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Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun Jul 1, 2018 12:25 AM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

“I could question either one of those decisions, though the one that I ponder from time to time is why you found yourself with me.” Xunatar chuckled darkly. It was hardly a secret that he was one that stirred up the trouble in these parts, even in his youth, many didn’t trust the then demon prince. She had been warned of what he was, yet here they were.

“A good deal of them are, but there are some that I take interest in. For instance, there was a man looking to avenge his wife’s murder. Apparently his own best friend who he served in the army up northern Canelux coveted her. Like a good woman, she refused and he stole her life. A shame, but he knew what needed to be done and I gave him a bit of shadows to help cover him through the night over to this friend’s place and well…he avenged her all right.” His eyes watched Scarlett with hungry eyes, akin to a predator of a different sort. She was right though- he had no time for weakness and most sadly fit that category. “Right you are. Aside from you, my brother and his son, and a few of my own children, I don’t waste much time with others, let alone trust them as much.”

He waited until she slipped away from the bed before creeping up behind and wrapping his fingers delicately around either side of her hips. His face leaning up to her fiery hair without worry. “Like that would be a problem”, he laughed. “All you would have to do would be snap your fingers, if you even need to do so much to call me.” It honestly wouldn’t take much for her to allure him away from his “duties”. He was already preferring for her to snatch him away from such again.

“Hm, I suppose we should. It has been a while since we were by ourselves outside my domains. Hiding isn’t really my forte unless there’s a point to it. So we should take this in consideration and say “to hell with it”. Have any places in mind in your devious and crafty mind, love?”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:30 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

Scarlett chuckled softly, and rolled seductively on the bed while stretching before she reached down to the floor and grabbed her shirt and pulled it on. "Even if you did, my Love, I am personally of the belief that the closer you are to danger, the further away you are from harm," she said. "Why do you think I work in the maw of a sleeping dragon? Or work with dangerous materials?" she asked him. 

"I guess it never occurred to me that there would be little you would actually consider work as a god. Knowing YOU as you are, it makes sense though," she chuckled. "Though I am sure some of those prayers get quite tedious," she added. "Especially from the whiny ones. You are not exactly patient when it comes to the pathetic. Fortunately, there are few if any around you that actually qualify as pathetic." 

She slid off the bed and went to the side table and poured herself a glass of wine. 

"It's nice to know that your calling as a deity does not take up a whole lot of your time. It means that I can have you to myself whenever you deem it," she chuckled. "You know, we should go on holiday. See what shenanigans we can get into out in the world of mortals. Too many deities hide in their domains, as the god of Chaos you should get out and spread a little discord here and there," she smiled. 

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:41 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]


Xunatar tilted his head, slightly puzzled by the comparison of his status and having some sort of labor follow it. In truth, his position wasn’t like those of Angela and Dalanesca who were wardens of life and death, having to watch over the world and decide where people ended up in the end upon reaching them. No, his seemed more abstract like the rest of the pantheon, at least in his own opinion. “Work seems like an out of place word for me. Truthful, aside from listening to the drones of prayers I receive- for assassins to be one with the shadows and hide until the time is right, to the creatures of the night asking me for a bountiful hunt, I am left with my own devices. I do as I please and so far the Voice, Tree, whatever it wants to call itself knew what sort of creature I was prior to becoming a divine.”

He gave it some more thinking, the question was certainly food for thought. Yes, he was awarded his domains for a reason, but even so, he was at times kept on a tight leash. “I suppose that I do bring in the night, or at least people believe I do because of Darkness, but even before Dalanesca had taken it, hadn’t it came to us on time each time the day ended? As for Chaos, I can make it my own but really it does have its way of being uncontrolled even by yours truly. I suppose that I do master it enough to not let it swallow the world, as tempting as it sounds. I do make it a point to use my powers to serve as lessons to our fellow man. I suppose that’s the goal I see each day- to enlighten them all on many things. Sometimes they get it…and others….they simply don’t.”

His head was lifted as a calling came to him. The prayer was loud enough for his ears only and he sighed. “What irks me the most about these prayers is that they expect me to do everything for them. One of them had just been afflicted with lycanthropy and believe that I can cure it with a whim.” Perhaps he could, but he wasn’t going to do it for free. That, and it would simply coddle the fool instead of him trying to solve things himself. “I am perhaps the most disliked deity on the pantheon because of my activities to try and teach them. And as I’m finding out the hard way, the grand schemer behind the wall that strings us along like puppets doesn’t seem too pleased with me either. Ultimately I will have to obey or the strings will be cut and I come crashing down.”

He waved it off with a bored look as the prayer of the lycan continued to flood his mind. It was nigh insufferable to hear him whine and complain, but Xunatar managed to keep his stoic look and drew closer to her. She couldn’t help being herself any more than he could help to be him. Give her a tool, and she would craft to her heart’s desire; give him his own tools, and he could lie, manipulate, and control the situation he faced against.

“But, like I said before, it knows what kind of person I can be, so it will have to take that with a grain of salt. None the less, I won’t do anything that would actively place you or our family in danger. You can rest assure, my sweet Scarlett.”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:07 AM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

"I am fairly confident that if I can forge something out of Lacriamium, I should be able to forge something out of this," she said as she looked up at Xunatar from where she was scribbling her notes. She pouted slightly as she watched Xunatar pull on a robe, but turned back to her notes. "I'll need more of it though, it will take some experimenting in the forge to really get a feel for it," she mused. She thought about the name. "Noxytine. Yeah, I agree, that's a good one," she mused. She finished scribbling down her initial thoughts on the metal and possible ideas for what she could use the metal to forge. 

She smirked as he praised her crafting abilities. "Yes, yes I am," she agreed. "Though there are some things I can't craft on my own," she said coyly. "Oh, I will be teasing the potential out of it soon enough," she said with a grin. She put down her pen and sat back down on the edge of the bed and stretched. "I trust you are off to do some work yourself now?" she asked as she lay back down on the bed and looked up at him with her chin resting on her propped up palm. "I've never asked before, but what sort of things does the God of Darkness have to tend to?" she asked him curiously.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 6:38 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

It was like luring a moth to the flame; he knew that his love would savor such a material that had been untouched by any other mortal. Only the two of them actually knew of its existence and Discordia was the only place in the realm to find it. “Yes, this island does at times have a sense of humor. But I think the joke was on it this time around.” Xunatar turned towards Scarlett and smirked as he too had felt the marvelous power behind it too. It was a rather nice surprise when he had discovered and felt it. “Perhaps, though I’m fairly sure that Lacriamium is still stronger than it. But I could also be wrong about it. It would be wonderful to find out more of it."

He leaned on his elbow and watched with the smirk growing wider as she took off and felt into her habit of work. First of which was to gather as much information as possible, which she did through the barrage of questions. It made him chuckle as he laid there. She was hardly one with idle hands, ever.

“I’d go with something like Noxytine; has a nice ring to it, darling.” It wasn’t long before he slipped out of bed himself and into a comfortable black robe so that he could join her at the desk. He turned his back towards it and leaned back, his head lifted up to the ceiling as he went to answer the rest of her questions. “I believe that it can only be found here, but I’d hardly be surprised if small amounts of the ore were about, here and there. Most people probably won’t recognize it for what it’s worth and leave it be. Assuming that Noxytine wasn’t only on the island, that was. “No, I have told no one other than you. I, myself, don’t have the talent to forge it into something. You are far greater at that craft than I am”, he spoke bluntly. That was certainly more of her strength and his eyes shifted down enough to see what she was scribbling down in her book. “I’d just imagine that it could have promising potential and only one that is a master can bring it out.”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:46 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

She pouted softly as he removed himself from her, but he caught her interest when he clearly seemed to be summoning something from somewhere in his vaults. She crawled across the bed and lay on her belly, watching him intently as the strange solid shadow material appeared in his hand. She puckered her lips thoughtfully as he showed her the strange metallic substance. She plucked it up from his hand and was surprised how heavy it was despite its relatively small size. It was smooth, organically shaped, and filled most of her palm, which immediately fell to the bed due to the unforeseen weight of the stuff. Her eyebrows were in danger of disappearing into her curls as she looked up at Xunatar as he told her about the unknown metal. 

"It's beautiful," she mused softly as she lifted it to the firelight to see it better. She pressed a fingernail and found that it was indeed incredibly soft and malleable, not unlike gold. "Soft, though. Like gold, which is interesting. Paradoxical, really if it is suppose to temper well," she said thoughtfully. She closed her fingers around the material and noticed a faint hum to the stuff. "It's charged with magic too. Interesting… kinda like lacriamium," she got up off the bed and walked over to the desk. 

"You said it had a name?" she asked. "What is it called? I haven't seen anything like it before. And it can only be found in Discordia?" She pulled out her field journal and began scratching notes on the pages. "Has anyone else tried to forge with it?"

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:40 AM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

Xunatar listened attentively towards his soon-to-be bride’s works as of late. Many of which he hadn’t had the pleasure of knowing about. Relics of the old days were more of his forte, but new creations weren’t completely far from him. No, he could imagine just how effective these things could be in this day and age, especially if they were crafted by her hands. “I’d imagine you keep your favorites with you, of course.” He chuckled softly, letting his chest rise and fall slowly while Scarlett was pressed up against him. Gods her warmth was so comforting against the god’s skin as he wrapped his arm around her.

When the subject of making him something came to mind, he looked at her with a rather stunned look. He hadn’t expected for her to craft him anything and to be honest, he wasn’t quite sure what she could make to appeal to him. Not that he didn’t welcome the challenge. “I’d look forward to it, my dearheart.” A thought did cross his mind as to what he could have her work on but then her kiss stole his thoughts away as his lips pressed against hers. “Of course. Hell nor Heaven could stop me from that. In my hands, you will be safe, just as our children would be.” His eyes flickered lightly and soon he slowly rose to sit up on the bed and brought out his hand. Within moments a strange dark metal settled into his palm and he brought it over for her to see. It looked like pure darkness that had been forced into a solid state.
Despite its size, it was far denser and heavier than what one would believe to be possible.

“I think you’d find this as a worthy challenge. Not too long ago, I had found samples of this…ore around Discordia’s coastlines. Very sturdy yet malleable enough under the right heat temperatures. Aside from that, even I do not know of its true potential. This is something first of its name and I’m sure that in your profession, you can see the importance it could yield. I want you to be the first to be able to craft something out of it. As to what, I’ll let your imagination run wild.”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:51 AM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

She sighed in contentment as he pet her hair, and she was in the process of stretching when he asked her about she was working on. It surprised her, but pleasantly. He hadn't asked that before, he had really just left her to her work. This made her smile. She propped herself on her elbows and looked up at him and smiled. 

"I just finished a bag that will hold an endless amount of items. I sewed it into my satchel so I will never run out of room inside it to carry components for crafting and alchemy. It knows automatically what I am looking for so I don't have to search the bag constantly," she said as she tucked her curls behind her ear. "And I just finished some enchanted dragon claw gauntlets that are capable of igniting anything they touch into flames. I had to build them in the volcano directly and dare a dragons wrath to obtain the blood I needed to craft them," she boasted. "Now I am working on a blade that holds the essence of a dying phoenix. When I am done, the blade should be bathed in fire when it is drawn, and put off a heat so intense it can melt through any substance," she said. "Clearly I enjoy building things that work with my element," she grinned. "But I have been toying with a few ideas of what I could build for you as well…" she said as she traced a circle upon his belly with her finger tips. 

"Of course I do," she smiled. "And I know that you would tear the world apart if it meant taking care of me and our future children," she added. She leaned in and kissed him deeply. "It has always been a philosophy of mine that the closer you are to danger, the further away you are from harm," she chuckled. She looked at him fondly. 

"Tell me… what could I craft for you that you would consider a worthy gift?"

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 6:08 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

Xunatar reclined in his throne with his soon to be wife perched on top of him. There would have to be a few changes made in this particular room, but her lovely words filled his mind and thoughts were directed elsewhere. Someplace more…pleasurable. “You’re right, we have plenty of time to worry about them.” He felt her warm hand against him and started to expose more of him from his robe and in turn, he savored feeling her body against the thin, silky gown right before they indulge in one another for hours and hours.

When they were through with the throne room, they only moved their play into their bedroom and continued from where they left off. She was the only ray of light that he would allow into his darkened heart, at least until they had children of their own, of course. Their scents mingled together along with the smell of sex throughout the room. Xunatar laid on the bed, silent and content with their series of lovemaking, as always. His hand brushed against her hair mindlessly, ivy eyes watched her savor his flesh with her lips. Scarlett was as much his as he was hers and should anything happen to her…he wouldn’t stop until his newfound wrath would tear the realm asunder if needed.

“What projects have you been up, my fiery dove? We’ve talked enough about me, and I’ve been curious as to what’s been occupying your time as of late.”

While he waited for her answer, the demon king smirked and continued to caress her body with a gentle hand. “As terrible as I can, you do know that I love you, right? That part hasn’t changed at all, I can assure you.”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:42 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

"There is only one thing I want right now," she gasped as he kissed her neck. "Even if our children ended up being more like you, I won't be disappointed. You are beautiful in your own right," she purred as she settled down on his lap in compliance with his pulling her hips towards him. "With your beautiful pale hair…" she whispered as her fingers brushed through his long locks. "…and your flawless skin…" she added as her fingertips trailed down his throat to his exposed chest. She pushed his robe back further as the thin strap of her silk gown slipped over her shoulder. "I do hope that there is plenty of you in them…" 

There was plenty of christening in the next few hours. The throne room, and in their own chambers. His darkness completely enveloped her, and she loved every minute of it. When all was done, she lie upon their bed, skin and hair damp and body alight with the fire of their shared passion. She smiled as relaxed upon him, and placed gentle kisses upon his collar bones. 

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Tue Jan 9, 2018 11:26 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

Gentle wasn’t the sort of word most would grant to Xunatar; every word that was typically used to describe him was far from that. Even his own children were skeptical of him and his actions though he couldn’t very well blame them. After all, he had not been the greatest father of all times, or even remotely close to that. The only ones that were truly safe in his hands were Scarlett and his grandchildren, and only they have seen his much softer side. Scarlett seemed very keen on both the idea of their unification as well as having children of their own. Perhaps that side of him would be more open to their own since they would also be part of his love’s.

“I wonder what sort of children that would come from the two of us. It’s certainly a thought that crossed my mind a few times as of late. Perhaps they would have your talents and beauty, or perhaps they would be more like me…it’s a roll of the dice like you said though. Regardless, I look forward to making them. That is the fun part.” He gave an all too satisfying grin at her. The ceremony and such were foreign things to him and fortunately, they wouldn’t have to make it an extravagant thing like others would have done. Merely a trusted few would attend and things between them made official. The ring was a bit of a surprise and he saw that she indeed fancied it. Perhaps it was only rivaled in desire by his kiss as he placed it against her lips. It felt like he was kissing at a gentle Ignius afternoon, so warm and inviting.

His smile turned more genuine as they broke the embrace and even now he knew that they would have a wonderful evening ahead of them. But Xunatar was ever patient and watched as her work clothes were placed with something a tad more comfortable for her. Needless to say that he simply loved it from the look on his face. “Indeed. I look forward to christening as much of the palace as possible”, he said in a low whisper as she led him to his very throne. He fell upon it and it took her by the hips and led his queen onto his lap. He basked in the warmth she provided as well the heavenly scents that came from her like burning incenses. Xunatar wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips pressed against her neck and lingered there for a few moments as his embrace tightened just a little. “It won’t be long before you make yourself at home here. Like before, nearly anything you’d want, it can be provided to you.”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:48 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

"I know that," she said softly. "Sometimes it catches me by surprise how gentle you can be." She laughed at the mention of how she was with children. He wasn't wrong, she doted on the twins and Estelle, and they adored her as well. It wasn't much a side of herself that she got to explore while working in the forges. Though she had some exposure to dwarvish children they were not at all like Estelle or Corbin and Casimir.
"I have always considered children some of the most creative works anyone could create, because they are so complex, unique and you never quite know what you are going to get. They are like molten ore… it takes work to help them become the true treasure that they were destined to be." She rubbed her nose to his. 

"We may be able to find time do have a small ceremony, if we want. I do know that both of us are very busy individuals,"
she replied. "Though if we decide it is official, then that is all that matters really," she added after a brief thought. She lifted her now bedazzled hand to get a better look at the ruby that adorned it. It was definitely meant to catch the eye, and was of some of the finest craftsmanship Scarlett had ever seen. She even found herself a tiny bit jealous of the talent of the craftsperson who had created it, as it rivaled the quality of her own work. She wouldn't be able to wear it while working at the forge, but a simple chain around the neck would keep it always close to her heart. 

Thoughts scattered as he enveloped her in a passionate kiss which she returned eagerly, feeling her body heating up with anticipation. She exhaled smoke that smelled slightly of cinnamon when they parted, and she giggled coyly. 

"So many new places to have some fun. How fortunate for us that the night here is forever young," she breathed in his ear. A flare of magic swelled up around her as her clothes changed from the rather charred and soiled work clothes to something much softer, cleaner, and more feminine. "Ah, that's much better. Much more accommodating,"  she said as she pulled him towards his throne.

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:28 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

“I suppose you are right, for both your sake as well as our child’s.” Such words felt foreign to him even for someone that had hundreds of children over the course of his life. But then again, considering why there had been so many, theirs would be the first he would genuinely raise. Even more so, he had cared little to nothing about the mothers of his past sired, but Scarlett was a vastly different case. His fingers gently tapped again her stomach as he thought more about how the child would look. A part of him hoped that they would retrain their mother’s beauty, but his intellect and both their prowess.

Her little statement made Xunatar roll his eyes as he pressed himself further against her and leaned close to her face. “I’m not completely cold, just enough to set my point across. Plus, you and children just seem natural. I have seen how you are with my grandchildren and they dote on you greatly.” Eyes trailed along her hand as it traveled down his face. Scarlett was one of the few that didn’t fear to get close to him and was in a smaller group of people that could get away with it.

“Perhaps a ceremony? Or should we simply make it so and skip that formality?” In any sense, his fingers slipped onto her hand and within a moment, he withdrew and a gorgeous ring with a lovely sized ruby was settled onto her finger. “I can’t say that I have much better experience in this regard, but I figure that we can do as we wish because of that though. But I wouldn’t say no towards starting to work on conceiving… “ The god smiled wickedly as he approached, his lips seeking out her own in a passionate kiss. Only after a bit did he break it off and considered another thought. “We have yet to break in our new home, our own little private playground…”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:20 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

Scarlett clasped her hands over Xunatar's as he held her from behind and pressed his hands over her belly. She had said that a long time ago, in another world. But it did sound lovely. She smiled serenely over her shoulder at him. 

"It wouldn't impede me too terribly. I wouldn't be able to work in a forge for fear of consequences of being exposed to an extreme heat source for hours on end, but I could still work," she reassured him. She had been feeling very much the same about starting a family. She had been spending a lot of her free time with Estelle, and on occasion visited Lotus and played with her twin boys. Holding them and playing with them had instilled in her a desire to have her own, something that she had never really considered before. She had always devoted her time to the forge… but there had been a significant reason for that. 

"Who would have thought the Master of Discord and King of the Night would have such a soft spot," she asked him gently. "I would consider it my greatest honor… and perhaps my greatest triumph to bear a child for you." She turned to him again, and ran one of her callused hands against his cheek and lightly ran her fingers through his fine pale hair. 

"As far as making me your Queen legally and officially, where do we need to start? I can't say I have had very much experience with such things, since my focus has always been my work… but there is no reason we have to wait for the trying for an heir…"

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:46 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

Her words wouldn’t have been truer as he fell back into lost memories of their past. Both he and Scarlett weren’t the same people they had been when they had met back at the waterfalls many moons ago. It also served them well to remember that they were meant for greater and better things. This new kingdom of theirs was just the very start as far as he was concerned. Though he would be sure to see that no harm would come to her, he also knew well that she could handle herself. If anything, it would have been advised to the citizens to be wary of her, but the god owed them nothing. Let them find out for themselves should they be stupid enough to try and hurt her. And if they survived somehow, then they would have to deal with him. As cold as he could be to just about anyone else outside his family, Xunatar wasn’t completely heartless. Scarlett would just happen to the perfect person to ask about just that.

“Anything to your heart’s content.”, he replied as he led her to the palace. Every so often the shadows on the walls and the corners would turn and twist as they walked by only to return to their original state.

The change had did little to free him from his charms, which he took in delight as he watched her reaction. Love, devotion, and loyalty. Those were traits that he learned not to indulge in and even more so not to show it to any other. While he technically broke that ruling when he had some of his children, she had been the only one to make his dark heart quiver as it had from when she had returned to him.

Icy blue orbs skimmed over her lovely form as she descended from the throne. It had been a long time that he debated internally for some time. While he wouldn’t have minded making it known to the world, it would also open her up to his enemies and those that didn’t favor the god. But whether she knew it or not, she had done so much for him already that he wanted to fulfill the promise made to her. His hands fell on her hips as she embraced him. The darkness rose somewhat from the floor, blanketing their feet as he matched her grin. “As would I. I have promises to keep, after all. I said that you would be my Queen, and there was one other thing…something I was hesitant at first. But I suppose that Estelle had inspired me…” He released her momentarily and swung around behind her, collapsing his hands against her stomach.

“I seem to recall that you…wanted to bear my children. I realize that things are vastly different and it would jeopardize your work. Then he let out a hearty laugh, “What I mean is that I don’t mean right this moment. But it is something to keep in mind for the future, should this be what you want as well. I think a part of the reason why I thought about it was that I didn’t normally see my children until they were older. Estelle was the first child in general that I have been there for since her birth. And then the twins. You were right back in the ruins, those munchkins brought out something in me, kind of like how you have, love.”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:56 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

"Everything changes with time I suppose," Scarlett said thoughtfully as she looked out over the new kingdom of night. She felt the weight of his shadows on her legs and smiled. What people said about darkness having the capability of feeling heavy was true, but in her case the shadows were not an oppressive weight, but an almost protective one. She smiled at him. "Don't worry about me too much out there. Denizens of the night typically have one little but influential phobia, and I happen to be a walking, talking, manifestation of that phobia," she reassured him as turned to walk with him and take a tour of the new palace.  "It would be nice, to be honest, to have a workshop and forge here. I mean, having the portal to my workshop in mines of Zujiuchu is nice, but I do think it would be beneficial to be able to work here too. It would mean I could have a couple different projects going." 

His compliment made her smile and a slight pink came to her cheeks. That was the otherworld Scarlett coming out. Whenever sweet words rolled off his tongue towards her it brought out the clearly girly side of her that she might not have otherwise shown. Her eyes lifted to the ruby that was suspended over his throne, and remembered how much fun it had been to bring it back from the desert city. It had also been quite fun to rub it in the face of the former deity who had called Xunatar a slew of names and claimed he was unworthy to wield the mantle of Chaos. "A fine prize indeed," she giggled softly. She walked up to his throne and began running a hand up and over his throne as he spoke. She listened intently to what he was saying. It caught her by surprise, but not at the same time. The hint of a smile teased at the corners of her mouth as she looked back over he shoulder at Xunatar. 

"Is that so?" she asked him coyly, before she turned and walked back up to him, her hands clasped behind her back. "Well then, Xunatar, I have only one thing to say to you," she said simply as she stopped in front of him, tall enough to look him directly in the eye, her amethyst gaze trained on his pale blue. "It's about bloody time," she grinned broadly. She tossed her arms around his neck. "I would love that."

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sat Dec 9, 2017 10:47 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

“Yes, she must of have. I still feel her presence as a deity among us. The reason for the change eludes me if it’s not the Tree’s sense of humor.” That damned Voice and its constant trickery, but in this case, he hadn’t really minded it too much. It was only a terrible thing that he couldn’t also hold onto the mantle of lies, but his disappointment would be short lived. At least Scarlett wasn’t fearful of him or of their new home; in fact she was rather quick to adapt to the changes. But that’s always been this version of her’s case as he’s been learning since their union. As intelligent and daring as she was beautiful. In time, he was sure that she would provide him with strong heirs and heiresses, if she wished it.

The thought left the god for now as the shadows slipped from beneath his being and onto the floor where it flowed well pass her without harm. The change had done plenty towards his character yet Xunatar was mostly the same as he had been. It was just that the veil was no longer on him. The shadows softly caressed her legs as he looked on, a slick smile forming on his lips at her analogy. “It is fitting since many in my new city are creatures of the night. As the ruler of night, they see me as their father and this island as a sanctuary from Canelux’s prejudice. Not to mention that there’s plenty of treasures down there, though I’d advise you to take great care there. There are no other laws than doing what you need to survive. Though, I’m sure that all you need to do is roast their haunches and they’ll leave you be if they become too rousey.”

“If that be your wish, then one of the many rooms here can accommodate as your office, forge, whatever you wish it to be, Scarlett.” Xunatar lead her through the palace, having her keep close to him as to not get lost. It wasn’t until they reached the throne room that he smirked at the sight of the giant ruby stone that was placed up against the wall above his seat. “A radiant treasure, although you are my greatest find, dearest. He looked to her for a long moment before glancing back at the stone. “In time, we should think about strengthening our commitment to one another, Scarlett. It’s been on my mind for sometime now- my children respect you, and even my granddaughter adores you so much. But mostly it’s because I do love you greatly. You are my queen, but I’d like to make it official and share a many more things with you…”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Sat Dec 9, 2017 6:28 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

She spun around in surprise as Xunatar's voice echoed all around her. In the Cradle she would have expected it, but in the black gothic halls that already put off an eerie feeling, it was enough to startle her, and she yelp softly, flames appearing in her hands, a warm contrast to the blue fire that lit the sconces. When he appeared, she gave a slight relieved laugh and extinguished her fists. She examined her now black and metal clad lover in interest as he came up to her and dropped his hood. 

"I thought I felt a tremor through the heart of the world. Only a small one, but I guess if you have taken on Darkness, it means that the Reaper has taken up the mantle of something different as well. Two deities making a change is enough to rock the foundations of the world," she said as she looked him over. She gently straightened his black cloak. There was a new… deepness to his voice, as if reverberating with the deepness of the night. 

"I'll say a lot has changed. I left a… bright and open if not deceitful temple of mind bending tricks, and return home to a vampire's dream home," she chuckled. "Oh thank you," she added quickly as he dismissed the cold. It hadn't bothered her too much, since it had helped her cool off from the heat of her forge, it was a welcome change. She turned and looked out the window at the new city below cloaked in the embrace of eternal night. It was a change from the chaotic conglomeration of environmental islands, and the denizens were some that most would rather not associate with. She however, felt a twinge of excitement. 

"I make my own hours. So if takes me a week to adjust, so be it. I can always do some work here instead. I think I will like this though. What better a place for a killer pyrotechnics show? The explosions will be amazing here. And I can't wait to meet the new neighbors. Don't get me wrong, dwarves are nice, but you can really get interesting objects from those of the infernal line," she told him. 

"What prompted the change then?"

Author: Xunatar, Posted: Sat Dec 9, 2017 6:00 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

The reality had been fairly easy for him to accept that he had a new place within the pantheon now that Chaos and Darkness were his spheres now. Xunatar was overlooking the city and observed the bestial inhabitants that now in his charge. His word was law to them, fully to the letter as he heard their whispers of applause of their king. From the balcony, he felt the nightly bitter cold against his flesh, chilling through his clothing yet it felt great.

It had yet to dawn on him of how his family would take to the new changes now that Discordia had evolved from the Cradle, but soon it would come to mind as he felt someone enter the palace. The emptiness gave way to its newest guest and from there did the demon sink into the shadows and traveled through it to where the other person was. It was appropriate that it would be Scarlett to be the first to make it through and though this was a new realm, it knew of the mistress he had taken for some time now. He felt not of what she was thinking of the changes, but if he was a betting man, he was certain that confusion and concern were just the tip of the iceberg.

“Funny what hand fate had dealt to me…to us today.” The voice rang from all directions just before he rose from the depths. Instead of his white and black striped robes, Xunatar now stood before her in a robe of black that exposed his torso and a pair of metal pauldrons resting upon his shoulders. The hood was draped over his head as he approached her, but upon stopping right in front of her, he dropped it and let the familiar face appear. “I’ll spare you the games, my love. It appears that I have picked up the mantle of Darkness. Deception is no longer my instrument, however. And the Hollow Cradle has now shifted into a isle of uncertainty and eternal night. I decided to name her Discordia.” The change in him was evident enough, from his appearance to even his tone. However, he wasn’t as heartless as many would believe the king to be.

“The shift has happened very recently. It hadn’t been a day yet and I know I shouldn’t speak of it since you of all people would know, Scarlett. But I still find it…surreal that all of this has happened. Much has changed since you had left for your work this morning.” He knew that the newfound cold had stricken her, so he waved his hand away and with it, the cold took its leave from where they stood. A ghost of a smile appeared as he lead her to the nearest window and pointed out to the night he had indeed spoken of. “I pray that this won’t mess up your sleeping schedule, love.”

Author: Fireheart, Posted: Sat Dec 9, 2017 5:03 PM, Post Subject: Something Has Changed! [GO]

It had been a long, hot and hard day of forging. The fires always burned hot in the dwarven realm. Scarlett sighed in exhaustion, and wiped beads of sweat from her forehead, her flaming red hair damp against her skin. She dropped her tools on her work bench rather unceremoniously before she grabbed her bag and pushed through the gate-door that took her from the Zujiuchu Mountains to Xunatar's domain where she had made her home for some months now. 

She was still in a heat daze when she crossed the threshold so she didn't notice the more than obvious change in decor in the Temple. It wasn't until she felt the blast of cold air that she noticed that something was off. She paused and looked around, her amethyst eyes wide in bewilderment. She walked fully into the room and looked around. It was not the temple she had left when she had gone back to Zujiuchu to work, though the power was familiar. But everything was darker, colder. She could feel a sense of apprehension tickling the hair on the back of her neck. The pale blue glow of the coldfire that she knew Xunatar had become fond of since the little game rally he'd had with Gifre's Vault. This was still Xunatar's domain for sure, but this was far from the Cradle she had left. 

She dropped her bag beside the bed like she did customarily before she tentatively left the room to explore the clearly new domain and hopefully get an explanation on what was going on.

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