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Silver Star

Character Info
Name: Ernest
Age: 16
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Silver: 8982
Ernest sat in some forgotten corner of the temple, studying her map and wondering vaguely why she had returned. If she was honest with herself, it was simply because she liked it here. There was a sense of… peace in the temple that she never got anywhere else. Although, it occurred to her, if she thought about peace, it was almost certain that something would disturb it.

Right on cue, someone stumbled through the hallways and tripped over a flagstone, his stack of papers flying everywhere. Ernest stood and picked up some of the papers that had fallen near her. She turned to hand them to him, and the look that appeared on his face when he saw her was sheer panic. Evidently, what he was holding was something she was not supposed to see. Also evidently, he had no idea that she couldn't have read the papers even if she had been supposed to see them.

"Remember," she whispered to her orb, which was hovering behind her, as it had refused to stay in her bag for any longer. The orb shimmered slightly, and recorded the page and its contents. Ernest still couldn't read it, of course, and the orb couldn't either, but she was certain she would find someone who could. 

The young man picked up the few remaining papers and scurried out of the room, still panicked. Ernest paused for a moment, then picked up her map, tucked the orb back in her bag despite its protests, and set off to find Angela. She knew something was going on, she just didn't know what.

As she walked through the gardens, she noticed a few people watching her when they thought she wasn't looking. Odd. That had never happened to her before, not that she'd spent a lot of time here. She ignored these people, though, and kept walking, calling out, "Angela," when she thought nobody was nearby.

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela was very busy dealing with the new twins that she had almost forgotten about everything else. Almost because her children were terrors to society and she was often apologizing for whatever disturbances they were causing even if they were centuries old. Taking a deep sigh Ang leaned down and put a finger in each of the small babe’s hands as they cooed in their crib. “You two need a nap. You can’t just keep being awake like this. That’s not normal.” Nothing was ever normal it seemed when it came to the offspring of her and Adraejen.

A meek voice reached her ears as she let the twins go and covered them up with a nice soft blanket. She knew that voice quite well actually. One could say that she practically adopted Ernest, but hey that wasn’t such a bad idea now was it? A smile crossed her face and the goddess appeared not far from Ernest sitting on a bench.

“You called Ernest? It’s not very often I make such calls personally.” She teased the girl and stretched softly. “The twins are down for a nap, I swear that this place’s time tends to go much faster than that of the outside world sometimes.” She smiled at Ernest who didn’t look any older than the first day Ang met her. “Timedeath has made things a mess hasn’t it?”

She patted the spot next to her on the padded bench and looked up at the sky that was around this particular garden. “You must have needed something if you asked for me.” She gave a smirk and a wink before relaxing a bit more.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.
Silver Star

Character Info
Name: Ernest
Age: 16
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Silver: 8982
Ernest jumped as Angela materialized right next to her. That was something she was pretty sure she was never going to get used to, no matter how long she spent here. Even though she knew nothing was going to happen, it was still strange to see anyone materialize out of thin air.

"Actually, I had something to ask you about," Ernest said. "I think your staff are trying to hide something from me." A slight grin appeared on her face. "One of them was carrying this giant stack of papers, which he spilled all over this morning. I went to help him pick them up and he all but had a panic attack when he saw that it was me. Seems slightly suspicious, in my opinion."

She continued. "And because I am suspicious, I asked my orb here to remember the to page." She pulled the orb out of her bag. "That page I asked you to remember, can you bring it up for me?" The orb hovered in the air, and Ernest could have sworn that it was glaring at her. 

"Fine," she said. "If you're going to be petty like that, I'll take Drae up on his offer and trade you in. Angela, where was it again that connected to Tar Eisalae?" The orb hovered, immobile, for a second more before finally projecting an image of the page onto the flagstones. Ernest couldn't help but smirk slightly. "Thank you," she said.

"Do you have any idea what this is about?" she asked. 

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