Torn laughed good-naturedly, along with a few of the bandits, as Valkoinen introduced himself in the same fashion as Torn. A good start, and even the suspicious highwaymen were now looking voer the newcomer - not much of a threat and not much of a target, they grunted and sheathed their weapons. Torn grinned broadly, relieved that the night wouldn't take a quick and nasty turn.
"I am afraid I have not heard of your clan, but I am sure I will in the next few hours. Someone get this man a drink! For I shall now tell the tale of Fansy the Bard!"
Torn seated Valkoinen by the fire, and winked at him, as if to say 'you're doing great'. He then took up an epic pose by the fire, holding his (empty) mug up high. As if by magic, the flames seemed to dance on his fair skin and golden hair, and his booming voice somehow brought the story to life.
"Once upon a time not so long ago, there was a great battle taking place between the muses and devils of Canelux, known as the battle of keys. Both sides fielded knights and men-at-arms aplenty, but the muses were losing ground, and soon would be overwhelmed by the chaotic notes of the devils. But one man stood up to the devils with a vengeance - Fansy the bard, a young man of sixteen, and no martial training. As the forces of chaos were about to overrun the bastions of harmony, he cried out 'Hold on, my fellows! I have a plan, but do I not return, think of me fondly!' and so, he lept the bastion, and ran to the hills."
The bandits were already completely enthralled, gazing at the storyteller, altogether starstruck. Torn, in turn, gestured wildly and dramatically with each sentence, even using his spear to mimic combat.
"His fellows believed he had tricked and deserted them, but Fansy had a plan. In the hills towards which he was running was a large encampment of migratory giants, the kind native to the north. What he did next was folly and madness, for these giants, while generally peaceful, are a terrible thing when wroth. He ran into their den, pulled out his lute, and played the most sour and displeasing tone one can imagine, like a strangled cat. The giants, outraged, charged at Fansy with intent to kill."
Torn's gaze was suddenly full of anger, portraying the hatred the giants must have felt towards the young hero. Suddenly his voice became more booming, as if he was standing in an amphitheatre, reciting an epic.
"But Fansy was not so easy to catch. Young, and with barely any weapons or armour, he was too quick to be caught by the giants. They all came after him, but not one of them could hit him, for his cunning and agility could not be matched by the lumbering creatures. Then, after a while, the giants came within earshot of the demons' song. Hearing a similar chaos to what Fansy had tormented them with, they flew into a frenzy, crashing straight into the demonic lines, dismantling their vanguard and smashing their general's bodyguard in a heartbeat. Not expecting to fight giants, the demons soon found themselves in disarray, allowing the muses to take up arms, regroup, and fight back. And so, enthralled by the gorgeous music of these angels of song, the giants formed a new van, and smashed the demons underfoot."
Torn grinned as he told the tale, but soon his demeanour turned somber. One could see a single perfect tear in his left eye as he finished the story.
"Alas, Fansy, tired from his long run and having dropped his weapons, was slain in the battle. His body was recovered, and in a procession worthy of a god, was brought to rest to the sound of eleven lamenting muses, and the prayer of every good thing under the sky."
Torn gave a sort of salute, a clenched fist over his heart, with a bowed head. Comically, several of the bandits (the biggest and burliest) had begun crying, including the chieftain. "Och, Torn, whad a beau-ti-ful shtory! Y-you should be a bard or… Shomethin'…" He bowed his head, sobbing and groaning. After a few seconds, one could hear a soft snore coming from the man. This spawned heavy laughter from the rest of the party. Torn, of course, laughed loudest of them all.

Torn's god rules:
i: Torn can make anyone feel an intense desire to overcome massive challenges, even where logic dictates it should be impossible. This also incurs a blessing to help them succeed.
ii: If Torn approves of - or praises - a piece of music, that song will evermore sound more appealing to mortal ears.
iii: Torn has the ability to summon any creature he has personally slain, to serve any purpose - or transform into one himself.
Voice Actor: Jon Cozart (Paint)
Theme Song: Masatoshi Ono - Departure!
I am KeeXeyn.