Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Thu Aug 3, 2017 11:22 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

An object lesson. She learned quickly from those, but this one seemed different. Nathaniel looked like he hesitated in whatever he was about to to. When he pulled her in and gently kissed her forehead, she wasn't quite sure how to react. She had seen this action done several different times, by Nathaniel to Aaryona, Lady Angela to several of her children, and even Master Drae had shown this affection to the children and even Angela. She took note of how it made her feel, it was sweet, and warm, and safe. She realized that's why parents made such shows of affection, to reassure the other individual that they were safe with them. She nodded slowly as Nathaniel explained that this was typically how families greeted or embraced. She knew that sometimes there was more to it than that, sometimes the action was accompanied by a hug, or tickling, and decided it all depended on the situation in which the affection was being given. In this case there was barely more than that to it, since Nathaniel was simply trying to make a point. 

The softness of his hands on her face, however, scattered these thoughts as she looked up at him in confusion before he leaned in and pressed his lips softly to hers. Her brows furrowed as he did this, and though it only lasted a mere matter of seconds, the rush of different emotions she felt was… well overwhelming. Firstly, her senses went into overdrive. She could smell more than the scents and perfumes that he bathed with, things that she otherwise might not have smelled had it not been to his close proximity. She was also acutely aware of the level of yellow-gold color that highlighted his hair, and how it fell across his forehead and past his ears. She could feel both how strong he was, and how tense he was, and clearly this motion made him uncomfortable. 

She also noted, the strange sensations she felt. Her heart-rate had increased, and she was tense too but not in an unpleasant sort of way. She suddenly felt like she had hummingbirds flitting around in her stomach. Confusion was prominent too. All this in the span of a few seconds made her feel dizzy and uncoordinated when Nathaniel stepped back. 

"See the difference?"

Her voice felt like it had temporarily failed her and she nodded as he retreated some distance away from her. His face was almost as red as his hair. It was… well the only term she thought could properly describe it was 'cute', but that almost seemed too childish a way to describe someone as elegant as Nathaniel. 

"I think I understand," she finally said, though her head still spun with questions she wanted to ask and understand better. More specifically why her body had reacted in such a way. "I apologize, that must have been an unpleasant thing for you to have to teach me," she said giving him a quick bow. She hadn't acted like this towards him for several weeks now since they had become much more familiar with each other, but it seemed prudent now since she had caused him an inconvenience and some level of discomfort. 

"I've seen both of these demonstrated by Lady Angela and Master Drae. I've also observed you when you are with the Sularian women. You often kiss their hands, particularly when you part ways with them. What does this signify?" she inquired, reverting back to her more inquisitive robotic behavior, her face suddenly lacking in emotion as it had when they had first become acquainted. 

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Thu Aug 3, 2017 10:50 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“It’s not something we generally talk about. It still hurts Aary to think about the babies she lost. Someday Mother is going to atone for what she did… Making Aaryona forget like that. Even Mother knows that.” He gave a smile. “It’s the way the world works.”

Nathaniel thought about. “I don’t think so… I think their souls were lost when DaeLuin was but my sister has a chance at happiness with Eirik. I think she needs to take it and not hold back this time. Also, it would be dangerous for her to get pregnant with whatever Nemesis is going to do… So we shall see.”

Thinking about motherhood he chuckled. “Maternal instincts. Those that act motherly like my mother are more apt to being good mothers. She is after all the embodiment of motherly.”

For a moment he came over and struggled to do something. “Here, I’ll show you.” It was tough for a moment but at first, he kissed her forehead. It was warm and inviting. It was only for a quick moment. “Family often greets each other with warmth like that… While Mother and Drae would greet each other like this,” there was more hesitation but he gently took her face, his thumbs caressing the sides of her face, and kissed her softly. It lasted only a few moments. “See the difference?” His face was red but it was the only way to teach someone like Iris.

"The only thing that separates romance and familial bonds are the meanings behind them. There is a different meaning behind the second one compared to the first." He backed away from her obviously giving himself and her more space since it had been awkward.

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Thu Aug 3, 2017 9:18 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"I didn't know that," Iris replied softly. "I wasn't aware that Aaryona had ever been married," she explained. Of course, if it wasn't in the Revaliir history books then Drae wouldn't have known it, and subsequently neither would she. She still felt a twinge of pity for Nathaniel's twin sister. She understood that losing a loved one was a trial in and of itself, but to suffer a miscarriage and never get to meet those that were still growing? She wasn't sure she could fathom that level of grief. 

"I think there are a great many people who are grateful for the things that Lady Angela can do now. Even when she was heavy with child she was and is capable of wondrous things," Iris mused. "And it is still possible that they will come back to her again. After all, the Soul Stream is a never ending cycle. If they were meant to be with her, surely such things will be," she said. "Aaryona has a good soul. I don't know what qualities make someone ideal for motherhood, but, I do believe that any who come into her family, or yours would be blessed." 

"I'm still trying to understand the concept of family. It is more than people just being of blood with one another, I've seen that with you and Master Drae and the other children who aren't of his lineage. The bond puzzles me sometimes… the affection that comes with it all. That especially," she told Nathaniel as she lightly went over and traced the ocean scenery on the wall. 

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Thu Aug 3, 2017 9:08 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“Of course, thank you, Iris.” Angela gave her a smile and nodded as she grinned back up at her husband. “I’ll call you if I need my husband displaced for being too handsy early.”

Nathaniel moved about the room making sure toys were where they needed to be and listened to Iris. “Aye, some day I want children of my own.” He stopped for a moment and put his hands on one of the cribs.

“Did you know that… Aaryona had once been pregnant with twins?” His eyes drifted over to Iris. “She was distraught, her husband had died and the shock of everything…” For a moment he stopped and frowned deeply. “She miscarried them. Mother made her forget everything but when we crossed over from DaeLuin… Aary remembered. She can deal with it now but back then… She was so distraught and in such a bad place.”

He shook his head. “I am very thankful my mother is who she is now. Now she can stop something like that from happening. Now we can save children that would otherwise be lost to the Soul Stream. It makes me sad to think of my nieces or nephews. Aaryona would have been a good mother.”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Thu Aug 3, 2017 8:53 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Drae grinned at Angela. "What can I say? You love me so much you knew you wanted two of me," he laughed as she shook her finger at him. This even made Iris giggle, which was a rather rare thing. More often then not, she would merely smile, but it was clear that Drae's good mood and amusement was pushing through into her. The laughter faded for a moment, and Iris gently rubbed both babies heads before she turned with Nathaniel. 

"Don't hesitate to summon me if I am needed," she insisted before she followed Nathaniel out and the pair of them headed back into the new nursery further down the hall. Her mind fell to Angela's words about how she had naturally been so good with the babies. She wondered if it was actually Master Drae's nature that was shining through her at that moment. From what she knew of her master, he was especially fond of his children, and even the children of others, though he might never admit it. 

She looked around at the scenery that she and Nathaniel had worked hard to put on the walls and looked content, while high above them the ceiling glittered with the thousands of stars that Master Drae enjoyed watching through the Occulus. She looked at the two cradles carved with different motifs to indicate which child was to sleep in them. She lightly ran her hands over the finely carved wood and looked at Nathaniel. 

"It truly is something special, isn't it? When new life enters the world?"

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Thu Aug 3, 2017 8:34 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Nathaniel chuckled a bit. “Just raise them like Aaryona, she used to light her babysitters on fire and everything else. Mom came home to Frey in the corner huddled because of what she did. Boys don’t like girls who are scary.”

Angela chuckled a bit. “Some of them do. Aaryona grew up into a woman who isn’t afraid to put a man under her boot and make them beg. That was the way her father wanted her to be, a good leader and no bullshit.” She tilted her head at Iris and smiled. “That’s what it means to be a natural Love. No experience needed.” The goddess kissed her husband back. “Sure, a total dud. A tree climbing little shit that knew bad language coming out of the womb, totally his father might I add.” Angela waved her finger at her father.

Nathaniel watched Iris with interest before smiling down at his new siblings. “They will be so loved by everyone. So many siblings to love them.” Nathaniel nodded with Iris. “We’re going to go make sure the nursery is complete for them not that they will be in there anytime soon but you can never have it too perfect.” He held out his hand for Iris. “Come on then.”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 2:03 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"Don't tempt me. So far I've been lucky with not having to chase off anyone as far as Iva's concerned," Drae said reproachfully of Nathaniel. "Though, be assured if it comes to that, I'll be asking for your help, boy," he smiled and he hunkered down beside Angela. 

Iris looked up at Angela with bewilderment as she praised her for being a natural at this. "Well, Nathaniel is for sure. He's had some more experience than I have… but…" she fell silent as she smiled back at Poppy. She didn't finish her sentence, but glanced up at Nathaniel as he lay Larkspur back down in the bassinet. His mind seemed to on something else. 

Drae chuckled at Angela as he snuggled up beside her and took a sip of his own tea. "You make it sound as though our first attempt was a dud," he laughed. He kissed her lightly. 

Iris watched this action. Affection was still something she was trying to wrap her head around, but she was learning that a lot of the time it was not something you commented on. Instead, however, she gently kissed Poppy's fingers before she gingerly put her back in the bassinet with her brother. 

"They are both beautiful," she praised. "I think you both deserve some rest now," she added softly as she turned to go.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 1:52 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“When Ro was born we had him in the forest,” she chuckled a bit. “Most babies are fragile and tiny. Even the largest animal tends to have small offspring. They are on the smaller side thanks to them being twins but they will grow fast. You’ll blink and they will be as big and mouthy as Rohan is.” The goddess chuckled a bit.

Nathaniel moved over to the bassinet and picked up his brother. “And he looks like Drae. You both are going to have problems on your hands when they get bigger. I foresee Poppy getting a lot of suitors with that red hair of hers.” He teased Drae. “Can you push all of them off the top of the Occulus?”

Poppy peeked up at Iris and cooed softly. She had Drae’s silver like eyes. “They got their father’s eyes too. It is amazing. How you can perfectly blend two people together and make a whole new person.” Angela gave a smile up to both of them. “You both are naturals at this.”

“Had a lot of practice when Reyviir and Aelwen were born. This is all nature at this point.” Nathaniel laughed and thought about it. “Even when Aaryona was born. I held her too. Just like this.” He was fond of thinking back to the simpler times as he put Lark back down into the bassinet.

Angela was sipping on her tea now as she smiled up at Drae. “We did a good job this time…”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 1:39 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Iris smiled and set the tray aside before she turned her attention back to the tiny infants in the bassinet beside Drae and Angela's bed. 
"Yes, the nursery is all ready. I think you will like it. We modeled the ceiling to look like the night sky the the view of the Occulus, and the walls look like the fairest coastlines across Canelux," Iris smiled before her eyes went back to the tiny bundles in the bassinet. 

When Angela asked, Iris's voice was soft. "They are so tiny… so innocent. So fragile," she said. "But who would have thought such tiny things could bring two people such joy," she said as she looked up at Angela again. She offered the opportunity to hold them, and she looked surprised, but smiled. "May I, Lady Angela? Please?" 

"Of course," Drae chuckled as he stood up from the bed and walked around to the bassinet so that Angela would not have to get up. Gingerly he picked up Poppy and handed her over to Iris, taking care to show her how she was to hold the infant so that her head would be supported and so that she would not be dropped. Iris mimicked her master's form and held the baby gently but securely in her arms. 

Poppy yawned and lifted her tiny hand to Iris. Hesitantly, Iris pressed her finger into the outstretched hand and lightly stroked the back of it with her thumb as she held Poppy. "She has your hair…"

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 1:28 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Angela chuckled a bit as she pulled Rohan to her and kissed his cheek. “You will always be my baby.” She blew a raspberry on his face and smiled up at Adraejen. “You most definitely didn’t want to come out of your home.” She teased her son lightly. “You sang a lot and you only listened to your father.”

She watched as Rohan left them and shook her head with a laugh. “He is funny. He thinks he is out of this young sibling thing just yet. He has so many siblings he will be one of the youngest for a long time coming.”

Nathaniel chuckled a bit. “He certainly is an active one.” He moved to help his mother get more comfortable as he put more pillow behind her.

“Like a dragon crash landed on top of me and stomped on my insides.” There was a little bit of a chuckle from her as she took the tea. “Thank you, Iris. Is their nursery ready for them? Not that I will let them out of my sight anytime soon but I really wanted to see it at some point.” She tilted her head at them and smiled. "What do you think of them, Iris. This should be the first time you've ever seen a baby let alone two. Would you like to hold them?"

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 1:04 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"Well, Rohan was a little snot and didn't want to visit the World," Drae chuckled. At the other end of the bassinet Rohan pouted. "I was not," he muttered. Drae laughed. "Oh yes you were. You wouldn't move for your mother, but you started singing up a storm. You DEFINITELY didn't want to come out of your mother's tummy either," he laughed. 

"Ew, Dad that's gross," Rohan blanched before he leaned over the bassinet and kissed Poppy and Larkspur on their tiny heads. "I'm glad you two are here. It means I'm not the baby anymore," the boy chuckled before he hugged his mother and father and ran out the door past Iris and Nathaniel. 

Iris walked up to Angela and Drae, carrying a tray with warm cups of soothing tea for the both of them. "How are you feeling, Angela?" Iris asked as she handed the cup to the mother of the newborns and then to her Master and creator. 

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 12:53 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Nathaniel kissed the top of his sister’s head as Iris asked him the question. “Nemesis… was the person who wanted me dead. He is a dangerous man but he is the only one who can keep Aaryona safe from the rest of the vampire world… What did Mother give him that is keeping him at bay?”

Aaryona hesitated, “She made his mate be able to get pregnant without fear of losing her or the child. For his protection, she will do this as long as she is a goddess.”

“I see… It makes sense. Nemesis has always been about the family. If you have met Nerezza and Lucian or heard of them Iris… They are his children. Raeguel is the good side of Nemesis.”

Iris and Nathaniel had a ton of time to get antiquated with each other. They were set in charge of the nursery and making sure it was ready for when Larkspur and Poppy arrived. They were together a lot and became close friends and confidants.

Finally, on the destined day of the twins arrival, Angela was laying in bed looking over at the little people that had joined their family. “Are they not beautiful Adraejen?” Larkspur had Drae’s dark hair and Poppy had the brightest red hair she had ever seen. “They are like mini versions of us.” She chuckled a bit as she moved her finger over to each of them and played with their hands. “Their birth certainly went easier than Rohan’s.”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 12:43 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Iris was about to inquire as to who this Nemesis was, but when she saw the discomfort in Aaryona's face, she paused. What about this Nemesis would make both of them so uncomfortable. She found it very strange that Angela would insist on something that would cause such discomfort in her children, it seemed quite contradictory to the woman Iris knew. She still didn't say anything and watched as Nathaniel warned her not to complain to Angela. Now that was something Iris had learned you didn't do. What she found even stranger was how once again Nathaniel was embracing Aaryona. She had seen Angela embrace Rohan in a similar fashion, but she didn't understand why Nathaniel would do such a thing for Aaryona. She understood they were siblings, but still such signs of affection were strange to her. 

She nodded, though she was confused when Aaryona insisted she not get involved with anyone like this Nemesis character. "Oh, ok," Iris said slowly. "Who… who is this Nemesis?" Iris asked slowly. "I'm not sure I understand, but I will take your advice and not get involved…"

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Wed Aug 2, 2017 12:03 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Aaryona chuckled at Iris and nodded. “It is true but here in the Gardens, our mother’s rules overrule anything I have. Back home I am not nearly as nice as I am when I am here… but that is because being kind can be seen as an act of weakness.”

Nathaniel nodded to Iris. “That’s right, you’ll notice that a lot of the time we all have our mother’s eyes but if you see Aaryona, Aelwen, even the twins Belle and Fern you’ll see that they have their father’s eyes.”

For a moment Aaryona looked uncomfortable. “Mother was doing things again. She asked Nemesis to give me lessons on how to survive. I was going to ask her what was going through her head when she ordered that.”

Nathaniel look shaken for a moment before shaking his own head. “You shouldn’t Aaryona. Nemesis is the only one who can teach you right now. Our father is gone for the moment and you need guidance. As much as it is a pain in the ass to have the old Shira lord as your teacher you need to deal with it.” He crossed his arms and frowned at his little sister. “You would dishonor mother if you threw it back in her face… There has to be a reason why she asked that man to do it for you.”

“It is because he knows how to survive and rule… I just… He scares me sometimes Nathaniel.” Aaryona frowned and Nathaniel came in to hug his sister.

“You would be an idiot if he didn’t scare you. You’ll manage you always do. Just be strong and today… enjoy Mother’s presence. Being here in the Gardens must make you feel better.” Aaryona nodded as she put her head in her brother’s chest. “You need to bathe before you leave so he doesn’t realize I’m here. Alright? It might get ugly if he knows I’m alive. Can you do that?” Aaryona nodded.

“Vampires never forget and rarely do they forgive.” Aaryona's voice was shaky for a moment or two. "I'll bathe before I leave." She offered a smile to Iris. "Don't ever get involved with someone like Nemesis Volkov."

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:04 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

When Nathaniel spoke out about her changing her appearance, and that she didn't need to do it in order to learn about people. His compliments were pleasant but she did not really understand the complexities of such things. However, when he mentioned she looked really nice with long hair, she smiled more to herself and grew it out again. Her hair typically fell to her shoulder blades, but she decided that a little longer wouldn't hurt, so she pushed it to the small of her back. It wasn't near as long as Nathaniel's, but it was still long. 

She smiled pleasantly at Aaryona as Nathaniel explained that she was still technically new to the world and that her bluntness was to be forgiven. 
"I will call you whatever you instruct me to, my Lady," Iris replied respectfully. "I do not wish to make any faux pas where rank and family is concerned, especially since you and your brother come from two very prestigious bloodlines, I understand," she said giving her a respectful bow. 

"Yes, I understand a little bit about the concept of genetic breeding and the passing of traits from family members. But if the classic Rosenite eyes are typically passed on through infliction, then it would make sense that a father's eye color may pass on to his daughter if she is a blood relative and not an afflicted, am I correct?" she asked. "Regardless, you are blessed," she said giving her another polite bow. 

"If you do not find me too forward, may I be allowed to inquire about the reason for your visit? Is there anything I can do to help make you more comfortable?" Iris asked of Aaryona as she straightened up again, her eyes now matching the shade of amber as the woman opposite. 

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:18 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“Draconis are a very ancient line of vampires. Not here in Revaliir but their amount of history in DaeLuin was amazing. I remember learning about them from my father and as leader of the Draconis it is Aaryona’s responsibility to learn about them as well.” He frowned a bit and thought about it. “Because… we are blood. To be blood means to take responsibility for what our family does. When my aunt Cyprus went crazy it became the family’s responsibility to kill her or we would suffer the consequences. That’s just the way the world is. Especially with vampire families.”

He looked behind him every once in a while to see what she was up to. “You know Iris, I think you are beautiful the way you are. You shouldn’t change your looks to learn people.” He offered her a smile. “Though you do look pretty cute with long hair.” It was just the way he felt about the matter and didn’t really think it meant much. Maybe she had never heard it before and he wanted her to.

Aaryona blinked at Iris for a moment and Nathaniel laughed. “You’ll have to pardon her Aary, she is still a baby to this world. She is learning.”

Aaryona nodded and smiled at Iris. “You can just call me Aaryona here. Were we at home I would ask to be called Lady Draconis, but that’s because the courts dictate I be showed respect because of my rank.” The Rosenite softly blushed a bit and gave her smile once she recovered. “Thank you, Iris. I’m told thousand or so years ago before my father’s eyes went the color of the night that his eyes were this color when he was human. I think they are pretty as well.”

Nathaniel tilted his head and nodded. “It is very uncommon to get different eye colors but it’s been happening a lot more now. It might be the influence of my mother’s power.” He was cheerful about it. “Normally only those who are turned into Rosenites have the eyes. Normally.”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:59 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"That must mean that the Draconis name comes from a Vampire line, otherwise they would not have been involved," Iris surmised. "Though how your affliction could have been her responsibility still fails me," she admitted. She stared at him, trying to make sense of what he was trying to explain to her. She was sure she would figure it out in time, perhaps with more observation of him.

She sighed a content sigh. "As long as Master Drae lives, so will I… that is reassuring," she mused. She watched Nathaniel stand and did the same before brushing grass particles from her clothing and followed after him. He seemed to be wandering around really, but then of course it made sense if he didn't know exactly when or where the aforementioned sister would be arriving. She occupied her mind by mimicking his posture and how he walked, even going so far at a moment, to color her own hair from black to the same vibrant shade of red that he had, and made her hair just as long as his. This experiment however, ceased when he spotted another red-headed woman, again, clearly someone of Angela's descent. The way he shouted out the pet name and rushed to her reaffirmed that this was indeed his little sister Aaryona, and Iris watched carefully their interaction. Aaryona had screamed, but it was not one of fear or pain, and the subsequent laughter suggested she was just as joyful to see Nathaniel as he was to see her. 

"Of course I was," Iris answered. "I was not wasting my master's time," she said flatly. "It is nice to make your acquaintance, Lady Aaryona." 

Upon closer inspection, Aaryona was maybe a touch shorter than Iris was, and she did not share the typical eye color that others of the House of Rose did. Her eyes were the color of fossilized tree sap, and were very pretty in their own way. 

"Your eyes are pretty. They are different from the rest of your family…" she said looking at Aaryona, inspecting her. 

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:29 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“Because my sister was deemed responsible by a vampire clan. You’ll learn about our family, it is not the Rosenites who are overly violent.” He offered her a smile. “There is a hierarchy in life. My sister despite being just a decade younger than I am is still considered a child to the vampires… Though there are some violent Rosenites like my aunt Toya.”

He chuckled a bit more at her and nodded. “It’s just between Aaryona and myself.” Nathaniel thought how best to answer before he decided to. “Because it will be natural for you to learn from everyone and suck in the knowledge without even thinking about it Iris. That’s how most people become wise.”

He had heard her question and smiled. “If you are the avatar of Drae… I think you will live as long as he does.” He tried to ease her mind just a bit. When he was ready he beckoned her to follow him once he was off the ground. He wandered the temple for a few good moments until a lithe woman was in sight. She had long red hair much like his and their mother’s.

“Aary!” He yelled excitedly towards his sister as he ran and picked her up in a hug. The girl screamed because she was caught off guard. She was dressed in black and gold.

“Thaniel!” She squealed towards her brother once she was done flailing in his arms. “I missed you!” They hugged and he set her down. She was smaller than Nathaniel and had amber eyes. “Who is your friend?”

“This is Drae’s Avatar, Iris. She was making sure the seams were alright just like I was. I think anyways… Iris this is my sister Aaryona.”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:57 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"I guess there would be no way to prove such things. Even if one were to look into your mind it could not be fully trusted what the person doing the looking says," she said as she mulled it over. "What sin had your sister committed that would have earned her execution if she had not redeemed herself by taking your life?" she asked, shaking her head. "Your people seem a very violent one… you do not have to answer that question. I realize that crosses a boundary line and I have no right to ask that."

She quirked her head to the side. "Is that a universal sign to not think too hard or is it specific to your and your sibling?" she inquired. "You are contradicting yourself again. How am I to study them if I do not look at them with a research oriented mind. I am not poking or prodding them the way a scientist might poke and prod a dangerous animal, if that is what you are getting at. I find such methods crude."

A rather rhetorical thought crossed her mind at that point as Nathaniel mentioned years and ages. "I wonder how long I will live…" she said softly. Time was still a concept she was learning, as it had only been a few short months in her lifespan. She looked up at him as he offered to introduce her to Aaryona. She looked a bit hesitant at first then nodded. 

"If Master Adraejen does not require me for other tasks… then yes, I would like to meet more of his family," she replied. 

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:10 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“Because that’s not the way the world works Iris. You are accountable for your actions even if you weren’t the ones pulling the strings. People have been put to death for less to clear the air.” He was lost for a bit before answering. “They would have killed my sister if she hadn’t killed me… If that person is here in Revaliir and they realize I’m alive what do you think they will do to her?”

He laughed a bit at her reaction. “It’s something I used to do with Aaryona when she was over thinking something. For us, it meant to stop over analyzing everything. You’ll get it eventually but you are going to give yourself an ache if you don’t stop.”

Again he smiled at her. “Start looking at people like people and not test subjects. It might help you out in the long run.” He again chuckled a bit at her and thought about. “Maybe fifty… sixty years? Gods I am old. Still very young for my mother’s race though.” He offered a simple answer. “I do know many things but not as many as my sister Aaryona. We were split down the middle. I learned all the arts while she learned all the combat.”

He did miss his little sister. "Aary is supposed to be stopping by soon… Do you want to meet her?"

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:39 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"I suppose that is incredibly noble of you," she said. She didn't know why, but the idea of nobility tasted bad on her tongue. She had no personal issue with it, so perhaps it was Master Adraejen's dislike of the concept that she was showing. "But if you were not in control of yourself, surely you realize that you are not wholly to blame for what happened. Disease, possession… if you are not in control of your faculties, can they really blame you all that much?" she asked him. "Do you really believe that dying for them again would make all of this better for you?"

When he poke her forehead she recoiled back from him slightly, giving him a look that suggested she did not understand the motion. "Why did you do that? I don't understand that motion. Was there something on my forehead that needed to be pushed?" she asked him. She rubbed her forehead out of instinct now, wondering if there was in fact some sort of blemish there she had not noticed. 

"And am I not engaging in conversation with you?" she asked as she rubbed the spot and then forced herself to put her hand down. "Am I not learning by sitting here talking with you? You seem a most excellent subject, for I know you have lived long in this world by anyone's standards. Even if not in THIS specific world, you have still lived longer than most."

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:08 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“A crime should be weighed on what the outcome was wanted. I was on a war path to kill my little sister and to kill my mother. To claim not only the crowns of the Red Court but also the crown of the Draconis. Disease had set in my blood and made me unable to fight against the urges that drove me, it was like sitting back and watching a show, a terrible one that I hated. I had no control over anything.” He closed his eyes and took a deep sigh.

He played with a swirl of his red hair as he thought about it. “It’s because I don’t think the punishment is harsh enough. For the crime that I committed I should have been punished more.” He gave Iris a gentle smile. “For my family, I would gladly die again to restore their honor if that is what they would ask of me. I do think that asking so little of me is an insult to my character. Like my father, before me, I tend to be extremely honor bound.”

Nathaniel tilted his head. “You are young yet, you will learn. You were only created a little bit ago if you are his Avatar. It will take years to learn about the life around you. You’ll see. It will get better.” He gently poked her forehead and chuckled. “You should engage in conversation with them Iris. That is a good way to learn more about them.”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:51 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"Why would anyone do that to themselves?" Iris asked him flat out. "Why would you choose a harsher punishment, potentially one that would force yourself into willful subjugation for an unforeseeable future that is much harsher than what judgement might have picked out for you? Surely your guilt should not be your master.  It implies that the sinner is incapable of finding forgiveness with his or herself, when others would have your forgiven out of attachment to you," she stated. "You think you bring your Mother honor by allowing a swarm of hormone filled and entitled females to follow you around? If what you say about your culture is in fact true, the two of you should have no obligation to these women at all. You, after all, were not promised to any of these women, am I correct? If a woman is to marry her son off for monetary or political gain, what purpose would this serve Lady Angela at this point in time? She is the Red Court Queen, if I am not mistaken, and a Goddess. That makes her one of the most, if not THE most powerful woman in Sularia. She would have no need of this."

Iris sighed. She didn't understand a lot of this, but she was still learning. 

"It is confusing, but it is a concept I am starting to learn regardless. Books make everything black and white, as plain as the pages they are written on. It is logical and succinct. But when you throw in emotions, that when it gets complicated. The hominid mind is the most complicated mechanism I am learning. Just as you say, I must learn from watching many, so I do. I watch and study the people I come across. Each is different in appearance, some lacking aesthetic while others have it in abundance, but one thing remains the same. Their emotions."

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:24 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Nathaniel chuckled at this strange little woman. “In a perfect world, they would be. However, they see it that I am completely in my mother’s debt and they would think it was against her will if I were to completely turn them away. This happens because of the court system back home. Most of the mothers in Sularia marry their sons off to gain something, so when a son turns people away the first person to be blamed is the mother. Our mother isn’t that strict about the rules, none of the queens really are. As long as we bring honor to them, which… I have not.”

He rubbed the back of her neck. “You have a lot to learn by watching people.” It was blunt just like she had been to him. “Sometimes it isn’t because of the punishment given by the party but the prisoner who chooses to have a harsher sentence. I should have been killed for my crimes, I should have been killed a second time. Instead, she gives me a light sentence of earning her honor back. I didn’t think that was tough enough. Like my father before me, I have chosen a harsher sentence to prove myself so that my mother does not have to live with the black spot that I have put on her life. It is not a simple thing what I have chosen to done.”

He chuckled a bit once more. “Soul-Mates are a bit of a different situation. If the love is meant to be, it will be there when I am done. After all if it weren’t for the fact that my mother and father were incapability you might not be here. Neither would my other siblings for that matter. It is a tricky thing that life has. Soul-Mates are once in a life time partners you get that will never go away, you never know when you get them or how. They just are. They are part of life’s finicky path. The person walking next to you could be them but you would never know. If the time isn’t right they won’t shine as brightly to you.”

He gave her a smile before looking away. “I’m not the oldest anymore but I don’t think I deserve the happiness that my baby sister Aary has strived for. Not yet.” He mouthed her name for a moment before giving her another smile. “You may just call me Nathaniel. Like my mother, I’m afraid I don’t really like titles much. I think that you will learn there are many answers to life you can’t get out of a book or by watching just one group of people. Even now you might think you know my mother and her warmth but when she is angry or when someone has crossed her.” He frowned a bit thinking about it. “The bloodbath she could bring with her… is terrifying. This was even before her god powers here. I remember its wrath.”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:03 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"Your logic makes no sense to me. If they are angry with you, why should their discontent fall on your mother? She was not the one to deny them access here, nor was she the one who sent them away. If they are to be angry with anyone, I think it would be with you, perhaps simply because you sent them away and left one behind to work with?" she suggested to him, her long thin black eyebrows furrowing. "I know of you, Master Rose-Draconis. One of the first things Master Adraejen insisted was that I learn of your family's history because it tied very much into our own. I know that Cyprus did many things to hurt Angela, and you were by far possibly her biggest success next to the accidental attachement of her soul to my master, who later by complete chance became Lady Angela's consort and consequently husband," she stated. 

"I also know, by the impressions I get from my master, that while Lady Angela does want you to make reparations and gain redemption, she does want you to be able to LIVE," she pointed out. "She is the Mother, after all. What more could possibly make her happy than seeing her eldest finally find love and settle down? Me thinks perhaps, it is something else that keeps you from giving away your affections. I believe the term is a 'soul-mate' if I am not mistaken," she shrugged. 

She realized she had not answered his question. "Iris. Master Adraejen called me Iris. A name with many facets. All I think suit my purpose to him. A flower, homage to his wife, part of the eye that enables him to see, and a reflection, a refraction of light mirroring his own cognizance, and a messenger for him. I am his Avatar, not simply his assistant or protege. An extension of his arm and will." 

Author: Nathaniel, Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:42 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Nathaniel’s odd gaze moved back to Iris as he chuckled. “I lied in that moment… but I am not typically a liar. That would mean I make a habit out of it.” He tilted his head as he thought about her words and shook his head. “No, I couldn’t. I feel like it would bring dishonor to my mother if I were to leave them broken hearted. It is far better for them to be mad at me for a time than for them to be ill-willed with my mother.”

She sounded odd but he gave her a smile the same. “I don’t like their company because I am not that type of man. I am a scholar, an artist, a dancer… Artisan is the proper term. However, while many of my kind tend to use their fancy words to get women… My life belongs to her until she sees it fit to release me from her claws. I deserve no woman until that time.”

He watched as Iris mimicked him and he chuckled a bit. She was truly an odd one after all. “I am her oldest from the other world. The Draconis first born, the once crowned prince of the Red Court, her son Nathaniel Rose-Draconis. I’ve always looked like her and acted like her. Fate would have it that I would turn on her and my siblings, try to kill all of them. A dreadful disease placed in my blood by Cyprus of the Black Court. My sister had to kill me, but it would appear that life has yet to be done with me just yet… And who would you be?”

Author: MirrorMirror, Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:23 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Green and red met the undulating exchange of silver, blue and green, and for a moment Iris was frozen by his gaze. His smile… was quirky, a sort of sideways thing. She just stared, eyes intent on him as he turned and outright lied to the gaggle of Sularian females who flocked behind him. Nothing was wrong with the seams of magic in this area, she had just checked them all herself, and her eyes were one with Master Adraejen's. If there had been a flaw, he would have dictated to her how to fix it. She stared at him, unable to voice this opinion as they were both overwhelmed with the disappointed and almost angry sighs of the other women who turned to take their leave. One of them stuck Iris was a particularly icy glare that made the Avatar quirk her head in confusion. Why would she take offense? Iris had said and done nothing to the woman. It was almost as if it was merely her presence that offended, and that was plain ridiculous. Who would be that petty and jealous?

Iris watched the beautiful man as he plopped down on the grass on the tier below her on the other side if the roses and heave out a sigh that suggested he had been far more agitated with his followers than he had originally let on. With the other women out of sight, Iris straightened back up, and placed her hands on her hips. 
"You are a liar." she said bluntly. Drae had yet to get around to teaching her when things should or shouldn't be said. "There is nothing wrong with the seams here. If you really were so tired of them, surely you could have told them to leave at any time," she said flatly. She walked around the hedge of roses down the short steps and stopped a couple of feet from Nathaniel. 

"Why do you not like their company. I thought all men enjoyed the attentions of women. Rosenite men especially." 

She sat down on the grass and mimicked his pose, watching him intently. "I know you are of her. You are like her. Could almost be her in appearance if you had been female I think. You look more like her than the others."

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 3:30 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“Larkspur and Poppy… two very great names for our new little ones.” She took her hands and felt them moving. “That is so wonderful. They are beautiful in every way and I can’t wait until we meet their little personalities. Hopefully they listen better than Rohan and Iva.” It was a simple wish that probably would elude them but they would deal with it as time progressed.

“I’m just glad that Iris is fairing alright since her creation. Sometimes it is a little hard to get used to living when you don’t even know who you really are. You are giving a purpose and a name but that hardly helps when everything is new and sort of overwhelming.” Angela was a little concerned for the girl but she knew that her husband would do well and hopefully help her along the way. “I’ve been alive for how long? Patience comes with the territory. At least I would think it would.” She tilted her head and chuckled a bit. “Put up with you is such a hard phrasing of our relationship.” There was a smirk on her lips but at least Adraejen was no longer hiding underneath beds away from the troubles of the temple.

“Maybe, but he might think he at least owes them something and that might be why he hasn’t shooed them off. I really do hope he starts to stand up for himself a bit more because of that. He doesn’t owe the world… He just owes his family.” She snuggled into him when he patted her arm and nodded.

Nathaniel was doing his own thing and wandering about trying to fix all the seams for his mother that he could find. He wasn’t skilled particularly in offensive means both magical and physical but he knew enough. The arcane fabric of the stitching that his mother and stepfather had created was almost perfect so there wasn’t much for him to do. However, to keep his mind off the women following him around he acted as if things were wrong.

He was in the gardens now as he worked on things there that even if they didn’t need it he spent time admiring. The fragrances within the bounds of the garden reminded him of their childhood home. It brought a gentle smile to his face as he held a rose between his fingers. He wasn’t scared of the thorns nor did he mind if they scratched him. This garden reminded him all too well of what he had lost back in the other world. He was determined not to let it happen again.

His long red hair had been elegantly pulled back and he was dressed in finely tailored clothes from Sularia. He had a slightly lighter complexion than that of his mother but his eyes and hair were all the same as hers. His eyes lifted up from the flower and met with Iris’s for a split moment. He gave her a smile and finally took a deep sigh as he figured out who she was.

“Ladies, I will have to ask you to return to Sularia. While it does break my heart to see you leave, it would hurt me even more to see you get hurt. The seams are still unstable here in the Gardens so if you would leave for the time being until we are done… Drae’s assistant and I can begin work on make sure everything is fine,” he had a feeling it was her but it didn’t matter as he motioned to her. There was a gaggle of angry sighs as they left him and Iris alone. They found the portals and when he knew they were gone he plopped onto the ground and let out an agitated sigh.

“Sorry if you really aren’t with Drae. I’ve been trying to get rid of them for a week now.” His voice sounded tired as he scratched at the back of his neck. “Saw it as a way out really. I don’t like having them all around me like that. I’m not really used to it.” Though he should have at least expected it. He had his mother’s beauty and grace while he had his father’s presence. “My name is Nathaniel, I’m one of Angela’s sons.”

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:12 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"Larkspur, I didn't even think of that one," Drae chuckled. "It's decided then. Poppy and Larkspur, Lark for short." He smiled at his wife, proving that he could actually be useful every once in a while, other than being an arm jewel. He was ok with that, of course. 

He shrugged. "If they have, I wouldn't be surprised if Iris hasn't noticed yet. She's so focused on making sure that this merger is perfect… I think it is because she is enamored with the beauty of the Gardens. I've spotted her once or twice just staring at all the flowers. It's so much more than she's seen just in Tar Eisalae," he mused. "Come on, you have the patience of well… I would say a goddess, but that wouldn't be saying anything would it? The point is you put up with me, and before that your equally clingy harem, did you not?" he laughed. "In any case, if the boy is anything like you, he'll shoo them off if they really start to bother him," he chuckled. He patted her arm reassuringly. "Hey, with a mother like you, I think anyone could keep to the path of redemption. He'll show the world eventually that he is worthy of your trust, and theirs."

Now, Drae wasn't wrong about Iris's state of mind. When she had first heard that they were going to merge the Awakening Gardens with Tar Eisalae, she had been unable to contain her excitement. The few visits she had made to the Gardens she had been unable to pull herself away from the myriads of flowers and plants. They were so much prettier in real life than in books. She was trying to remain focused in that moment, making sure the alignment with the temples was correct and seamless. So far she had tested every spot that the merge was to take place in save one, and that was the master suit. Master Drae had of course taken care of that. one. She passed through the Exotic Animal Conservatory Garden out into the Gardens for the final check and was satisfied that everything was correct. She made a note of it and sent the scroll she had been scribbling on off to Drae by way of a small wyvern that had been riding on her shoulder, a souvenir of sorts from their escapade to Gifre's Vault. 

Content that for the moment there was nothing being demanded of her time, Iris began exploring the gardens, similar to a tourist, mouth ajar, and eyes full of wonder and beauty. She paused at one of the many rose bushes and knelt beside it, inhaling the sweet fragrance deeply. 

The quiet and solitude of the garden was disrupted by the approach from the opposite direction of a gaggle of Rosenite females following after a red-haired Rosenite male. She almost rolled her eyes but paused as her constantly shifting silver-blue-green gaze fell on the man. He bore a remarkable resemblance to Angela, and Iris found it hard to tear her eyes away. So she appeared more to be an out of place lurker, dressed in her dark outfit, on the other side of the roses from him. 

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Tue Jul 4, 2017 12:44 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

The goddess’s harsh look fell from her face as he gave her that lovable goofy grin. She kissed his chin and smiled a bit. “You better be for all the trouble we go through. Hell, I better be hopelessly in love with you more so.” She smiled a bit and rubbed her nose lovingly against his.

Angela gave him a grin and laughed. “I think so too… I’ve had that name on the tip of my tongue for the last few days so I’m pretty sure that our baby will indeed be a little red head.” She kissed his cheek once more and smiled as they thought up names for their little boy now. “Yes, we don’t always follow the rule completely as long as the name comes back to their natural meaning… Lucian and Nerezza meaning Light and Darkness for example.. or Belle has the shortening for Snowbelle.” She nodded as she thought.

She moved her green eyes to the bird and smiled as her husband finally thought of a name. “Or like that of Larkspur… I like Lark… Poppy and Lark… It’s perfect Drae.” Her green eyes with vivid with happiness as she snuggled into him and tilted her head. “Speaking of which Nathaniel has been helping me with setting up the temples. Think him and Iris have run into each other yet? He isn’t that hard to miss with that group of ladies following him everywhere… I’ll give him credit his patience is much grander than mine… I would have sent them away by now if I didn’t like it and he surely does not.” She chuckled a bit.

“I’m sure he just thinks he’s doing his duty to Sularia by just letting them entertain the thought. He is a good boy now that he is back on the wagon…” She frowned for a minute as she thought about how lost he had been. “He’ll be alright now… He’s slowly finding his own sense of redemption. It just might take a while.” It was more to reassure herself.

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:59 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Drae raised an eyebrow when Angela gave him the look. He knew it was coming, and he didn't try to duck when she smacked him upside the head. "Ow, ok yeah, I deserved that," he chuckled. "No of course I didn't forget. You were in the middle of eating pears and cottage cheese when we found out," he laughed as he rubbed his head. He gave her an almost goofy grin as she kissed him. "Only hopelessly in love with you," he smiled. 

He contemplated the name she had suggested. "Poppy. It's cute. I sense a red head with that name," he chuckled. "You are right, this is hard. Especially since you almost have every other flower covered, and there are not a lot of Masculine plant names you haven't burned through…" he mused. "Though, I notice that you don't necessarily follow that to the letter… but if we stick to nature… maybe we can come up with something still within nature's bounds. A bird, perhaps… like…" he looked around as they walked and he noticed a bird sitting on the sill of an open nearby window. He pointed at the bird. 

"What about Lark? Like that skylark?" he asked, pointing at the bird. "Poppy and Lark," he said and looked at Angela. "What do you think?"

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:24 AM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“They don’t have his bardic powers. He has little girls swooning everywhere.” She chuckled a bit.

Angela tilted her head and looked at him. “I’m fifteen hundred years old… He is still my little boy!” She chuckled a bit. Though it turned serious and she nodded. “Yes, Cyprus has caused a major stain on his life. I do hope he is at least doing better.”

She had an interesting face as she stared at her husband. “Adraejen. YOU DID NOT FORGET THE GENDERS OF OUR BABIES ALREADY DID YOU?!” She took her hand and smacked him upside his head. “Have you been that busy that you forgot about us?” She did a pretend disappointed face at him and chuckled. “You are hopeless.” She kissed his face.

“I sort of like Poppy for a name… but it’s the boy’s name I am struggling on…”

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:19 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

"Hmmm, I guess you are right," Drae chuckled as he kissed her quickly as he pressed his hands over her belly. His eyes lit up and he let out a light laugh as he felt their twins kicking against their mother. "They are strong," he smiled. "Yeah, we did have a tough time with Rohan… now we have to try and name two…I'm assuming you know what you are having by this time," he said as he looked at her. He took her arm and they walked through the door to the shrine and headed towards one of the other spots where they had combined their realms. 

"Nathaniel is a little more than a boy now. Technically he's older than me," he said. "I do hope he's making good on his reparations," he said. "I know that was a long time ago, but it seems to me that the Rosenites have a very long racial memory."

He chuckled. "Their ready to meet the world," he smiled. "Now… names?"

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:33 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

“It’s been forever since we could actually lie down in a bed together and not worry about warping between the temples. This is our martial bed after all.” She teased him softly as she watched him from where she was standing. Angela was restless like she had been with Rohan. She was constantly roaming around.

“Probably because were under the bliss of not thinking about it… Twins really put it into perspective.” She chuckled a bit and kissed him softly. “They are so active today… They need names though and I know we had a hard time picking Rohan’s name out… and I would like to not repeat any names I already have.” That was a pain in the ass itself.

“Aye, we should. I have Nathaniel working overtime to make sure everything is going well too. He is a good boy you know.” Boy? He was a man of seventy now. Her handsome little man. She chuckled softly as she looped her arm with him. Even with her light dress, it was clear she was due any time now as she patted her large belly.

“They kick worse than Ro did when he was in here.” The children were the ones most excited about the new babies and the temple merge.

Author: Porthyrius, Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:01 PM, Post Subject: Massive Changes [P]

Drae lay back on the bed exhaling happily as he looked around at the combined architecture of his and Angela's new private rooms. Her apothecary bench and hotspring, combined with his fresh new fur-covered bed. A cross between Angela's grotto and his own original rooms, the walls were still the dark stone covered with ivy, hanging plants and flowers, but there was more now. Angela's fireflies and floating candles lit floated about the room. Tapestries detailing their life together hung where the moss was thin. He looked over at his beautiful red-headed wife and stood up, looking over the changes they had made. 

"I don't know why it has taken us five years to do this," he said as he walked up to her and gently lay his hands on her swollen pregnant belly. "But we definitely should have done it a lot sooner." He heaved a contented sigh. 

"It seems everything in here is working out just splendidly,"  he smiled. "But we should go check on Iris and the rest of the areas we merged." 

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