Archive Home > Archives > 2019 Archives > Discordia, The Forsaken Isle > Bamboozled

Character Info
Name: Eldora Norcross
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Oracle of Arri
Silver: 1502
Eldora made faces at Estelle as she put the fruit in the child’s laughing mouth. It was the only way that Estelle would eat certain things and the couple was sure that she had figured out how to get the faces she so loved from her parents. Not that Eldora minded it at all. Estelle’s laughs were cute and whatever made the girl happy was acceptable.

The kitchen door opened up and her sister walked in. “That looks ridiculous.” Lotus chuckled as she set a bag down and sat in front of her sister.

“Don’t knock it until you try it. Your boys aren’t big enough to even eat solids… You’ll find yourself doing this someday.” Eldora said it while she made faces. Estelle giggled more and got more food as she went. “What the hell do you want?”

“Hell…” Estelle giggled and Eldora shot her a look. “Orry.”

“Awww… That is so cute. She knows when she is wrong.” Lotus propped herself up and admired her niece. “She is so smart.”

“A little too smart. I’ve been teaching her what words are okay and what words aren’t just in case. She’s learned well.” Eldora was proud of her daughter. Estelle reached for the spoon Eldora had and Eldora let her have it. Again Estelle tried by herself and got frustrated as she lost all the food on the spoon. “We’re still working on her feeding herself.”

Lotus pushed herself up and blocked Estelle from her mother. “I want to play a game with you and Steele.”

“What kind of game…” Eldora tried too look around her.

“The fun kind. He is coming home right now.” Lotus dragged her sister forcibly from her chair and held her up high enough that Eldora wasn’t touching the floor as she flailed.


“Nope,” the younger sister giggled as she pulled the bag with her. “Auntie Lotus and Mama will be right back Estelle.” Dragging Eldora forcibly from the room Lotus ripped her clothes off and put her in a skimpy little lace dress.

“It is too cold for this.” Eldora tried to get away and Lotus smirked just a bit.

“Steele will like it I promise.” Eldora stopped as soon as Lotus said that and glared. “I said I promise.” Lotus went around and tucked Eldora in where she had flailed out. It barely covered anything at all. “Fits you rather well… I was worried about your bust.” Lotus was amused as she cupped herself and Eldora flailed more. “I’m taking Estelle for the day.” Before she left she let Eldora’s hair down and fluffed it out.

Like that Eldora was left in the foyer of the house. She glared towards the kitchen as she heard the door close and the baby noises had stopped. When the front door open her blue eyes met Steele’s. “Help… I’ve been Lotus’d.” She pulled at the lacey fabric. “I’m not understanding what she is doing.”

How I hate what I have become
Take me home
Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway

Character Info
Name: Steele Norcross
Age: 865
Alignment: CN
Race: Lycantrope/Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Warlord
Silver: 1011
Steele had been busy the last few days getting settled into his new “role” within the city. For the most part, he himself didn’t run into any sort of trouble, but his flirt of a brother seemed to irk the denizens. Especially when it came to the males that were fiercely protective of their mates and daughters. For some reason he was tasked with tagging along with Steele and assist him. His father had a wicked sense of humor sometimes but the two managed not get the other killed so far, so that was a success in his mind.

By the end of the day, he had just wrestling down one of the werewolves that sought to make a snack out of one of the outsiders that sought an audience with the god. Although Xunatar probably wouldn’t have cared if he was eaten, his son still had some sort of responsibility for the guests and couldn’t leave well enough alone. After some roughhousing, he finally managed to pin the brute down long enough for the visitor to rush out of the city and back into the forest. Well, that was on them now, not his business.

“Think they will make it to Father?”, Dante asked nonchalantly as he overlooked the angry wolf beneath his brother. “Probably not. I’ve seen some of those things that hunt down the unprepared. I think it was safer actually in these parts”, he replied and then looked to him, “That is unless he kept pissing off the people here like you seem to do” Dante shrugged and Steele released his captive and aside from some few chosen words, they were left unscathed.

Tired and worn out, the governor headed for home while Dante headed back to Sularia through a gate. It would be relaxing just to make it home and tend to Eldora and Estelle. They were the best part of his day and he didn’t need to worry about any sort of crazy surprises that could kill him. Passing by the tree with the swing, he was expecting to hear the girl playing outside but then thought that she might have been eating or napping. Shrugging it off for the moment, he ventured inside and while he saw Eldora waiting for him (which was nothing too unusual), what she was wearing certainly was.

“What the…” His mouth hung low and his eyes didn’t leave her barely covered form. It surely seemed like something her sister would wear, according to that loud mouth Dante. While he had so many questions running through his mind, his mouth couldn’t move at all. Why in the world would Lotus be up to something? Was she taking lessons from his brother? Did he know about this? He had to think not, for he wouldn’t be able to contain his excitement for long if he had.

“Well…uh, I don’t know what’s going on either”, he managed to answer, albeit there was a lot of stuttering coming out. “Wait, where’s Estelle?” He couldn’t smell his pup around here- there was a lingering scent which meant that she had been here prior to his arrival. The wolf ventured closer to her and reached out to touch the clothing. It felt so frilly and so not like his wife. But at the same time, he couldn’t deny that it was…tempting.

“I take it that she has Estelle then?” The reasoning behind all of this still eluded them but his hand never left the fabric as he circled around her. “Did she give any sort of reason at all behind this… “


Character Info
Name: Eldora Norcross
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Oracle of Arri
Silver: 1502
Eldora’s blue eyes hit his as soon as he walked in. “With Lotus,” she answered him after he spoke as well. “Said she was taking her for the day…” She watched as her husband came closer and touched the frilly dress with his hands. She had never been in such a thing. She barely wore fancy dresses at all. Matter of fact most of the time they were plain.

Steele circled around his wife and she looked back at him as he felt the lace around her back. “She said she wanted to play with you… Said you would like it… but I’ve never seen you like things like this…” But then again she had never worn anything like this. “I don’t understand. Do you like this?”

Eldora spin so his hand was now touching her bare belly. She tilted her head and looked up at him… Since he literally had a foot difference on her sometimes it did hurt her neck. A light blush filled her cheeks before she looked away from him shyly. “How was the town? Not too troublesome today? You look tired." Even with everything going on she had still taken time to notice him.

How I hate what I have become
Take me home
Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway

Character Info
Name: Steele Norcross
Age: 865
Alignment: CN
Race: Lycantrope/Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Warlord
Silver: 1011
He loved his wife and found her beautiful, there was no question in that. However, there was just something about her appearance right now that just made him watch her in awe. Her sister was up to something, that was for sure especially if she dressed her up in that and took their daughter for the day. He knew that Lotus was the thinker between herself and Dante so he doubted he had anything to do with this after all. There was a first for everything. But it was true that he had never seen her in such garments before- hell even in bed she’d be sooner naked than wearing such revealing things.

“Play with me? Is she trying to get a rise out of me?” Heaven knew that she had been punished once by Eldora when she was thinking some impure thoughts about him long ago. What was her gameplay this time? His fingers gilded carefully around the “dress” but still paid attention enough to notice the question. “Well…I never was put into this situation with anyone before…but I think it looks great on you.” It did much to compliment her curves and her hair…it wasn’t often that he would see it down like this…

His hand fell onto her belly yet he didn’t move it away from him. Instead, his fingers slid up to the top of the garment without thinking, tracing up to the part between her breasts. When she spoke, his concentration was renewed and he pulled away. “It was alright. Nothing too different from the others. At least Dante didn’t get me killed this time.” He sought for her hand and then lead her to one of the couches and took a seat. “Had to save one of the visitors from getting mauled. I think that city was better off without someone trying to establish some sort of order among the chaos. What about your day? Aside from…well your sister’s doing?” Of course, it was obvious that he was still enthralled with her form, but Steele was also one to try and have his priorities settled. But it was damn hard to focus this time. 


Character Info
Name: Eldora Norcross
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Oracle of Arri
Silver: 1502
Eldora wasn’t one to keep her appearance up but on occasion, Lotus sat her down and made her. She had learned a while ago not to fight her younger sister. The blush spread across her face a bit more as she smiled up at him. “I think she is trying to use me to get a rise out of you so she can figure out what to dress me in… Normally she just throws me in a dress and does my hair but this time…” She blushed a bit. “I wouldn’t go out in this. Because only you should see me in something like this.” She loved her husband after all.

His hands slid up and he played with the center of her cleavage. She took a long breath as he did so. Rarely did he ever do such a thing since she never wore something like this. He pulled away though and her eyes met his again as they spoke. “If Dante gets you killed… I’ll string him by his toes… use his soul to get you back and then let you maul him.” There was displeasure in her voice but a sigh left her lips. “I don’t think the idiot would let you die.”

A smile crossed her lips a bit. “We’ll figure out what Xunatar’s plans were for having you be a governor…” She thought about her day and smiled a bit as she sat up on his lap and snuggled into his neck. “Our daughter has been doing well today. She sat up on the swing by herself but I didn’t push it because she can’t hold onto it very well… She tried to eat with her own utensils. At least she didn’t get the food all over.” She laughed and pressed her lips to his cheek.

“I suppose that my days have been filled with Estelle while you have been busy. Xunatar hasn’t called on me yet but I imagine it will happen at some point. My talents and skills are not something he will let go easily. I believe that our marriage solidifies it even more.” Her hand went to his chest and she smiled up at him. “I did miss you a lot while you have been gone. We’ve rarely had time to be together lately.”

How I hate what I have become
Take me home
Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway

Character Info
Name: Steele Norcross
Age: 865
Alignment: CN
Race: Lycantrope/Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Warlord
Silver: 1011
“Nor would I suggest you do… “, he reassured her. Hell, there was no way that she could go outside, or even more so, to that city where she was sure to attract plenty of attention. No, she was right, it should be for his eyes only and even then he felt somewhat guilty about it. It wasn’t something of her own accord but rather that of her perverted sister’s. “She has good taste then, I’ll give her that..” It wouldn’t be hard for him to imagine that Lotus’ closet was likely full of clothes like what Eldora was wearing and he was sure that if the news reached her ear, then there would be plenty more coming their way. “Not sure why, but I do know that it is a nice change of pace. However, I don’t want you doing something you don’t want to.”

Steele smiled, knowing that she really would put Dante through that hell if he let anything happen to him. But he also knew that he wouldn’t survive for long without his elder brother, so it would do the half-elf much justice to keep his mouth in check. Not that he knew the meaning of that or put it into practice. “I’d beat him as if he had candy in him with a stick. Don’t fret about that. He’s smart enough not to put me or any of us into serious trouble.”

Leaning back against the couch, he was welcomed by the surprise of his wife taking a seat on his lap and fell onto him. His arms wrapped around her slender waist and he breathed in her scent before thinking fond thoughts about their daughter. It was odd not having her around ever since her birth. In fact, it had been a long time since the two of them had been all alone. “I see I missed plenty today. Wished I could have seen it all. Pretty soon she will be all grown up before we know it…” The wolf had a sad smile that didn’t last very long when she kissed him.

“I dunno. I stopped trying to figure that man out a while ago. It’s better for me to just do as he says for now and worry later about the why. Besides, nothing will happen to us while he is in charge. You are also family, as is Estelle. He won’t turn either of you away.” Steele laid his hand on her exposed thigh, caressing it with a firm enough motion. They were brought back to the present where it was just the two of them here. “I know. I miss you too, Eldora.” Moving some of her locks away from her, he swooped in to kiss her neck tenderly. His hand moved further up her, fingers drumming against her skin. Lust wasn’t something that he was used to feeling, but right now he felt like savoring his wife.

“Well, we finally have time now, it looks like”, he muttered as he kissed her again.


Character Info
Name: Eldora Norcross
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Oracle of Arri
Silver: 1502
She lifted her hand up and cupped his face. “I am not scared of nothing but losing you and Estelle.” A smile crept up on her face. “My life has been one filled with strife… until you and the baby.” She looked down at her body and up at him. “It does not bother me. If you enjoy it then it is something I will do.” She offered him up a smile.

He was so warm as he wrapped himself around her. She put her arms around him softly as she got comfortable with him. “There will be more that you won’t miss. I can at least tell you how her day goes when you aren’t here. When you are here we can spend our time with her… If she isn’t here we can at least have each other.” That was how their marriage worked and before long she was kissing him.

“As much as we don’t want to admit it… He dotes on her. I’ve never seen him like that with anyone besides Scarlett… Even now since he lost lies… I feel like if something were to happen he would come to get Estelle. I know that might sound silly but the spirits have been whispering it. They whisper she is loved.” She found herself drawing closer with each thigh caress. She really did miss Steele whenever he was gone.

She moved her head slightly as he brushed her hair back. It was a weird but good motion before she let him kiss her neck. Her hand lovingly swept up his arm and massaged his shoulder in a gentle motion as the lust sank into the room. Though lust wasn’t something either of them could ever light a candle to fully… They knew they loved each other. It made every movement worthwhile.

Kissing him back she smiled up at him. It was rare to see her with such emotion unless well… If you were Steele saw them in private and with Estelle as well. “Aye, we finally have time now… Might be the first time since we got married that we haven’t had Estelle with us.” She chuckled at him and straddled herself across his lap. Kissing him fully now she pressed herself again him and put her forehead to him. “We could break the house in so to speak. We’ve been here for a while now.”

There was a smirk on her face and she laughed a bit. “Take the time to govern your wife.”

How I hate what I have become
Take me home
Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway

Character Info
Name: Steele Norcross
Age: 865
Alignment: CN
Race: Lycantrope/Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Warlord
Silver: 1011
He knew that he would get nowhere with Eldora other than accepting her whim. It was an odd relationship between the two of them but it worked. All it took was him getting stabbed in the hand and then for the two of them to be forced to work with one another underneath his father and her god. But it worked. And it led to them creating something beautiful in Estelle. He had been worried that she would merely become another pawn in Xunatar’s game but so far she was in the clear. How long that would last though, it was anyone’s guess.

Slowly, however, was he losing such thoughts as he became more entangled with his wife as they embraced. “I’m sure that I will be seeing a lot of what she will be doing, alongside you. I just want to make sure that I see her important moments and know that she can count on us to be there with her every step of the way.” One could think it was because of the father wolf in him to want to be with his pup and mate. But Eldora was right in another sense- they could at least enjoy one another when their daughter wasn’t around. Dante was probably being driven mad with all three children there, and that only made his smile bigger.

Of course, it faded just a tad when he thought of his father. “Perhaps, but I know enough not to trust him fully until his hand is exposed on where Estelle stood with the god." But Scarlett was with him and he at least trusted her more. It helped to ease his mind and his wife telling him about the spirits did as well.  He trusted her enough to drown his worries and turn his attentions elsewhere with her. His hands instantly fell on her hips as she moved over him his lap. Steele kissed her back, his hands moved down her to her rear and gave it a firm squeeze. He liked the way the lace felt against his touch and before long, he felt himself growing excited in more ways than one. Gods knew that she looked ravishing in that outfit. Damn Lotus for doing this to him.

“I know, and we’ll get started on that, starting now.”

With that, he kissed her again and traveled down to the top of her breasts, his lips trailing down every inch and savoring her skin. The lycan demon gave her a firm grip, feeling against her curves as he alternated in kissing her breasts. The further things got, the more Eldora would become aware that her attire and positioning was getting him excited. Gods knew that he wanted to enter her warmth and enjoy it again, but they had to take their time in getting to know each other’s body all over again since it had been a while. With some difficulty, Steele was able to remove and toss his coat and further explore her body as he parted the “gown” portion of the outfit and kissed her belly tenderly.

"You look sexy in this thing", he smiled in between kisses.


Character Info
Name: Eldora Norcross
Age: Looks 20
Alignment: LN
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Oracle of Arri
Silver: 1502
Eldora smiled up at her husband which was still rare. However, she thought about her next words before giggling. “That sounds just like a very wise warlord. Honestly, that is the smart thing to do. I can go along with what the spirits say but I have come to realize I am more than just a vessel for them.” She smirked as she echoed the words that he had once told her.

As they kissed she jumped a bit and let out a short squeal as he grabbed her ass firmly. She gave a laugh and kissed him again. It was so surreal being there with him compared to where they had been before. “Sounds like a great plan for the evening.”

He wasn’t as primal as he used to be. Her thoughts swam back and forth as she remembered their first time. When he had let his wraith come out in a creative way. She could feel him growing more excited for her and this time they could spend together. Her blue eyes watched as he kissed down her more for a bit she relaxed herself giving him the space to remove his coat. She leaned back as he kissed her belly and smirked at his words. “I think that’s the first time you’ve ever used the word sexy to describe me.” She was teasing him as she brought him back up and kissed him after a time.

She put her forehead to his and smirked a bit. “You know my dearest sin of wraith it is okay to unwind a bit. To let loose with me.” She cupped his face and kissed him. “I’ll let you know if you go too far.” Her fingers pushed back his hair and gripped lightly. With only a little bit of force, she moved his head and kissed his neck tenderly. One hand reached below her and she playfully grabbed at his crotch. “Should be a lot of fun right?” She whispered into his ear before nipping at it.

How I hate what I have become
Take me home
Get away, run away, fly away
Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway

Character Info
Name: Steele Norcross
Age: 865
Alignment: CN
Race: Lycantrope/Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Warlord
Silver: 1011
Love and lust were two sides of the same coin and while Steele loved and lusted for Eldora, it was apparent that he was acting much differently than he would normally. She looked gorgeous in her outfit that Lotus made her wear, yes; but as this played out, he was starting to think that it had more to do with them having gone so long without copulating. They had gone without since Estelle’s birth and coupled with the recent changes and his new “position” in his father’s stead, there hadn’t been much time for just the two of them.

He looked at her amused by her surprised reaction, but he was feeling rather primal than before in recent days. His hunger could be felt with every kiss and his wandering hands upon her supple form. Raw energy hadn’t been yet the same for him as it had when they first made love. But back then he had even less control of himself and his emotions. His touch held steady upon her hips as he savored the taste of her body against his tongue and lips. Their kisses grew more fierce and wanting. One hand slip behind her head, fingers slipping with her black, wavy hair. “I know…something just gotten into me”, he spoke in-between kisses.

He knew that his wife wanted this just as badly, but he also knew that there were limits that she hadn’t been afraid to establish with him from before. A jolt to the mind had been her MO when it came to making him gather control, to which he would be grateful (more so afterwards rather than at the moment of). The wolf demon let himself be dominated by her as she explored his neck. Even being part wolf, it was a spot where instinctively only the most trusted could venture at for a wolf. He moaned slightly with a smile as he felt her touch even with his pants on. It wouldn’t be long before he swung her into the couch and laid her down while he swiftly removed his shirt and descended upon her, his kisses sent against her legs, then thighs and stomach and then towards her breasts where he pulled down one side of the brassiere enough to expose her right breasts before kissing it tenderly and flickering at her nipple with his tongue. One hand slipped up her thigh to caress it slowly as his eyes latched onto hers as he continued to pleasure her body.

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