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Ivacus Manaclaw

Character Info
Name: Ivacus Manaclaw
Age: Frozen in 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Kobold
Gender: Male
Class: God of Exploration and Inspiration
Silver: 609
Rules n' Fun Stuff

To start with, just follow Revaliir’s rules here and you will be A-OK. However, in addition to the normal RP tags, here are some others that I would appreciate being followed:

  • [GO]: When you want a one-on-one with Ivacus, this is the tag to use.
  • [NPC]: There are plenty of traveller NPCs in Ssriryuu-ra at any given time; if you don’t want to speak to Ivacus directly but still want to interact with the realm itself without having to have conversations with yourself, just put this tag in and i’ll be happy to provide some NPC action.
  • [EP]: If you’re coming to Ssriryuu-ra to partake in the Endless Path, please let me know either with this tag or by PMing me. I’d like to be able to make it an awesome experience for everyone, and for that i need to do some character research beforehand.
Also, some realm-specific rules: 

  • A 100 word count minimum is what I would prefer to be followed in terms of post length, but exceptions can be made if you contact me beforehand!
  • Ivacus doesn’t mind a good fight being used to settle differences among fellow travelers. He however is not a fan of wanton violence, and characters who come into Haventown looking for people to murder or rob will be sorely disappointed when the protective runes on inhabited tents flare up and the scarecrows standing guard come to call. And if Ivacus himself shows up…you can use your imagination on what would happen next.
  • Similarly, though he allows free access to his library of grand adventures in the Office of Secretarial Nonsense, he disallows people looking through records of Haventown visits or taking anything from the office without his express permission. The Venerable-Skeleton-Friend will respond with force as required to the situation. However, if you’d like to do this for story purposes, just PM me and we can discuss.
  • In the Wilderness, the sky's the limit for what sort of landscape you can form within it to travel upon. Gigantic trees turned into superstructures filled with societies of tiny aliens, gigantic lakes of molten iron that obsidian sharks call home…in the realm of the god of exploration, extraordinary, abstract curiosities lay undiscovered; the world itself is your canvas! However, be warned that if you are going for the (potential) treasure at the end of the Wilderness, I will be NPCing considerable opposition regardless of whether Ivacus is involved or not. Any kind of “i just teleported to the end in one post” thread will also be considered null and void in this context. 

Ivacus' Holy Symbol

Having been in numerous positions of inferiority beforehand, Ivacus rarely enjoys keeping people under his boot heel as per the traditional definition of worship. He sees such relationships as casual friendships of mutual respect more than anything else, and does not impose any sort of moral code on those who ask for his help.

However, those who share his desire to aid those who travel, explore the world, and to inspire greatness in others, may become a part of his clergy (a term used very loosely here). There are two branches, each of which concern themselves with one of the two domains of Ivacus’ power:
The Ranger Corps

The men and women of the Ranger Corps are Ivacus’ eyes and ears, being in the places where he and the entrance to Haventown cannot to keep travelers safe from excessive danger. Ivacus has never been one to deny risk to an adventurer, as it is generally half the fun of a truly great journey…but he knows just as well that there are some obstacles that people can’t overcome without help. That’s where the Rangers come in.

These wanderlust-filled souls take up Ivacus’ vocation of nomadic hermitage and patrol the many wildernesses of Revaliir, providing help to those who are in need, and direction to the lost. In return for their service, they can return to an especially luxurious tent in Haventown at any time, anywhere other than the dead zones of Parvpora. They are also provided a formal uniform robe of forest green that changes colors to help them blend in with their surroundings anywhere they travel, and any supplies or help they may need on their own journeys; though, the only portion of their garb that is necessary to wear is the opal crest that bears Ivacus’ divine sigil.

They also have a secondary task; to gather whatever information they can from those they meet, or at times to infiltrate secure locations and perform recon, in order to pass off said information to Ivacus at their earliest possible convenience. Why Ivacus is collecting this information is a mystery to them so far, however.

The Draconian Bards
Bards that wish to engender greatness and motivation in others will find their skill to weave tales whilst inspiring and wowing crowds divinely blessed from the moment they enter Ivacus’ service. They also command high rates for their services to wealthy families and royal courts, as Ivacus has made positively sure to spread their deserved renown to keep them in business.

Bearing the crest of their patron, it is their duty to inspire a new generation of heroes and people of strong mind for Ivacus to assist. In return for their services, they too possess the ability to fall back on Ssriryuu-ra’s resources and a personal residence within when needed. And of course, they are permanently invited to jam sessions with Ivacus’ acoustic guitar skills.

Similarly to the rangers, he asks of the bards information concerning governments and large companies that they can garner with their charm and connection to the social elites of Revaliir. They too are in the dark about the purpose of it all.


Above these two separate groups, Ivacus has a single champion.  Information about this champion TBA.

Similarly to the rangers, he asks of the bards information that they can garner with their charm and connection to the social elites of Revaliir. They too are in the dark about the purpose of it all.

I am Kaane OOC

Ivacus is the God of Exploration, Travellers, and Motivation


I: With a divine sense of direction, can find his way to where he or another wants to go in any situation, even places he's never been.
II: Can read the innermost desires and needs of those he speaks with for the purpose of motivating them into taking action.
III: Can operate any mode of transportation (ship/airship) no matter how complex, and tame any creature that can serve as a mount.

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