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Character Info
Name: Leodrisa
Age: 23
Alignment: LG
Race: elf
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 898
Leodrisa winced as she leaned against a nearby tree. She had just survived an ambush, and knew she had to just keep moving, regardless of the pain. She looked at the sky to see how long she could keep moving before forcing herself to get onto her feet and continue to move. This journey had taken her to new lands and she had refused any help, assuming that it would be easy and quick to receive her award. 

Character Info
Name: Jacob Lockwood
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Smuggler
Silver: 63
Darian chuckled spinning his dagger between his fingers walking out in front of the Elf Woman, "now Im only going to say this once, Money or your life".

He looked her up and down and almost felt pity of the state of her attire, he knew this Valley was difficult to survive in but he had been coming here in the name of the loot left by the panicked merchants, however he wasn't picky and getting Coin from 'other' sources wasn't bad, but with a coy smile he continued "By the looks of you, I would choose your life" adjusting his mask on his face, watching a plume of gas flow from a fissure.

"Nothings a lost cause if there's money involved"

Character Info
Name: Leodrisa
Age: 23
Alignment: LG
Race: elf
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 898
She looked over at him and quickly jumped away from him. "Well, you're going to need more then a few tricks." She knew she had to keep a fair distance away from him and try to fight. She ignored the pain in her shoulder as she looked over the man. "I've dealt with more then a simple thief." She said, glaring at him.

Character Info
Name: Jacob Lockwood
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Smuggler
Silver: 63
He would sigh deeply, "Look your equipment wont be any good to sell if you keep standing on that fissure" he would rub his forehead while tapping his knife, "If we really must fight till you give me your coin its not going to be a long battle, I saw those Nomads North of here, so heres the deal, You give me the Coin, Ill patch you up and point you the right way" He mockingly said while holding his hand out to the woman.

"Its not like you have much of a choice here, by the time night gets here the Big cats are gonna get you either way" 

"Nothings a lost cause if there's money involved"

Character Info
Name: Leodrisa
Age: 23
Alignment: LG
Race: elf
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 898
She sighed and said, "I cannot give you my coin. But, perhaps if you helped me then I would  think about it more." She said, looking at him suspiciously. She lightly winced as her shoulder began to hurt again and hesitantly took his hand. "You seem to know this place more then me. Bbut how can I trust a thief?"

Character Info
Name: Jacob Lockwood
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Smuggler
Silver: 63
He rolled his eyes tearing fabric from his sleeve and spitting on it and shoving it on her wound "Yeah should of warned you this would have stung" he turned looking down the valley at Dead trees and dried bushes and started walking humming "you ever heard about the myth of the huge tree thing" he asked joyfully "I was kinda hoping to find some treasure or a artefact at least" he took a large step over a fissure.

He drew his knife cutting a large portion of Aloe Vera off a nearby plant, chewing on it before offering it too her "Use this to Hydrate and use the gel to soothe the Irritation of the wound" he explains "one of the nomads taught me it before coming into the valley".

"Nothings a lost cause if there's money involved"

Character Info
Name: Leodrisa
Age: 23
Alignment: LG
Race: elf
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 898
She hissed in pain and lightly bit her lip. She lightly closed her eyes and nodded, "I remember the story. They say that only a few lucky people know where the treasure is." She lightly chuckled. She looked back at him and took the aloe. As she applied it on her shoulder, she tried to control the pain and rested her head against the tree. "Anything else to put on it?" She asked, looking over at him. "What is your name Thief?" She chuckled lightly.

Character Info
Name: Jacob Lockwood
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Smuggler
Silver: 63
"I wasn't expecting to get injured out here, so no nothing for the pain i'm afraid" he retorted back at her, he reached a vast open plain looking out he could see black spots of cattle in the distance "Most people call me Darian, but I have a question of my own, why is a Elf all the way out in this valley?" he asked while cutting some more Aloe Vera and putting it in his belt pouch "Your not here to save this land from its dying drought are you? I mean you do look like a goody two shoes" he smirked before continuing "The Nomads are just out there, but since night is coming we'll have to take shelter in this cave"

"Nothings a lost cause if there's money involved"

Character Info
Name: Leodrisa
Age: 23
Alignment: LG
Race: elf
Gender: Female
Class: Huntress
Silver: 898
She nodded and said, "Its fine, I've learned to deal with the pain." She got onto her feet and said, "I took a job to find things here. I find them, bring them to my employer, I get paid. According to the man who hired me, I have the right touch to collect these. And hopefully, if I bring them back safely, they can lighten up the drought here. "

Character Info
Name: Jacob Lockwood
Age: 19
Alignment: CN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Smuggler
Silver: 63
Darian's loud laughter fills the valley "Your being scammed by your own boss" he wipes his tear away looking at her "The Great Deities, you not a smart one are you? he's using your sense of goodness to get some extra pocket money" he'd continue laughing while picking up some dead wood and flint, "I mean you didnt really believe he would save the place he's getting money from right? that's like taking away his main source of currency"

"Nothings a lost cause if there's money involved"

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