Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 6:28 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She watched him walk away and tightly bit her lip. She walked back inside the tent and paced back and forth, reassuring herself that he would come back. She brushed her hair to the side and sat back down on the bed, it felt so hard that he was gone already. But she knew that he would be careful and that he loved her.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 6:21 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"If I die Im expecting to see a full refund on that Pelt that I gave you" He chuckled walking off into the desert, tightly clenching the twin ring before putting it on himself and muttering about maps and deities that needed to be taught a lesson but for sure he wasn't going to die soon and he was going to make it back for her.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 6:16 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"I'll be okay, I'll just be worrying about you." She lightly smiled. "I'll write back to you till you come back here to me. I love you too." She held back from crying as she watched him head out. She got up onto her feet and said, "Just don't go dying on me, okay Robin Hood?"Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 6:08 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He hugged her back lightly rubbing her back "Keep your eyes and ears open I dont want to get back to hear how you lost a Arm or Died, Okay?" he kissed her once more and stood up, "Im heading out and you probably wont see to me for a long while" he sighed "Ill write letters too you as much as possible" he stood near the door "I love you".Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 5:50 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She kissed him back and said, "I'll miss you so much." She looked down at the ring he gave her and lightly smiled. She placed it on her ring finger and looked back at him. "I'd love for you be right beside me, my Robin Hood." She hugged him tightly and lightly closed her eyes, just wishing that he didn't have to go away now.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 5:38 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He chuckled lightly "Your are really cute when you do that, but im afraid I am going" he reached out running his fingers down her cheek "One day I will come back to you, but im not ready yet and Im defiantly not worthy of you, So once my mission is complete I hope you'll come find me again, my lovely Points" he took her hand and pulling her into a kiss and putting a ring into her palm "and on the day I return I want to be your partner in crime" he smirkedAuthor: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 5:26 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She lightly groaned and turned onto her side as she slowly woke up. She opened her eyes and lightly smiled when she saw him. "Morning." She stretched and looked over at him. "You're going, then?" She lightly sighed and sat up, running a hand through her hair.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 5:22 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
Next MorningAuthor: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 4:55 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She lightly smiled when she saw he was asleep. She lightly closed her eyes and soon fell asleep as well after some time. She slept peacefully, with the warmth and his heartbeat that made her feel safe.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 4:49 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
Before she could even finish her sentence Darian was already asleep, the warmth from her body lulling him to sleep, while he kept his arm round her waist he mumbled about money and a big house, around the hut laid pictures and bounties of Artefacts and Maps of road that he had most likely brought or stole from unsuspecting victims.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 4:08 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She lightly chuckled and rested her head against him. "I'm glad I refused to give you anything till you helped." She lightly closed her eyes and shook her head. "I'm fine, you should get some rest or something." She could tell she was a bit sleepy, but refused to sleep just yet, making it harder to stay awake since she felt comfy and warm.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 3:58 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
Wrapping his arm round her pulling her closer "You need rest, Ill still be here in the morning if your wondering" he smiled stroking her hair, "Im glad I tried to rob you by the way, got to meet the best girl out here, which inst really saying much the nomads is like 75% male" he laughedAuthor: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 3:48 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She lightly nodded and chuckled, "Alright, alright." She lied down beside him and said, "I agree with that." She happily sighed and looked over at him, "Its nice and warm in here."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 3:39 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"You literally watched me put a torch into a high flammable gas and your asking me if ill be safe" he chuckled kissing her lightly "Ill try to be when trying to gather the attention of the Deities" he laid down on his back "But for now lets just enjoy the night we have together?"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 3:23 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She hissed in pain and lightly bit her lip. She relaxed as he wrapped it up and let out a sigh of relief. She smiled as she looked back at him and said, "I'll be alright. I'm pretty tough, I think I'll be able to hold on here while you're off. How about you? You be careful till you come back here." She gently squeezed his hand.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 3:16 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He lent down slowly sliding her shirt down allowing him to rub some medicine into the wound "Sorry thats going to hurt" he'd smirk while wrapping it in clean bandages, "so you going to be okay while im gone preparing for the biggest heist of my life?" he asked taking her hand in his and stroking it.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 2:42 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"Leodrisa." She smiled as lightly closed her eyes. As they walked over, she opened her eyes and looked at the medicine, she sighed in relief. "Thank you, my shoulder's been aching again." She sat down on the bed and looked through the medicine there. She leaned up and gently kissed his cheek.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 2:36 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"Your name?" He smiled "Because this time I want something to come back to" Darian stroked her cheek leading her to a bed made from simple pelts and straw, that had bandages and Medicine for her wounds "I had them bring it to the tent as soon as we got here"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 2:23 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She nodded and said, "I can wait till then. I understand your goal and I'll sill be here." She gently held his hand and looked down. "And I can find plenty of things to trade and find work to keep up the money supply."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 2:16 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He gently leaned into her kissing her lightly "I still have my goal in life to achieve if I dont steal from a deity, who would" he chuckled brushing her hair behind her ear "But when I do complete and grow bored of stealing, Maybe we could settle down?" he looked down at his feet "All we have to do till then is too make sure we stay alive".Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 2:12 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She rested her hands on his chest and lightly smiled. "We don't have to go our separate ways. I mean, there could be more." She looked up at him hopefully. "What are you thinking Robin Hood?" She lightly teased with a chuckle.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 2:04 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He leaned down taking her hand, slowly pulling her into the Tent, "This is the one I've been using while here" he uttered almost quietly before allowing himself to wrap a arm round the Elves waist looking at her "Are you sure this is right? I mean we before go our separate ways after this" he shook his head slowly taking off his mask with a small smile.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 1:51 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"You never know, Robin Hood!" She called back with a chuckle. "But, I'd like the company." She walked over to one of the tents and said, "Do we just pick a tent? Or where am I supposed to rest?" She crossed her arms as she looked over at him with a smile. She sat down and brought her knees up to her chest.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 1:45 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He smiled "I can stay till your wounds get better, if you'd like?" he said while walking to the tents looking back "You know this will never work out right?" he shouted smirking "And who wouldnt want to spend a little while long with you Points?"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 12:55 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"And don't worry about it." She looked back at him and stammered, "D-do you really have to go?" She could tell she was blushing heavily and couldn't even look at him long as she fidgeted in spot.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sun Apr 9, 2017 11:35 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She lightly smiled and said, "You are very cute too." She looked down as she lightly blushed and tried to find more words to say to him. "If there's any way, I would like to talk with you a while longer."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 7:44 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"Is it bad that all I can think about is how cute your face is?" he chuckled "Which I guess is a awkward way to say goodbye, but you know we have a little while before the Nomads come over" he kicked the floor "and maybe I took the whole charm thing the wrong way and Deity do I know we would never work probably why I havent tried anything Not saying I dont want to" he flusteredAuthor: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 7:33 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"Till our paths come together again." She nodded, lightly bowing her head and brushed her hair to the side.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 4:55 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He smile "I dont think it would get much anyway" he winked at her sliding it onto his neck "And of course im not joking its a goal I set for myself when I was just a wee thief stealing bread, If the Gods didnt help me get out of poverty then I would just take what I want" he clenched his fist, looking up he saw the Nomads stare at them from a distance, he turned to look at her "Well Points, I guess this is goodbye" He smiled.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 4:48 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She caught the necklace and said, "thank you." She placed it back in her bag and looked over at him in alarm. "Stealing from a deity? Robin Hood, you're gonna get into a lot more trouble and for your sake, I hope your joking." She lightly bit her lip and said, "if you aren't, you should take this." She pulled out of her bag a large charm and said, "this is an elven charm. Don't sell it."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 4:34 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He simply shrug with a smirk "Probably go back to thieving and robbing rich folks" with a deep sigh he continued "The man is a scammer and probably find a way to keep you in his contract throws a Necklace made of thin rope and the teeth from the tiger that had been cleaned to her, It should get a lot of coin or keep it or something I dunno, Just do whatever that doesnt involve going back to the Old Elf" he looked back with a grin, "Heck, If we weren't two different people I would ask you to come along with me, but with what im planning on doing is pretty much a suicide mission" he put his mask back on "So if you hear about a Thief stealing a Deity's Artefact just know it was me" He winkAuthor: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 4:27 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She got up and followed him out. "Regardless if he is or not, I need the money. He's giving a lot. Even a thief would take that advantage." She lightly smirked as she looked over at him. "What will you do, Robin Hood?"Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 4:21 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He'd wink throwing back her Quiver "Steal from the rich give to the poor" he says bowing while laughing, "we better get going if you dont want that to scar," he stands walking out the cave covering his eyes from the glare "Soooo whats the plan after this Points, planning on continuing your search for the items the boss wanted or just going to wander?" he chuckled "Your Boss is a scammer though"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 4:11 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She took her bag and looked over at him. "What did you take Robin Hood?" She sat up and crossed her arms. "I can tell my bag is lighter."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 4:04 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He chuckle gently winking at her and passing her bag over to her "I let you sleep a tad longer, and I did the scouting myself, So come along Points" he smirk and offer an hand before listing off the items that he had before and after he got her, what he gathered and how much money it would make before looking at the horizon.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 3:52 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She had woken up when she felt movement beside her. "Seriously Robin Hood?" She sighed as she moved the leaf away and looked over at him.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 3:44 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
The Next MorningAuthor: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 3:22 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She laughed and said, "Yep, Robin Hood. But why the nickname Points?" She ate her meal and headed to the bed. She lied down and lightly yawned. "Good night Robin Hood."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 3:08 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"Must be nice to see the good in everyone" he threw the pelt over to her and ate a chunk of meat "And of course Points, I think its a very fitting name" he'd smirk patting down some dead grass that he had made in a makeshift bed "Tomorrow We'll check on your wound then head towards the Nomad, What happens next is up to you" he chuckled "I must be the worse thief ever, came out here to rob a person of all their Coins and ended up helping a Elf get to safety guess im to good hearted, Im like the Archer fellow, uhhh Robin Hood was it?"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 2:10 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She tilted her head. "Points?" She lightly shook her head and began to cook the meat he gave her. "I'll take the pelt, if you don't mind." She lightly smiled and said, "Well, for a while I lived with my own kind. But soon I wanted more and so I began to travel from place to place, taking work and seeing all sorts of people."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 2:03 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
If you insist he skewed chunks of meat onto two sticks and handed it to the Elf "Dont burn yourself while cooking it" he smirked leaning back getting comfortable again cooking the meat on the fire "So "Points" where did you come from since you said your new here?" he asked while organising the loot he gathered from the Cat, "So what parts do you want? Teeth or pelt?"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 1:58 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She nodded and said, "It was a good fight. And I'm sure you can get a lot for it." She lowered her bow and placed it back with her things. "Now, how about a dinner? I'm sure we're both hungry after that." She lightly smiled.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 1:40 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
Allowing himself a couple more slashes at the Big Cat before back over the line of the fissure dragging the Elf back with him as he swung the Stick through the cloud of gas with embers catching light and exploding in the face of the Big cat with the smell of Burnt hair and hissing filling the air before it died down.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 1:33 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She lightly nodded and continued shooting at the cat. She lightly smiled and ducked as it swung at her, jumping back quickly as she could. She looked back at him and said, "I can keep up easily, no need to worry about me."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 1:29 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He smiled picking up a dagger and a embering stick and running at the Cat head on "Try to keep up now Huntress" as he narrowly missed a paw, allowing himself time to slice the Wild Cat's leg and continued to back up towards a fissure "See I was thinking, what sort of gas came out of these cracks, I hoping its the kind I want" he chuckledAuthor: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 1:20 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"Of course." She said, getting to her feet and grabbing her quiver of arrows and bow. She aimed st the cat and fired, aiming perfectly at it. "Wanna help?" She called to him.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 12:57 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He started laughing again "I just kinda make it up as I go, I wasnt even sure that plant was Aloe Vera till I bit it" he looked at the fire throwing another stick on "I dont live anywhere really, I mean I use to had a big fancy house with a family but threw that away just for a life changing mission of mine" he stood holding a stick high "Because Im going to steal from a-" a low pitched growl grew near the entrance of the cave making Darian grow silent.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 12:49 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"Well, I've never been here before." She said as she brushed her hair to the side. "So I can't say much of course. But what I've seen from you, you sorta live here." She looked back at him after he took the mask off. "There, now isn't that better?" She lightly chuckled as she got comfortable. "Call me whatever you like if you don't want my name."Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 12:32 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He laughed "I could make up some story how it protects me from the Deities seeing my sins, but in fairness its too stop my face being plastered on a poster" He'd lay a skewered lizard near the fire as it starts to cook, and he slid the mask off "But I guess I can accept a truthful elf, and I wont ask for a name, Name's keeps people pinned to one stop" he'd smirk and continue writing in the sand watching Fissures of gas continue going off in the valley and sounds of wildlife barely clinging on to its existence "Oh and if you save this place you know that all this beauty and animals will die out?, I mean it has to make way for new life right?"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 12:22 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She rolled her eyes and sat down beside the fire. She leaned against a nearby wall and looked back at him. "How come you wear the mask? Seriously, you look ridiculous." She lightly chuckled as she put her bow to the side and took off her nearby bag.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 12:13 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He pushed a couple of rocks out the way to show a shallow cave and started building the fire "You know Elves can be horrible people too you know" he winced slightly as he burnt his finger on the growing flame, and making sure his mask was still on tight "I once met a Woman Elf who was using a charm spell to pickpocket men, got to give it to her thats a clever move" he chuckled sharpening his knife with a stone.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 12:05 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"That's not true. Considering my boss is one of my own kind, I don't think he'd lie. I don't trust men easily." She scoffed. "I know you men are more likely to cause trouble." She crossed her arms and said, "Just find us a cave, okay?"Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 11:59 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
Darian's loud laughter fills the valley "Your being scammed by your own boss" he wipes his tear away looking at her "The Great Deities, you not a smart one are you? he's using your sense of goodness to get some extra pocket money" he'd continue laughing while picking up some dead wood and flint, "I mean you didnt really believe he would save the place he's getting money from right? that's like taking away his main source of currency"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 11:42 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She nodded and said, "Its fine, I've learned to deal with the pain." She got onto her feet and said, "I took a job to find things here. I find them, bring them to my employer, I get paid. According to the man who hired me, I have the right touch to collect these. And hopefully, if I bring them back safely, they can lighten up the drought here. "Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 11:28 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
"I wasn't expecting to get injured out here, so no nothing for the pain i'm afraid" he retorted back at her, he reached a vast open plain looking out he could see black spots of cattle in the distance "Most people call me Darian, but I have a question of my own, why is a Elf all the way out in this valley?" he asked while cutting some more Aloe Vera and putting it in his belt pouch "Your not here to save this land from its dying drought are you? I mean you do look like a goody two shoes" he smirked before continuing "The Nomads are just out there, but since night is coming we'll have to take shelter in this cave"Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 11:16 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She hissed in pain and lightly bit her lip. She lightly closed her eyes and nodded, "I remember the story. They say that only a few lucky people know where the treasure is." She lightly chuckled. She looked back at him and took the aloe. As she applied it on her shoulder, she tried to control the pain and rested her head against the tree. "Anything else to put on it?" She asked, looking over at him. "What is your name Thief?" She chuckled lightly.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 10:53 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He rolled his eyes tearing fabric from his sleeve and spitting on it and shoving it on her wound "Yeah should of warned you this would have stung" he turned looking down the valley at Dead trees and dried bushes and started walking humming "you ever heard about the myth of the huge tree thing" he asked joyfully "I was kinda hoping to find some treasure or a artefact at least" he took a large step over a fissure.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 10:22 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She sighed and said, "I cannot give you my coin. But, perhaps if you helped me then I would think about it more." She said, looking at him suspiciously. She lightly winced as her shoulder began to hurt again and hesitantly took his hand. "You seem to know this place more then me. Bbut how can I trust a thief?"Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 10:04 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
He would sigh deeply, "Look your equipment wont be any good to sell if you keep standing on that fissure" he would rub his forehead while tapping his knife, "If we really must fight till you give me your coin its not going to be a long battle, I saw those Nomads North of here, so heres the deal, You give me the Coin, Ill patch you up and point you the right way" He mockingly said while holding his hand out to the woman.Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 9:45 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
She looked over at him and quickly jumped away from him. "Well, you're going to need more then a few tricks." She knew she had to keep a fair distance away from him and try to fight. She ignored the pain in her shoulder as she looked over the man. "I've dealt with more then a simple thief." She said, glaring at him.Author: brainwave1, Posted: Sat Apr 8, 2017 9:29 AM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
Darian chuckled spinning his dagger between his fingers walking out in front of the Elf Woman, "now Im only going to say this once, Money or your life".Author: LadyNanillornHunter, Posted: Fri Apr 7, 2017 8:20 PM, Post Subject: A Risky Journey
Leodrisa winced as she leaned against a nearby tree. She had just survived an ambush, and knew she had to just keep moving, regardless of the pain. She looked at the sky to see how long she could keep moving before forcing herself to get onto her feet and continue to move. This journey had taken her to new lands and she had refused any help, assuming that it would be easy and quick to receive her award.We have 1763 registered users.
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