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Character Info
Name: Moliira
Age: Old
Alignment: CN
Race: Drow/Lycan
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 1905
On the road between Tarishitar and Wyllmochvar, there once stood a waystation in the times before airships became the predominant way to travel. It was very popular, and on a well travelled route, soon growing into a fully-fledged inn. The Silver Wheel Roadhouse boasted many rooms, and a carriage yard for the people passing through on a daily basis. Business was good, until one night when it mysteriously burned to the ground. Most of the people inside were killed, including the entire staff, and many of the guests. Some escaped through the windows, and the stables were left intact, leaving the stable's staff untouched.

A few years later, the surviving staff had gathered funds to rebuild the inn, and five years after the fire, the Silver Wheel Roadhouse was again accepting guests. At first, all seemed to be well… but odd things kept happened. Guests complained of rooms reeking of smoke, or of strange noises in the night. Rooms would be mysteriously ice cold, and other guests spoke of seeing blood that disappeared once they blinked. But many other guests complained of nothing strange happened, and the inn's business started booming again. Even when airships became popular, people still used the roads when they could not afford fare.

The Silver Wheel Roadhouse has stood for over a hundred years since its rebuilding, and the odd incidents continue. Every now and again… something worse happens. A murder here, a suicide there, and the staff, descendants of the original owners and staff, wonder if it is related to the original fire. The worst incident happened only a few years ago, when a father murdered his wife and two children. A weeping woman and screaming children can sometimes be heard, along with a man's crazed laughter. The strange activity seems to have increased in the last few years, and no one has been able to stop it, or to figure out the pattern.

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