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Paige Wintercrest

Character Info
Name: Paige Wintercrest
Age: 44
Alignment: CN
Race: Vaewolf
Gender: Female
Class: Sorceress
Silver: 163
Out to the east of Parvpora is a land that was once said to be blessed by the now lost gods themselves. Luscious fields of green were as far as the eye could see and life was bountiful. The region prospered for centuries until the dead zones arrived across the continent and the region that is known now as Siva Zemlyst would not only find itself corrupted by it, it would serve as the largest of dead zones.

A dry and despairing wasteland replaced the fields, the very magic of its grounds consumed by the power of the Void. Although not completely barren of life, most would be wise to turn and leave if they stumbled into these parts. Nomads that are descendants of the original settlers may come here from time to time, but without the proper resources that once flourished here, they do not stay for very long. Dust devils commonly appear without warning, further ruining the earth and polluting the air. Despite all that, there is still some life left there, leading some to believe that the power of the dead zones isn’t constant. Even with such a belief, they also see that they are still absolute.

There is only one beast to fear other than the region itself; a large beast that remains out of sight save for the occasional large tentacles that rises through the fissures it had created over the years. The rest of it has yet to be seen, though it has not stopped those that have come to unearth what its appendages has found. Underground, there is a material native there that is a key ingredient to the construction of airship engines. Known as phlogiston, it serves to grain the vessels with the ability to fly and those from Tarishitar risk limbs and lives to get ahold of the rare and precious material. Perhaps sometimes the risk is worth the reward, but more than likely, it is best to leave well enough alone.

OOC: Brandon, the Mad Admin, or Branana

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