Archive Home > Archives > 2017 Archives > Prapasite de Renastere > Miraculous: An Adventure of a God And Wolf [P][R]

Character Info
Name: Katerina Sofia Silverstein
Age: Appears 30
Alignment: TN
Race: 1/2 Wolf Demon and 1/2 High Elemental
Gender: Female
Silver: 1706
Hearing the voice from the Goddess, Katerina sighed. Of course she would help the goddess. She didn’t pay attention to the Gods or Goddesses, but when it came to helping the land where she lived, she never said no.She didn’t even follow who the new ascensions were. The only goddess she knew of was Angela. She was her Uncle’s Sister in law after all. 

Hugging her daughter, they said their quick goodbye. This time Kiyomi would stay behind, she had to because her heart didn’t want to leave. With a kiss on the cheek, Katerina told her daughter she loved her and walked out of her new cabin. A smile crossed her lips as she looked back and waved. They had finally found a place to settle down. The edge of the viren’s forest right beside the ocean. Clicking her tongue, Athena, her pure black horse started to run into the forest. 

Holding onto the necklace that she had got to travel into the other realm, she decided it was time to find the rabbit. It was said you had to follow the white rabbit to find the doorway. “Why did it have to be a rabbit…” She said with a sigh to herself. She used to eat rabbits for lunch. It wasn’t long before she found the rabbit. “Hey! Wait up!” She called as she ran after the rabbit who was just a few yards in the distance. “Damn guy is fast.” Katerina said to herself as she ran towards the rabbit. 

Finally catching up, the rabbit suddenly disappeared into a glow of light. A loud neigh came from Athena as she suddenly came to a stop. The quick movement made the wolf demon fly off the horse and into the light the rabbit disappeared into. A scream left her lips as she appeared on the other side. 

As she fell through, so many colors blurred around her. It only lasted a few seconds before a waterfall appeared beneath her. Her scream filled the new area around her as she fell down the waterfall and into the lake below. Just missing the rocks, her body went moved with the force of the water till the current slowed and almost stopped near the Standing in the water, she was now waist deep as she caught her breath. Her short red hair stuck to her face. Along with her cream low top, her very visible cleavage seemed to sparkle when the sun hit them. Her dark brown waist corset seemed to gleam as well against the sun.

Blinking, she was confused for a moment. The area around her was like nothing like she seen before. A gasp left her lips as she turned in the water. The very….purple water. "What the hell…" She said aloud to herself.


Character Info
Name: Naota
Age: Appears 23
Alignment: CG
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Male
Class: Former Deity of Light and Dreams
Silver: 12527
Going through the trials and turmoil of this place had been bad enough with one run through.  Now he was on his second pass.  Lucielle was safely back in Revaliir, but he’d only watched her make it through safely.  Had she known that he was planning on staying she never would have gone back on her own.  There were bound to be stragglers that needed help getting out, and he was hard pressed on finding them.  So many people wanted to aid Angela, and while their efforts were noble and their hearts in the right place, it was still a dangerous feat to tackle alone. 
They had done their damage to Kira, a good amount at that and after so many had already chiseled away at her stamina.  But he knew when enough was enough and was glad that Lucielle was safe and sound.  She’d be angry with him once he was back in the temple, her own version of it, but he’d deal with that later.
For now, he’d made it back to the floating islands.  So far he hadn’t run across anyone else, but the area was so great, so impossibly vast, that he was starting to fear his task was fruitless.  He was lasting here, but he didn’t want to test Angela’s gift around his neck for too long.  Deity or not, everyone was vulnerable here in a place constantly being tugged by life and death.  He walked passed the boat that would lead from this island and took hope in that, memorizing where it was and hoping it wouldn’t decide to drift off any time soon.  If there was anyone on this island then they’d be able to get to the mushroom quickly now that he knew where the vessel was for this location.
He stopped to rest, his fingers pushing through his hair.  Not for the first time that day, he’d thought of Echo, their children, how they were still back in Revaliir.  With a grin he also thought about how much she would have enjoyed a mission like this.  No doubt the stories he’d have to tell would bring irritation that she’d missed out on all the ‘fun’.  Ah well, there would be other adventures, ones that didn’t occur so soon after childbirth.  Suddenly, he heard a splash behind him in the distance.  He turned, seeing a waterfall from one of the higher floating land masses, ending in a pool of purple water.
Someone had fallen through and he quickly darted that way in a flash of light.  He came to the edge of the water, ready to jump in should they be unconscious, but then they emerged: dripping in odd colored water that clung to their person.  It was a woman, and her movements suggested that she wasn’t harmed, still he walked atop the water towards her, not wanting to be weighed down by the stuff.  She spoke to herself and he recognized the voice.  It was a distant memory, but enough to halt his steps. 
His mind flurried with images of a night spent with a woman years ago, a fight in the sky, bloodshed, sweat slicked skin, the taste of skin.  It was Kat!  If he hadn’t been so shocked his face might have flushed red, but instead he ran forward, staying on top of the water, “Katerina?  Is that you?”  It had been so long, so much had happened since the last time he had seen her.  Nonetheless he outstretched a hand, “Come, let me help you out, you’ll catch something unimaginable.”

God Rules:
i. Has the ability to put any target into a deep sleep.
ii. Unmatched in holy magicks as well as light magicks.
iii. Can shatter illusions by bending the light to show the truth.
[ OOC: My main account but one of many! :D - Anton ]

Character Info
Name: Katerina Sofia Silverstein
Age: Appears 30
Alignment: TN
Race: 1/2 Wolf Demon and 1/2 High Elemental
Gender: Female
Silver: 1706
It had been a long time since Katerina went on a mission on her own. Her daughter’s were always with her. She knew she could protect them if it came down to it, and that they could take care of themselves. She always started to train them at a young age, first it is only for fun, then when they reached an age where they want to decide, she really trains them, hard.

In awe of the purple lake she stood in, all she could think of was her daughters. If they were here, they would want to run around and see every inch of this place, instead of doing the mission at hand. Sometimes, they could act their age and Katerina was very happy about that. They would of made this mission a hole lot of fun. A smile curved on her lips, making she could take them here after everything was finish, that was if the goddess let anyone enter whenever they wanted.

With her mind in a different place, the wolf demon didn’t notice the man that appeared from behind the trees. It was his voice that pulled her from her thoughts. Her eyes looked up at the man that walked on the water. Her eyes widened for only a brief second. It was Noata. It had been years since she had last seen him. Kiyomi was only a child, now she was almost a full grown woman.

Hearing him say her name, she smiled up at him. She was surprised he even recognized her with her new red short hair and light freckles over her cheeks and nose. Compliments of trying to find Natsumi. “Noata.” She said his name with a small wave. As her hand circled his, the touch made her think of the last time he had touched her. She instantly felt guilty of the memory. Jax had only died a month or so ago, she couldn’t think of someone else that way. Not for a long while anyway.

As she was pulled out of the water, her eyes caught a glimpse of markings almost like a marriage band. SHe mentally smiled, he found someone. She would of been married by now if…. She pushed the thoughts away and looked at the area around her. The different colored trees caught her attention. “Surprised they aren’t lollipop trees.” Katerina commented. The goddess Angela was always over the top. She was surprised nothing was made of candy. Wasn’t she a child for a week?

Turning to look at Noata, a smile curved on her lips. “Been awhile…..It’s nice seeing you again.” Memories of the past floated into her mind. “Are you here to defeat the Piper?” She asked him, but knowing what she did about him, she knew he was. “Would you like to join up again and blow shit up?” She asked with a mischievous tone. They had fun before, they should again. Her eyes turned for him and looked at the vastness around her. “Do you know where the Piper is?” She asked, hoping he knew which way to go, that was if he was joining up with her.


Character Info
Name: Naota
Age: Appears 23
Alignment: CG
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Male
Class: Former Deity of Light and Dreams
Silver: 12527
He chuckled, though to be honest he wasn't entirely sure what a lollipop was.  From how colorful and off the wall everything here was, he suspected it was something childlike.  Either way, he helped her from the water and back to the shore so she wouldn't sink under the surface.  Once there he released her hand and tucked his own into his pockets, "It is good to see you too Kat, and actually yes I'm here to fight against the Piper."  His eyes dimmed, thinking about the encounter he had already had with her.  He and Lucielle really were fortunate to have made it away.  Lucielle was safe, but he wanted a go at that woman one more time: Kat was just person to be on this type of mission with.

Laughing he nodded his head and began to walk, hoping she would follow, "Explosions would do us good, yes.  I think a pairing like the last time we worked together will do the trick.  Unfortunately yet very fortunately, I do know where she is."  He looked back at her, "I've already faced her, she's weakened from so many people fighting against her, but…"  He shook his head, "I actually was going back through to see if anyone had gotten lost.  Since you've literally dropped back in, it would be good for us to get to her quickly.  Once she's defeated it will be easier to help people with less tension."  Knowing Angela though, she probably had a way to get everyone out safe and sound all in one go.  They continued walking until they were to the boat he'd passed, "We need to get to the mushroom."

Raising a hand up, he pointed out the discolored fungi before stepping into the boat and offering his hand to her to help her in.  She was more than capable, but after months of tending to his very pregnant wife, it had become second nature to assist people with even the simplest tasks. "Lucky for us this will get us there fast…And then we go to the next location."  His eyes hardened, but it was brief before smiling again, "How have you been otherwise…?  It seems chaos likes to bring us together."

God Rules:
i. Has the ability to put any target into a deep sleep.
ii. Unmatched in holy magicks as well as light magicks.
iii. Can shatter illusions by bending the light to show the truth.
[ OOC: My main account but one of many! :D - Anton ]

Character Info
Name: Katerina Sofia Silverstein
Age: Appears 30
Alignment: TN
Race: 1/2 Wolf Demon and 1/2 High Elemental
Gender: Female
Silver: 1706
Katerina eyes went to him with a smile. He was on board with taking the piper out with her. With a nod she began to follow him. She hoped it wouldn’t be long until they reached the woman causing all this madness. Racking her brain, she didn’t think she met the Kira woman. She knew she was related to Lily somehow. Lily had so many family members she couldn’t keep track. “Now I do too…” The wolf demon’s thought lit her face. So much had happened since she met this man. Years had passed and she finally found her family. Her brother, uncle and cousins. It was amazing thing to have, family.

Noticing his hand reach for her, she hesitated. She didn’t want to touch another man. At least not yet. Stepping into the boat beside him, she didn’t grab his hand but got in all by herself. “No, thank you.” She said anyways not wanting him to think she blew him off. Her eyes looked along the river before taking her seat.

As they started to set off down the river, he spoke again. Asking how she was. “I've been better.” She said as her eyes looked to the moving colorful water. “I have adopted three girls, hand one baby girl and on my way with another.” She said as a smile lit her face thinking of all her girls. She couldn’t wait to get home. Realizing what she said, she didn’t mean to, but talking about her got her mind off her murdered fiance’.“I hope you won't hold me back, knowing I am pregnant.” Her eyes turned back to him. Her eyes were serious for a moment. Making sure he got the hint. Even pregnancy didn’t hold her back from what she loved. Keeping people safe and fighting for the good in the world. Hoping to change the subject off of her, she motioned with her hand to his. She said with a smile.“Lucky woman.” She commented, not really realizing what she said for a second then turned away with a blush. She remembered how good her was in bed, only Jax was able to top him.

Clearing her throat, she smiled. “Have any kids yet?” She asked curious, married couples always had children. The wolf demon just did it in the wrong order. Soon they would be at the location and some light conversation helped move everything faster.

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