Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sun Oct 1, 2017 11:26 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

Turas adhair howled thinking it was about time to cause a little more chaos before running off. Like an echo, a nearby pack holed back than came in for an attack. The men jumped to their feet and unsheathed their swords. 14 men and 16 wolves fault as she watched. A simple caption of what would happen consisted of no death on the humans and 3 dead wolves. Both humans and wolves were hurt. The whole thing was a bloody mess that she enjoyed. 

Once the fight was over she decided to not watch them attempt to help one another with their wombs. It would be fun to let one life live but only the strongest. Taking flight she took a corps of a wolf when they were not looking and flew off to eat it. She even enjoyed it and cleaned off before flying north a wase than turned to an elf wearing mostly tan clothing. Her ears pointed and eyes a golden color. Her hair long, straight, and Black with blue tips and highlights. 

She walked up towards the man with a light. She did not expect him to recognize her in the least but hoped to hear some of his thoughts on the trip so far. She lit a flame in her hand to give some light as she walked. 

Author: Degant123, Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 6:57 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

Alexander is walking in the geberal direction of the north from whence he came from, not much else to say about it realy except that he complained a lot about sand getting into his boots which is annoying to say the least. Also he was alone in nigh complete drakness his only source of light was a small ball of flames floating over his staff, situation doesn't look so great realy yet he still goes on, because realy what else you can do? But besides that he was also kind of pissed at the fact that he didn't get to kill that scaming little bitch and at that Big Black Dick Dragon, or BBDD for short, for taking her side, dragon must have been an imbecile which was unlikely or it was just fucking with him for his amusement which would mean that this dragon was even bigger asshole than Alexander, and our lovable grumpy merc cannot stand people that are bigger assholes than himself, mostly for the practical reasons of "People that are bigger assholes than me usualy do not pay anything and just kill people after they done something for them", or variations on that.

- Sand, sand, sand, sand, sand and what a suprise sand - He muttered to himself as he went forward

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:51 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

Turas-adhair desided to go check on her first project. She had no trouble blinding in to the dark sky. She landed on an overturned wagon and watched the people. 

She was verry disappointed to see that they had managed to make a fire and move the scorched wagons into a cresent shape around it to protect them from the wind and some other things. Well at least they were smart. 

She was however verry happy to see that no outsiders has found them. But they were prepared for tragedy. By what she could see none of the men wher more than burnt. Everyone was also gathered and talking of how much was lost and how much was still left.

Turis knew that they lacked water from the fire and that the next water place was 2 days walk in the wrong direction. She knew to whait she was just disappointed that none where dead but that just ment there were more to watch suffer.  She would not bother the other man again for a wile.

Author: Degant123, Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:25 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

- Yeah fuck you too buddy - Alexander said as the dragon flew off somewhere leaving him to go where he wanted to go, all wihle trying to think up new ways to curse the gods for his terrible luck, This wierd demon nurse he met one day, an edglord douchbag and now I fucking scammer and a dragon just Fan-Fucking-tastic isn't it? But I guess that is what happens to man who pushed other man of a cliff for the sole reason that the victim was a Moralisng Asshole who also didn't know how to shut the fuck up.

Now Alexander was wandering through that wasteland, fire ball floating above his wand in way similar to a torch as it was geting realy dark and wandering alone, in complete darkness, through the middle of nowhere isn't the best idea but well there is nothing left for him to do other than walk

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 4:05 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

He decided to walk at the wrong Dragon. It was the real one and she would gladly snap at him. 

"Her death is on your hands. And blood will be paid with blood." There eyes started to glow bright again. "You will regret this day and your choices." All of the illusions and herself stood on there back legs as there wings faped hard kicking up a heavy dust. Starting at her left each illusions faded one at a time before she two seamed to dissapear. She quickly got to a safe place and laid down. He would have a ruff trip ahead of him. At the time the sun would soon disiper.

Author: Degant123, Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 2:04 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

Alexander stood there for a momment, silently doing nothing except looking at the beast and he done that for 15 minutes after that time has passed he broke out into laughter
- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ah ah ahhh well that was one hell of good joke there buddy but if you are serious, which I doubt since heheheh since I had met people like her all the TIME, her story is so OVERDONE that not even infant would buy that, NOT EVEN A INFANT LACKING ANY MENTAL FACULTIES AND TAHT ALSO IS RETARDED would but that Horseshit, do you even understand or Comprehand how such a thing can be Overdone?
At this momment he fell silent and took a breath deeply
- And while it is probably true that she might die tonight I bet that I am not one who is at the fault here, probably weather or other natural things might take care of that for me so could you let me pass you naive or stupid asshole, because I have things to do, places to be, places that aren't this dump you see
After he said that Alexander casualy started walking towards one of the Dragon illusions like it wasn't there which to a degree is kind of true

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 11:59 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

The bath statement was no joke for she could smell him miles away. But that was not where she was going. All of the dragons spoke at once. "SILENT HUMAN" the voice yelled. Than the voice stayed steady and strong as it continued. "That scammer you speak of was not that in the least. She tried to worn you and requested help you in turn tryed to stab her in the back. Her death was your only wish. Hope you are happy she will try and kill herself to night. And likely sussed."

They stopped talking as there eyes dimed from there red glow to a new cilver.

Author: Degant123, Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:06 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

When they all landed around him he stoped in his tracks and looked at them, but strangely enough his were not the moves of man who was surrounded by FUCKING DRAGONS, no his were the moves of a man who was stuck in a traffic jam for good amount of hours, and by good amount of hours I mean half of a day. So clearly more annoyed than scared this man turned to, what he at least presumed to be, the real dragon since five black dragons looking exactly the same is quite imposible to achive by natural means so illusion is more probable than that there realy are 5 black dragons that look exactly the same, and started speaking
- Well that is just fucking swell isn't it? I want to go on my merry way to do my own thing after a fucking obvious as fuck scammer treid to well scam and probably murder me in the middle of this by gods abandoned NOWHERE………. and here you fucking are a bloody Black as southerners ass Dragon who just happened to be casting an illusion spell.
Now he paused for a second and return to his rant
- Now I am sure that you are proud of yourself that you had cornered me, that you had found some easy prey here in the middle of by gods forsaken nowhere but should you be proud of yourself no you fucking shouldn't you scaly motherfucker I am just a one guy that didn't took a bath or something resembling a bath for at least 2 months straight I am not exactly a the most delicious thing in the universe…….. Not to mention that you block the path of a man who has to work hard only to get some hard as rock bread and sewege water for the things they pay me. SO I WILL ASK YOU AGAIN ARE YOU FUCKING PROUD OF YOURSELF YA FUCKING BIG BALCK DICK?!

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:31 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

the guy just left in the way he came to avoid the people and the smoke. She had diverted the man and kept her toys from getting help. she thought about going and seeing if the caravan was still fine but decided that it would be more fun to play with the stubborn man. She switched to her true form then took to the sky. Her black skin making blending in with the sky in possible but that was just fine.

She let out a roar as the man came into sight. She also used Sadow Cast to make it look like there were five of her. They all landed around him well out of reach of his sword.

Author: Degant123, Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:10 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

- Let me guess you are the fucking monster?! You know what fuck you I am not going there you little cunt - He said as he turns on his heel and goes in direction from which he came from, because he doesn't have time or patiance to sit through some real fucking bullshit of somekind of Monster scammer. I mean would you had the time to do it? No you wouldn't your life is too god damn short so it is best to cut you loses and leave and even though Alexander is not the smartest man alive nor he is the most magicly gifted or gifted at all, he lived long enough to learn the importance of "Fuck this I am out" for even though Alexander prefers jobs that chalange him, tha make the his heart beat quicker, and meks his organisim pump more and more adrenaline he still haves some reservations against suicide contracts or contracts that are scams but one would take it for the thrill of it. Thrill is all nice and good but there is fine line between chalanging yourself and taking on imposible like an overconfident idiot and though brash he may be and at time reckless calling fully stupid is rather uncalled for seeing that he lives longer than most.

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:12 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

It was funny how he had started yelling at her after he failed to take her head. His language showing his smartness level. she almost laughed. Minding the shadows she made a twin appear behind a rock. Her twin laughed at the man. "What Two much of a wimp to fight a girl. or too much of a jerk to help a 17-year-old girl in need. I was not lying a monster is in the area and if you think I'm joking follow the smoke" the twin than vanished slowly as it pointed towards the smoke.

Author: Degant123, Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 10:25 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

- Yeah fuck you too you scamming bitch I very well know that old as live trick of "My villiage is under attack and you are only one who can save it" did you realy thought that I was this fucking stupid I mean seriously, I had dealt with that shit more times than I can count now I will say it only one time FUCK OFF BITCH, I agreed so I would have easier time of bashin yer skull in and I know that you are here somewhere probably looking for a way to sbe me in the back so I will warn ye, if ya try this shit I GONNA WRECK YOUR SHIT so hard that you won't even be able to walk with your nonexistent limp dick, I AM GONNA SHOVE MY FOOT SO FAR UP YOUR SHAVEN PERFECT LITTLE ASS THA YOUR BREATH WILL SMELL LIKE SHOE POLISH, THEN I AM GONNA TAKE YOUR DILDO OF A WANT AND I WILL PUSH DOWN YOUR FACE, I AM GOING TO FLAGGALET YOU WITH MY BEARD, I AM GOING TO MAKE A PAIR OF MECHANICAL BALLS AND USE SURGICAL PRECISON TO SEW THEM TO YOUR GROIN IN PLACE WHERE MANHOOD OUGHT TO BE, SO THAT I CAN KICK THEM WITH MY ARMORED FUCKING FEET, YOU TWAT - Said Alexander in his very poetic and eloquent manner, while turining around so she couldn't have any good look at him

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:09 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

One rule everyone should know is never turn your back to a stranger. She had broke that rule in a way but she could since what the man was doing. As he set into his swing, turas turned quickly and claped her hands spending a gust of wind at the man. Turas, in the process, was sent flying backwards. She landed on her back roled over and pushed herself to her knees and got up. 

"What is wrong with you. I want help in witch you agreed to give." Her stance now wide with her hands infrunt of her and turned tword eatch other one above the other. Her feet sholder width apart and facing away from the man. 

"But if you are set in killing me than hear my worning." She than started ro speak in a long forgotten tung. Her eyes glowing as she did so than shadow like a mist surounded her. As it disappeared she two had seamed to vanish. She was hidden behind som rocks not far away.

Author: Degant123, Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:47 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

And he had followed her but before he did that he had taken out his mace and tried to close the distance between her and him/ She was turned her back to him, a ocasion to attack her. He followed her for a while thinking about certain important things like "From which angle to to hit her and when? surely as quickly as it is posible" all the while his grasp of the mace tightened with each step, and with each step the muscels of his entire body tigthened as to be ready to strike as quickly as humanly posible, his hear was beating and adrenaline was pumping, one swing one swing and this scamer is dead, he though as he watched her back, then he finaly decided that the momment to strike is now, that he should grasp at opurtunity as fast he can before it slips out of his hands so he quickly swung his mave at her head, so that with one quick strike he could take her out of the picture to bash her skull in before she could mount a response

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:28 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

She was quick to respond. "My people are great forgers of glass and medal any damages caused by the beast we can easily fix and improve." She understood that ths guy was one of those pay me of forget it type. 

She looked back twords the way she had came. The smoke was eassy to see. She was just glad that it was a waze away. She set to a walk. 

Author: Degant123, Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:41 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

The was pulled away from his thoughts by a girl screaming at him to stop which he did, mostly because he was curious who the hell was she and why she is here she doesn't look like the type to wander alone or at least she didn't looked like the type to him but this world is basicly bonkers as far as he is concerned with all of the crap that happened to him during his life, extreme poverty being least frightining thing in his opinion, mostly because he lived through it most of his adult life, with it's being sparkeled here and there after botched contract or contractor cheating on him but let's go back to the topic at hand. She said something a moster destroying her villiage and leaving a handfull of survivors, the typical scam story but instead of bandits it was about monster not to mention that he is pretty sure no one sane enough would build a villiage in this shit hole of a place not to mnetion multiple one it seems from what he said. It is clear thaht she wants to scam him he could attack here and now and be done with it, but there is a risk that she might be something more than she is and outright attack might be a risky proposition so he will, for now at least, go along with her and then attack her when ocasion is right but before that he will try to squeeze something out of her
- Ok miss but there is one bit of the problem you see - he started speaking after brief time of thought - you see I am would gladly help ou with your problem but a monster that can wipe out entire villiage is a truly dangerous thing, and even if I prevail against it I might find myself in a trouble for my equipment might suffer during this encuenter so If you want me to help you need to provide some sort of compensation don't you agree?

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Wed Aug 9, 2017 12:00 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

At the time she discovered a man, she took a second to figure out what to do. He looked like he had held his own in a few fights.  To go and state up attack looked like a bad idea and her saying he was well armored and carried a mace and staff. A start up knight would be nothing and armor there down fall but the staff was one that symbolized a mage or magic user of sorts. She was not a master at magic but better than a nonuser. 

She tossed the apple core and got up. she shouldered her bag and yelled "Mr." then started to run. "Mr. I need your help. Please hear me out." She caught up to him and ran in front of him before stopping facing him. "Mr please my village was destroyed by a beast that has been roaming this area. Please help us and take down this monster. Only half of my people are left." Worry showed on her face. Her voice sounded worried and truthful. "our village is not far away but we need a warrior to take it down before all the villages are destroyed. please help us Mr." 

Author: Degant123, Posted: Tue Aug 8, 2017 11:52 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

Though she was on a lookout for the Caravan or a groups all she found was a lone wearing interesting combination of armor and a robe, this man with a mace tied to his belt and Wizards staff in hus left hand was casualy walking down the path paying no attention to a girl eating an apple on the side of the road his gaze was stuck on the horison as he walked, clearly he was thinking of something but of what outsider couldn't have any idea since his face was covered and he did not spoke his thoughts out loud, but what he was thinking well he was thinking this "Oh GODS we do i have to haul my ass through this place to find some god damn work, because realy how is it posible that there was no job for the likes of me up north like realy, THERE WASN'T EVEN ONE JOB, NOT EVEN ONE THAT REALY FUCKING WIERD, I hope that I will trun my luck around this time I realy Do not want to drink sewer water and eat rock bread again, that is fucking disguisting and unhealthy….. but whatever……. also those worhiper-preacher types are THE WORST fucking cleregy and their gods they are no help at all they only want those bloody donations in return of "Blessings" of their gods like they fucking care they are GODS if someone doesn't have to care then it would be them because they can have everything uggghhhhhh what lousy day…………………….."

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Tue Aug 8, 2017 12:06 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

After a long walk, she found a comfy place to sit down and look through what she had gathered. As she reached into her bag she pulled out her food and instead of looking through her new stuff she started to eat. The girl looked a mess in her dust covered clock that resembled that that theaves wore, its hood down revealing her long straight black hair. She sat with her legs crossed and back against a rock. her pack sat open in her lap. in her hand was one of 6 apples she had stolen. it was being eaten slowly as she watched the road for another caravan or traveling group to still from and torment. 

Author: Degant123, Posted: Mon Aug 7, 2017 5:27 AM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

While this terribel dragon was heading north, someone else was heading south, a lone man who wears full plate armor with helmet, insted of Vambraces he weares full plate gauntlets, the rest is kind of normal with exception of the helmet which look somewaht like an metal hat with metal mask attached to front of it, and on the back there is a chainmail hood, under which is also a leather hood. The front plate of the helmet has two somewhat narrow slits for eyes and few very small holes in the region of the mouth for breathing, the top of the helmet has a medium sized brim, and forgive me for the using this comparison again, like that of a hat. This man also wears a simple sleevles robe,over his armor. Also robe clearly isn't sleevless by design, no someone or something must have torn the sleeves from the robe, but is one would to look near the belt region of this man body one could easliy indetify the person who is the perosn responsible for this robe's lack of sleeves, for this man wears an improvised belt made out of torn out sleeves, to this belt is also tied simple but sturdy mace, on his back rests a simple backpack. Unfortunatly for this man, known as Alexander Krieger, who is also a mage which is signified by a staff he holds in his left hand, he is on a "Colision" course with a dragon who just made lot's of people starve to death which isn't nice even for him, a lowly dog of a man who answers to no one but himself and or to his current client, a man with huge dislike for both divine and demonic alike and generarly a grumpy asshole who is willing to kick puppies and club baby seals if the price is right………… And this man was on the same path as is this dragon, he just comes from a difreant direction

Author: turas-adhair, Posted: Sun Aug 6, 2017 6:10 PM, Post Subject: mischief [p/r]

the sky was cloudless and the sand was hot. Turas-Abhair was in his human skin as she walked the dusty path. The lack of life brought joy to the young dragon. it had come to cause trouble and quickly hid behind rocks to wait for the unlucky soul that decided to cross her path.  It had not been long before a caravan had come. She waited until she could see the face of the guy driving the cart to throw her dagger into his chest causing the wagon to lose control and soon flip. The rest of the group stopped and got ready for a fight. She simply sent a ball of electricity through them and laughed as they fell to the ground with a scream. some of the men laid uncourteous as others could barely move.

She was quick to dig through the stuff and take anything shiny or of interest to her. She then managed to find what water they had and drank some before dumping the rest onto the ground. She walked to the one dead man and retrieved her dagger before going to the animals and cutting them loose and smacking them on the rump to get them to run. the things left she set on fire and took to a high spot to watch the place burn and the people awaken. 

After the first was able to move she set a laugh as she stood up. "You and your men have angered the gods by trespassing on sacred land. Now you are left to serve your fate in the heat of the day without water and the night without supply." She then disappeared and soon after left to go north. She was quite content that the men would die a slow miserable death in the plans. She just walked in the path looking to cause more mischief. her new treasures were hidden in her bag. 

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