continued to observe her research. The god didn’t hesitate to lift the coldness away from the room with but a wave of his hand. She was better to him thawed than frozen. “I’ve noticed that you been around for awhile now…and thriving, but that’s just second nature to you. So tell me, what do you seek out this time?”

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: Lilith
Age: Old
Alignment: CE
Race: Hellcat Shifter
Gender: Female
Class: Trouble
Silver: 184
"Well, I knew that you would come find me when the time was right.  I only interrupt you when I believe it's important enough.  Or I'm bored," Lilith replied with a chuckle.  Many of her mannerisms were very catlike, and she did nearly everything on her own terms.  Xunatar could tell her what to do, but only to a certain degree.  And it was a part of their relationship that she enjoyed.  More often than not, he suggested and she followed through.  Leafing back through the pages, she indicated a ritual circle.  "A long time ago, I was summoned by these.  I want to know how precisely they work, and I want to figure out if I can cast one myself.  My particular type of demon can be vulnerable about that, but I found a way to ward myself," Lilith added, indicating the intricate tattoo around her wrist that looked like a bracelet at first glance.  But it was full of mystical sigils and runes, and Lilith had paid dearly for the protection.  But it was worth it to not be summoned by some inept moron who wanted a pet demon.

Turning the tome back to the page she had been on, she ran a fingernail down the text and stopped about halfway down.  "This is the part that perplexed me before.  Why certain demons were summoned before others.  I did not realize it also has to do with the demon's nature.  Like with myself, I could be summoned because I wanted to be in the mortal realm to cause trouble.  Other demons, like ones employed as guards, do not wish to leave, so they are harder to pull from their realm.  It does make sense, along with the will of the summoner as well," Lilith explained.  It was a discover that helped her to understand what she wanted to do further.  It would be far easier to begin with trying to summon a demon like herself, rather than one that was powerful.  At least at first, there were certain times that she had learned caution was truly necessary.


Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Peeking over her shoulder, his eyes skimmed through what she had been researching. The image was very similar to him and those of his likeness- it depicted a rather familiar instrument to him. It was used to summoned demons by practitioners of the dark arts who wanted to enslave them. More often than not, there was a good chance that it would backfire and the summoners would end up getting themselves killed because they couldn’t control what they were dragging from the other side. “How fortunate. I couldn’t imagine what you had to do in order to be granted that”, he responded towards seeing her tattoo. Always one step ahead of the game- the thought made him smile proudly. Perhaps it was better for the would-be summoner that would dare try to draw her out, much less tell her what to do. While she didn’t appear so dangerous, appearances were very deceiving.

“These sorts of arts typically find their origin with our kin as a whole. In ancient times, they somehow found their way into mortal hands and the most arrogant of them seem to think that they can summon and control demons. Most of the time, they can do the former but heavily overestimate their powers when it comes to the latter.” The weak ones of the bunch could be made to submit, but those like Lilith who possessed a much stronger will…well it wasn’t hard to picture what could happen to the summoners.”Such arts should have never been gifted to those that have no understanding of the power they wish to adopt. Far too many loopholes they are unclear of, not that I care to worry about them.”

He brought his hand up to the back of her seat and leaned closer to explore the written words of the page. “You said that you wish to be able to cast such spells? How ambitious of you, but be very careful Lilith. If one flies too high into the sky, the sun will strike them down.”

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

Character Info
Name: Lilith
Age: Old
Alignment: CE
Race: Hellcat Shifter
Gender: Female
Class: Trouble
Silver: 184
"I can still feel the tug of a summons, every now and again.  But the ability to resist it makes things much more entertaining.  Imagine the look on the last fool's face when I showed up after he had blown out his candles and put away the blades," she said with a cruel chuckle.  That had been a personal assignment, the man had been summoning demons and forcing them into menial labor.  Once she had arrived though, Lilith had put a stop to that.  Not quickly though, a swift death was too just for him.  That had been fun, and she hoped to have something similar happen again soon. 

She turned her attention to Xunatar as he spoke, and what he said was illuminating.  "But loopholes are so much fun for us to play with.  I'd rather those stay where they are.  If nothing else, consider this.  Those loopholes also allow us to identify those who can be useful to us as well.  There are a few with the will needed to summon and bind, and when they can be bent to your side, they are invaluable.  There is good and bad to these arts in mortal hands," Lilith said after a few moments, and thinking back on her experiences with the mortal races.  Elves for the most part were too stuck up and prideful, but the rare surface dweller who fell from grace could be a marvelous ally.  Humans were scattered between useful and useless, while dwarves almost never trafficked with demonkind.  Other races were rare, but it had been known to happen.

The warning was appreciated, it was something that she had already considered and weighed the risks.  "I know.  That is why I plan on beginning small.  Demons summoning other demons can be… unpredictable.  I was hoping to ask your help for this, actually.  A workshop space would be helpful, somewhere I can limit the possibility of interference.  I know I will probably owe you a favor for such a space, and that I can deal with," she said, turning a sassy grin on her face.  Favors to Xunatar could mean anything, but Lilith enjoyed the follow through.

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