Author: Angela Rose, Posted: Mon Jun 5, 2017 7:49 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
(you guys are allowed to kick me you know. I'm so sorry!)
“Not many have what it takes to cross the harsh Harena and then the sands of Arri… It doesn’t really shock me much that you have not been there.” Melina gave her new companions a sweet smile as she spoke. She didn’t mean to make it sound like they couldn’t do it but very few had what it took to do it. At least by themselves.
She gave a graceful nod as she acknowledged the honor in her family. “It isn’t always a happy thing. My family used to be part of a black magic cult, we’ll call it that for now, and when Lady Angela rose as Death thousand or so years ago… Quite possibly two thousand now that I think about it… We came to worship her. When she turned to the spheres of Fertility and Earth we were there for her. She cured us of our disease but at a price. None of us can leave the temple grounds and should she fall… So do we. It is something she is actively trying to cure. I don’t wish you to think she has left us to flounder. I am an exception. I am bound to my Love and Lady Angela made him… an honorary piece of her temple. I can leave as long as I am in his presence.” She offered another smile.
She nodded to Vinsue. “Curiosity can be quite the blessing my friend. Roses are the symbol of Arri and my lady’s family. It is no shock that she uses them for her temple.” The salt flats came to an end as rolling wheat fields spread for as far as the eyes could see.
Maidens of the temple were out in the fields gathering the food of the fields. The more one would look the more it seemed to appear. There was much more than wheat if one were to look. Everything that a person could need was there.
Still Melina persisted as she led them through the grand farmstead up the mossy stairs. Water flowed down and seemed to part as they stepped as not to get them wet. Through the darkened tunnel of flowers they travelled. The area was pitch black now but as they walked and Melina told them to continue the area began to lighten up.
The lullaby of the mother filled the air as the tropical garden around them spread out in a dim light. Towards the end they found the area completely lit as they passed through the rose gate. Now she could take a huge breath as she pointed at the temple seemingly growing with the large tree. “That’s it.” Though it still seemed so far as they had to cross the mahogany bridge of elvish make.
“Don’t get lost. The temple changes once in a while on the inside. Out here is static but once we’re in anything can change. Mostly so the temple is always big enough for all of the visitors and the many, many rooms the temple has. The temple even has rooms that are large forests.” She explained as the large doors of the temple were opened for them.
There was more clergy that bowed as Melina came in. She returned it and continued down a set path. “This path is always the same.” They tread on floors of white marble as they reached the double stained glass doors. She pulled the large doors open and entered.
The throne room was more like a large herbal garden with many sunken water gardens. In the center of the room was a large throne of twisting branches blossoming with fresh flowers and leaves. Seated upon it was a red haired woman with sun-kissed skin. Deep green and red eyes stared back at them. “My lady I have brought you some company. I know that you must be awfully lonely.”
For a moment the woman on the throne frowned but soon there was a smile as she pushed herself up. Her silk gown flowed to the floor as she stepped forward to meet Vinsue and Inka. “I felt your presence when you stepped within my realm but I was deadset on seeing what Melina was doing. I do like surprises once in a while. I am Angela, Master Artisan of Life and Keeper of the Cornucopia… Though for all intents and purposes… I am a god of life and earth.” She chuckled a bit. “When you are around long enough people choose the names for you.”
Author: Vinsue, Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:53 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
Vinsue had been keeping up rather well just a few steps behind Inka. It would be nice to talk to a god if one would talk. For some reason she has always feared gods, thinking that encountering one would end in a fight like the modules liked to do but she could win against a mortal a god was a different story altogether. She pushed away those thoughts as they reached the salt flats.
"i was in the aria looking for some food when i saw Inka step through the arch and disappear. I followed in curiousity." She looked at her reflection and then at the horizon. the flats were quite vast wich almost convinced her to switch forms and test the sky but she forced her thoughts away and followed.
Author: Wildheart, Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:52 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
"We shall find out I suppose". Inka cracked a soft of half smile. She made sure to keep up with Melina, however she followed just a few paces behind her as not to be to terribly close to her guide. Inka valued her personal space and she liked to think others did as well. Although Inka would love to be back out searching for new things to add for her brews - she felt that there was a reason for her being here whatever that may be.
"I have never been to Arri" Inka had just started traveling through the realm so there was many places she had yet to be. Currently she had set up camp just outside the Moritius Swamp, she liked what places like that had to offer. Inka noticed the change in terrain as soon as her bare feet came into contact with the salt flats - that strange yellow gaze dropped down. The mirror like surface just amazed her; Inka liked illusions such as these.
"It is honorable to serve one for generations" Inka commented on how Melina had told her that her family was from here. Most of Inka's responses were rather short or plain statements, the truth was that she was not the best at speaking in the common tongue but she was learning. Every so often Inka glanced over to see if Vinsue was keeping up.
I was roaming the woods…the smell of roses led me here." There was not much more too it. It was purely by chance that she found this place.
Author: Melina, Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:14 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
Melina appeared excited for a moment and she chuckled.
"I don't know if I can guarantee what she does or doesn't know but I am excited to find out. It has been a long time since someone could teach her something new." Melina was young but she remembered growing up and watching Angela do all the teaching around the clinic to all the new clergy and clerics. Melina remembered what it was like to be one of those new students and held that memory with fondness.
Turning her head as she heard where Inka was from she nodded.
"My lady is from the north. Up in the desert, there is an oasis kingdom known as Arri. That is where she is from. I'm from here. You could say my family has been in service of The Mother for a very, very long time." When Vinsue walked up Melina offered a warm smile.
"She will talk to just about anyone. I wouldn't be surprised if she likes talking to you as well Vinsue."
Melina led them through the Crystal Caverns and she found the small group exiting the end of it relatively quickly. It was most likely because it was Melina who was leading the group. Melina knew what she wanted and she knew where to find it. However, she was sure to make sure that the other two did not get lost. As they left the safety of the cavern it was like the ground and sky became one. Her feet splashed as she stepped into the salt flats.
"I don't know if you are familiar about Salt Flats but Wonderland's Mirror is the largest salt flat in all of Revaliir… It also makes it Revaliir's largest mirror…" It became clear that they were walking in large puddles of shallow water with salt built up almost like a web in places.
"Afraid until she lets us out of here we will be walking for a while… Though we might get lucky and find our time here short." Melina shrugged just a bit and smiled at them both.
"How did you happen upon the Awakened Gardens? If I may be so bold to ask? Many people find their way here all sorts of ways so I was curious."
Author: Vinsue, Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:49 AM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
She stayed back a bit as the two talked. She watched five hatchlings play around tell she heard the one lady say the realm and that the kids were hers. She did not like being in other realms they always made her nervous. She shifted to her human, so she would not be seen as a threat, she than walked up to them. “I would love to give the mother company but I do not think she would talk with me.” The journey is not what worries her but her inheritance and interactions with most gods or demigods in her past did. She rubbed her white hair as she said that. “I’m Vinsue.” She said as she realized she was the only one that did not give a name.
Author: Wildheart, Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:35 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
For people like Inka all you really had to do was ask and if she felt the request to be true and honest she would always oblige. Listening was something she did best, after all, before she parted from her tribe she was typically the village healer, therapist, council member you name it - she spent a lot of her time listening to the woes, concerns and problems of her people.
Inka followed Melina up the jade steps towards the Crystal Cavern. Inka did not mind the way the jade steps felt against her bare feet - to her the coolness of them reminded her of the lush verdant grass that had led her to the place she now called home; the Moritius Swamp.
"Thank you comes later" Inka's voice was rather low yet extremely soft. If she pleased Angela then she would take a thank you. Although she had yet to truly comment on Angela's situation it was heavily in her thoughts. Ascending into immortality was a huge deal - although for lovers she knew it was a very hard thing to deal with. Inka had experienced something similar in her younger days - yet far from immorality - the trails that led her to become a true witch doctor of the spirits had asked for many sacrifices. She hoped she could relate to Angela in a small way or at least have a better understanding.
"I have an idea for your lady." Inka had decided that if it would please Angela she would teach her one of her secret ancient brews. If she truly enjoyed the healing arts perhaps Angela would enjoy the twist of a witch doctors talents. She continued to follow Melina glancing back every now and again to see if what she believed to be a large serpent was still following them.
"Moritius Swamp.."
Author: Melina, Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:04 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
Melina had thought it to be as simple as asking someone to entertain Angela. Her face lit up and she finished catching her breath. “Thank you for listening to my request Inka.” She stood up straight and held her hands together. “I wish for you to simply ask her questions or make use of her. She is a very gifted healer. She was a healer before she was a goddess. It’s one of the few things in life she enjoys even when she is upset.”
She had never seen Angela upset when practicing. It made her hopeful that perhaps this person could make her feel better. “Lady Angela’s husband Drae ascended into Knowledge and Arcane. You can imagine how happy they are to be immortal with each other but the distance does bother her. She got used to him being here.” Melina could understand in a way why Angela was so sad about it all.
“Follow me please,” She beckoned Inka to follow her up the stairs as they made their way into the Crystal Cavern. She was nimble as she got through the first few hurdles of the crystals. “Tell me Inka… where are you from? Until recently I couldn’t leave these sacred grounds. Even then I’ve not been to many places in Revaliir.”
Author: Wildheart, Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:11 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
She had noticed the figure which was not far behind her on these mysterious jade steps. Had it eaten one of the fireflies which seemed to tend to the steps? Odd. Regardless she remained cautious of the giant figure to her back. Yellowish orbs of amber shifted their direction rather quickly- she had heard someone coming- running down the steps towards them. Within moment a women had appeared - Inka took note of her clergy style garb. A priestess maybe? Her head tipped softly to the side. The various golden rings which dangled freely from here and there jingled softly with each of her movements.
It had only taken her a moment to grasp the concept of what lay before her and what lay after. Seeing sprits was not something Inka was entirely unfamiliar with. However; she typically dealt with those who had once been and not those who have yet to be. The spirits she noticed within the corners of her vision intrigued her - perhaps it was because their faces were blurry or distorted - she chalked that up to the fact that she was infertile; or at least the witch doctor before her had lead her to believe this.
She had remained silent, listening to Melina's every word. Sympathy was all she felt - what a struggle her lady faced.
"Greetings Melina." Inka cleared her throat.
"My name is Inka" For this was her traditional ancient name; she had another but left it unknown for the moment. Her hands moved to adjust the leather bag that she carried near her side. It still felt heavy, she hoped that meant Remi had made it through with her.
"I am sorry to hear of your Lady's troubles." Yellowish eyes moved slowly to glance beyond her shoulder to see if the giant one was still with them. "How might I be a service?"
Author: Melina, Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:32 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
Angela wasn’t herself lately. The goddess was lonely and it showed greatly. Her husband had only just ascended as a god and it made Melina worry about her goddess. She had never seen her independent and strong goddess being so… pitiful. Drae had been a constant stronghold in Angela’s life since he showed up and now they were forced to be apart for the majority of the day, every day, every month, every year, for the rest of eternity. Melina had come home to deal with how pitiful she had gotten.
When Melina had been told that new visitors were on the Fertility’s Path she quickly changed into her clergy outfit, brushed her hair, and quickly ran out of the temple. She quick through the many trials. Maybe this would be what the goddess needed to cheer up. Melina knew it was hard. She didn’t like when Raeguel went away either but Raeguel could always be with her or she could go with him. Angela and Drae were in a far different situation.
She went through the last portal to the Path and went down the jade stairs. From the corner of her eyes, she could see some white-haired children. They had never been there before. A blush quickly came across her face as she recognized the features that were so prominent in Raeguel’s children. They were beautiful, maybe not as much as Angela’s children with Raeguel but still… She admired them for being his. He was beautiful just as much as Angela, if beautiful could be used to described a man like Raeguel that is.
Her hazel eyes locked onto the two people and she bonded down the floating spiral staircase. She only stopped to catch her breath. Melina was a petite woman of only eighteen. Her long brown hair went past her waist and was straight as a pin. “Welcome to the Sundering Gardens,” she said in between her heaving breaths.
“You have entered the realm of the Mother.” She pointed to the large statue in the center of the dark room. It illuminated by a bunch of fireflies and the glow of the jade steps beneath their feet. “You’ve entered the trials of the Mother. Whether by force, mistake, or to seek her out. These trials are made to test your mettle. This is Fertility’s Path. The stairs are designed to test your future. The souls of your future children can be seen here.”
The children that Melina had saw were behind her now. Their soft hazel eyes were watched her and it made her skin crawl just a bit. “Just like the little ones behind me. They aren’t real… at least not yet.” They vanished after she spoke and she took a deep breath. The blush was still present on her soft skin.
“From here there are The Crystal Caverns, a maze of large crystals that shoot out of the ground, this tests your durability and flexibility. Wonderland’s Mirror is after, the world’s largest salt flats, it’s mirrored surface can go on forever if your mind is not clear what you want. After that is the Qetesh Grand Farmstead. A flowing sea of everything that can be grown for food, it has mills and everything else that the people of Revaliir would need to survive… After that, you ascend a moss staircase into the next portal. The Mother’s Footpath is a room completely dark where you hear the voice of your mother singing to you. It will gradually become light out as you walk and represents your birth into the world. Finally, we’ll arrive in Crestere Gorge where the Crestere Palace is. We’ll find the Goddess Angela there. The only way out is to there and have her make a way out.”
Melina beckoned them both. “My lady has been severely upset as of late. Her husband Drae ascended into Godhood which has made her very lonely. They can’t be together much anymore because of the duties they must do. If you would please talk to my lady if only for a bit that would be much appreciated.”
Her blush deepened and she laughed nervously. “I’m sorry… I’m Melina, one of the head clergy members. I look after Lady Angela and her many, many children.” She bowed to them both. “I’m just very concerned about my Lady’s health if she keeps up this depressed act she has going on.”
Author: Vinsue, Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:19 AM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
She stopped as the person stopped. she was quickly distracted by a small light that floated by her face. She cault it in her mouth and quickly spit it out not liking its flavor. it sounded like a sneeze. she wiped her face and looked at the two legged before her. It was fearful and she could since it.
"I'm not hear for a fight. Just wondered what this place was."
Author: Wildheart, Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:36 AM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
She had managed to travel a few yards from the archways otherside after she had passed through it.
Something else was with her - the hairs on her arms and neck had slowly lifted. She could sense it; something large was coming up behind her.
Fear was not a friendly feeling and it was not a feeling she welcomed either. It did cause her to stop dead in her tracks. About she spun so she now faced back in the direction of which she came. Yellowish orbs squinted trying to adjust to the areas light - the light was extremely low here - what was following her?
Author: Vinsue, Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:12 AM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
Vinsue had been in the aria just wondering about, as she tended to do. She spotted a two legged that smelled human but looked a bit different with the half skull on her head. Vinsue watched as she stood at the archway and than stepped into it. The woman disappeared witch struck curiosity in the dragon. As she neared the archway she could since the magic and smell the roses.
She stopped in front of it and put one foot in than took it out as it had disappeared and reappeared. She than stuck her face threw the archway. She tried to pull back out but she could not. She than walked all the way threw and looked around. Glad to still be in one peace. It was dark and she did not like it but she had no fear of it. For what would attack a dragon of her size. She spotted the woman and decided to walk towards her. She was hopping to get an answered to where she was and the significance of the place.
Author: Wildheart, Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:38 PM, Post Subject: [O] From the wilds she came..
The lure of roses had caught her by her senses. Roses? In the middle of the wild? The scent of roses had left her and her travel companion perplexed. Curiosity was a curse and a curse that affected her greatly. Within moments she had changed her direction and stumbled upon what looked like a great marble archway with pillars covered in brilliant red roses. Fianna extended her arm so that her fingers, the unclad ones, could lightly brush over the nearest roses petals. This was no illusion. Amber hues glanced down to her companion who had settled at her heels. Her skin was crawling with strange vibrations - she could sense something powerful beyond the archway. Fianna's hand dropped back down to her side where it grasped ahold of her leather satchel which as she dropped down to kneel was swung down before her.
"Remi, In". Fianna spoke softly to her medium sized river otter. She had set the leather travel satchel before him - flap open so he could slip into its safety. Remi stared at her for nearly a moment before tucking himself away within the confines of her bag. Once Remi had settled Fianna resumed a standing position.
What possibly lied beyond this archway? Fianna definitely sensed something - yet she could not figure out what it was. Her hands lifted for the last time, adjusting her skull-cracked mask so it rested more comfortable upon her head. She brushed a few stray strands of wild auburn hair away from her face before she decided to step into the archway, unsure of what to expect.
Fianna was either met with a gracious welcome or a terrible fear. Perhaps the later was because of the way witch doctors like her appeared; she always had worn her witch doctor garb. Which to many was outlandish and extremely tribal by nature. She had been traveling for days, months, it was all a blur. She wore no shoes, was dirty and jingled softly as she walked. The sounds were produced by the various golden rings which adorned not only her garb but her traditional witch doctorial mask. A mask which was made out of a water buffalos skull - horns and all intact. It had been cut so that when she wore it, it covered the left half of her face.
These were all only important details to her and others like her. Fianna being nearly fearless awaited to discover what lie beyond this archway. The worst that would happen was death - death was something she no longer feared for it was part of whom she was. The best that could happen was she would live and discover something incredible. After all she was a collector and there usually was always something to collect.