Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Naota, Posted: Sun Oct 8, 2017 4:16 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

He felt the last of his anger leave him as she stood up, listening to her words. As much as he wanted to insist on giving her his offered blessing, there was something to be said about wanting to handle things on your own. Honestly, he was the same way, and offered her a gentle smile, though it was laced in worry. As he’d said previously, the cleansing and blessing he’d already done would keep her safe enough, but now that he knew Xunatar had at one point had sights set on her, he couldn’t extinguish that concern. Drae would be able to help her in her next branch off of this journey, and he entrusted him greatly.

“It’s a noble decision to make Vinsue…just remember that help is always there. All you need to do is ask, even if it isn’t from me. Either way, you are always welcomed here…” He dipped his head to her respectfully when she thanked him, and he watched silently from his still seated spot as she made her way through the path. People came and went in his temple on a nearly daily basis so this was nothing new to him. He just hoped that she would listen to all that he’d been able to tell her. Everyone had their limits, even deities.

For now though, he leaned back comfortably against one of the walls of light and looked up towards the sky. The sky was a lighter blue now that the sun had risen higher, and the start of a new moon’s cycle always left him feeling refreshed, even without the ceremonial blessing he did at each new cycle’s start. His eyes slowly closed and he listened to the quiet of Hikari no Michi. It wouldn’t be too long before others started to walk along it again. Some seeking guidance, some needing grounding, even some that just wanted a leisurely stroll in solitude. No matter the reason, Suisho no Kyuden was always opened for those that needed it. The day was set to be a busy one, but right now all he could think of were his wife and children, grateful that they were here and out of harm’s way.

With a gentle exhale The Lord of Light stood up and flickered away, leaving the path even more silent than it had been now that it was completely empty. When he reappeared it was in their children’s nursery. Their cheeks were still pink with youth for they were scarcely two months old now. It was still so early he wondered if Echo would still be in their bedchambers, but for now he walked around the nursery, his fingers leaving swirls of light as he did so: blessing and protecting his children as he often did to keep them safe. They too were mortal and fragile, so very fragile, especially at this point of their lives. One day they would be harmed, be it by sickness, blades, or heartbreak. He hoped the gap between then and now was a large one. For now, he enjoyed the precious time he had and laid down on the daybed of the nursery; easing himself back into rest from the comfort of his children’s gentle breathing.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:51 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

At his anger flash she was glad that she was not the target. The red glow was not like his fun cheery self. It was scary yet nice to know that he cared that strongly of the situation and hated the chaos weaver more than her. She just watched him untell he was calm again. "Yes Xuanader did this to me." She said her voice back to normal. 

The soft touch was conferring. A protection blessing. She thought about it as she stood up. To have a tun of worries of death and pain gone souded so nice and two great but her thoughts turned to a less likely idea. "It would be great but i will decline. I need to know i can still stand on my own even if it is in this weak body." She said. One of many reasons that she thought of. She did not want deeper in debt and knew all to well that if it sounds to good to be true than you missed the worning label. In her last thought one of disgust at her self for being weak enough to actually think of needing protection. Than the thought of manners came into play. "I do thank you for all you have done. It is more than most have ever done. I will go pack my things."

She than turned and walked into the palace and up the stairs to her room. She left the door open as she packed.

Author: Naota, Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:23 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Xunatar. His jaw locked, the usual gentle emerald of his eyes flashing instantly to deep ruby as that oh too familiar smirk danced in his thoughts; glinted in hair as white and cold as the stab of bone through broken flesh. It wasn’t often that someone could take him from calm to angry so quickly, but if there was one person that could…it was Xunatar. In truth, he’d only had one actual interaction with him, but it had been enough, and that was before Xunatar had ascended to deity hood. Yes, The Voice did work in mysterious ways and he tried not to question it. If all of them had to be balanced then perhaps that was why he and Xunatar were deities during the same cycle: they were perfect foils to one another.

And now? Now he was learning that he’d hexed this poor girl out of mere curiosity? The monster. Somehow it struck him personally. That man…Everything about him was his opposite; a mistake that needed correcting. The white markings on his skin started to fade into red…not something he’d ever seen them do, not even when in the presence of Minasé. His eyes instantly closed, willing himself to be calmer and stopping the change to red before it could take over. When his eyes opened they were their natural emerald once more and his markings were as pure white as ever. That man…

“Xunatar has done this to you…” He breathed out slowly through his nose, reminding himself over and over again to trust in The Voice’s judgment. “Yes, of course Vinsue, you should go to Drae when you’re ready…” Perhaps it was time for him to stop in and make an official greeting to the newest member of the conclave himself…Unfortunately for all of them, Xunatar was no fool and that was what made him so dangerous, someone with that level of power could do some serious damage.

“In the meantime,” he gently placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch feather light as he continued, “Please allow me to cast a strong blessing over you to keep you safe…As of now I’m not sure how to stop this hex of Xunatar’s, but I can serve to aid in protecting you from another unfortunate blow.” Good intentions or not, a blessing of that personal nature was heavy for a mortal. “In truth, this cleaning and blessing I’ve already performed while you are in Hikari no Michi is something powerful in itself…But I want to do something a bit extra for you, if you’ll allow me.”

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 1:53 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

She took in a breath to stop the tears. Naota was right everything could be undone it just took time and knowledge. She wiped her tears on her sleeves to dry her face. "It Was Xunatar that gave me the curse. " he voice had not quite got the not crying voice back yet so she again breathed and resaid the answer. "Xunatar put the necklace on me to see what hex it had." she looked at Naota. She had met The deity of knowledge once a long time ago. 

"Adraejen has crossed my mind for he helped me before when I first got my galvanizing element." Truthfully she had not gone to him yet for two reasons she was already indebted to him and did not want deeper. She also had a filling that her may think she was in the wrong and through he would likely help she had not wanted the overly fatherly advice of I do hope you learned a lession. "Actually I would rather be the one to tell him." She said not quite ready to get up and go yet she wanted to be the one to tell him and if he could not help then she droughted anyone could. 

Author: Naota, Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:19 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Even without her saying it, the signs were all there: it hadn’t worked. His shoulders slowly sagged and his own eyes saddened as he moved forward and sat next to her. She was crying, he didn’t blame her. Not having control of your own body was a horrible thing: you were trapped within yourself, and though it had been a few years now, he still remembered what that was like. Aside from that though, there was a pit of guilt. There was always that chance that what he was going to try wouldn’t work, but that still planted a seed of hope. And nothing had come to fruition.

What would the next step be now…? One person came to mind, Angela, but what if they were looking at this the wrong way? What if it wasn’t a matter of healing and cleansing? After letting her get it out for a few minutes, he turned his head to look at her, keeping his voice soft, “Everything can be undone, sometimes it just takes a while…” All his life he expected to be stuck with his own curse and nothing had helped him escape it no matter where he went or how hard he tried. Only when The Voice blessed him with ascension was he free of his own malady. And while he was cured through deity hood, his sister still struggled with her own curse. This was all bringing up bad memories, and it wasn’t the time nor place to be pondering over such things.

“Tell me more about the one that did this to you…” Perhaps Angela wasn’t the one to direct her towards,  Angela’s husband might be a better fit. He was the deity of knowledge and the arcane after all. This seemed to be a nice rolled up package of both, and for all they knew he could have the answer somewhere in his expansive library. “Have you considered visiting Adraejen, the deity of Knowledge…? I could pass this along to him if you’d like, all of us might be able to put our heads together…”

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:23 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Vinsue sat as she was told and whited for Noata  to return. Despite the excitement and hope that it worked she stayed still. once he returned she retched for her necklaces and gave it a jerk. It did not cone off but pulled her head forward a bit. great that was a fail. She lifted her hand and let it sing as she attempted to set flame In it. It two was a fail. That said the scar on her right arm had disappeared.

"It did not work." She said as she again tried to set flam to both hands. Her eyes shined as she kept the tars from flowing. Her eyes staring at her hand as the disappointment started to show. her thoughts stared to flash to the night she spent chained to a wall left to look at horrid devices that the imagination could barley start to wander there uses. She than remembered being stuck unable to attack or stop a fight before it got ruff and before she got cut. She started to shake at the thoughts. she knew that the temple was safe but she knew that she had stayed longer than most and knew that she could not hide forever. She was at the braking point and sat down. "I… I Cant live like this." She was known to be strong but she broke into tears that ran down her cheeks. Besides the breaths that sounded forced her cry was silent. 

Author: Naota, Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:01 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

He took her enthusiasm in with a smile, hoping more than ever that this would indeed work. As he led her through he explained what she would need to do, “The ceremony does not take much time, and even if this doesn’t work, no harm will come to you from it.” When they made it outside, the emerald blades of grass were still collecting predawn dew. His feet were slicked all over again by the time they made it to the ever glowing Hikari no Michi. As he led her through it he felt himself becoming rejuvenated from the rush of energy it always gave him, chasing away any fatigue that may have still been lingering from being up for so long,

“All you need to do is sit and rest, but be sure not to move until everything is complete. I’ll come and find you at that time, all right…?” He stopped at the heart of the Light’s Path, walls of light surrounding them with only the sky as a ceiling. Wind rustled overhead and he ran his fingers along one of the walls; trails of even brighter light following wherever they touched, “Sit here, it shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes. The sun will be up soon and once its rays touch down everything will be finished. Just remember what I said: do not move until I come for you.” When he was sure that she was settled he wove his way out of the maze-like promenade and back to the entrance.

With a flick of his wrists Torinasu appeared in one hand, and his crescent staff appeared in the other. Both of them were needed for the cleansing as always. A line of blue spread along the horizon: the sun was about to come up. He went through the usual ritual, careful not to go faster than usual despite his anticipation, and when it was all finished he gazed upon Hikari no Michi: shining with light even more radiant than an hour ago now that the blessing had been completed. The extra boost of healing he’d flowed into it surely helped with that. Of course, that extra step had been taken for Vinsue’s sake. As he came back to the heart of the walkway he looked upon her, “How do you feel…?” he asked in a hopeful tone.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:48 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Vinsue had been walking the halls ever since she awoke earlier. it was really quiet witch did not surprise her but it was still a little creepy.  She was ready to get rid of her curse and the necklace. She was also ready to try out some of the things she had read and stopped when she saw the god just appear in front of her.

It was no problem to her that it was early she had been up for a wile. She just hopped it worked. "ok. lets get me ready." She stated ready to go with him however he chose to travel and where. She was hopeful and had more energy at the moment than anyone should at the but could one blame her se was excited and hopeful

Author: Naota, Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:36 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

When the day finally came he made his way to her. The temple and its grounds were uncharacteristically silent, which was usual when it came to the few hours before the ceremony began. The air around him felt more charged, by now the energy of the Crystal Palace had grown an almost sentient nature, and it was abuzz with anticipation of the cleansing of Hikari no Michi. He, however, was more preoccupied with the possibility that this might rid Vinsue of the curse that had befallen her. There was always the chance that it wouldn’t work, but at least they could work from there. No curse was the same, just as no illness was identical to another. If nothing else, he hoped he could point her in the right direction should it fail.

However, right now he was maintaining a positive attitude, and as his title gave away he was ever persistent. The sun would not rise for a few hours yet, and in the crisp darkness of the night he had set everything up for daybreak. His feet and the bottoms of his pants were soaked from dew, and there was a soft slap that reverberated off of the walls as he walked. He wasn’t quite sure where she might be, most would think that at this time the obvious place to look would be someone’s bedroom, but too often he had found people training at odder hours than this. His eyes drifted from one side of the palace to the other, his gaze turned upwards to the higher levels.

To do this quickly, he flickered from place to place until he had found her and spoke gently, “Vinsue…I know that it is early, but we’ll have to get started soon. Others will make their way to the temple faster than you’d think, but I want to have you prepared first.” There wasn’t too much to do, but he wanted to make sure that as this happened she wouldn’t be on display to others. Not that anyone was allowed on Hikari no Michi during the blessing, but should this work and she was able to return to her natural form, her size alone would give her away whether you were on those grounds or not. Concealment was the least he could offer as an attempt at privacy.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Wed Jun 7, 2017 12:37 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

She placed her cup on the table than got up. She fallowed him and looked as he pointed and took note on the places and where they where. she was glad for the room and the fact it locked would help with her sleep. "Thank you. and if I need you, you will know." She closed the door and walked to the bed where she removed her shoes and dagger. she was than quick to fall asleep knowing she was safe. The next morning when she awoke she washed up got dressed and left the room.

She went to the training room and was surprised to see it empty. She stretched than took stance in the middle of the room. She took steady breaths as she started to shift and flow through different moves. she was graceful as she fought an imaginary foe for a wile. her eyes closed as she lost track of time. she ended with her feet side but side and hands circling to meet together. she took a deep breath let it out than opened her eyes.

Author: Naota, Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 3:42 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

He understood and slowly nodded his head, “Not a problem…” Even without a horrible experience, it was still a great thing to allow someone to put you to sleep. Finding her a bed though, that was something much easier, and he finished off what was in his cup and rested it back down on the kotatsu top. It was gone almost immediately, him having projected it to some other place for later cleaning, and he rose up from his seated spot. “Much easier to find you a bed then,” He offered a smile, “Come with me, you can bring that with you if you’d like.” he said, his eyes moving briefly to her own cup and then back to her.

Though it wasn’t a far walk to get to the bed chambers, his instinct was always to flicker there and take whomever was with him along as well. But, walking would give her a chance to learn where certain areas were. As he walked to one of the spiral staircases that lined the main floor, he spoke, “The bed chambers are on the third floor on this side, but on the second floor is the library. It’s opened to anyone that has need of it, though without permission nothing can be taken from the temple.” He paused at the edge of it and pointed across the way, “On the other side of this floor is the golden room, a training room of sorts. It is also always opened for use.”

He continued up the spiral staircase, not getting off at this floor and only stepped off once they were at the third floor’s platform. It was much darker up here, more muted for relaxation, and despite being the highest floor it by far had to be the coolest in temperature. His voice was much softer now, “This is where the bed chambers are…” His eyes scanned the doors as they walked, looking for one that was vacant, and he pointed across the way like he had on the second floor, “On the other side of this floor are the bathing areas if you find yourself in need.”

When he got to a room that was empty, he gently touched it and it clicked opened. Inside was very similar to the other bed rooms here, spacious, with thick curtains to block out the sunlight that bounced off of the snowy mountain top and into the windows. Hanging lanterns glowed with softly pulsating orbs of light, and all around the room was charged amethyst to aid in peace and a good night’s rest, “The door will lock behind you so that no one else may come inside while you’re here. I believe in security and privacy.” To prove that point even further, he’d kept from even entering this room, “If for any reason you need me, just hail me…My personal chambers are inaccessible to guests, but I’m not often in them during the day.”

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Tue May 9, 2017 10:59 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

it was one thing to have a curse it was another to give it to your offspring just by having them. she was glad to not half to worry about it. 

the thought of hibernation was not one she wanted. "I would rather not be asleep for that long. it is more to do with something that happened when i was young but that was a nice offer." she said knowing that nightmars haunted her dreams and remembering a skeleton of smoke that tried a simuler spell on her when she was small and would rather not repeat it.

the thought of leaving and going back out in the snow as another thing she was not looking forward to. "Though I would like to stay here tell then. and a bed would be nice." she said and finished her cup of tea. this place was huge and she was sure that there was a library and/or a practice room. so she may have a chance to increase her sword fighting or regular fighting skills. the scar covered by the sleeve of her shirt reminded her that she did need practice in both. 

Author: Naota, Posted: Mon May 8, 2017 10:41 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

His eyes softened and dimmed at her condolences. Yes, that wasn’t a subject he brought up lightly. To be honest he didn’t particularly like thinking about it, especially knowing that his blood sister still suffered from it. Had he discovered how to remove it from her then he would have done so long ago, even if she was of the undead. For a split second he opened the connection between himself and Minasé, unable to stop wondering where he was. Wherever it was, it was dark and smelled of smoke. That would need handled later…

He closed the connection, all the while not losing a single word she said and giving no indication that he’d displaced himself. His voice quieted, “I appreciate the condolences…thankfully it was handled before I had a chance to have children. Or it would have passed to them.” Just the thought of that kept him up some nights, nonetheless he smiled.

“If you’d like I could put you in a temporary…well, let’s call it like hibernation. It would keep you as you are now, and to you would be like a good night’s sleep between now and then.” He brought the tea back up to his lips and took a long drink of it down before continuing, “I know that may seem a bit extreme, but that way you wouldn’t have to suffer this feeling for longer than necessary. That of course is optional, and either way you’re more than welcome to stay here until the blessing takes place.”

His thumb ran along the rim of the ceramic cup as his head tilted to the side, “Or if you’d prefer, you are free to leave and come back when it’s time.” He offered another gentle smile, “All of this is entirely up to you. Though I might suggest taking a bed for the night, you seem as if you’re about to drop.” If nothing else, the amethyst lined rooms would give her restful sleep and pleasant dreams.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:17 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

one he said he new the pain she almost doubted it. She knw he probably went through a lot in his life but being unable to transform was not one a two legged would understand. but he showed compassion.  she watched as he poured 2 glasses of tea. as he said he may be able to help hope shined in her eyes and joy on her face. the thought of having her old life back was one of joy. 

She took the cup and sipped it as he told his brief story which showed how he could relate. she felt the warmth inside and the heat outside and was growing tired but she was to hopeful and to ready to be freed to want to rest. she knew he was quite skilled with light from the brief night at the cemetery. "I'm sorry your family and you had to a curse like this one." she looked at the cup as she spoke. 

it was worth a shot. at this moment she was willing to do almost anything to get rid of the curse. the current cycle had just started a few nights ago and the thought of being stuck for a longer time was dreadful but she was willing to wait. "thanks. you do not know how much that means to me that you would help and im sure i can stand the curse tell then." his last statement confused her but she was to joyed to have a chance to lose the curse to worry about withstanding a blessing. though she was happy it was apparent the journey had took its toll and she was tired. 

Author: Naota, Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:46 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

As she spoke his eyes shifted, likewise his smile faded. This story, he didn’t like where it was going, but he nodded his head as he listened to her continue. It pained him to know that so much misfortune had befallen her after their adventure. That night had been difficult, but it ended on a positive note. He’d need to learn the name of this individual that had hurt her so deeply. He too knew the pains of not having full control over one’s body, much less its form.

He was urged to touch her, offer a comforting hold of the shoulder, but he held back such an urge and straightened in his cushion instead, “That’s a bit of nasty magick. Believe me when I say that I understand this pain…” His eyes searched her face before reaching out and taking a cup. Hot fragrant steam was blowing out in warm puffs from the kettle, and he was careful to pour her a cup of tea before serving himself, “I believe I can help you with this.”

The kettle rested back down on the warm table top and he brought his own cup closer before nudging hers towards her hands gently. His fingers felt as if they were thawing as he cupped them around the warm ceramic, this was a feeling he would always enjoy, “Without going into too many details, my family line was cursed in a similar way. Only through ascension was I able to separate from such a plague, but one very helpful thing I’ve come to learn in great measure since my ascension is healing through light.”

He brought the cup up to his lips and gently blew against the hot tea before taking a small sip, “If you’re willing, we can try a few different things…A full cleansing might be best for you, and if you’re willing to wait, I do an intense blessing on the first sun rise of each moon cycle.” His eyes gave her a quick once over, “You’re strong. You would be able to withstand it.”

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Apr 2, 2017 3:17 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

She was glad for the warmth as they continued down a hall that got much warmer as they went. she quickly did what he did and sat down. She relaxed as she started to defrost a bit. "Well remember when we first met I was being called by the thing that animated the dead. well it started like that. a hord was calling me. I thought it was that of an older dragon in which case we could have became one or it was a beast i could fight off or easily take from, but that was not the case." she still shivered but it was going away. her face lost expression as she talked. "I found myself in the Cradle, the treasury and its keeper. long story short I upset the ruler of demons and left with a curse."

She looked at the boiling water. "He blocked my abilities and left me in this form." she shook her head to rid the thought. she hated this form. this human form as so frail. she missed the sky and being able to walk through town knowing that if someone wanted to fight she could end it without getting hurt or killing the other. the human form was not that bad when she could use her abilities bit the curse was more than she could handle. tears started to form in her eyes. she was not one to show her emotions so which only showed how strong she hated the curse.

Author: Naota, Posted: Sun Apr 2, 2017 2:04 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

His hand lifted, and as it did the door slowly closed behind them. How long had she been out in the cold like that? There was so much snow on her, but then again with how bad the tundra was outside of the temple, it didn’t take long for it to accumulate. He tried to imagine her dragon form in the snow and instantly sympathized. Though his eyebrows raised as spoke vaguely of a problem she had been dealing with. Seeing that she was still quit cold, he began to lead her down the main hall: there was much more warmth in the common room with its lengthy fireplaces,

“Well let’s see if I can help then.” He offered a soft smile and nodded to those that were in the common room before stopping at one side of the kotatsu in the center. There were cushions always surrounded it and he sat down on one, lifting the thick comforting cloth of the kotatsu and folding his legs under,

“Let’s get you warmer though.” His arms folded on the kotatsu’s top and he rose up his fingers. A kettle appeared over one of the many heated surfaces and water began to quickly heat inside. A good warm drink, strong fires, and well heated kotatsu would do her some good,[

“Come sit and talk to me more about this problem. Everything in life has a solution of some kind.” His arms folded on the top again, feeling his own muscles ease from the warmth. No matter how long he lived here, he doubted he would ever grow immune to the blistering cold outside.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 2:41 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

She Smiled as he linked her to a time and place. She nodded at him saying her name. She would have spoke but she was not wanting to talk tell she was worm again. She was slow as she walked but she kept up. She wandered if her face was half as red as her hand as she rubbed them together. "My true form would be hibernating at the moment." She said. to his statement one of two reasons she was in human form the other being a curse which left her unable to switch or use her birth powers. she was quite glad that he blocked the snow and wind from hitting her. 

Seeing him open the door she walked through. She stomped off the snow that was on her boots and shook off the snow before putting her hood down. her eyes closed as she felt the warmth and welcomed it then followed Naota. "I came here by accident. but now that i'm here i do have a problem I believe you can fix." She only stopped at that point without explaining it because she did not want the people to hear her problem. She showed no interest in the crystals and gems partly because she was still to cold and partially because she had to recently learned her lesson and may not show interest in an immortals riches ever again.

Author: Naota, Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 12:34 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

His eyebrows furrowed, head tilting to the side as he tried hard to recognize her. True that familiarity was there, but he was guilty that no memory would surface. Luckily she filled in the gap for him and his eyes widened. Likewise his lips parted in surprise. The dragon girl! He laughed in shock, excited to know where he’d met her and her name resurfaced, “Vinsue wasn’t it? I must say this is a pleasant surprise.” The two had worked hard that night in Perditi Cemetery, and her help would not soon be forgotten.

“Yes, let’s definitely get you out of this cold.” His attention returned to the angelic archer and his soft smile returned, “I’m sure I won’t need to tell you how to get there, I encourage you to come with us…” Again his head nodded respectfully to her before looking back at Vinsue, “It’s not far, were you in your other form I have no doubt you’d be able to see it. Come.” With that he began to lead her the way he had come; his footsteps had already been reburied from the falling snow even in this short amount of time. As they walked he put up a slight barrier, keeping away the bustling cold and ice so that Vinsue wouldn’t have to suffer that.

“Well then tell me: what brings you here?” Their paths had crossed before due to her being drawn to treasure, and the thought tickled him that she was about to be in the one spot in Revaliir that had more precious crystals and gems than any other. When they arrived at the great front door, he opened it and held it ajar for her, “Let’s get you something warm while you tell me about your travels.” He was eager to hear what she had been up to since last they’d seen one another.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 9:39 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Vinsue almost jumped at the unexpected voice that came from behind her. She quickly turned to see a familiar face and smiled. She thought about his answer, She was near the Crystal Palace which was a relief for she was ok with only this one so far on her travels. "Actually I was not but i'm glad to be." She answered as he looked between them.

She almost forgot that he met her when she was in trew form and had not seen this one before. "Actually we met in a graveyard not to long ago. I was covered in scales at the time and a bit taller. but we have met." She was more than happy to be offered some warmth for she was not one for the cold at all. "Lead the way."

Author: Naota, Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:48 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Two newcomers had found their way to his secluded mountaintop. In his throne room he sat, legs crossed over the other in meditation atop his floating black tourmaline throne. Somehow he recognized both auras immediately: one from actually familiarity, the other from the amount of holiness seemingly oozing from them. Needless to say his curiosity was piqued. Presently there was no one at his altar and he flickered from his spot to the door.

Below in the common room visitors and clergy alike were resting: some on couches, others snuggled warm into cushions around the near giant kotatsu. He nodded his head to them as he walked by, offering a soft smile. Every time he saw someone the next day with a fresher face and eased aura he felt his own personal light glow. Not everyone who came here left a follower, but that wasn’t the point of the crystal palace. One good thing, all of them left feeling safe and more sure of themselves than when their blistered feet had first entered.

Once he got to the door he flickered to the other side of it so as not to let a chill in. The wind was at its usual speed and whipped his dark hair around his face. Snow brushed against him as he walked, eyes narrowing to focus on the two individuals a few paces ahead. How odd, he could have sworn he recognized one of these auras in a more personal way…So as not to invade her mind, he instead tilted his head to see what the archer would do.

There would be no bloodshed on his grounds if he could help it, but any tension that had been there had dissipated along with the snow in the wind. Then he heard the former target of the raised arrow ask a question and he smiled. His body disappeared from sight, becoming one with the light around him until he reappeared behind her: his eyes glowing brighter as were the white markings on his skin. His voice, though soft as usual, somehow cut through the wind around them,

“I believe I can answer that…You’re near the entrance to Suisho no Kyuden: The Crystal Palace. Were you meaning to venture so closely to the sanctuary…?”
His eyebrows gently rose in question, his eyes moving between the two before settling on the archer,

He took two steps towards her, never getting too close to her personal space so as not to upset her, “I must say, I haven’t come across one of your kind in quite some time…Tell me, what brings you here on this bright day?” His eyes moved back to the other young woman,

“And you…If I didn’t know any better I’d say the two of us had crossed paths before.”
Another smile formed and he took a few steps back from them, his head dipping down humbly, “In any case, you’re more than welcomed inside. It’s much warmer there…”

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:44 AM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Vinsue was surprised that the angel offered her hand and put down her bow. She shook the angels hand in response. last time she met an angel it trapped her in human form and got her arrested so she was a bit confused. But she did not show it. she put her hands back together in front of her to worm them up. "You said this is holy ground. in that case I'm a bit lost. Could you tell me were I am?" 

Author: strawberryqueeny, Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:48 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Alicia pulled her bow down. She looked Vinsue up and down before nodding her head. "Thank you for speaking the truth," Alicia did not put her bow away but still reached out to shake the dragon's human hand. She was a true good and did not want to hurt if she did not have to. "My name is Alicia. Angel of the dieties. Holy archer." Her dark eyelashes fluttered a bit.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:14 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

She stopped as the angle pulled out a bow. She put her hands up showing she meant no harm. She did not like these situations but did not want to fight. "I'm Vinsue." She posed not wanting to say her race at all. The angel got closer witch made her nervous. "I'm a Dragon of light and am not hear to fight." She did not like angels for this kind of reason they always seamed to know two much and wanted to kill her do to the blood that flows threw her vanes. 

Author: strawberryqueeny, Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:01 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Angels senses snapped and she pulled her bow on the human form in her sight. "What are you," She snapped slowly moving closer. Her cerulean eyes were locked on the 'human' never moving. "You're not human." Her wings fluttered out of her back and she moved behind the creature. "I won't kill you in this holy place. But tell me your name and race now." She held her bow close to the creatures head.

Author: Vinsue, Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:52 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Vinsue had learned to be ok with the cold but did not like it much. Sh also learned that her human form was much more confutable with the snow. She had came to find things to put decorate her home but has not had much luck. She was walking in the snow in her human form when she saw the angel. Gods and Angels are the two thing she does not mess with and for good reason. Seeing the angel frightened her so she turned and to see if there was a place to hide. Seeing non she turned and started to walk away. but not soon enough for the angel saw her and she new it. She turned back around and hoped she would not be able to tell who or what vinsue was. 

Author: strawberryqueeny, Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 8:55 PM, Post Subject: Centuries [Open]

Alicia's bare feet barely touched the ground and her wings folded back into her back. Her black hair waved majestically in the wind. I haven't been here in years. She thought touching the cotton like snow on the ground below her. The rainbow shadows and lights gave her a sense of home. She had been traveling to fight evil for so long she had not spoken to her deities. She was afraid to. Alicia loved her deities but was afraid she had not lived up to their expectations. She was never to fall in love yet centuries ago she fell for a mortal boy. She had not spoken to her deities since. When the man died she ventured out to redeem herself. She pledged again to never love and meant it. 

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