Throughout Revaliir are marble archways with pillars covered in beautiful pink and red roses. Regardless of the time of the year, the roses stay vibrant and new, when picked another one will grow in its place. While one can see clearly through the arches, it is known that should one pass through, they enter the realm of the Goddess. Many adventurers have traveled this path, but each new adventurer finds the path renewed. Changed.

Beyond the archway lies only darkness, a faint glow from the Jade steps that are suspended in air, protected from the fall by the arms of the mother. The jade steps spiral up the path illuminated by fireflies that seem to be clustered together by magic. A large statue of the goddess provides support to the stairs, arms outstretched and welcoming. A symbol that the mother is always there and offers her love and guidance.
During the ascent, the jade steps visions of one's children appear in the darkness, or those that could have been. It is both rewarding and damning. Showing the best memories of their lives or what would have come to pass. The journey has often proven too much, leaving the broken hearted to pass from this world and into the next without ever reaching the mother.

The chamber that follows is illuminated by glittering crystals, To go any farther, they must climb through the jungle and reach the end. A simplistic trial, but it is tedious work to reach the end and should not be taken lightly. The Goddess offers a small jade fountain for those who thirst in the middle of the caverns. A last respite before the push to the reward.

The Crystal Cavern leads to seemingly endless salt flats. As one glances below, they can see that there are geometrical shapes sprawling beneath their feet. This is Revaliir's largest mirror. The water that is on the salt flat is what gives it the mirror coat. Unlike normal salt flats, this one never dries up and retains its reflective appearance. Even if it feels like it will go on forever, never fret, as magic will guide them where they need to go. Regardless of the direction of travel.

At the discretion of The Mother, the salt flats transform into rolling plains of luscious green grass. A gentle breeze filled with the scent of fresh crops rolling past. Wheat fields seem to stretch for miles as the path guides the visitor onward, progress only marked by the various crops coming into view. Large windmills scattered through the fields, blades spinning lazily. Forever bountiful, waiting for the time it is needed.
The Grand Farmstead is also home to expansive orchards. The trees here are not like any many people have ever seen. They grow any fruit one can imagine off their many branches. No branch is left barren and the trees are full and plush with their leaves.

Seemingly without direction or order the visitor stumbles onto steps that go on for what seem like forever but down the sides of them are rushing waters. The stairs covered in a thick and plush moss. Large flowering trees create a generous and colorful canopy. However, one can not see past the ever growing canopy and tree line. Landing in yet another area.

Once out of Fecundity's Ascension there is no light nor sound. As one walks forwards a light grows, far away at first. Slowly the woodland path illuminating beneath their feet. Several flowering bushes and tropical trees filling the area. As one progresses, the light fills the area like they are reborn into the world, first breath hot and humid. The sound of nature greeting them. It's almost maddening. As the visitor approaches a rose covered archway, they hear the voice of the mother, quietly calling to them.

As the visitor exits the Mother's Footpath, they will find themselves standing at the end of a large bridge. The bridge is located over a gorge a river rushing below. On other side are gigantic mountains with snow covered tops. The mountains stretch back into the distance even past the temple. When nighttime comes, firefly clusters light the way. The bridge looks of Elvish design. Stone blocks line the path to the temple, the floor a warm mahogany used to support the rest of the bridge. The bridge has several arches, illuminated by the generous light of fireflies.
In the distance, a tree rivaling the fabled World Tree grows. Water pours from the sky and cascades from the branches and leaves into the gorge below. Lights shine out of the carved windows of the tree. A large stain glass window is above the dual doors into the temple. It is a red rose, the symbol of her court. As one gets closer, it is apparent that the tree is growing through a mansion of a building. Arching rooftops jut through the tree in several areas, adding to its size. Ornate decorations accenting the structure cocooned within the tree's roots.

At first, everything on the inside of the mansion seems oddly normal. Following the long corridors and opening, all the doors would prove that wrong. Each room is vastly different than the last. Most of the bedrooms are in wondrous gardens or an enchanted island in the middle of the ocean. There is even a clinic for those who seek treatment from the clerics who live within the walls.

When one enters the structure, they find themselves suspended over a large grotto. The water is crystal clear with jewel tone fish swimming happily. Tall bookshelves made of abalone fill the library. Beautifully crafted tables are there for one to enjoy the books the library has to offer.

At the end of the corridor lies large double doors displaying wisteria designed stained glass. They reveal a wondrous herb garden and private orchard. In the middle of the beautiful plants is a throne made of a living tree. The tree grows a variety of wildflowers among its vibrant leaves. This is where the goddess spends most of her time.