Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Tue Jun 6, 2017 12:17 AM, Post Subject: [GO] Ascension Without A Conscience

“You went through one of my arches Dear.” She gave him a smile as she sipped on her own drink. This was an odd thing since not many ended up in her realm on accident. Her eyes watched as he put flowers from her own garden into a glass of water. A smile crept across her face as she watched him. “Please, there is no real need to apologize.”

She waved her hand about as she spoke. “Many times in life we’re led down paths that we do not understand. You stumbled into my realm and here you are before me. You, who have beaten all of my trials, have wound up in front of me with not a clue what to do. Not many can say they have made it this far but you have and yet you desire nothing of me. You don’t even know why you have come. It is amusing to an old goddess like myself.”

She thought about it for a long moment. “Perhaps you would like it if I could gift you clothes that fit your wings? I have ordered many, many things like that for guests in the past. There is no need to worry about repayment or me wanting something in return. I simply want my guests comfortable. If clothes, food, and other things would make you comfortable than I would be happy to help you.”

She looked down at his toes and smiled. “Don’t worry about the pillows. I can fix them with a finger snap of the finger. Relax, nothing here can be broken or ruined without me saying so. Make yourself at home.” She relaxed in her chair as she sipped on her drink and looked about. “All you have to do is ask for something. Now if it is a wish that would require effort that is when we begin to speak of payment.” She winked at him and chuckled once more. “Not much is an effort for myself, as boring as that sounds. And it is dreadfully boring.”

Author: Symphr, Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 2:18 AM, Post Subject: [GO] Ascension Without A Conscience

Suddenly a large resounding snap had come to his attention, the world beneath him crumbled and he fell in silence. Shock was heavy within his eyes as he then found himself on a pile of lush pillows, their quality something he had never known existed. He looked around to take in where on earth he had ended up, wings curling tight against his body to try and shield himself from view. He hated feeling exposed which is why one of the reasons he hardly ever saw anyone with his wings in full display. The goddess of course had captured his attention once he had realized he wasn't in any danger, mismatched eyes blinked at her. She could be considered quite beautiful, that is if he swung that way. Instead he listened as she spoke, his ears and tail twitching at the sound. The Crestere Palace? Awakening Gardens? He had never heard of a kingdom that housed such a thing, had he really ended up in a goddesses domain? He needed to mind himself then, wings tucking against his body even more so out of his prudish nature. He eyed the glass of water for a moment out of curiosity, how had it gotten there? He had ended up far more confused than he had realized and instead decided to take a moment to calm himself.

"How did I get here, if I may ask?"

His own uncertainties and worries kept him from relaxing per her command. He hoped she understood his predicament and why he acted the way he did, seeing as she apparently was able to read minds. He shivered slightly under her gaze, even though his dragon core could easily keep him and three more warm her gaze made him uneasy. He was not one for social activities, and awkwardness was one of his strong points. He was grateful for her hospitality, but the whole situation had put him on edge. He then remembered the flowers he had plucked earlier, them still being in perfect condition. It was the only thing he really had to offer as a gift, hopefully she wouldn't take offense to it. He would place them within the glass of water instead of drinking it, his own thirst not quite in need of refreshment, he figured the flowers could use it more than he could. He felt himself slowly untensing as he got used to the new surroundings, wings still wrapped around his body in a prude manner. He considered himself to be indecent in front of anyone at this point, the idea that being clothed was a sense of morals to his kind when around human-like people.

"I apologize for my state of undress, I unfortunately don't have many clothes that allow for me to use my wings. I-I'm not quite sure what I'm doing here."

He blinked and stared down at his taloned fingers and toes, careful not to shred the pillows that were comfortable beneath him.

Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Sun Apr 2, 2017 8:02 PM, Post Subject: [GO] Ascension Without A Conscience

Angela was the sort to always be amused by those who came her way. The visitors she got once in a while were lost and didn’t have a clue about the struggles they would face. She felt the messages on this last one’s mind and a smile appeared on her face. With a snap of her fingers, the boy would feel the world destroying beneath his feet. His body would plunge and he would hear the resounding echo of her snap. He fell for a bit until he landed through a portal. A pile of lush pillows, only the best, were beneath him. She sat on her throne of wood and flowers with a glass of wine in her hand.

The goddess was rumored to be one of the most beautiful women in Revaliir. This much made her vain but she wasn’t so vain to realize that it might not be true. She was exotic with her sun-kissed skin, crimson red hair, and green eyes like that of ivy. Upon closer inspection, people could notice she had rings of red around her pupils adding to the depth of her eyes when she stared. The goddess was tall for a woman but her body was more curvaceous and motherly.

The dress she wore was the finest white silk. It was more of a halter as it tied up around her neck and deeply plunged below her breast line. She tilted her head and let her waist length red curls fall with the tilt. “There is no way back from there. Only forward which I have brought you.” They were in her throne room. The bewildered sun shined brightly above them through the glass roof. Even though her home was literally inside a tree it was only an enchanted sun, never could it be the real thing. Though from the looks of the temple it didn’t appear on the inside that it grew with the tree itself.

“Welcome to Crestere Palace. You’ve been wandering the Awakening Gardens for some time, my friend. You must be thirsty.” A table appeared with a glass of water on it. “Drink and relax. There are many things on your young mind. Tell me about them but be wise that I may already know.” She used her free hand to tap lightly on the side of her head indicating that the goddess could read the thoughts of those who were within her realm.

Author: Symphr, Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:29 PM, Post Subject: [GO] Ascension Without A Conscience

He had decided to leave his manor in search of work that could bring it back to health. The last of the miners had grown fed up with the lack of production, his meager work force now gone with nothing but land to his name. He wished for his father, his brothers, even his mother, the Lestrange-Carrow name to come back. It was a delusional thought, one could not simply bring back the dead. It would disrupt the order of things, not to mention it ran the risk of them falling ill and dying again, he would rather have them rest in peace rather than bring them back. It was the one thing he didn't hold a greed towards even when he often competed with his brothers for affection. As for now, he traveled to where the wind took him, finding that it had taken him to an area full of archways. Roses grew upon them in full bloom, the archways tempting to cross and the flowers just begging to be plucked from their vines. His wings curled by his bare sides, not having any clothes that made room for his wings made it so that he needed to keep his shirt removed. His tail had slithered about his body, blue colors flashing within the air as he moved. His body was covered in patches of scales that flowed seamlessly into his flesh, large onyx horns rising from his jet black hair to pierce the heavens. His mismatched eyes fell upon a white rose, he touched it, finding its petals amazingly soft to the touch. He hummed, plucking it only to find that it had immediately regrown. He was surprised, not many plants had that ability and so he plucked one of every color. A bouquet of one red, one pink, one white, and one yellow rose. It was one of the only things he had on him besides his trousers. He had forgone wearing his hunting boots as he planned to fly rather than walk, perhaps a gift or profit could be made of the roses he now held? He would keep them on him, talons encircling them to make sure they didn't fall from his hands.

He flew through the arches, wings pumping at full speed with wind whipping around him. His tail acted as a rudder, the scenery changing before his very eyes, a jade stair case leading upwards in a black landscape with nothing but fireflies and stars. He stared down at the stairs, coming to a landing as images flickered across them. His…parents and siblings? He shut his eyes, wings beating hard as soon as he had registered what he had just seen. They were dead. It was as simple as that, and now he was the one to fix the mess of their manor, mines, and vineyard. His wings flapped hard, his blood pumping and his breath quickening as he sped towards the end of the stairs. When he finally opened his eyes again it was to the sound of animals chirping and screeching. When had he made it to a jungle? The trees thick and the canopy so dense one could scarcely see the sky. He flew upwards, breaking through the canopy and flying further in with his intent on getting past this. Perhaps he had wandered into the land of the gods? Little did he know he had sped past the crystal cavern since he had closed his eyes when flying above the stairs.

Finally he came to an area that was like a gigantic mirror. He flew over it for what seemed to be an eternity before finally coming upon what seemed to be endless farmland. He flew down and landed, wings and lungs burning with exhaustion. He walked, the flowers held tight within his hand, the farmland being peaceful and charming. It reminded him of what was left of his home, the air clean and fresh to his senses. His tail flicked behind him as he fell to the ground, letting soft grasses caress his body and his tail laying to the right side of him. God, he was tired, the journey so far having been nightmarish, why had he even come here in the first place? He could have easily turned back to his manor, hunted some more and sold what he could to bring in money. All he needed was a cart and a horse to pull it, a way to transport the iron from the mines. Once he could do that he could sell it, large quantities of it having been mined but hadn't transported or even sold. He didn't even want to think about it anymore, he just wanted to escape it for a few moments, and this area seemed perfect. He hated the miners that had left him to rot, that was why he hated people, they weren't worth it. He sighed, opening his eyes as he rested, pulling himself from his thoughts. He needed to shut down his mind, to rest, almost as if to heal.

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