Archive Home > Archives > 2017 Archives > Ssriryuu-Ra: The Forest Haven > [GO] A Wander and A Wraith

Character Info
Name: Randal Hex - Edgest Ignis
Age: 22
Alignment: TN
Race: Human - Wraith
Gender: Male
Class: Wraith Mage
Silver: 344
The young mage walked through the forest listening to the Wraith ramble on about his past and other achievements in magic as the boy quickly sighed rubbing his forehead "You sensed that this Necromancer lives in a pocket realm? so how much further?" Edgest quickly waved a hand and pointed North as they continued on their journey quickly noticing how the trees have somehow grown taller and darker and then suddenly he saw the town appear not too far in the distance, Edgest spoke clearly "Impressive power, to conceal such a large almost neverending area in such a place" with that they started to walk through the Town asking people if they had heard of a Necromancer who apparently settled here but most simply shooed him away.

It took him a few hours until he ended his search looking at the scrap metal building and slowly entering it seeing a skeleton working on writing at the desk with a quick glance at his work Edgest spoke "A undead from the Reapers Realm, Interesting but unlikely he will be able to see me due to his situation" this allowed Randal to walk up and gently knock on the desk and asking "Sorry Im looking for infomation on a Necromancer, around this height and rather scaley" the mage quickly tapped his chin before adding "Oh and he use to walk through the city Im from when I was a kid sounds alot like a bad joke I know but I need to ask him a question?"

"I ain't afraid of no ghost" - Ghostbusters

Picture - Manato "Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash"

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