Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:05 PM, Post Subject: The Matriarch and Matrimony [P]

Angela was fawning over the two new little ones that she and Adraejen had recently brought into the world. She had them snug into her chest using a set of slings so she could work and hold them at the same time. She reached down and kissed their foreheads softly, they fused up at her for disturbing them and she chuckled. “You both have such a hard life,” her voice was soft as she leaned down in her chair away from the medical journal she was writing in. Her arms held their bums securely so they could sit up off her lap for the time being. “I wish I could sleep and eat all day…”

It wasn’t a shocker when she felt Nadine come home finally after her weeks of adventure. What was shocking was that she had someone with her, a man. She tilted her head as she heard the endearing words only lovers would say. What an interesting predicament.

Getting up gently she supported the twins’ rears she could move and made her way out to the couple. “My, my. We have been very, very busy haven’t we Nadine.” Angela bounced the two little ones a little bit once her voice had disturbed them. “It’s not so funny when your sleep is getting disturbed now, is it? Maybe that will teach you to let Mommy and Daddy sleep a bit easier…” She let out a defeated sigh as she smiled up to Nadine. “Not that these two will listen to their mother.”

The goddess swooped over to Nadine and kissed her cheek before looking at the man who came with her. “Now, what do I owe the pleasure of you dragging an unfortunate soul to my temple. You know I am very, very busy losing my sanity to two tiny babes who don’t know the meaning of sleep when their parents need to.” She winked at them both. “I think we can sit down.” She made her way over to her throne and sat down in it before summoning a table and chairs. “Sit, sit, please. We’ll have some tea and discuss what you love birds want from me. If the twins let me…” A cradle big enough was two was summoned by her side as she gently slipped the twins out of the slings and put them down in it. She threw the slings off to the side and let out a relaxed sigh.

“They don’t look it but after a while they are heavy…” There was a light cry from them before Angela leaned back down and put a blanket over them. “Hush now… Honestly, you both are spoiled.”

Author: Kiryu, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:15 PM, Post Subject: The Matriarch and Matrimony [P]

He said his goodbyes to his family, they were preparing to travel by airship to the temple if the Goddess Angela and woukd meet them there in time for the main event. He walked happily with Nadine into the field figuring she was using some magic to get them to the temple quickly. Her complaint of not feeling well had Kiryu worried just as she had expected. Even as she said she would be alright he couldn't help but worry. His worry, though mainly focused on Nadine was also extended to meeting the Goddess. He had never met a god before but if the rumors were true, this could become….eventful….

The portal gate she then created took him by surprise, it was a bit intimidating actually. He let a small smile cross his lips as he said, "I trust you Nadine, and will follow you anywhere." 

He followed her through the portal and was momentarily dizzy as his sense of direction seemed to be spun about. When his head cleared he saw Nadine looking I'll again even though she beckoned for him to sit with her. "Are you sure you're alright my dear? You aren't looking too well. Maybe some water or something." He said getting a bit like a mother hen as he looked about the unfamiliar room. It was then that he felt like and idiot and pulled his canteen off of his belt. "Forgot I brought this" he said a bit embarrassed while walking over to her and sitting next to her holding out the water and watching her with a concerned look. Was something wrong with her? He didn't think he could bear it if anything happened to her. The fear if losing her gripped his heart as he waited for the goddess. Surely if something was wrong with Nadine she would know and be able to fix it.

Author: Nadine Hydria, Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:42 PM, Post Subject: The Matriarch and Matrimony [P]

Nadine walked with Kiryu - her betrothed - through a field near Kiryu's family home in Ataiyo. They were off to see Angela - Goddess of Earth and Fertility and all that - for she was Nadine's patron Goddess - whose clergy for which Nadine was the Oracle of Seeds with the power of Prediction for Life's ever-shifting gardens. In order to get to Angela's realm, Nadine would cast a portal with magic, but she did not want others to see and become afeared of what they saw. And thus, their brief journey to a lonely field was necessary.

"Oh my.." Nadine moaned. "I wonder if that duck from lunch disagrees with me. I do not feel very well."

Nadine's insides felt most odd, and nausea hit her swiftly. However, she was determine to fight through this so that she and her lover could meet the mother Goddess, who Nadine loved and considered to be Mother, though she was not directly born of Angela.

Predicting (without magic, of course) Kiryu's worry over her complaint, Nadine gave a swift smile.

"I'll be alright, my Love. I promise. I have you here, after all, and I would trust no other to be here with me. And besides, Angela is wonderful…. if a bit…. eccentric, I suppose? You'll see what I mean, but I don't mean it in a bad way, of course. She's just very excitable. I find that rather endearing about her."

Nadine smiled fondly of her mother Goddess, and prepared within her mind the spell that would open a magical gate to the Gardens and Angela's home. Taking Kiryu's hand in hers, Nadine completed the spell, and before them both appeared a large portal gate.

"I promise it won't hurt you, Darling. Trust me."

Nadine deftly stepped through the portal, and found herself within Angela's realm. She instantly felt warmth spread throughout her body - the comfort of Angela's influence on the place. She instantly recognized the layout of the room she was in. It was here that she was welcomed with open arms into Angela's clergy - when she was given her power and title of Oracle.

Traveling through the portal made Nadine feel ill again, and she quickly sat down in a comfortable chair. She pulled one near to her and beckoned for Kiryu to join her.

"I am certain Angela knows we are here. She'll be here… eventually."

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