Archive Home > Archives > 2018 Archives > 2018 Random Archives > Kalci [P] [R] [Shipping thread] (get it. Ships. Ha. Because Kale is a pirate. He adjusts the sails

Character Info
Name: Serci
Age: Mid 20's
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Merc
Silver: 3146
sErCi iS PrEtTy gIrL. bUt hE Is aLsO BoY. hE In pIrAtE CiTy wItH PiRaTeS. tHe sKy wAs bLuE AnD HaD BiG ClOuDs. ThE OcEaN WaS AlSo bLuE. tHeRe wAs aNoThEr mAn. He wAs pReTtY ToO, bUt nOt aS MuCh aS SeRcI. sErCi wAlKeD Up tO ThE MaN, "QuEsT WiTh mE, pReTtY MaN?"

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