Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Seraphia, Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:58 PM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

Seraphia was very overwhelmed. The only thing that was keeping her grounded and grownup was her son being there. She did not want her son to see her as a wreck, especially after they had been gone for so long. She wiped her face once more to try and completely rid any lose tears and let her arms wrap tightly around her son who hugged her happily once again. “I love you too, my dear son.” She spoke softly, mostly just for his ears to hear. It was almost like a secret for just the two of them. She was so happy to see him but she could not ignore the voice in the back of her mind reminding her that she did abandon the poor boy. She could only hope that she could find a way to make it up to him.

Her eyes shifted to her husband as her smile grew. She was extremely happy to see her son again, but her heart ached to just be alone with her husband for a bit. It was not just their son who had been without her for so long. She wanted nothing more to sit around with her husband and just talk. She had other thoughts in mind, obviously, but there was so much she needed to know. He spoke nicely of their new home but still felt uncomfortable in her own skin. The feeling that not everything was right yet. It would most likely take her some time to get used to the new world.

As they began to move towards the garden, she was beginning to hope they would leave this strange temple and she would have a chance to sit down and rest. Sadly, she was mistaken. They were only able to make it a few steps before two women made their way over to them. The feeling of the redhead was overwhelming at first and she knew well that this must have been the Goddess that they had spoken of. The essence of power reminded her of the man from before. Seraphia eyes shifted from the goddess to land on the other woman. Perhaps she should have been considered more of a girl? Her body was well developed, a lot like her own, but she had a rather young face. There was an innocent about her that caused Seraphia to crack a smile. She could only assume that was the girl her son and husband spoke of.

The goddess spoke out to them and introduced herself and then proceeded to push the younger girl towards them with a smack behind the head. The action caused Seraphia’s eyebrow to raise for a moment and let out a small laugh under her breath. Maybe this goddess was not as bad as she feared? Maybe it was another that was much like Sabishii back when he had been an avatar. She had just known a lot of them that gave their powers a bad name. Maybe that she had once been foolish enough to follow.

“Ah, hello. I am sure Hiro and Sabishii have spoken of me, but I hope this greeting is not too late. Thank you for the hospitality you have shown to my family.” She spoke first to the Goddess with a polite smile before shifting to the girl who had barely gotten the words out. Both her men had spoken to the poor girl trying to calm her. Seraphia had to bite her tongue at her husband’s words, however, because she knew making a joke that she was a biter would probably only frighten the girl. “And, it is lovely to meet you, Sapphire. I must apologize I have only heard a little about you since I just arrived but I am sure my son will be talking my ears off about you soon.” She would be nice to the girl, however, Hiro was open game.

Author: Hiro Kouen, Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:41 AM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

Seraphia seemed to like the Ember.  Hiro was happy that she didn't mind dogs.  "I'm so happy you're back, Mom.  I love you," Hiro said, hugging her one more time.  Sabishii smiled warmly.  Everything was seeming to be fitting together nicely.

"Sularia is pretty safe too, on top of being a rich city.  I wanted a nice secure city where we can live without worry of . . . orc attacks or anything like that."  Sabishii said, remembering the things his parents told him.  The story of when his mother and himself as a baby were in their original home town, and the town was attacked by orcs, he and his mother were almost killed or worse.  Sabishii fought through many battles with orcs as well.  He was not fond of them at all.  "Oh yes, I've met little Miss Sapphire.  She's very shy, but a very nice, and proper girl.  I think he picked a good match."  Stepping out into the garden, Lady Angela and Lady Sapphire appeared.  Hiro and Sabishii turned toward them to greet the Earth Mother and her daughter.

"Speak of the devil, as they say.  Greetings, Lady Angela, Sapphire.  This is my mother, Seraphia.  Father and Lord Drae pulled her out from the void," Hiro said, smiling. 

"Lady Angela!  How are you doing?  It's been way too long since we've seen each other.  Hope you're doing well.  Miss Sapphire, don't be shy, Sera doesn't bite.  She's no vampire,"  Sabishii said joyously with laughter in his voice.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 5:33 PM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

“Come on Sapphire.” Angela beckoned her young daughter to follow her. “It won’t be so bad.” Angela was dressed in a long flowing dress. It was halter style green in color with gold trim. Her red hair was pulled back part way. Then there was Sapphire, her wild purple curls were brushed but still wild about her shoulders. She was dressed in a dark purple dress with a silver sash.

The little half-elf kept pulling at her dress nervously. “What if she doesn’t like me Ma?”

Angela shrugged a bit. “Let me tell you a bit of a secret. Drae isn’t overly fond of Hiro but he is a good fit for you.” She booped the girl on the nose and Sapphire chuckled a bit.

“He never even let it hint that he felt that way.”

“You know your father Sapphire… He’s not exactly a saint. These honor types really bother him.” Angela winked at Sapphire and the half-elf smiled. “He respects you though and your choice.” Sapphire wasn’t as tall as her mother but she was filling out as a woman as she continued to age. They made it past Drae and chuckled as Angela kissed him gently before they continued on their trip.

Once outside Angela gave a wave to Sabashii and his family. “Greetings, I am Angela, Goddess of this temple.” She introduced herself for Seraphia and looked down to Sapphire who had her eyes practically glued. She was quiet as a mouse as she almost slid behind Angela and looked at the woman. “Now, Sapphire that’s rude to stare.” Angela gently smacked the back of Sapphire’s head so she tumbled forward towards Seraphia.

“I’ve heard so much about you!” Sapphire blurted out afraid. “I’m… Sapphire.” She was so shy as she blushed and looked away. “I’m happy that they found you. Hiro has missed you a lot, my lady…”

Author: Seraphia, Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 8:12 PM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

The number of new things continued to flow as the conversation continued. Her son was talking in one ear and her husband in the other. She was going to have to get used to how talkative both the men in her life were. She would never have guessed that her son would have ended up so much like his father. Was it because she had not been around for a nice chunk of his life? She couldn’t be sure how long either of them had been in this world. The most she could understand from all the new information was that she had been gone a long time based on her son. There were many questions she would have to ask him once she felt more settled. Her focus now was to get a little more settled.

Her focus remained on her son for now. In the moment, she could only hope her son needed her attention more. His words quickly went from talking about how he missed his mother to Ember. Seraphia furrowed her eyebrows at the name but watched him curiously. With the whistle, she could only hope that Ember was not a person or she was about to have a couple of choice words with her son. Materializing out of the air, a small little dog took shape and started instinctually yapping at everyone, smelling their feet and then quickly licking any skin visible.

”Oh my… a dog!” Seraphia stuttered out slightly surprised. She had not expected a dog that looked like the one he was introducing. She let off a small smile as she leaned down and let the dog sniff at the top of her hand, who began licking at her hand in response. ”It is nice to meet you, Ember. I guess I should be welcoming you to the family.” The small elemental dog yapped back a response and Sera softly petted the top of her head before looking to her husband who was answering her questions.

She was glad to hear that this was not their home. She would be happy to never live in another temple again. She had learned very quickly that she was someone who enjoyed her personal space and did not like large rooms or houses. She loved the small little house attached to a blacksmith hut that they owned before. That was the home that she always missed and wished to return home to. She did miss having a hot spring in her back yard, however.

Sularia? It sounds like an interesting place. I would like to go there soon if we can. I would really like to sit down and rest some. I feel as if I have walked for years. I guess the world works strangely in that abyss I was in. I would like to meet this girl that you spoke of and thank the Goddess for her help with taking housing our son while I was gone. I am happy to see that he be kept care of. He has grown into a fine young man! I just cannot believe he already has a girl of his own.” Her eyes darted to Hiro as she spoke the last part. Her gaze looked him over with a large grin on her face. She could not wait to meet this girl that he was dating. Hopefully, she would be someone who would be good for her son.

Author: Hiro Kouen, Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 4:25 PM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

Hiro had tears in his eyes, his mother did too, his father was also crying.  Everyone was crying out of happiness.  They stayed like this for who knows how long.

"I missed you so much, Mom.  Oh!  I almost forgot!  Ember!"  Hiro stepped back a few steps and whistled.  Materializing out of thin air, a crimson and golden orange furred dog appeared.  She was small, low to the ground, with a long body.  She was a dachshund, with a tinge of fire elemental-ness to it.  The dog ran around everyone's feet, sniffing and yapping happily.  "This is Ember, our dog.  She's got some fire elemental in her somehow, she came with us from the old world!"  Ember yapped and started licking Seraphia happily.  "She's a good girl!  Yes she is!"

Seraphia asked about who's temple they were in, hoping it wasn't theirs.  She didn't enjoy the time in the Fire Shrine back in the day.  Sabishii laughed and smiled, wiping tears off his face.

"No, no.  This isn't our temple.  Hiro has been spending some time here, but this is Lady Angela's temple.  If you remember her from the old world, she's Goddess of Nature and Earth, Fertility, and so forth.  She's the Mother Goddess.  Hiro is uh, dating one of her daughters.  I'm sure Hiro will introduce her to you later, babe."  Sabishii said with a laugh.  Hiro blushed a bit that his father had mentioned her.  "No, we're in a city-state called Sularia.  It's an oasis town in the Arri Desert.  It's hot there, but people like us don't mind that, right?  Plenty of water though, since it's an oasis.  It's run by the Rosenites, Lady Angela's people.  People come from all over to trade there.  It's actually a very rich town, where they barter for goods, instead of using coinage.  Sometimes they use gemstones for trading for goods.  I got us a shop and home so I can do my blacksmithing trade there.  So, yes, we have a home.  I'll have to get you a map some time, so you know what the land looks like, the towns and what not."

Author: Seraphia, Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:48 PM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

Seraphia could no longer hold back the tears. The moment her son burst into tears, so did she. He rushed to her and her arms wrapped tightly around him. He was so much bigger than she last remembered. He almost completely enveloped her. He was almost the height of his father. She could not imagine what he had gone through spending so much time without a mother. She felt her heartbreak that she had missed even a little of his life. She silently prayed this was the last time something like this ever happened. She had been through so much in her life. She lost her own family very early in life and it always hurt her. She never thought she would be one to be able to have children of her own when she watched her own niece die from the same decease that took her sister. There was once a time that she just silently waited for death to take her too. Then everything changed.

It was a strange thought to think about her second life being completely different. From the moment she met Sabishii everything had changed. He brought her back from the brink of death and offered her a new life by merging her demonic soul with that of an elemental. She was reborn and cured from the decease she always waited to kill her. Maybe this new world was their moment to finally start over. Everything was completely different here. She had no idea what the world was like but Sabishii and Hiro were surviving here. She would find her own here as well. She would be happy any where her family was.

"I am so glad I am back. Look at me, you making me look like I am as emotional as your father!" Seraphia let off a laugh as she wiped her eyes. Dark sapphire irises drifted back to her husband and gave him a soft smile. All she could think about now was sitting down and finding out more about this world. What was different about this world from their own. Where did they live now and where the hell were they now. Later, she would also have to ask her son who he was talking about when they arrived.

"Who's house is this? It obviously a temple but who's? Please don't say ours because I do not want to live in a temple ever again!" Another chuckle left her lips and she reached up and ruffled her son's hair. She still could not believe how much he looked like both of them. She was ready to have time by themselves and find out everything she lost. Turning again to Sabishi, she addressed him, "We do have a home… right?'

Author: Hiro Kouen, Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:10 AM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

She looked just like she did the last time he had seen her, which had to be a long time ago.  When WAS the last time he saw her?  Was she gone months or years?  Damn Time Death, he thought to himself.  The black hair, the shade that matched his own hair, though his was tainted by the red that was in his father's hair.  Her eyes were blue, like his own, and his father's too.  Could his mother really be alive and well and in Revaliir?

She called out his name.  His sight of her started to blur as tears started welling up in his eyes.  The mother he thought was dead or missing to the void all this time, she was alive and well!

"Momma?!"  The aura of properness, and politeness he had built up all this time.  It all came crashing down upon seeing her, and hearing her call his name.  It was the same voice he remembered from her.  He rushed toward Seraphia, he was now taller than her, and embraced her in a tight hug.  "Oh Gods!  Mom!  It's been . . . way too long, I thought you were gone!  Gone forever!  But you're here!  You're here in Revaliir!  You're here with me and Dad!  I've missed you so much!"  He was crying his eyes out in happiness.

Sabishii stood behind them, a genuine smile on his face.  His boy was crying tears of pure joy.  He could see in them shades of years long past, of a younger, child Hiro hugging his mother.  It was starting to bring tears to his own eyes.  It made everything worth it to see the two of them again, to see them both happy.  He moved towards the two of them and brought his arms around them for the first time in a long, long time.

"My . . . family.  Together, at last," Sabishii said, tears also running down his face.  This is the happiness he wanted.  All his life, he wanted this kind of happiness.  The love of his wife, the happiness of his child, who he loved and was proud of.

A family happy together.

Author: Seraphia, Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:22 AM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

If it was not one thing, it was another. There was an eerie silence that filled the void as they passed through another portal. Seraphia was ready to never step foot through a portal ever again. She was starting to get a fear for them which was understandable after everything she had been through. She would need to talk to Sabishii about other forms of travel. It was too bad that most things made her sick. She had never been the best at flying but it was nothing like the sickness she would get from sailing. She was happy never stepping foot on a boat again in her life. She could not decide if she hated portals or boats more.

Yet again, her entrance through a portal was met with a lot of talking. She could hear a man calling out to them, mostly talking to the strange god, but then to her husband. Sabashii spoke back and the Lord excused himself. It all was silence to her ears as her gaze finally met that of someone who almost appeared a stranger to her now. He looked so much like Sab but had her eyes. He looked like a grown version of her son. The son that had barely hit puberty when she fell into the void.

She did not speak as she continued to stare at the boy who eyes began to water. Was that her son? He called her mom and his voice sounded so much like her child’s but he was older. He could almost be considered a duplicate of young Sabishii. It had to be Hiro or she needed to yell at her husband for cheating on her.

” It can’t be…. Hiro?” The emotions overtook her as she muttered out the question. She was so excited to see her son, but she could not believe that it was him. How could he sprout so much in such a short time and why did she miss it? His name came out slightly like a question itself. She did not feel anything would be sure until he answered to his name.

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Sat Aug 5, 2017 1:27 PM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

The gate blipped from existence as soon as Seraphia was escorted through the portal, and Drae marched past Hiro. "Yeah, yeah, Kid, don't panic I'm not going to bite you," he muttered in passing. He was not in a pleasant mood at the moment, and it was clear. He was covered in thick smelly mud, which he almost spitefully wiped onto Hiro's shoulder as he passed. "Enjoy your family reunion," he added with a wave as he marched back into the Palace of the Awakening Gardens. 

There was a chorus of shrieks of dismay echoed through the palace in Drae's wake, undoubtedly and uproar caused by the mess he shed upon walking through the halls.

Author: Hiro Kouen, Posted: Sat Aug 5, 2017 2:06 AM, Post Subject: The Phoenix and Lost Flame: Reuinited [P]

Hiro Kouen, the tall young man with dark raven and red hair, walked through Angela's temple.  He was off to one of the sides of the shrine, passing by the garden, on this beautiful day.  It was a warm day, but not too hot to be sweltering, it was actually quite nice out.  He was wearing casual clothing on, a red tunic and black pants.  He had a muscular figure, though he wasn't as towering over the world as his father was.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen his father in a while, he hoped he was okay, and hadn't gotten himself into any trouble or something.  The last time he talked to him, he told him about the episode with Lord Drae, where the God showed him a bit of . . . a firm, protective hand, over his daughter, Sapphire.

With these thoughts in his mind, he suddenly felt a surge in energy radiating from the garden.  He turned his head to gaze in the direction he felt the energy radiating from, he saw a swirling, arcane portal rip through space.  What was a portal doing here in the middle of the garden in Lady Angela's shrine?

"What the hell?" he asked himself.  He saw three figures walking out of the portal.  "L-Lord Drae?  H-here to see Lady Angela?  Sapphire's doing fine, by the way . . ."

"Son!  Show some backbone will you?  Fear is healthy, yeah, but don't go tripping over yourself over it, everything's fine and peachy, Lord Drae was giving us a ride here."

Sabishii Kouen, Hiro's father, stepped through the portal as well, wearing his crimson plate mail, his boots had caked mud on them, as if he'd been walking through a swamp or something.

"Dad?  What are you doing here with Lord Drae?  Is something wrong?  Did something happen?"  Hiro wasn't sure why the two of them were here, but there was a third person there, with a cloak he recognized has his father's.  A slender woman, with curves, long, curly dark hair.  He caught a glimpse of blue eyes, and Hiro's jaw dropped.  Sabishii was just grinning ear to ear.

"Mom?!  W-what?  I-I thought you were . . ."  Hiro would feel his eyes watering up, as he moved quickly toward his parents.  His mother, was still alive and whole?  When he spoke to his father about it, he had said she disappeared around the time the world ended, and he did not know where she was.  Hiro had assumed she was dead, but at the time, he was just glad to have his father back.

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