As his eyes passed over the broken structure of the foreign vessel, it was clear to Mendean that Liam was correct. Terrible forces had bent and squeezed the superstructure. If being in a dead zone had not killed this machine, then it was whatever had twisted it out of shape that had. But there were many possible causes. An enormous pair of hands, the stresses of passing from one world to the next. There were many terrible things and terrible forces that existed between the worlds and between the times. Mendean had had first-hand experiences of such things. Things most mortals would probably be better off knowing as little as possible about.
Offering no comment other than a grim nod, the god approached the door. All that glass. Whomever this vessel had belonged to, must have been extremely wealthy, in their world, as well as this one. Panes of glass larger than a few inches across were hard to come by. He shrugged to himself before approaching the point of entry. Hopefully he would find those who had sailed in this peculiar ship. If not alive, at least their corpses would render clues and information to him.
“I think you are right.” Mendean nodded and reached up, testing the overhang. Fingers finding purchase, he tugged once. There was movement above. Dust and fragments of glass and metal rattled, falling around the god in a glittering cloud. He stepped back blinking, then brushed the worst of it out of his hair, from his shoulders and sleeves. Dust was expected. It came with the territory. One did not pass through the Siva Zemlyst without emerging, caked in dust. It brought back fond childhood memories.
Reaching up, he tested again. Less fragments fell this time. It felt stable. It would certainly carry their weight, for a little while, as long as they did not linger. Grasping hold, Mendean pulled himself up with both arms, legs flailing for several seconds before finding purchase on the lip of the rim. Grimly, he pulled himself up the rest of the way, thanking his years of training in the monastery for his prowess in such things.
A moment later, Mendean was squatting on the overhang, it sloped downward, but he locked one elbow around a sturdy railing, leaning forward. As he extended his free hand for Liam to take, he noticed a shallow cut along the side of his forefinger. It did not hurt much, but the sight of his own blood concerned him. The blood of a god was a precious commodity. He looked at Liam warily for a second before chiding himself. Liam had no idea what he was. He was safe.
“Come on, I'll give you hand-up.”

God Abilities:
Can warp reality around him, so that the environment will begin to resemble his dream-like realm.
May enter and manipulate the dreams of others.
You cannot know Mendean for who or what he is unless he allows it. Even your memories will be altered to disguise his identity, unless he does not wish it. Even his aura is too widely spread for you to see.