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Ivacus Manaclaw

Character Info
Name: Ivacus Manaclaw
Age: Frozen in 20s
Alignment: CN
Race: Kobold
Gender: Male
Class: God of Exploration and Inspiration
Silver: 609
The Forest Haven

The Gates
The gateway to Ssriryuu-Ra is always open, to those who find it intentionally or unintentionally, that require a temporary home and respite from journeying. It usually exists in a fixed position near the very center of the Virens forest, as far from civilization as possible. However, it is a curious specimen in that it can exist in multiple places at once; in addition to its fixed position, it can also appear to weary travellers that Ivacus has an interest in. It will generally be plopped in the way of the person it chooses to appear to, often with no correlation to what the surrounding area is like. In both cases, from, the outside, it will appear as a simple, 8 foot archway (taller, should they reveal themselves to some sort of giant) made of rusted, wrought iron. Ivy grows freely upon them, clinging to them as though it had been reclaiming the small gateway for centuries. From the outside, the gates will seem to be entirely non-magical, merely leading through to the land behind it. However, upon walking through them, one will soon find himself in the realm of Ssriryuu-Ra proper.

Haventown, as the main section of Ssriryuu-Ra is referred to, is found before one’s sight as soon as one exits the gateway. It looks at first appearances to be a camping ground for some sort of ragtag guerrilla force. There are tents organized in ramshackle rows, providing pathways between them ranging from wide straight “streets,” to narrow winding pathways, as far as the eye can see.  Open circular nodes of sorts in between the rows of tents, encompassing tree stump seats and warm fires with delicious stews and meat skewers roasting above them, can also be seen, often with someone recounting his latest and greatest tale of adventure to a group enjoying a hearty bite to eat. As for the tents themselves, none are exactly the same. Some are made of linen, others of silk, others of burlap, and some are numerous kinds patched together to form a cohesive whole. The colors vary as well; some are drab variations on brown and grey, while others are vibrantly flamboyant, or even completely nonsensical in their choice of hue. In short, all of it looks hastily improvised and cobbled together out of whatever was at hand. And certainly, the prospect of entering one of them is unappetizing, to say the least.

However, visitors will almost always find themselves being drawn in a certain direction, as they notice the glowing rune imprinted on the back of their dominant hand. This is Ivacus’ divine sense of direction being temporarily loaned to them, aiding them to the tent that belongs to them during their stay.Upon entering the tent provided to them, they will immediately notice that the inside of the tent looks absolutely nothing like the outside. It can only be described as a lusciously-furnished open hotel suite with walls of soft fabrics, with snacks, drink, and memorabilia tailor-made directly from the mind of the occupant.   It is meant to be a place of relaxation and peace, and preparation for the journey ahead. However, anything inedible found within is a magical construct that cannot exist outside of its dwelling…even the most fondly-remembered of objects from one’s memory cannot be taken without it crumbling to dust as soon as it leaves its tent.

At particular checkpoints outside, one may also notice what appear to be scarecrows with wide-brimmed hats drooping over their faces hanging on posts, not doing much of anything besides smelling faintly of moist earth.  They also hold signs that lead the way to various landmarks within Ssriryuu-ra. They are purely decorative, if somewhat off-putting. Well. At least as long as Ivacus isn’t displeased with one of his guests.

The Wilderness
Though Haventown is large, it is far from infinite, for surrounding it is an expanse of deep, dark forest.  t was the first thing that Ivacus unconsciously created upon his ascension and discovery of his realm; a region so vast and confounding, that not even the Pathfinder Supreme’s sense of direction can successfully lead him within it besides back towards home. It is meant to be a region of curiosities and adventure, for those who share his kindred spirit of wanderlust to explore. Travellers who have taken tentative steps within have reported sights of strange fauna and flora, massive canyons carved into the earth barely noticeable in the underbrush until one is right on top of them, lakes of lava, twisted land where gravity itself is warped, ruins long lost and overgrown with vegetation, and even priceless treasures. However, dangers lurks ever closer the farther one delves into it, and stories are still told by regulars of Haventown of men and women who ventured in and never came back. It is said that there is an eventual end to the Wilderness, and that some grand trove of valuables is hidden there, but getting Ivacus to give you a straight answer about such rumors is impossible.

The Office of Secretarial Nonsense
Off to the left upon entering Ssriryuu-ra, one will see a small, one story building built out of scrap metal cobbled together on a basic wood structure. Upon entering through the front door that always seems to be jammed the first few times it’s pulled, one will notice a skeleton sitting at a desk, invariably writing down or categorizing information in one of the many cabinets behind him in a room that is definitely larger on the inside than the outside.  The placard on the desk in front reads Venerable-Skeleton-Friend.

Ask the skeleton what he’s doing, and he will explain that he’s writing records of every traveller to enter Haventown, as well as copying stories of incredible journeys for posterity’s sake, in order to “build his soul’s character.” It would do well to keep in mind, however, that this is skeleton is inhabited by a soul imported straight from Porta Inferni under the blessing of Dalanesca the Reaper, working for the promise of a second chance in life. And that this soul is authorized to use potentially lethal force against anyone attempting to take Ivacus’ records without permission.

Still, anyone is allowed to read the stories of great odysseys that have been recorded over the years within the office, and there are a few comfortable reading chairs set up in the back by candlelight. There is also a secret trapdoor underneath a bearskin rug at the center of the reading area that leads to Ivacus’ divine residence.

Ivacus' Home
Unlike most of the gods of the pantheon, Ivacus prefers a homely, private place to relax in between his many journeys and ventures to the rest of Revaliir. After climbing down a long ladder that can be found through the aforementioned trapdoor, a visitor will find himself in a comfortable antechamber, furnished with warm firelight, a small library of adventure stories, and comfy chairs; it functions as a waiting area for those that need to speak to Ivacus directly.
Within the locked, wooden door at the front of the antechamber, lays his underground abode, consisting of a small kitchen stocked with food (despite never actually needing to eat, he enjoys a good meal now and again), a small, secluded bedroom hidden behind a large landscape portrait in an adjacent, private reading room perpetually lit by a relaxing fire, a room dedicated to magic rituals and the hoarding of whatever magical knowledge he could lay his hands on, and even a restroom for the use of his guests. However, the grand centerpiece of his home is the trophy room, filled with memorabilia of his previous life and current conquests, with treasures galore lining the walls. At the very center of this dome shaped room is his throne; a humble yet comfortable, padded chair in front of a small table surrounded by other, smaller chairs that he uses to speak with any special guests he has allowed to enter this far into his home.

However, there is yet one more secret that the realm of Ssriryuu-ra holds:

The Endless Path
A magical construct of Ivacus’ own invention as a god, it lies behind a door set into the back of Ivacus’ throne room, accessible only to those he deems worthy of its benefits. What is it? A truly endless path, a journey that extends onwards into infinity…or at least until Ivacus deems it the right time to stop.  What exactly lies on this journey, however, is something that is up to the mind, desires, and needs of the person who enters within.  All that is known is that it is somewhat of a spiritual experience for those who take it on, one that Ivacus oft-accompanies his charges on to guide them. By taking this journey, people without direction outside of Ssriryuu-ra often find it.  And those who know what they want but not how to get to it, may end up finding a way. 

Truly, it is up to the intrepid traveler to decide what s/he gains from the Endless Path. But it is far from hard to reach. With Ivacus’ blessing, it is freely offered. All one needs to do is ask for guidance.

I am Kaane OOC

Ivacus is the God of Exploration, Travellers, and Motivation


I: With a divine sense of direction, can find his way to where he or another wants to go in any situation, even places he's never been.
II: Can read the innermost desires and needs of those he speaks with for the purpose of motivating them into taking action.
III: Can operate any mode of transportation (ship/airship) no matter how complex, and tame any creature that can serve as a mount.

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