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Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
The journey to the Awakening Gardens was rather short for Dalanesca, thanks to the connection between the Gardens and Porta Inferi via the Soul Stream. This was, of course, a blessing, because the goddess simply did not have the patience to deal with any other method of travel. Her mind was spinning from events that had transpired between herself and her guest, Story - who had abruptly disappeared from her realm following the aforementioned events. The main reason behind her journey to Angela’s realm was that, truthfully, Dalanesca just needed a friend for the time being. She had been through much in just a few short months - much of which she had gone through with Angela… but the thing on her mind now was something that her fellow goddess at least had insight on.

The copious amounts of liquor that Dalanesca had imbibed in her own realm - both during the events and after - were finally wearing off, leaving her with a dull throbbing behind her eyes. Confusion still clouded her mind as she ventured into Angela’s realm, still wracking her brain trying to figure out what exactly had caused Story to flee so quickly. She did not feel anger with him - she just wanted to know; and she was hoping that perhaps Angela would be able to offer her some insight into the matter when regaled with what had transpired.

It did not take long for her to reach her destination. Any time she had visited Angela, she usually ended up waiting for her friend in the library. It was a beautiful place, but Dalanesca had not taken into account the fact that seeing a room full of books would just cause her to remember the events that had taken place in her own library not that long ago. The familiar smell of old pages wafted into her nostrils, and she took a sharp breath, feeling her eyes sting once more.

There was no one to be seen in the room, and Dalanesca let out an exaggerated sigh. She wandered to one of the many tables and sat down, knowing full well that if Angela were in the realm, she would be able to sense her presence. After a few moments of nothing, another being entered the library - Dalanesca could sense her life force radiating throughout the room, as souls were wont to do.

She turned and faced the girl that had entered and recognized her to be Melina - she had met her a while back. The girl had no chance to speak before Dalanesca snapped at her. ”Where is Angela?” she asked, her voice carrying a rather short tone. It was clear that she was not seeking Angela out of rage, but rather out of annoyance at something else - and that annoyance was now being directed at Melina. ”I don’t actually care where she is, just get her,” she snapped. She glanced at Melina and realized the confusion on the girl’s face.

”Please?” she added, trying to sound sincere. Melina just nodded at her, and disappeared from the library. Dalanesca sat back in her chair, waiting to see if Angela would have time for her. She knew that she would not need to explain to her friend what had happened, as she allowed Angela’s divine power to see into her mind (even though she could block it if need be). She just needed a friend to talk to, and perhaps explain to her why things had gone the way they did.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Melina had been in the middle of delegating a situation between Rohan and a slice of cake. She was trying to make sure that he only ate it bits and pieces at a time. It was one of the only sweets he got all day and it was that time of day he would get one. When Melina heard that Dalanesca had made her way to the realm she winced. It was a horrible time to need Angela when she was over in Tar with Drae.

She looked to Belle who was nearby and asked her to watch the girl’s brother. The sister, of course, was eager to please as she left the room and headed to the library. This was a place where both women usually met. It was a beautiful area that Melina had admired since she was a child.

Once she entered the area though she saw that Dalanesca was drunk, actually she could smell it. She was startled at first by the way that Dal was speaking to her but she would have never thought the goddess would attack Angela again. “Alright, I’ll be back. She is in Tar.” She moved quickly to the mirror suddenly stopped herself as she realized she couldn’t leave without Raeguel. She muttered a curse beneath her breath before sending another clergy member to go get Angela.

Disgruntled Angela came through with half of her clothes off. Her red hair in a mess and her face looked displeased. “She didn’t tell me what the so-called emergency was.” The goddess sounded annoyed as Melina fiddled with her own fingers trying to come up with an explanation.

“Well, Dalanesca is here and she is distraught and drunk.” Melina watched Angela stalked from her location and sighed gently. The aura of death towards whoever was wasting her time had vanished. Melina took a huge sigh of relief when the goddess had gone.

Angela’s appearance changed as she walked. She was more well put together and her clothes were on. Her red hair was suddenly brushed and straightened. By the time she opened the door to the library it didn’t look like anyone had interrupted her at all. “Dalanesca, you know how hard it is to enjoy quality time with my husband?” That was more of a joke that left her lips as she laughed. Though she appeared sad that it had to end so soon.

“What’s wrong?” She sat down by the goddess and took her friend’s hands. “It’s not like you to come here upset like this. Don’t tell me I’ve done something wrong… over baked a pie? Didn’t make the alcohol strong enough?” Obviously, she was joking but only to lighten her friend’s mood. “Wanna know what you need?” She got up and came back with Rohan. She was cleaning his face from the sweets he had been eating.

The boy was suddenly the best smelling baby on the planet, that newborn smell. It was clear that Ang was making him smell that way. “Newborn smell makes everyone happier.” She put Rohan into his godmother’s arms. “Besides he has missed you. He’s almost a year now.”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca gave Melina a look of thanks, though it was masked with her current state. It didn’t take long for Angela to appear, and it seemed that the goddess looked as radiant as ever. She could not help but laugh at the comment about baking a pie incorrectly, or that the alcohol she had gifted Dalanesca was not strong enough.

She was not even able to open her mouth and speak before Angela disappeared again and came back with Rohan, placing him into Dalanesca’s arms. She parted her lips to protest, but fell silent as she caught the scent of the child - that calming, fresh scent put her at ease, at least for a moment. She held him close and tilted her head down to kiss the child on the forehead. She smiled down at him, his little hands grabbing up at her hair and her face. After a moment, however, her smile faded as she remembered why she had journeyed to visit her friend, and she passed little Rohan back to Angela.

”I will admit… I am here to see you because I just need someone to talk to,” she said, with a sigh. She sat back down and folded her arms on the table in front of her, laying her forehead down against them and sighing. She continued to speak, although her voice was muffled by her arms. ”I think I have made a mistake,” she said. ”And I am not sure what I need to do to fix it - or if I actually even made a mistake, or if men are just idiots.” she said, and at this point it would become clear as to why she was there. Regardless, she felt as though she needed to continue elaborating.

”You’re well aware of the fact that I have had a guest for the past few months,” she said, and it was clear as to who she was referencing. ”There has always been this… tension between he and I,” she said, and her mind flashed back to the day he had step foot into Porta Inferi for the first time. She had found him attractive enough, but the more she spoke with him the more intriguing she found him. ”I could never place my finger on it…” She knew that this would not be news to Angela, as she had witnessed the awkward air between the two in person.

She sat back up and looked at Angela, her eyes a bit watery as it was clear she was on the verge of crying. ”When things calmed down, I was in the garden, just relaxing and drinking a bit,” she began. ”I called on him, and he came to sit with me. We just talked and shared a few drinks, but… revelations were beginning to come to light,” she said. ”Apparently… there is a chance that one of the memories I have yet to pull forth will be of a previous life for my soul… one in which Story and I were deeply in love with one another,” she said. The tears had begun streaming down her cheeks. ”That’s all fine and good, but it’s what happened after that has me the most upset,” she added.

”It was starting to get a bit chilly, so we moved into the library where it was a bit warmer,” she said. ”He had a bit to drink too, and I think our inhibitions were lowered… and one thing led to another and he kissed me,” she said. She paused for a moment and took a breath. ”It only lasted for a second, though, and then he apologized and just disappeared. He literally disappeared out of the realm. I mean, I’m understanding of the fact that he may not have meant to do that, and didn’t want to stay in that situation… but he just left me there, no explanation, nothing… and now he is gone,” she said, and the disappointment and sadness was quite prevalent in her voice.

”I just have the worst luck with men,” she said, tears still slowly streaking down her face. ”I thought about going after him, but I figured if he left me, he wanted to,” she said. She stayed silent for a moment.  ”I could use another drink,” she said to Angela.  ”Have one with me? And maybe you can give me some insight onto why this has happened,” she said, with a heavy sigh.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
“Well Dear it is better to be here to talk than to kill me,” she chuckled a bit as she laid out some dark humor for her sister. She moved over and watched her sister. Slowly she put a hand on Dalanesca’s shoulder and smiled softly as she listened. “Men are most definitely idiots but that isn’t the cause for most troubles… Well, some troubles.” She gave a wink. “We’ll figure out if it’s a mistake or not once you tell me.”

Her fingers went to the goddess’s hair as she pet softly. She tilted her head and nodded as she listened just so the death deity knew she was listening with all of her attention. “Oh yes, the one I embarrassed and put a bonnet on during my imprisonment in a tiny vessel. I do remember him.” She nodded a bit more as she remembered Story’s face.

Dalanesca’s confessions didn’t really make the goddess react. She was too far into listening. When she started to cry she took her finger and gently cleared her tears as much as she had to. She nodded to her sister goddess and clicked her tongue a bit. “I see,” she clapped as Melina came in. “Sorry, don’t mean to call you like a dog dear but can you get us some alcohol from my stash? The good kind, please? Dalanesca is having a rough day.” Melina bowed and left and before long they had glasses and Angela’s best stash of alcohol. “You are clearing out my reserves. I’m going to have to make some more.” She chuckled a bit as she teased.

She bounced Ro in her lap now as she thought about it. He reached for the bottle of alcohol and she gently slapped his hand. “That’s not yours.” She chuckled. “You sir aren’t even old enough to know what liquor is.” She kissed his forehead and snapped as a crib appeared behind them. She put Rohan in it and he fussed with her. “Oh I know I am just a terrible Mother.” She kissed his forehead before pouring them drinks.

“If I may Dal?” She took a sip and waited for her to be alright with her answering. “It sounds to me like he is conflicted. You could be the soul of the woman he loved but that doesn’t mean you are her. Even when I pulled Eva from Drae’s soul… I knew that he would never look at me the way he did her. That’s the way things are I am afraid. With each new Love, we look at them in a different way. If the love was real that hole may never fill. Even if you are her, you are also you and you foremost. It sounds like Story had a cold feet moment. Like when a bride gets all the way to her wedding day and she takes off because she is unsure and scared. Loving a Goddess can be hard and even Drae and I had our moments.”

She took another small sip. “There was a time when Drae left too. He had been scared and he had run away. Poor Iva was devastated. I took my eyes off her for two seconds and she had gone. She was trying to find him.” She offered a smile. “Had followed him into the dark woods of Koschei. Come to find out he had been bitten by a werebear and he was honestly scared of hurting us. But I don’t joke when I say that small girl caused him to come back and apologize. Sometimes… Despite what we really want deep down we need a moment to breath when the situation just becomes too real. Reality is a bitch like that. Don’t you dare ever repeat that.” She pointed a finger at Ro who was giggling now at her. “I’ll never hear the damn end of it from Drae.” She chuckled now.

“I would not give up on Story. If he does come back and he might… I would make him damn well earn his spot though. If you think you had it rough… Before Drae and I started to court… I found him hiding under my bed from everyone.”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
"You have a point," Dalanesca replied with a laugh.  She was rather appreciative that Angela seemed to share her same humors as she, both of them finding amusement in the slightly (or incredibly, depending on which topic they chose) darker aspects of life.  As Angela's hand came to rest on her shoulder, she returned the delicate smile that the goddess offered to her.  A snort of laughter escaped her lips as Angela referred to men as idiots.  The two shared the same sentiments about men, as well, it seemed - and for that she was grateful.  The smile that she returned to her sister goddess faded as she continued her 'tale of woe,' as it were.

The somber air of their conversation was broken with Dalanesca's laughter as she was reminded of the tea party incident that had taken place in Porta Inferi, when Angela had been trapped inside the body of a child.  "I still can't believe that he put up with that, and in his dragon form of all things.  If I were a dragon and a small child forced me to dress up in a bonnet and partake in tea… I would eat the small child," she said, with a sinister smile though the words came out in a rather matter-of-fact manner.

Angela's absence of reaction did not trouble Dalanesca.  She knew that her friend was merely processing the information that she had been given, and listening completely to each word that she spoke.  She leaned into Angela's touch as she assisted her in wiping away the salty tears that were still escaping her eyes.  She felt rather silly, crying over a man that she had hardly even shared a kiss with - but the reality was that there was something deeply seeded between the two of them, some connection that neither one of them had been able to put a finger on until shortly before the events that had led to Story's abrupt departure.

"You know, you could save yourself the trouble of having to make it for me and just teach me how to make it," she suggested, watching Angela and Rohan with a smile as she sipped on the drink that Melina had brought to them.  "He's growing so fast," she said, focusing on her godson.  A hint of sadness clouded her eyes as she remembered her own lost child, though the clouds washed away as she took another sip of her drink.

She nodded at Angela's request to answer.  "Of course you can," she said with a smile, and listened intently as Angela gave her thoughts on the matter.  The anecdote about Angela and Drae certainly helped her feel a bit more at ease about the situation.    "Thank you," she began.  "For not calling me foolish.  After Marth, I went through a phase where I was convinced that I would never love again," she said, her look becoming rather distant.  "I cannot say that I love him, because that is an unknown variable - but I think that I could, someday, perhaps," she said, trailing off for a moment.  "If he comes back, then it is meant to be.  If he does not… perhaps the Voice deserves another viewing of my middle finger?" she said, joking about the Conclave's last meeting. 

"What did I do to deserve a friend such as you?"  she asked Angela, with a smile on her face.  "You put up with an awful lot from me…"

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

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