Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Sun Aug 6, 2017 8:17 PM, Post Subject: Of Hugs and Goddesses [GO]

Angela chuckled lightly and shook her head at Nadine. “It is not a bad thing in this sense. When Gods become something more they absorb or devour another sphere of influence. Or in some cases, a god can completely abandon their throne and take up two new spheres. I’ve done both but I’ve been alive long enough to do both.”

Thinking about wine for a moment the goddess put up a finger. “Wine is good for many, many things but wounds aren’t one of them. You should try it in cooking at some point. I make wine myself and many other types of alcohol for the gods and my family. Maybe I could show you how to do it eventually.”

Finally, it became time for her contract and Angela offered the girl a smile, it was a sweet one and there was no evil that seemed to come from Angela as did this. “All things happen for a reason even if we don’t intend for them to happen Nadine. You stumbled into my realm for a purpose but whatever that purpose is, you’ll have to find out for yourself. I can sense your energy from the moment you stepped into my realm and I was intrigued and sometimes that’s all it takes.”

The wine was sweet but it had a sort of fluttering sensation as it went through her body. “I’ve given you the ability of foresight, not absolute foresight. That is too powerful but in certain situations that involve my spheres you will gain visions or be able to follow the fate strings. It is not an all powerful gift Nadine and you will be able to influence sometimes, not all the time. Should you prove yourself to be more than what I see right now, I will increase my gifts to you but for now, I give you this gift.”

Angela pushed herself up from the throne and wandered just a bit away. “You are now clergy in my temple. You are among family, that is what we all consider ourselves who live in this place. The Awakening Gardens give hope Nadine. It offers food when there is none… It offers life when one is barren… It brings health to those who otherwise could not make it. We give hope. I do hope that you find yourself here and find out why exactly you were meant to end up in this room.”

Author: Nadine Hydria, Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:52 PM, Post Subject: Of Hugs and Goddesses [GO]


Nadine wasn't really fond of that word when it didn't involve food - well, what she considered food anyway. She didn't really understand what Angela meant when she said that, but she tried to assume that it wasn't as bad as she thought. Clearing her throat, Nadine decided to respond to Angela's comments about cooking in order to change the subject of her thoughts as quickly as possible.

"I've never really had wine, though I had always been curious. I use some alcohols to assist with cleaning wounds, but I try to use less of the gunk and more of the good stuff for that. I feel like anything but top quality would do harm rather than help."

Nadine smiled at the memory of being taught by her mother (the adoptive herbalist one) that alcohol, though it hurt you when imbibed, could kill bacteria capable of causing harm from the outside. Those were fun times, and Nadine missed those times. She hoped she could provide such times for her own apprentice or daughter in the future. Taking a sip from her drink, Nadine let out a sigh. It wasn't a bad or bored sigh. Just one of odd contentment. Nadine shouldn't feel as comfortable in the realm of a goddess she only just met, but feel comfortable she did.

As she did so, Angela proffered her another glass - also full of wine, or something similar at least. This wine was odd, and it bubbled. Wine didn't usually bubble. Nadine was fairly certain of that. As she looked up, confused, Angela offered an explanation as to why she was given the cup.

"I still don't really understand, but if a Goddess says that getting here was worth something, then I'll take her word for it." Nadine chuckled slightly. She was hesitant to drink from the strange wine. What did Angela mean by "place at her side"? Was this wine going to kill her? Grant her strange powers? Turn her into a flower? No - surely not. Angela didn't seem the type to do something like that to a guest - let alone someone she was praising.

"I suppose being able to help a Goddess somehow wouldn't be all too bad. Bottoms up."

Nadine took a sip of the wine at first, but began to drink it a little faster. It didn't have an unpleasant taste. It was quite interesting and unique. And it didn't really make her feel weird either, so she was confident she wasn't going to explode into a million flowers at least.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:26 PM, Post Subject: Of Hugs and Goddesses [GO]

“That is me.” She chuckled a bit. “Before I was a goddess I was indeed a skilled healer. I’ve been alive for many, many centuries my dear child.” She rubbed her pregnant belly and held a smile to her face. “I have to blame Adraejen for how pregnant I am.” Tilting her head she nodded as she understood. “Many people are like that. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Most of the time I choose to walk among others as a normal woman. It allows me to learn the world without having people worship me.”

She thought about Nadine’s words and nodded. “To the people on the other continent, I am nothing more than a legend or myth. I am the reason that the barriers in Parvpora work. I created them to protect the people of Revaliir from tragedy, I did all of that before I was a goddess for Revaliir.” She shook her head as she tried to make the girl more comfortable. “Think nothing of it. You had no idea I even existed as a real person. It is quite alright… and thank you.”

Angela thought about how to answer her question and nodded a bit. “Motherhood isn’t the correct term. For many years after my ascension, I was a goddess of Death. After letting my heart heal I was able to transcend into a being of Fertility and Earth… and I devoured Life recently allowing myself the reigns of Life and Earth. I am most commonly associated with motherhood though.” She smiled at Nadine.

The goddess was amused with the woman as she chuckled. “My cooks here in the temple are some of the best though I also love to cook. I also make wine. Please have as much as you want.”

Finally, the real question came out. “You fell through my portal, whether it be by accident or on purpose. Our fate strings were destined to meet after you did that. What you did wasn’t something that can be explained fully to mortals. At least not easily. You were able to put aside selfish ambitions to keep going forward. You subconsciously understood the first trial. You have earned the right to have a meeting with me.”

She tilted her head and poured a glass of wine before offering it to Nadine. The wine was glowing and shot off different colors as it bubbled for whatever reason. “I want to offer you a gift, a place at my side. You did what most could not so, therefore, you have earned it. All you have to do is drink.”

Author: Nadine Hydria, Posted: Tue Jul 4, 2017 2:17 PM, Post Subject: Of Hugs and Goddesses [GO]

"I-I-I um… wait.. uh… Ahem!"

Struggling to compose herself as she had absolutely no idea what was going on, Nadine cleared her throat and straightened up her posture. Feeling calmer, yet still nervous and uncertain, Nadine gently rubbed her arm with anxious energy as she looked about her in surprise.

This place was most curious, and it seemed to belong to this - admittedly rather bulging - woman before her. 

First, she fell into a strange place filled with black, stairs, tiny lights, and children. Then, she came through myriad places such as crystal jungles, farmlands and foresty waterfalls. And now, she was before a very….. very pregnant woman who called herself Angela. Upon being embraced by Angela, Nadine felt a most calming sensation run throughout her body. Her initial shock at what she saw and heard lessened. It was a most curious sensation - one she wasn't sure that would happen under normal circumstances or around a normal person.

Angela seemed to praise Nadine, although the young woman could not quite understand what it was she did that deserved such praise. It must have something to do with what she went through to get here. That had to be it.

At Angela's invitation, Nadine nodded and stiffly looked for a seat, and sat her rump down solidly upon finding one. Still feeling nervous, Nadine placed her hands in her lap as she beheld Angela before her.

Angela was quite pretty - her status as an expectant mother did naught but add to this allure, and Nadine blushed a little bit with admiration.

"I've… heard of an Angela before," she said quietly. "As far as I knew, Angela was a very skilled healer, but I thought of her as a normal woman. Not… a goddess, let alone one that was… quite as pregnant as you- not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. I didn't grow up in a community that held Gods or Goddesses as sacred - preferring to put their faith in the ways of the world. They were good people, of course - I've years of experience to vouch for that, but I always felt as though something were missing."

Nadine twiddled her thumbs nervously. She was normally a fairly evenly temperamental girl that could retain her composure, but this…. this was too much.

"My mother - well… the woman who raised me after my parents were taken in a plague…. she told me a little more about you, but never called it anything more than myth or legend, so I apologize for never having put more stock into who you are. You are much more…. real… and beautiful… than I had imagined."

Nadine tried a weak smile as she spoke. She didn't want to offend Angela, though she also felt like that would be very difficult for some reason.

"I do admit I never thought that Goddesses - being Goddesses and all - went through something so physical as pregnancy. From what I know, or believed, of deities, they usually embody parts, if not all, of what their domains represent. So… I take it that - since you're both Pregnant and referred to as 'The Mother', you are a Goddess for…. motherhood? Or parenting in general? I apologize if my knowledge is wrong. I never expected to ever meet one before….. a Goddess, I mean."

Nadine became a little fidgety as her face blushed bright red. She was sure she was making a right fool of herself. She was usually so good at handling people. This was different.

Her stomach rumbled at the sight of the scones Angela put before her. Nadine had never seen such pastries before. She was used to small, humble cakes and loaves of bread - all delicious of course. With all that had happened that day, the poor girl was positively hungry, and she picked up a scone. Slowly, she put it into her mouth for a bite, and she instantly appreciated that she did so as her taste buds were instantly met with a most pleasant taste.

"Oh my," she gushed. "This is quite amazing, I have to say." Nervousness forgotten, Nadine polished off the scone and another one quickly. Remembering Angela, Nadine blushed a little more and retreated into the back of her seat.

"S-sorry. I've never had such a thing before. I could scarcely help myself. I give much thanks for it." Nadine placed a hand on her plump belly, which was now fairly satisfied, and smiled at Angela as she felt much more comfortable now.

"So… Angela - Mother….. Would it be too bold of me to ask how I ended up here, or why I was given audience with you? I admit, I have difficulty figuring out how or why I would end up here, but surely there is a reason for it. I would love to speak with you. I've never shared company with a Goddess before."

Nadine giggled cutely. She felt at ease where she was nervous and uncertain before. It was a pleasant change. Nadine felt as though there really wasn't anything to worry about here. She felt that Angela, like any mother, would be a protective and strict, but loving, nurturing type of person. There was nothing wrong with that.

"I don't know if I did anything to merit a reward, though," she mused.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Tue Jul 4, 2017 12:02 AM, Post Subject: Of Hugs and Goddesses [GO]

Angela was heavily pregnant with her twins. They were growing so fast and it made her sad. It hadn’t been long since they combined their realms, her husband and herself of course. Adraejen was now excited over the prospect of having another son and daughter. Their family was ever growing but of course that was to be expected when one was married to the Mother herself. They had delicately planned out when they would have their next child but again as it was found out, fate would blind Angela from being able to protect herself from Adraejen. Whether it be fate or not because of his divine nature no one was certain. Perhaps it was just because they were meant to be. Her mind went and began to dwell on things Frey used to say to her when he was God of Fate. It wasn’t an unpleasant thing to think of but with him not here now it did make her a bit sad.

Occupying herself with the world of her own creation Angela zoned in one of her newest guests. Her green eyes flickered as she watched the woman. It wasn’t very often those who didn’t mean to end up in her realm did. The trials continued and she tilted her head as the woman continued on her way. The way that she made sure that the children would know that she would be back made her smile a bit. It took a lot of courage to leave your would be children behind, but that was the way to make them simply become. At least they were possible but not always did they happen.

The goddess watched as the woman transversed the crystal caves and when the goddess finally decided to make herself known she was simple about it. ”Visitor who did not mean to grace me with her presence. I wish to speak with you… Come… Come to me. Finish my trials and come speak with me within the grand halls of my temple. You’ve been wandering the realm of The Mother. I welcome you with my arms wide open… Come to me.” Her voice was soft as it reverberated around the walls of the cave. The crystals began to glow from just the voice of their mistress. It was such a warm soft light. Welcoming Nadine almost like a thousand hugs and beckoning her to continue on.

Once she had finished the trials and had entered Angela’s tree palace she found herself being escorted by some temple maidens. They opened the stained glass twin doors to Angela’s throne room. The heavily pregnant goddess was sitting in her throne of trees and flowers as she beckoned the girl to come. “You’ll have to pardon my condition. I don’t move much anymore since I feel like at any moment I could pop.” She patted her belly fondly as she welcomed the woman with a full heart. She pushed herself off the throne and embraced the woman.

“You did well… Not many could walk away from their children. Not many understand the meaning of that room. You impressed before you even got started. That is something that I reward. Will you have tea with me?” A table sprung up with a soft plush chair just for Nadine. Angela returned to her throne and began to pour the cups of tea. “This is my own brew. I make all of my wine, alcohol, tea, you name it… I make it myself. At least, I prepare the mixtures for the clergy who live here… and they do most of the cooking.” she chuckled a bit as she pushed some scones to Nadine. “My name is Angela… though most call me The Mother… Though just Mother works if that is what you wish. I don’t mind either way.”

Author: Nadine Hydria, Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 8:45 PM, Post Subject: Of Hugs and Goddesses [GO]


One moment, she was out in a forest looking for herbs for her poultices and tonics. The next, she was flat on her face on the ground. Tripping over rocks was not an experience that Nadine was fond of having, and quite honestly, it happened all too frequently for her taste. The resulting pain her soft face now felt was all too good an excuse to try NOT tripping over rocks in the future.

Slowly regaining her balance, Nadine stood up and steadied herself. She patted herself down - her supple frame loosely covered by a beautifully violet dress.

"I should not like to repeat this in the future," she mumbled to herself.

Happy with her dustjob, Nadine stretched her arms above her head and got all the cricks out of her bones from the fall. As she did so, she took a good look around where she was, and…

"Oh my!" she quietly exclaimed. "I do believe I've ended up somewhere drastically different from where I was just moments ago."

This statement was rather obvious in meaning, but, all the same, Nadine couldn't believe it.

All around her was dark - save for the slight green glow from the steps she walked on, and the tiny orbs of light that hovered clustered together about the place. Before her, Nadine could make out what seemed to be a large statue of a really quite beautiful woman. She looked very motherly in her posture - as if she were supporting whoever walked upon the stairs Nadine now found herself upon.

"Who is she, I wonder?" she thought to herself.

Seeing the spiraling steps before her, Nadine wasn't sure she wanted to ascend. However, there was this slight, warm feeling within the deepness of her chest. It felt comforting for some reason. She wasn't sure what it was, nor where it came from, but it egged her on as if it were whispering to her to press on. Still a little hesitant, Nadine slowly moved to climb the first couple steps. Finding her footing upon the new steps, Nadine slowly felt more confident that she wasn't going to fall off the steps into the darkness below. There was no railing to hold her fall, but Nadine felt as if falling were no longer a fear worth having.

Step after step, Nadine slowly climbed ever onward. It was a peaceful climb. Nadine thought to herself about the woman whose statue she could see ever present. The woman's figure was quite beautiful, and Nadine almost felt as if she would like to hug her like that was a natural thing to do.

Looking at the statue made Nadine remember her parents, and her adoptive mother who took her in after her parents were taken from her through plague. She could scarcely remember her parents anymore, but she could remember their love - their affection and fondness for their daughter. Nadine felt her eyes slowly tear up. The little drops pooled at the inner edges of her eyes until she wiped them away hurriedly.

"I've thought about them so many times since then. Why is it now that I feel the need to cry so?"

Nadine continued upwards - wiping tears as she went.

Nadine felt somewhat frightened. There was a small undertone of the unknown and intimidation with this place. The darkness unnerved her - the silence caused her concern - but press on she did, for there was little else she thought to do.

Then she felt something - or someone - grab onto her hand with little fingers. She became frozen stiff in surprise.

"Are you okay?" a little voice questioned from her side.

Looking down to her right, Nadine's eyes widened as she beheld a small girl. The girl's features were soft, and warm. Her long golden hair cascaded down her back like a silken cloak. The girl's blue eyes held a twinkling smile.

"Y-yes," Nadine choked.

"Are you sure?" Another high pitched voice came from her left as another hand held onto hers. Looking that way, Nadine saw another girl - this one with curly brown hair and green eyes.

Nadine nodded slowly in confused answer.

"What is this?" she asked. "Where am I? Who are you? What are you?"

"Stay with us and see!"

"Yes! Sing us a song! We would so love to hear you sing for us!"

"Sing?" Nadine looked troubled at the children's words. "I've never sung anything for children before, or to anyone but myself for that matter."

"Oh, please?

"Yes, please!"

Nadine wasn't certain what was going on. She tried to keep moving up the stairs, but the two girls had a fair grip on her hands, and they stopped moving as they begged her for a song. They tugged on her arms and snuggled up to her. She really wasn't certain what to do, but she couldn't find herself moving forward without satisfying their wish.

"If I sing for you, will you accompany me further up these steps? I am rather curious to see what is up there."

The two girls looked at each other, and then smiled. They nodded in sync.

"Yes! Then we'd know you're special, mother!"

"Yes, mother! So very special!"


Nadine was shocked at what the girls referred to her as. She had never seen these girls before, let along ever been in a situation where motherhood were even a logical end result of circumstance. And yet, despite this, Nadine felt a most peculiar thing.

Maternal Instinct? A desire, a love, to protect and nurture these girls? Why was this? Where did these feelings come from? These feelings made no sense, and yet, they made perfect sense. An unfamiliar familiarity filled Nadine, and as she sat down on the steps - both girls on either side of her sitting down as well - she wrapped her arms around them.

"Well, then. Let's see."

Her voice changed to that of a doting parent's - a desire to instill a sense of joy in these girls overtook Nadine. Thoughts and memories of her mother came to mind. Where all else of her mother had been nearly forgotten, her voice - her beautiful singing voice - remained. And so did the song she used to sing. And as she began to sing, the girls snuggled ever closer to her - eager to listen.

Melody )

Hush now, my darlings, and rest your heads.
The Moon and the stars watch o'er your beds.
Dream as you lean on your mother's breast,
and listen as mother enchants your rest.

The magical dreamland is waiting for you.
A wonderful place where your dreams can come true.
And when you've done all that you can do,
Return to me and we'll greet the morning dew.

As Nadine finished the last few notes of the lullaby - her flowy voice without echo in the dark expanse - the two girls smiled and stood up slowly. Nadine sat for a moment as she thanked her mother for giving her such a beautiful gift she had held onto for so long.

"You're a wonderful singer mother." One of the girls piped up quietly.

"Yes. Such a wonderful singer mother." The other agreed.

Nadine smiled and placed her hands on the girls' backs.

"Thank you, my Dears. I am happy you think so. However, I feel this is all mother can do for you right now."

Nadine felt warm inside with these girls around. Her heart felt full, and she so wanted to hold them and keep them close. However, she felt that there was more she was yet meant to do.

The girls clasped her hands once more as they looked up at her with sad, sweet eyes.

"Will you accept us, Mother?"

"Will you love us, Mother?"

Nadine gently squeezed the girls' fingers with her own and slowly stood up. She leaned down to kiss both girls on their heads.

"Of course. It isn't possible for us to be together just yet, but we shall be a family one day, I think. Wouldn't that be nice?"

The girls nodded, and Nadine smiled once more.

"Promise me you'll be good girls until then?"

"We promise!"

"Yes! Surely, we promise we will!"

"We won't disappoint you, Mother!"

"No, we won't ever disappoint you!"

Nadine nodded as she turned away. This experience - both frightening and heartwarming - gave her cause to press onward lest - she feared - she lost herself. Letting go of the girls' hands, Nadine began to ascend the lonely green steps once again towards a white arch she could now see just beyond where she was. As she neared what she assumed to be the exit from this place, Nadine could feel tears flowing down her cheeks. She didn't fully understand why, but those girls - her girls - left an imprint on her heart. She was certain she would want to keep them close if she could.

A short time later, Nadine found herself before the exit. A mixture of desire to stay and desire to leave filled Nadine's heart, but she knew she had to press on. Slowly, she walked through the arches….

…. and found herself somewhere completely different. It looked like it was a cave full of crystals. It was massive and surely it would take a long time before she managed to leave.

"My… Where does this all lead?

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