Archive Home > Archives > 2017 Archives > Awakening Gardens > A Bargain [GO]

Character Info
Name: Serci
Age: Mid 20's
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Merc
Silver: 3146
Inhale… Exhale… Inhale… Exhale…

It was early dawn. The sun was beginning to make an appearance in the sky shifting the black pitch of the sky to a very dark purple. The distant stars were losing their brightness and beginning to fade with the coming arrival of the sun. Smoke from Serci's put out fire filled the area smelling of burnt wood. It was cold with out the warmth of his fire, but it was time to go. His hand rested on the fabled marble pillars that were the magical gateway to Angela's domain.

He examined the pillars, walking around the vine covered gateways, careful not to go between just yet. After mentally preparing, taking a few more breaths, he crossed the barrier with a clenched breath… Nothing. He turned around to examine the pillars.

"I don't understand. This was supposed to a barr-" His sentence was cut short as the marble he was standing on blinked out of existence. The forest that he had just camped in began to soar above him as he fell downward. He landed with an audible ommph on solid ground but didn't take as much damage as he thought he would. He lifted him self up and patted off his attire, readjusting the sword on the right side of his hip. He looked around, taking a look at his surroundings.  It was dim. There was much light from the fireflys and the glowing stairs that stretched in front of him, but all the light was dim. He knew what he had to do.

He begin climbing the seemingly endless stairs, adjusting to the cold empty atmosphere. It was silent for the most part. His steps echoing in the chamber as his sword shambled at his side. Every now and then fireflys would part in front of him as to not get in his way as he acceded the steps. He tried to listen not with his ears but with an open mind for some kind of break in the silence but there was nothing other than his steady pace of breathing. Ahead, the fireflys were blocking something. Serci judged he'd reach the disturbance in five minutes. Though, he had no idea how long he was climbing or if time flowed the same way it did here as Adeluna.

As he reached the cluster of fireflys they parted to reveal a small blonde girl. She wore a small white dress and was smoothing out her long, strait blonde hair. She looked up to Serci and smiled. "Hey. Can you play with me?" She asked in a velvet voice. Serci walked up to her and bent down on his knee to talk with her. Upon further examination she was the spitting image of his sister Serena when she was that small.

"What are you doing here, little one? Are you lost?" Serci asked in a calming voice. The girl shook her head vigorously.

"Nah. I just want to play. Will you play with me?" She asked sincerly, looking Serci in his eyes.

"Perhaps you can walk with me. Would you enjoy that?" Serci asked with a smile, watching the girl shake her head yes.

"Yeah, but it seems like a lot of walking. Could you carry me?"

Serci laughed softly. "It would be my pleasure. I would like the company. Hop on my shoulders." The little girl smiled and climbed up on Serci's back and onto his shoulders. "Up we go." Serci began walking again but with a companion this time. "How old are you, little one?" Serci asked, careening his neck to look up at her, careful to stay on the path of the stairs. They were pretty high up now, and certainly wouldn't want to fall. The girl leaned over and put five fingers in front his face. "Do you know how old that is?" He asked, entertaining the child.

The girl smiled, "Yes. Five. And another hand would be 10. How old are you?" She asked in the velvet voice she has.

"Heh, you don't have enough fingers to count my age. I guess you could count your toes though. Still wouldn't be enough." Serci said, with a light chuckle. He careened his neck to see the revelation he just dropped on the girl who began counting her toes with an awed expression. "Do you have a name?" He asked. She nodded her head and responded.


Serci paused for a moment. His face twisted in pain for a second. He calmed his self and resumed his climb. "I have a sister named Serena. I haven't seen her in awhile. I miss her very much." Serci said with a sigh.

Serena asked softly, "What happened to her?" She looked puzzled not understanding clearly.

Serci faked a smile and twisted his neck to talk to her. "We got separated a few years ago. And I don't know where she is."

"I'm sorry." She said, trying to sound comforting.

"It's okay little one. Are you comfortable up there?" He asked, lifting her up so she can readjust her self.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Serena said. Letting it be silent for awhile. It wasn't uncomfortable. Just two friends enjoying their time together. She finally spoke up, "What would you do if you found out where she was?" Serena asked, looking down at her hands as she played with her fingers.

Serci thought for a while. "I guess knowing would be enough. Just to know a location that she is at and is no trouble would be enough for me to move on with my life. Perhaps she doesn't want to see me, or can't see me right now. It's all very confusing. But I guess that's why I'm here. Just to ask if there's way to know where she is at." He answered. Talking slowly so Serena could understand. She shifted her attention away from her fingers and focused on playing with Serci's long flowing hair, similar to hers.

After what seemed like 5 minutes or an entirety, the pattern in the light shifted. Up ahead was he could see the stairs stop acceding and flatten out at luminescent cavern.

"It looks like we made it little one. Are you ready for our next adventure?" He asked, careening his neck up to look at her. She shook her head no and asked to be put down.

"That's where you're supposed to go. My time right now is to remain here." She said with her velvet voice, speaking softly.

"You are not coming with me?" Serci asked. Serena nodded her head yes. Serci only nodded. He got down on his knee and crossed his arm over to his knee. He got on eye level with the child and held out his hand with his pinky out. Examining her deep blues eyes and long blonde hair. She didn't just look like Serena, she shared similarities with Serci as well.

"May we meet again, Serena." He said. His voice echoing through out the chamber. Serena returned the expression and crossed pinkys as they shook. She pulled Serci into a long hug. After they hugged she begin to walk down the stairs as Serci walked toward the cavern. He turned around to watch Serena descend, but she was gone.

Clear headed, Serci proceeded onward into the cavern. The solid crunch of dirt underneath his shoes was welcoming, yet only marked the beginning of a new trail. Around him, glittering stones lit up the atmosphere around him. Serci continued his steady pace, neither slowing or gaining speed, careful of his surroundings. He wanted to reach for his sword, but knew that he would have no need for it. He continued walking until the geography slowly changed. The ground was no longer flat and the cavern was uneven and treacherous. Serci took his time walking, making sure to have sure foot holds before he continued. Sweat began to form on his forehead as he made his through the cavern. Sparkling stones lined at base of a wall that he would have to climb if he wanted to proceed.

Serci took several minutes examining the situation. He walked up to the wall and begin to climb the easiest path that he could find. After climbing to the top, he pushed off with legs and climbed the top of the ledge and pulled his self up. After a brief dust off, he begin walking forward again through out the cavern. The path was even and strait and far away he could see a faint glimmering light.  Just ahead though, lay a spring that trickled, what he hoped, was clean water. He cupped his hands and let water pour into his palms and took a long sip. It was refreshing and cold, he felt the water travel down his mouth and he felt reinvigorated. He took a deep breath in, and exhaled as he continued forward. He thought about the Serena he just met as he walked down the tunnel that led to the ever growing stronger light. He hopes to see her again. Both Serenas.

The light was too strong now, he had to cover his eyes as they grew adjusted to sudden amount of light. He felt the muggy atmosphere of the caves long gone and felt cool air against his neck and exposed arms. As his eyes became accustomed to the light and no longer burned he took a look at his new surroundings. He was in seemingly endless… Mirror? No. Upon further examination it was water on top of a salt flat. He could see the ripples at his feet and the reflection of his white cape and greyish attire. His long blond hair stood still at his back. There was no wind, barely any sound other than ripples of the water. Ahead, in all directions was just horizon. Nothing breaking the endless view. It was beautiful. He began walking again, wiping an arm over his forehead to disperse of sweat. Only the sound of his shoes leaving and entering the water broke the silence. In a way, this could be maddening. Only one with a strong willed mind could overcome this trial.

Serci had been walking for what seemed like hours, but there was no way to tell how much time has passed. He began to worry in the back of his mind that he was going in the direction, but he continued walking as the salt flats reflection blinded him. He began to pass time by observing his reflection while continuing to walk forward. He spent so long looking at his self it was hard to tell if it was even him he was looking at anymore. Eventually, the reflection looked liked Serena from the stairs. And as he stared at Serena's reflection, it too, began to morph back to Serci's original size. Though the anatomy was different. The reflection was no longer Serci, but similar. A little bit smaller than Serci's size, a lot frailer. The features were a women's for sure. But the deep blue eyes, and long blond hair were there as well.  His eyes were beginning to play tricks on him. He continued onward, taking his eyes of the water and towards the ever growing horizon as he walked blindly forward.
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
The goddess lounged on her favorite chaise lounge sofa as she held a book in one of her hands. As exquisite as always the goddess appeared to be the perfect woman, Revaliir’s beauty they called her. Not overly tall, curvy with motherly hips, sun-kissed skin, waist length red curls of fire, and those green and red eyes that most Rosenite’s called their own. She knew how to hold herself in front of others but she found it boring at times though one could say this was the job that she signed up for when the Voice called her name that fateful night.

A disturbance from the beginning of the trials called her attention away from the book in her delicate hands. She closed it and dressed out her green and gold silk halter dress. With a wave of her hand, a mirror like surface appeared in front of her and showed her the man who was struggling in Wonderland’s Mirror.

It was the call of delusion but alas Angela was not Xunatar and she could not let this poor creature continued to be tormented by the visions of the Mother’s first trial. Not many could handle the things they were shown or what they could come to have should they be able to leave the room.

A soft look of pity spread across her face as she snapped and the mirror began to quake under the man’s feet. The mirror became distorted as sky and ground began to separate where it didn’t appear to be able to earlier. “Calm your mind, my dear man. Look for the reality of it all. Look past the visions you see and do not under any circumstance lose yourself to the images playing in your head.”

Her voice came from all around the man the Mirror disappeared and now he stood in the field of golden wheat. The goddess stood but feet from him as she smiled towards him. “I apologize if you were tormented by the trials. You managed to get through most of the terrible ones, however, I was a tad concerned when you no longer moved from the Mirror.”

She held her arms out to him as she spoke. “I am the Mother, Angela the Master Artisan of Life and Keeper of the Cornucopia. Life and Earth. So I ask you, my dear visitor, what brings you so far away from the reality of Revaliir?”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Serci
Age: Mid 20's
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Merc
Silver: 3146
Serci had no sense of time in the gigantic pool. Hours could've passed or even days. The sun stood where it was the entire time he was wandering around. The lack of time added to the delusions he was having. The ever stretching horizon never grew smaller, and the lack of noise only pounded against his ears. The whole experience was draining Serci little by little. Coupled with his shifting reflection, Serci began to unravel his composure. His usually tall posture was slightly bent forward, his graceful strides turned into small tumbles and dragging of feet. His calm demeanor warped into a frantic scramble. Thoughts and doubts flooded his usually postie mind. He began to hear voices scratching inside his mind, "You'll never make it." "You'll fail." "You will let them down again and again." You are nothing."

Serci batted off these insults fairly easily as they came. He was generally an upbeat gentleman. Taught in the ways of the noble he learned manners, speech, sword play, attitude, and a calm mind. But his positive outlook could only take so much. The sun never moved an inch, and the horizon only grew further away. Eventually, the voices found their way under his skin and he began to worry. Serci was an excellent swordsman. His athletic build gave him an advantage in combat, and his sharp mind could make snap decision that could win or lose a battle. He excelled among the physical things in life but fell short to the mental and spiritual side of the coin. And as this was certainly a trail of will, he started to feel the pressure of challenge.

Hours passed, or another few days, he couldn't tell anymore. As a way to focus, he spent his time clinging to his purpose here. The reason he was going through these ordeals.  He thought of his dear sister Serena. Her letter detailed she was traveling with members of Angela's order to an undisclosed location. He waited weeks, even months for another letter, but heard nothing. Eventually he had given up until he met a man of the cloth. He told Serci over a fine bottle of wine the details of Angela's order and her physical and mentally demanding trails one must over come. He pleaded the old man to share with him the routes and safe houses that the order uses, but answered that only one of the order may know these things. With the answer in front of his grasp he decided to make a bargain with Angela.

Serci found it hard to concentrate with the smoothing voice in his head. Trying to dismiss it he tried to focus on his sister yet the voice kept entering his head. It took Serci a minute to realize that this voice was different than the ones that scratched against his mind. This one seemed to envelope him and support his weight as he continued forward. It didn't cackle or snap at him, it spoke slow and soft, instead it encouraged him, and whispered supportive words to him. And suddenly, there was sound in the area. He heard a snap echo loudly through out the salt flat. So loud the sky above him began to shatter into pieces. The voice that was a whisper suddenly called out all around him, no longer in his head. The water he was standing on began to vibrate and split as the ever stretching bright salt flats were no longer. Instead, he stood in a beautiful golden field. Tall crops grew all around him, surrounded by peaceful windmills rotating in the calm wind. Unlike the blinding salt flats, this area was filled with color. Golden wheat surrounded him as the dark blue sky complimented the auburn tress that were dotted around the land. Soft hills rolled in and out in the distant and the smell of corn and dirt filled the air.

It took Serci a minute to notice the beautiful red headed woman who was giving him her attention. Her long bouncy red curls were a foil to his long strait blonde hair that he wore. She was slender and very attractive with a lovely voice that complimented the body and the burning red and green eyes. She gave him a comforting smile and spoke,  “I apologize if you were tormented by the trials. You managed to get through most of the terrible ones, however, I was a tad concerned when you no longer moved from the Mirror.” She said comfortably, with a hint of worry. However, he felt a pang of regret at these words. It was clear that he failed the mirror challenge. Serci knew humility more than most, and he would take this as a lesson that he has much to learn, if too much didn't sit upon him completing all trails.

She continued to speak, finally introducing her self, with her arms wide open, “I am the Mother, Angela the Master Artisan of Life and Keeper of the Cornucopia. Life and Earth. So I ask you, my dear visitor, what brings you so far away from the reality of Revaliir?”

Serci took a short moment to take in her beauty. After regaining his composure, he bowed his head in respect to the gentle goddess. He felt small due to his failure of the challenge and found it hard to find the words he wanted to speak. Not wanting to seem pathetic to the beauty called Angela, he spoke as confident as he could. " Thank you for meeting me, Keeper of the Cornucopia. I hope I'm not being to forward when I ask if I could call you Angela. My name is Serci. Thank you for meeting me. I apologize for taking you away from your busy schedule." Serci spoke with faked ease and confidence.

"Your trials were certainly challenging. It seems I have a lot to learn," He said as he stared into the golden wheat fields, not wanting to be rude, he shifted his sights back on to Angela's dazzling features, "I will spare you my life story. It will surely bore an immortal like your self." Serci said with draining confidence, hoping he wasn't being rude. "I've lost my younger sister in a fire that destroyed my family. She is all I have left. She sent me a letter detailing that she was traveling with members of your order to a safe location. However, It has been a while since that first letter and I fear for her outcome. I spoke to a man of your order who informed me that to know the locations, travels, safe houses, and other details about the order was to join it." At this point, Serci's voice began to falter.

"I know I have no right to ask after failing your challenges, and I am no man of the cloth. And I have nothing to offer you. But I assure you I am a fine paladin. And my skill with the blade is nothing to be trifled with. I have nothing to offer you except this sword," Serci said, as he managed to smoothly unsheathe his blade. He placed him self on one knee and held out the sword, balancing it on his open hands, holding it open to goddess. "And the life that wields it. If you'll take it. I apologize if I have disrespected you, benevolent goddess, It was not my intention. And I am more than willing to prove my self in any way I have to."
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela waved her hand at him and smiled. “I am far too old for titles. Maybe bath in them as if they are badges of honor for me I find them to be time wasters… and if I may be so bold… an appendage measuring contest for others. Fear not Serci for my clergy is always ready to jump in and help when I am needed. My husband cares for my twins when I am away so it is easy to find the time.” She winked a bit at him. “So do not apologize when you clearly needed help just then. It is a strength to admit when you need help.”

For a moment Angela was silent as she thought about his words. “They are meant to be… but more so to gauge your weaknesses Serci. There is no way to fail them. I am a god of mercy after all… Mercy until you hurt the ones I care for or have given my word to. We gods of good tread a line… Evil for the greater good… There are some that cannot understand that but I assure you that the world isn’t black and white.”

She beckoned him to follow her as they began to walk in her golden fields. The red head came up beside him and took his arm gracefully and almost snuggled into it. “You see, there are many orders who claim to be at my side. I can never truly know all of them. Fifteen hundred years has spawned a great many orders… Some good and some bad. Some hate me because they believe I have wronged them. Some love me because they believe I have blessed them. The truth is unless you have angered me or have seen me and done me a service, I am neither.” Her eyes looked up at him and gave a little confident smile. “What you seek I cannot give you. I can merely tell you that you are part of the order if you wish but… I haven’t a clue which one you speak of. However, if you wish to join my house and serve at my side we can speak about that truthfully.”

Moving on to his sister she was silent. “If she is here on Canelux I can find her. However, should she be on Parvpora… I will have to find contacts on that continent. My powers don’t over reach like they do here. I may be of earth but Parvpora weakens them greatly.”

She waved her hand. “I do not fail anyone. All you must do is say you will learn and become stronger, ask me to make you stronger… and I shall do so at a price. Everything in this world has a price. Even a good god should have a toll to pay should one want power and knowledge.”

She let him go as he began to kneel. She chuckled a bit and took the sword from him as she looked at it. “It takes a lot to disrespect me Serci. Even when Dalanesca and myself were fighting… I only fought back when she endangered my children and husband. I shall send you on a quest though.” She lightly touched the sword and it began to glow with a pure earthly light. It was a warm green light much like her healing.

“However, before I give you your task. Your journey has been long and hard. You must be tired.” She waved her arm and a door appeared. “We’ll get you settled into the temple. You’ve proven yourself enough to me but you must prove yourself to fate as well. I may not control the fate strings but… fate judges us all…” She took him into the white marble halls of her temple. Clergy was busy running around and she still had his sword. “I took the liberty of making your sword the best it can be… Should you prove yourself to me… I will give you a portion of my power to wield in my name. You will become my champion. I’ve decided that just now. A man who isn’t perfect but wants to become more is a good symbol for a goddess of healing.”

Her green eyes looked at him. “You see my trials are to protect my children. I have many you see. Some are older than you are… I have over one hundred children and they are all my beloved. Will you hear out my quest?” She took him into her throne room where she sat upon a throne made of weaved trees in full blood. A chair appeared for him and in-between between them was a table. She was pouring two glasses of wine. "It's a hobby of mine. I learned to make wine when I was mortal. It helped me with stress and still does." She pushed the wine glass towards him. "There are rules to this game Serci… If you want to play you will need to be cautious."

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Serci
Age: Mid 20's
Alignment: LN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Merc
Silver: 3146
"I shall give you a quest though." Angela affirmed with respect. She held the sword out towards the sky as it began to glow with a soft green around the edges. She offered the two take a minute to rest before he has to prove his self. Reluctantly agreeing, he followed Angela through a door she conjured into a marvelous mansion. Through the stained windows he could see a fantastic bewitching beautiful landscape. Mountains covered with trees and snow, surrounded by majestic waterfalls.

The inside of the abode was as bewitching as its surroundings. Large spacious rooms with marble tile and walls. The light that shined through the stained glass fractured the light in various colors and danced on the marble floor. The foyer was full of activity, well dressed men and women scurried along carrying plants or their faces stuffed in a book. Children ran after each other, laughing as they played. He marveled in its beauty and activity as Angela continued softly talking. He listened in awe as she guided him around the mansion.

He took a minute to retreat into his mind as he thought about her words. Begetting evil for the greater good. Nothing is drawn in black and white. Serci was confused at the statement and pondered on it. To Serci, there was layed rules that one must obey. If you break those rules, then you are considered a bad person. How could one cause peace by partaking in questionable deeds? The longer he thought about it, the more hard it seemed to be. Regardless, it was something he would have to think about in detail longer. As of now, Angela was explaining the ins and outs of the mansion.

"You will become my champion. I’ve decided that just now. A man who isn’t perfect but wants to become more is a good symbol for a goddess of healing. You see my trials are to protect my children. I have many you see. Some are older than you are… I have over one hundred children and they are all my beloved."

As she said that, the children playing accidentally bumped into Serci. A small red headed child, no more than 6 years old, looked up to him and apologized. Serci stared into the little boys eyes and realized how heavy of a responsibility he was agreeing to. He wasn't just protecting Anglea. He was protecting her family. He was defending her home. He was jumping in front of blades for her people and friends. He may have to die for the boy one day.

"Will you hear out my quest?" She asked earnestly. She waved open a pair of heavily ordained doors and they lead to her throne room. A fantastical room that could double as a garden. Hues of green, purple, red and yellow were vibrant around the room. At the center sat Angela in a chair made of a hearty tree. He took a seat across from Angela as she poured him home made wine that interested him deeply.
"Ah, a goddess's house wine? Please pour me a glass. With me around you might have a grape shortage." He jested lightly, taking a sip of the wine. It was very earthy, having a touch of nutty tones to it. Fitting for a goddesses of earth. After the joke Angela's tone became serious.
 "There are rules to this game Serci… If you want to play you will need to be cautious."

He took sip of the earthy wine, wondering if he was allowed a bottle of his own to take to his quarters. He thought about the little girl Serena he met during Angela's trails. Something pulled at him as thought about her. The feeling was something akin to… Protective? He didn't know why, but he felt the same about Angela's mansion and the people it inhabited. The deep aromatic red wine was empty at this point and Angela poured him another glass. He swirled it around as he came up with his answer.

"Make me stronger." He said with confidence. "And with that strength I will protect everything you love and hold dear. You're word will become my law and one day you will boast about your faithful champion." His face was serious, and his tone was heavy. "I see this large and happy family you have, and it makes me envious. I lost my family in a fire because of our noble roots. And I feel at a distance when I see this community you've built collectively." He took a large sip of the wine, and scoffed as the acidic taste burned his throat. Pushing it aside, he continued. "I, Serci Von Appercio, swear my life to you. My strength will become yours to wield and in my name I will not fail you." He held up his glass to toast Angela.

"Tell me the rules to this game and allow me your quest. I will face both with courage and strength. I am not afraid, nay, I have never as driven as I am now."
Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
The goddess watched as Serci watched one of the temple children. It must be confusing seeing the redhead after looking at the red-haired goddess but she knew that he was making a decision. She could feel it starting to warm her blood as she sat down in her chair and smirked. “I’ll look forward to it. Not a lot of people drink like Dalanesca does.” There was a laugh as she passed him a glass.

“I’m not sure if you can protect everything I find endearing Serci. I only ask that you do your best. See I love the world… I love everyone in it despite the evil that may be in their hearts, they are all my children one way or another… Unless they are older than I am I was here when they were born. Of course, I am more protective of my own. The little boy you saw wasn’t mine but a temple child of one of the clergy members. It can be a bit confusing but most of mine are older. There are few young ones here: my daughter Iva, my son Rohan, my youngest are twins they are a boy and girl named Larkspur and Poppy.”

Angela reclined a bit and thought about it. “The last person I brought to meet them wound up becoming my husband. If you help me there is no doubt in my mind that you will meet him as well. Adraejen isn’t a man to take lightly. He is the god of Magic and Knowledge, not much has ever really escaped him. Even when he wasn’t a god. He isn’t the best man in the world but he is good to his family and that’s all that matters to me.”

She adjusted herself and sat up straight so she could finish her wine. “This whole temple is a family Serci… You will become part of it as well. They are not all my blood but they might as well be. We take care of each other. We love each other. We fight for each other. If you swear your life to me then I have no doubt that you will honor that which you say you will protect.” She held up her glass to him.

“The desert is acting restless Serci… I will need someone strong to go and help fight the evil that is brewing there. There will be many, many challenges to this. I will soon be departing and joining the Outpost that is there as the healer. I will keep a barrier up and protect them from the evil that lurks. What I ask of you… is to help break the evil in the desert and rise victorious. You do not need to do it alone… No, no there will be others there as well but I need someone I can trust… If you want me to believe I can trust you and you really want to become my Champion then go to the desert and fight the evil that lurks.”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

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