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Character Info
Name: Xunatar Norcross
Age: Over 3000
Alignment: CE
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen God
Silver: 3157
Barely seen just beyond the horizon from Vilpamolan, a massive isle constructed from what appears to be smaller islands assembled together settles within the Nyella Ocean. Ships can try to sail as much as they please to reach it, but many found that they simply go through and end up going away from it on the other side. The same result will arrive for those that try to swim or fly their way onto it. For one to actually make their arrive, one must wish to make it to this sour ground. Letting the darkness crept into their minds and them wanting to be taken by the shadows will guide them into The Forsaken Isle. As long as they believe, it doesn’t matter in what manner of travel they take, they will reach it. Much like Koschei Isle, this one is shrouded by a nightly darkness, never will the sun be seen unless its King allows it. Only the light of the moon is allowed to pierce through the veil, but only when it is true night.

.The pier.
This will always be the starting point; a decrepit and creaky wooden pier that looks and feels like it could all fall apart at any given moment. While it is the norm to see visitors tiptoeing and carefully departing from here, it will not fall apart. A lone elderly fisherman silently watches from the edge as he busies himself with his usual business. Save for one phase he will barely mutter out once before no more is ever heard from him again. “Turn back now.”

.The lost woods. 
Most of the surrounding area is filled with a woodland that had once thick trees and vegetation had once thrived but now is a shadow of their former selves. Bare tree trunks stand eerily by the numbers, some are crooked but for the most part they stand straight up. Beaten paths leading through them can lead people astray and have them circling around for hours in the same area. The setting provides a sense of dread and gloomy as if the darkness within them is actually trying to consume them from the inside out. Faint lights seen in the distance will lead to the will-o’-wisps that inhabit the forest. They can be willing to play guide to make it through here and make it to the city. Dark fairies also occupy the lost woods but unlike the will-o’-wisps, they are less likely to assist but to hinder through their antics. The worst of these creatures though are known as the black beasts- hulking creatures of dark fur, black eyes, sharp claws and fangs that hunt viciously and swiftly in packs. Beyond that, many do not know what they look like aside from for they either flee and survive or more so, perish and become their meal.

.The city.
Whether by the help of the will-’o-wisps or by fortune, should one make it through the gates of Discordia, do not consider the danger to be over. Nay, if anything, it has just begin. The city itself has most of its buildings constructed with iron, darkwood and other dark metals.

Many of the denizens here are creatures of the night, of the darkness or of the demonic nature, with the latter being the more favored citizens with rights beyond the former. Despite of this, there is a sense of lawlessness aside from that and newcomers will find themselves in deep trouble. Perhaps for no other reason than them just being there. It isn’t unheard of hunts taking place nor of the killings that come soon after the apex but there are some sanctuaries set up to provide a sense of protection, though they aren’t completely absolute. Despite this, many visitors from all over arrive here to test their luck in receiving some of the rare items that are present in its markets, whether the sellers had gained them honestly or if ill-gotten.

.The palace.
Deep within Discordia lays a mysterious palace made of obsidian a bit out of the way from the city’s outskirts. Its large exterior, Gothic in style, creates the presence of gloom and a coldness that can’t be shaken off easily. It causes hairs to stand and darkening thought to enter just as the entrance opens for its guests. Inside, an arrangement of hallways awaits with rooms that will constantly rearrange themselves to newcomers. Those that have gained the King’s favor need not to worry about such things. Many rooms contain nothing at all, while some carry cursed treasures, other possess dangerous creatures and some are simply normal rooms. Endless staircases are also not unheard of, but that is much more of a punishment that Xunatar will inflict upon those that have insulted or antagonize him in any manner. Much of the light that is provided inside is coldfire rather than its typical cousin, basking everything in its bright blue color.

A large staircase will lead up to the second floor where his throne room will await those. Inside there, flames of coldfire burn bright within large bowls that lead straight towards the throne itself where the god awaits. Pillars stand in between each bowl and the rest of the room is unmistakably accompanied by large windows that peek into the ocean itself. Behind the throne, a large ruby is settled on the wall; a trophy from a priest of a former god that dared to insult Xunatar and call him a false god of chaos. The jewel was used once used to spite the world and perhaps revive the dead god, according to the rumors. But now it simply rest dormant and useless for any other.

Beyond that is the usual necessities for those that serve him as well as for his family- on the first floor, kitchens and a very generous library await while private bedrooms and the master chamber is on the second.

Below the palace resides dungeons that run deep throughout the isle, filled with horrors that can be unimaginable except for one with such infinite imagination. Unlike the rest of his home, these areas are barely lite and the cold is more present, depraving its victims of any warmth. Barred rooms with metal chains latched the walls keeps one from escaping as they reliving their nightmares over and over again until they either break or die, or they are pardoned, which is a rarity of itself. That is unless they prove themselves useful to his lordship.

|You prophet of hate
You profit from faith
Truth-less, two-faced, two-bit

The Mad Admin, Brandon*

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