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Author: Chalky, Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 12:31 AM, Post Subject: Second Impressions (P)(R)

Yellow eyes peered through narrow lids at the marble archway ahead. Despite the slight chill to the air, roses were in full bloom all over the pillars. Reaching out with a large scaly hand, the warrior known as Cha'Kwe'Tza plucked a red one from its place and placed it into a pouch at his waist. Shortly upon its departure, a new one grew to replace it. Using the haft of his weapon as a walking staff, the Reptilian walked between the columns, letting his free hand trace briefly along the stone.

Once through the marble archway, Cha'Kwe'Tza was met with darkness. Appearing in front of him, a large statue of a woman stood, holding aloft a circular staircase that gave a glow to the surrounding darkness. Nearing the staircase, Cha'Kwe'Tza could see that the steps were in fact, made of Jade. Looking around, he could see small clusters of lightning bugs flying in lazy circles, giving the appearance of moving constellations against the backdrop of nothing. Even with the light from the lightning bugs and jade stairs, the depth of the darkness carried a weight that made even the resolute warrior feel slightly unnerved. Stepping forward onto the jade steps with a slight clicking sound from his clawed feet, Cha'Kwe'Tza started his ascent. As he climbed the steps, strange faint images of Reptilian young blurred in and out of existence all around him. Confused by the visions, Cha'Kwe'Tza continued up the stairs.

After some time of climbing the stairs, Cha'Kwe'Tza reached the end where a short walk led him through an opening to a cavern. Looking around, shining crystals reflected light in all manner of directions. Ahead, lay a thick jungle, very similar to the one that Cha'Kwe'Tza was spawned in and spent the first nearly millennium of his existence. Striding through the underbrush, Cha'Kwe'Tza, despite his strength and size had to work for quite some time to make any progress as any of the jungle plants that he couldn't navigate, grew back fairly quickly after being cut away. Pulling aside a vine that was nearly as thick as his own leg, the Reptilian warrior came upon a small clearing with a fountain made of jade. Pushing the bottom of his weapons handle into the soil, CHa'Kwe'Tza drank some from the fountain, refreshing his thirst somewhat. Taking some time to rest, the warrior admired the vegetation around him, and the assortment of different plants. Getting to hisĀ feet, Cha'Kwe'Tza retrieved his weapon and resumed his journey through the jungle.

As if walking through a door from one chamber to another, Cha'Kwe'Tza stepped from under the dense jungle canopy and out onto a vast open area. The air smelled very similar to that near the ocean, but in extreme contrast, there was not a single ripple along the surface of the water. Looking down at the surface, a pair of yellow eyes blinked back at him. Head swivelling back and forth while sniffing the air, Cha'Kwe'Tza walked across the empty salt flat. As if a hand were resting on his shoulder to guide him, Cha'Kwe'Tza walked a meandering path to nowhere in particular. However, he felt it to be the right path to take.

Quite some time after traversing more wonderous sights, Cha'Kwe'Tza found himself on a wooded path that grew brighter itself by some sort of magical means that he couldn't comprehend while ahead of him a light also grew brighter. As he approached the light ahead, the sound of various creatures drifted to his ears, along with a faint whisper. The whisper grew stronger as he approached, to where the voice eventually culminated in a familiar voice. Soon, the warrior passed through another rose covered archway. A short walk past the arch, Cha'Kwe'Tza could hear the sound of rushing water getting louder as he stepped onto and started to cross a finely crafted bridge over the gorge that contained the rushing river below. Far ahead, Cha'Kwe'Tza could make out mountains, and a very large tree. More details of the surrounding area came into view as he neared the end of the bridge. Looking ahead to the end of the bridge itself, Cha'Kwe'Tza could see a familiar figure standing. If a Reptilian could smile, Cha'Kwe'Tza would in this instance.

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