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Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
A tower rises from the seaside cliffs of Abed, surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens and spice trees, a feast for the eyes and nose both. Paths made of various semi-precious stones wind through the area, but they all eventually lead to the center, where Edhit stands tall. The tower itself is a wonder, spiralling into the clouds. The white quartz surface is veined with gold, lending the whole building a shimmering appearance in any light. From the outside, the tower looks a bit odd. One arm rises all the way into the clouds, while the other stops some distance short. The taller tower can be accessed at the base through a massive door of living wood, while the shorter tower has a door of petrified wood. Once inside, it becomes clear as to why the doors and the arms of the tower are very different.

The Tower of Edhit is a monument to the fallen deities of Revaliir. When the Tree of Parvpora fell, the door to its tower became petrified, and the tower’s growth slowed dramatically. While a god still occasionally rises from Parvpora, it is a very rare thing. The tower of Canelux continues to grow every time that a deity falls. While the stewards of the tower will not say exactly how it grows, many rumors abound. Some scholars guess that the Tower was constructed with wood from the two Trees, other believe that the deities themselves blessed the tower to grow and keep watch over the fallen. Every deity that has risen and fallen has their own shrine within the arms of the tower, and many of the visitors are the former clergy of those fallen deities. Each shrine has a physical reminder of that deity, be it a piece of artwork from their temple, a piece of armor worn to their last battle, or their final words spoken as a deity. Some former clergy choose to remain within the Tower of Edhit, keeping sentinel over the last remnant of their deities. Scholars and visitors from all over Revaliir visit to speak with these clerics, and to learn of the fallen deities. Some of the clerics choose to pass their knowledge onto their descendants, as a means of keeping their deity remembered.

Beneath the tower, a massive cavern was found and utilized by the former clerics who tend the shrines. Rooms are carved from the native stone, giving them a place to live and receive visitors. A central kitchen and dining hall also provides a place to gather, as well as a number of common areas. But the central feature to the underground cavern is a large spring that bubbles from the ground with water warm enough to bathe in. It is rumored that the water also slows the aging process due to the proximity of the Tower and its magics. Those whispers seem confirmed by the number of clerics that remain at the tower, even though their deities have passed long from memory.

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