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Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:55 PM, Post Subject: An Invasive Lizard Species [GO]

There was something small in her gardens she could sense the rather big energy coming from it. The gardens around the palace were every bit as grand as the ones on the inside. “Ahh… It’s Ivacus.” She swept her skirts up as she got up off her workbench in the clinic. “Continue with your studies… Something has come up that requires my attention.” She bowed to the clerics in training and made her way out of the temple.

Fabrics of dark purple were on her skin. It was held up by a jeweled halter around her neck. Around her waist was the same jeweled fabric that thinned out around her sides. The fabric looked like it could just slip off and that it could show everything. It showed her curvaceous body. Surely no normal woman could wear it. Her red hair was down to her waist with wild red curls.

She stopped and listened to the music from the small guitar before she came over the corner. “Good morning my friend.” She bowed slightly to him as soon as she knew it was safe to interrupt him. “I knew I felt a very powerful little presence in my temple gardens. What brings one of our newest gods to see my creations?” There was a small playful smile on her face. “You’ll have to excuse my lateness I was teaching some new clerics healing skills.”

Author: Ivacus Manaclaw, Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:46 PM, Post Subject: An Invasive Lizard Species [GO]


A small silhouette struck itself against the warm sunlight of The Mistress of Life's garden, as its robes billowed with a subtle breeze: the only clue to anyone in his immediate vicinity that someone had arrived.  Of course, Ivacus, the little visitor to the Awakening Gardens, imagined that this Angela the Voice told him to go speak with would know of his presence soon enough and get to him whenever she wanted.  But he was comfortable waiting, especially in as warm and inviting a place as this.  There were plants growing around him that he fully recognized, herbs he himself had picked on his travels, as well as those that seemed entirely foreign to his knowledge.  It was a place of serene beauty…he'd have to make himself a small garden at home too.  But somehow he doubted it would be nearly as grand or as glorious.  

He sat crosslegged on the ground where he stood, deciding to make himself at home while he waited.  With a thought and a snap of his fingers, he summoned to him the child-sized guitar he had been given by those gypsies he had travelled with when he was still a mortal…with a few godly enchantments it now sounded as good if not better than a normal one, and the notes came far easier to him than they did back in Revaliir.  Thus the kobold sat with his thoughts and his music, playing and awaiting his audience. Though in truth, part of him hoped he could linger here just a little longer.

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