Hint: Hover over a field name if you want to know what it's for.

Author: Justice, Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:20 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Justice chuckled softly. "When you don't use talents like that very often, you sometimes forget you have them. Honestly, I wasn't even sure I could do it again," he admitted. "It just took a lot more out of me than I expected," he said softly. "Last time, I slept immediately afterward, so it might have affected me as poorly, but I fell straight to sleep without noticing," he explained. He blushed softly when she said he was a good brother. 

"Well, it was either that or not sleep for days," he chuckled softly. "I think it was more out of self-preservation," he said with a smile. "I'm just glad that I was able to help you," he said as he lightly brushed her cheek with a knuckle. He stood up and offered her a hand to get to her feet before he brushed himself off and looked around. 

"Yeah, but tricksters aren't by nature malicious bastards who feed on a people's insecurities," he commented. "I think there might be more than just tricksters here. It stands to reason if Kira has been corrupted then there are things here that could be just as malicious as her," he said as he put his hands on his hips and looked around. He realized his hair had fallen from its ponytail and he quickly swept it back up into place. 

"I think we may be expecting more things like that to possibly show up," he said grimly.

Author: Holly, Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:28 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

As he answered her she pulled her arm from him as well. She propped herself up on her elbow as she watched him with interest. “I didn’t even know you could do something like that.” She was amazed by Justice. It wasn’t often she came across bards who were talented in other things such as what Justice had done for her. Well them. “You are a good big brother to help her out like that.” She offered a smile to him as she realized just how lucky Rizka was to have someone like her brother looking out for her. 

The blush worsened a bit more as she smiled a bit more genuinely. “I feel so much better… Better than I have since I woke up from Eshari.” Her silver eyes were almost mesmerized by him as he pushed the lock of hair behind her ear. “I was more worried about you since you looked really bad after you used that magic.” She frowned now as she reached up with her free hand and felt his face. It was warm now, much more so than before when he had looked so pale.

“Guess we should have listened well when Mother said this place had tricksters.” She doubted that the creature knew the damage it would have caused Holly to see that nightmare. “It’s a very good thing I had you with me otherwise I don’t know what I would have done.” 

Author: Justice, Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 12:16 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Justice stirred after several hours, the ashen hue leaving his face and he looked more normal. His eyes slowly opened, the soft blue tired but at the same time revitalized from the rest. He smiled sleepily at Holly and how she had turned almost as red as her mother's hair. It was adorable, and then he realized that he had his arm draped around her and wondered if maybe that was the reason she had turned so red. 

"Yeah… lots," he said as he nodded and lifted his arm from around her to let her free of his grasp. "I… I haven't done something like that in… well, seven years," he said as he slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. "I don't know if it was easier then or not… I was just a kid then, and Rizka's nightmares were less… corporeal," he said as he looked at Holly. She looked better too. He had never made a point to pay a whole lot of attention to Holly's flaws, though he had noticed the dark circles under her eyes and the premature worry lines she had been trying to hide underneath her makeup. 

"You look a lot better too. Did you sleep well?" he asked softly as he reached up and tucked a lock of her long dark hair behind her ear. 

Author: Holly, Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:21 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly was comforted by Justice, it wasn’t anything new. From the first moment, they had met there was a comfort feeling that she got from him. It wasn’t that he was nice looking or that he had an air of mystery to him that she couldn’t figure out. It was just that he was. He showed in the way he spoke to her and Rizka. The passage of time for Holly had been a lot faster than for other people. The years had blurred for her and all she could remember was the nightmare that Justice had helped her beat. No one had been there before to stop it. Aside from the concoctions that the Oracles would give her to try and keep them away, nothing had really helped ease that pain.

She was relatively very small compared to Justice. Her body echoed what daintiness was in a woman. She was petite and very light. It was almost unnaturally light like those of her angelic cousins. She couldn’t explain it but she had a feeling it had to do with whoever had been her father. She hadn’t thought about it much in recent years but when she was younger she would daydream about the person her father had been. She wasn’t a halfling so she knew that he fell into two categories. He was either a vampire or a human. She had never asked her mother who he was or what he was like, Holly had thought maybe Angela would have told her. The goddess never did and for some very odd reason despite her curiosity, it didn’t bother her. That’s just the way it was.

She slept well as she stretched and pushed her head up under his chin. Her face practically squished into his upper chest and neck. It had been some of the best sleep she had since she woke up from the Eshari. The difference he had made on her mind was already showing as she felt the confidence trickling in, where before it had dried up. When she woke up she was startled at how close he was. Actually, she thought she had gotten way too close to him but his arms were around her and she couldn’t seem to free herself. She was way too light. The Rosenite didn’t overly struggle past realizing how stuck she was. She didn’t want to wake him. He had looked terrible when they had laid down.

She tilted her head and closed her silver eyes again as she wrapped herself around him. She might as well enjoy it. She hadn’t been this close to a person in what seemed like forever. It seemed like another life. When he started to show life she pulled back just a bit so she could see his face. She was oddly silent as the blush came across her face. It was almost as red as her mother’s hair.

“Do you feel better? You didn’t look so good when we laid down…” Her voice was concerned as her hand balled up a bit of the fabric of his shirt on his back. She was afraid for him, she felt like she had caused him to get hurt. If her voice was concerned then her eyes spoke it a thousand times more as she looked him over without moving herself even an inch. It felt too nice that it almost scared her to pull away anymore.

Author: Justice, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:06 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

His mind had already shut down. He was pretty much sleep walking by the time Holly told him to lay down and rest. He collapsed onto his back, his body sinking into the deep clutches of sleep before Holly had even curled up beside him, possibly attributing to the ease of Holly cuddling up close to him. Even in his sleep though, he turned his face towards hers as she rested her head in the crook between his neck and shoulder. He felt her gripping his hand and his hand closed around hers gently, reassuringly. 

The magic he had worked was something that he wasn't even fully aware he had done. The Eshari had caused a sort of mind rot in Holly. All he had done, was begin to restore the rot and fortify Holly's mind with a tower of protection. It would not fade away for some time, and even when it did, what he had managed to restore in her would stay as such. He had only used it once, to help erase nightmares for Rizka many years ago. 

At some point during their rest, Justice rolled over and draped an arm protectively around Holly, curling up around her, similar to how a cat might curl up around the contours of its owners body. 

Author: Holly, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:39 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly watched as he looked different now. He was overly tired and that frightened her to see how sick he was. He wanted to rest and she could not deny him that. She nodded to him and her magic sparked. A soft blanket big enough for the two of them appeared. She was too tired to suggest they sleep apart and he was warm to her. The warmness from his forehead was still fresh on hers as they laid down. She curled up near him and put her head into the nook she lazily found between his shoulder and neck. It felt nice.

“Rest, I’m sure now we’ll be fine that it saw we can defend ourselves.” Holly felt her mind started to become wary again but she knew that he had helped her a lot more than what she needed. He gave her what she needed. Holly held onto one of his hands merely for comfort so she knew that he wasn’t going to leave her there. It was the last thing she wanted in the whole world. She was scared of being abandoned. When she closed her silver eyes her dreams were quite pleasant.

They were pleasant either because Justice had given her the courage to understand that they were just dreams or because his spell hadn’t completely worn off just yet. 

Author: Justice, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:24 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

As Holly's own words entered his mind, his eyes opened as he stood behind her, and there was a bright gleaming, the blue becoming a bright radiant glowing silver. She was finally taking control. He could feel her mind strengthening in resolve. He decided to give her one more tiny edge. The projection of himself that she conjured, its blade shone radiantly, becoming almost substantial as it slashed and pierced the wraith-like entity, moving with the skill and speed of a practiced blade wizard. As the blade drove home, the nightmarish world crumbled around them, almost like a mirror breaking until piece by piece it dissolved, leaving nothing but the hazy wispy mass on the ground which too quickly decayed and faded away. 

He caught her as she fell back against him, his eyes closed tightly for a moment and he nodded soundlessly in agreement about her suggestion of a rest. His mind was empty and blank now, and he felt as though he could sleep for years. It took all his strength not to collapse there beside Holly and just pass out there on the river bank. Slowly he opened his eyes again, the usual vibrancy of the blue orbs replaced with the dull of fatigue, and distant, as though he was not all there. He looked almost aged now, his face a sickly grey. 

That had taken a lot more out of him than he remembered in the past…

Author: Holly, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:05 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly shivered as he put his forehead against hers. It was comforting. It wasn’t like the dream world where she couldn’t feel the people who had visited her. Justice was warm and she could almost hear the blood pulsing in his veins. His words entered her mind and she felt the entire world fall away until she only heard what he wanted her to.

She stood with him and turned around to face the creature in front of them. For a minute she panicked but she was quick to realize that this thing was something that they had been warned about. The tricksters of this world that she would need to watch out for. She whimpered for a solid moment before she took a deep breath.

With his final words, something came into his mind. It was one of the most courageous voices she had.  You make me happy and give me courage. She found herself angrier than anything now that this thing had fed off her fear. She had a clear conscious for the first time in forever. Her eyes watched as she saw Justice in the distance attacking the creature with his rapier. It took her a moment to realize that this was what her mind was creating. That Justice was the person who gave her the strength to do this. Her hands reached up and she put them over his.

The dream world that she so hated collapsed and the garden of souls were around them again. The creature was more like a mass cut in two. It looked odd but slowly it was starting to decay. As soon as they were out she exhaustively fell back into Justice’s arms and looked up at him. “Maybe we should stop and rest.”

Author: Justice, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 12:46 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

He just gazed at her, his hands still pressed firm over her ears. The noise of the realm around them was blotted out. He didn't speak but leaned in and pressed his forehead to hers his eyes closing as he did so. 

This thing feeds off your fear, Holly. It feeds off your shame, off of your self-doubt and loathing…

The whispers were soft, as though coming from within her, cancelling out the noise around her. 

You need to starve it, Holly. Stand up, and face it. 

He pulled his hands away from her ears, the noise still cancelled, and grabbed her arms. His eyes were still closed, as though concentrating. He pulled her into a standing position and turned her to face the thing in front of them. 

What makes you happy, Holly? What brings you joy, what brings you courage? Use that against it.

In the silence, music began again. Not the discordant near screaming of before, but a steady rousing beat of drums. 

Author: Holly, Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 12:15 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly was in her own hell. This world she hated it. A whimper left her lips as Justice pulled her away from him. Her frightened silver eyes stared up at him as she cried. He placed his hands over ears so the screams would stop. She looked grateful at him as she nodded. She could read his lips and rose with him. He held her firmly so she could have his support. She labored her breaths.

“Justice, I just want this to stop.” She repeated it to him. She was so glad that his hands were over her ears. She couldn’t stand looking at it either. “This is my nightmare I was telling you about.” She was so teary eyed as she spoke to him. She was trembling still but his hands on her offered her some support that she really needed. "Please make it stop."

Author: Justice, Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:15 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Whatever she was seeing, he was seeing it too suddenly as the world around them distorted and faded to black and white. Rain pelted around them as the world seemed to decay, though they did not get wet. He didn't move, but watched, recognizing that Holly was panicking and hyperventilating and tried to run, but was stopped by what Justice could have only described as invisible walls. The rain and the white of the world began to turn red, deep and dark, and Justice looked at the red droplets on his hands and wondered if it was meant to be blood. She was screaming now, screaming at him, begging to be let out. This wasn't his doing though. He didn't answer her, just stood there, looking around this nightmarish scene. This was what kept her from sleeping. This is what her Eshari had been. This is what she had meant about how dying while sleeping could have been hellish. 

He felt her falling against him, clinging to him, shivering violently. He knew she didn't like it. He didn't either. He felt a rage building in the deep recesses of his stomach. His usually jovial and bright blue eyes hardened as the atmosphere began to scream in a distorted tune. She was gripping his waist, all her weight against him, and one of his hands pressed gently, but firmly against the side of her face. 

He saw it, the wispy dark shape twisting and contorting in the air a short distance away. It pulsed and and seemed to grow with Holly's despair. Justice's rage grew. Slowly he pulled Holly's arms away from around him and he knelt in front of her. He had to hold her back to keep her from clinging to him, and placed both hands over her ears cutting off the screams and forced her to look into his eyes. 

"Stand up, Holly."

Author: Holly, Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:39 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly was confusing even to herself. She had been lost for a long time now. She was stuck in a fragment of time that was unmoving.  It was hard to convey how that made her feel. She held onto his hand as she pulled him along. “I am not overly sure how to proceed myself.” She frowned at him and went to think about how to get out of this.

There was a confusion around her as the world began to ripple. She froze up and stopped walking as he bumped into her. “Justice,” she squeaked out as she began to fall. Her eyes had seen it first through the ripples. The world around them changed. It was a very dreary world around them. It was black and white. The scenery was dying and there was constant rain. Holly’s chest began to hyperventilate as she started to panic.

She got up and began to try and ran. She hit the large obstacles in her way and began to scream. “Justice let me out.” The white began to transition to more of a morbid red as did the rain that hit them. “Let me out.” She screamed at him as she ran back to him and looked around. “I don’t want to be here anymore. Not again.” She fell into him and clung to him as she shivered and shook. “I don’t like this place.”

There were loud screaming around them and Holly moved to cover her ears. It was almost like distorted music after that. The world going fuzzy. Holly was shaking her head and crying. “Make it stop please.” She was clinging to his waist at this point trying to stop herself from completely collapsing to the ground. 

Floating around was a small looking thing not far off. It was wisping and whirling in the air as if it was making the world better.  Well better for it. Holly was so numb as she pushed herself to his stomach. Her cries were being drowned out by the distorted music. 

Author: Justice, Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:56 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

If Rizka had been there, Justice was pretty sure she would be sticking him with a look that would have said something along the lines of "This is why you can't get a girlfriend". He had seen Holly's eyes, and it was clear that every word out of his mouth was something she had heard before. He definitely wasn't getting points for being original. As Rizka would have said, "Just listen and stop trying to fix things". He wanted to hit his head against a nearby tree. What was he supposed to do? He clearly wasn't making her feel any better. 

He wouldn't ever admit it, but he was only half listening really, because his mind was still trying to sort out exactly what she wanted from him. He was at least focused enough to pick up on the not sleeping well bit, but when she went to stomp passed him, he was afraid that he had done something to upset, and almost looked rattled. 

Then there was the fake cheesy smile that did not suit her very well as she grabbed his hand and apologized, basically for boring him. He felt himself getting the tiniest bit irritated. Why were women so damn confusing? He put on a cheesy smile of his own, figuring that it was a pretty safe bet that saying anything else at this point would only put him in a deeper hole than the one he might have already started digging for himself. 
"Should we follow the river?" he asked, terribly unsure of how to proceed, and it came out as a bit of a strain in his voice. 

Author: Holly, Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:16 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly stared at Justice for a few minutes as if she had heard it all before but there was still a sad glimmer in her eyes. “Because sometimes not everyone is strong enough to love themselves. I love the things around me but I’ve never actually loved myself. I was delusional, greatly, that I could eventually do it but I’ve done something really stupid and now the only part of me that can grow is how I feel. It’s bad enough that women of Arri seldom get a mate as it is. Couple that with how I feel about myself and I have a real problem. I don’t mean to be annoying about it. My heart is still very much broken by Naota’s words. And I know he hates that he said them now but that doesn’t help.”

She let go of him and trailed behind him so she could watch the river. “Maybe it’s because that’s the one thing I feel like I can do no matter how I feel about myself. I dance because I know it will make me happy and for a while hiding everything. But when I stop? I feel like the ocean is crashing down on me.” She shook a bit as she crossed her arms. “I haven’t been the same since the nightmares. They tore me apart and I can’t stand sleeping at night anymore.” She wrapped her arms for comfort. “Sometimes the only thing I think that will fix it is someone else. I feel stuck and unable to do anything about it and the only thing that makes me free is when I dance and sing.  I can’t do that forever and eventually, the music stops and I’m there again.” 

She shivered. “I can be happy it takes a long but I’ve been annoyed with myself at how hopeless I feel. Maybe it is the lack of sleep. I just don’t have a lot of energy anymore. It’s getting harder to focus every day I don’t sleep. When I do pass out at least it’s too dark to dream.”

She was tired of this sadness as she stomped her way past Justice and grabbed his hand. She dragged him with her and gave him the cheesiest smile she could. “That being said I try not to keep myself in that dark place. I can’t help it but I do try. Alright? I’m not trying to sell myself short, I’m just trying to tell you how I feel. I apologize if it's not something you wanted to hear.”

Author: Justice, Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:52 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

"Then don't. You were granted a second chance when Naota pulled you out of it," he said simply. "As far as finding someone, Holly, you have to give that time," he said flatly. He looked at her. "Think about it… most people spend the majority of their adult lives with someone else, often finding that person long before they become comfortable with who they are as themselves. Those who are most comfortable with themselves often find themselves happiest in relationships because there is no hiding or deceit," he pointed out. "I think the stress of trying to be someone else would be taxing on a relationship, especially if who you truly are wouldn't be acceptable to your partner," he explained. "Why would you do that to yourself. You can be happy alone as long as you are happy with yourself," he said. 

He walked along the river, still watching the water. "Don't delude yourself into believing that you can't be happy without a lover. So many people sell themselves short when they do that. You are worth more than that, Holly. I saw that when we first met at the Festival. They loved you because of your passion for song and dance, not because you were seeing Naota, or because you were Angela's daughter. I knew nothing about that, but you still enchanted me just by being yourself," he told her sternly. 

Author: Holly, Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:28 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly nodded. “I think that even though they feel out of place that they understand we’re only trying to help them.” She frowned a bit as she thought about it. “I would hope in that way that they are alright with it.”

There was a look in her eyes and she shook her head. “It’s not always so peaceful Justice. When you commit Eshari you live in the realm of your dreams. Dreams can be nightmares. Granted the oracles do their best to make sure no one suffers but not always are nightmares caught. Nightmares don’t get to end if you can’t wake up.” She agreed with him that there were far worse ways to die.

“Many, many other ways.” She echoed him lightly before pulling his arm with her. “I worry about a lot of things. I know that my aging is stuck but I’m not sure what else is stopped at this point. Sometimes I don’t think my hair grows at all anymore because of it. Though I’m sure that sounds silly.” She decided to go into exactly what had happened to her. She felt more comfortable around him recently. “I was stupid and I had been destroyed by Naota. Deeply broken by his words. Eshari is for the women of Arri who can’t live by themselves. I thought it was the only way out from my suffering. I thought that if Naota had reacted that way to what I was than others would too. I don’t want to be by myself. I want a family at some point and I didn’t think  I could have that.” She gave him a frown.

“So I did the unmentionable to myself. Committed taboo.  I don’t know if I will find anyone else. Ever for that matter that will be okay with what I am. I just know I can’t do that again.”

Author: Justice, Posted: Thu Mar 9, 2017 11:48 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

He didn't let on but every time she clung to him, he felt his heart rabbit. They stood there watching the boats for a moment. 
"It isn't natural thing, for the living to exist in a place where only souls and those born of the realm are meant to be," he commented. "Imagine how invaded the denizens of this place feel? The souls here must be disturbed on some level having the living here," he pointed out to her. 

He looked at Holly as she spoke about Eshari and the other poor girls who may have chosen that path. He thought about putting an arm around her but wasn't sure how she would take that sort of affection. She had been clinging to him just barely, but that was him allowing her to use him for support. Instead, he lightly placed a hand on her shoulder.  "With luck they will have someone looking after them as Naota looked after you," he said. "If not… at least, going in your sleep is peaceful. There are far worse ways to die…" he said slowly as he pulled away from her and turned to look further down the river. "Far… far worse ways…" he said absently as he watched the rose haloed boats float away. 

Author: Holly, Posted: Thu Mar 9, 2017 11:16 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

It was odd watched Holly who was the daughter of The Mother freaking out over a tiny baby. Maybe it was because of the way the baby looked. Maybe it was because she had been startled. She nodded to Justice and attempted to calm down. “It just startled me is all.” Holly gave Justice a look of concern for a moment as she blushed and attempted to deal with the situation.

She watched the babies all leave and Justice’s words made her heart break a little. She didn’t know why but it just did. “I suppose you are right. I should have known my mother would do something like this. That this is the way she would choose to do it.” She let a tiny frown form on her face. Holly moved with Justice and looked at the little paper mache boats. “It’s so weird this place.” She was clinging to him now.

She watched as wreaths of roses were placed on the babies. It made sense for that to be a parting gift from her mother. “I wonder if all the girls who committed Eshari end up here when they eventually die.” Holly’s eyes were sad now as she watched the boats. “If this is the place I would have wound up if Naota hadn’t woke me up.” She gripped her wrist and frowned a bit more now. “In a way, it is surreal that I survived but… I can’t help but think about everyone else who did the same thing as me. If they don’t get woken up they will die in their sleep.”

Author: Justice, Posted: Thu Mar 9, 2017 11:00 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

"Right, I forgot that about her…" Justice sighed. It wasn't exactly unknown that the Goddess of the Earth disliked being out of contact with the ground. It made sense that Holly would have the same reservation. He sighed and sat up slowly as she relinquished her grip on him and got up. He looked around at the orchid lit twilight at the eerily glowing garden and slowly crawled out of the pillows. He followed Holly towards the flowers and strange trees where pale glowing beings seemed to be growing. 

"This place is weird, I will agree," he said softly before Holly shrieked for him as the small soul was left in her arms. He quickly moved to her and observed the tiny crying baby soul and encouraged her to gently rock the baby, though they were surrounded by a chorus of cries. 

"Hey, just calm down," Justice reassured her. "Little ones can detect discomfort in an adult the same way a pet can," he pointed out to her. "Why do you think small children behave so badly when their parents are upset?" he asked her. "Relax." He looked up as the strange man came along carrying the impossibly large basket, collecting the small soul babies and placing them in the basket. 

Gently, he urged her to hand over the baby to the caretaker, and watched as the babies were snuggled up and dragged to the river where little boats were waiting.

"I think it makes sense," Justice said thoughtfully as he moved to the river and watched as the man began placing the babies in the little boats. "When someone dies, sometimes there souls are broken. They come here, and are reborn whole, and then ferried off to return to life," he said. "That is the purpose of this place, after all. The collection and rebirth of souls," he pointed out. 

Author: Holly, Posted: Wed Mar 8, 2017 9:05 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

She didn’t even realize how hard she was clinging until he moved her hand onto his shirt. She gave him an apologetic look but she was still quite frightened. The bard began to calm down as she took deep heaving breaths.  “I think I misjudged how much she liked anyone. She hates heights why would she do this.” She wasn’t thinking overly rational as she watched the orchid with him. “I don’t know what to think honestly.”

Her mind began to clear little by little as she laid in the group of pillows with him. She was starting to be able to think. “Unless this world doesn’t exactly follow what my mother wants. It could be its own entity within her.” She put her forehead on his chest for a few minutes to finishing grounding herself before looking around them.

There were… people glowing and inside flowers. Hanging from trees… She noticed that they were slowly getting covered like how a caterpillar would have. “I really don’t like this.” She took a hard breath again as she pulled from Justice and stood up. Her legs were shaking a lot as she made her way over to one of the more full grown flowers. She pulled it down and jumped back in surprise as an infant like object was now in her arms crying.

“JUSTICE,” Holly cried out as she didn’t want to just drop it. It took her a minute to realize it was a soul but still the baby had startled her as she held onto it. “Please stop crying. Don’t cry please.” She looked at Justice. “We can’t leave it here! I don’t even know why it was here!” She was beginning to panic again as more crying came from the shells that opened up in the trees. More tiny infant souls.

A strange man came along and began to take them one by one. He was tugging some sort of large basket for them to fit snug together in. When he got to Holly he held out his arms to her. “It’s time to let that one go too. It’s almost time for them to go back to the living.” Holly did as he asked and she handed the baby over to him.

“What’s going to happen to him?” Holly was growing concerned as she looked at the sheer number of babies in that large basket.

“He’s going to be born of course.” The man scoffed a bit as if she should have known that and before long he was pulling the large basket over to the river. There were many tiny boats and Holly tilted her head.

“I’m so confused.”

Author: Justice, Posted: Tue Mar 7, 2017 10:59 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly grabbing onto Justice as they fell was possibly not the best thing she could have done. Frankly it was simply because she was clinging to him, and he clung right back to her. The rush of colors made Justice's head spin and he squeezed his eyes closed, his heart pounding in his throat. He didn't need to scream, Holly screamed enough for the both of them. 

Fortunately, the landing was soft. There was an explosion of pillows but despite the impact, Justice was still holding tight to Holly. If Holly was panting, Justice was hyperventilating, and his heart was beating a million miles a minute. The hyperventilating couldn't be helped, really, Holly was holding him so tight that he barely felt he could draw breath. He slid a hand around to grab Holly's hand and pried it from his shirt so that she could grip that instead of his chest. 

"If this is what we have to do to get out of here… I think I misjudged how much your mother likes me…" he  muttered softly, finally managing to get his breath and opened his eyes for the first time. The sky was different now, a strange orchid moon in the eerie twilight sky. "I don't think I like it here…" he grumbled as he held Holly in the pile of pillows, enjoying the closeness after their flight of fright. 

"I do hope that Rizka is having a better time here than we are…"

Author: Holly, Posted: Tue Mar 7, 2017 9:54 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly poked his forehead softly. “Not all Rosenites are fighters. I just happen to be a lover thank you very much.” She gave a smile and tilted her head. “I’m not strong like the others are. It’s why I fell so eas–” She cut herself off and coughed a bit as she turned and watched him now. His smile faded and he rubbed his face. A gentle smile came to her face now.

“No, not really. I learn people fast.” She nodded and almost laughed when they found the giant mushroom. Once he began to freak out she frowned a bit. “Well, this is going to be troublesome. I don’t much like–” She found Justice pushed into her and she immediately wrapped her arms around him as she braced for impact. She could see the grin as it vanished. She had heard stories about cheshire cats causing all sorts of problems. She screamed as they landed on the top of the mushroom and went flying. She clung to him with all of her strength.

The colors shifted quickly into a nighttime pallet as she took a deep heaving breath and let out another scream as they were propelled through the changing skies. They landed in what appeared to be a pile of her mother’s favorite pillows. She knew these pillows. They even had the tiniest hint of her scent on them. She was panting and scared as she put her head into Justice’s chest. “I’m gonna die.” She peeked to look up at a large ghost orchid in the sky. It made her wary as she closed her eyes to try and get her heart not to pound as hard as it was.

Author: Justice, Posted: Tue Mar 7, 2017 9:43 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

"Not to burst your bubble, Holly," Justice said slowly, " but you may be smaller than me, but you are also a Rosenite. Rosenites are going to win a fight hands down, especially against a human like me," he pointed out. "People like me are nothing but snacks to dragons and other Rosenites, if they so choose to try," he said softly. 

She could see through his farce and the smile faded again and he sighed, rubbing his face. "No fooling you, I guess," he said with a wry smile. He looked up and around. "The Soul Stream, huh?" he said looking around. "Yeah, I think that would work. It seems a plausible theory as anything else. As long as I am not tripping out on any mushrooms," he commented.

The giant mushroom literally made him roll his eyes. "Ok, seriously, what did I just say about mushrooms?!" he demanded almost laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. He watched the rock fly off into the distance. "Well, it clearly isn't for eating…" he said and rubbed his chin. "It wouldn't have an arrow pointing to it for no— OH HELL NO! This is how you are supposed to get from island to island quickly! Rather than climb, you jump on the mushrooms to go from place to place." Justice took an involuntary step backward. "Nope, not me. Rizka would be all sorts of eager to try that, but I don't do heights."

Author: Holly, Posted: Tue Mar 7, 2017 1:01 AM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly tilted her head softly at Justice and shook her head at home. “You are talking to a desert dweller who is much smaller than you are Justice. I know what that’s like.” She put her hands on her hips and turned to him so she could walk backwards. “Sometimes the smallest are often the strongest. Being small has no governing power over whether or not you are strong. My aunt Toya is so small but so strong. She could tame the entirety of all the wyverns and dragons in the Harena Wastes and Sarchu Valley by just being herself. She is smaller than I am.”

She could see that he was forcing a smile. “You don’t have to hide it from me, Justice. If we are going to travel together we might as well share stories, emotions, and such. It brings people closer together.” She turned back around and looked up at the sun well sunflower. “If I had to guess. In Arri, we hardly believe the gods are a thing. If it wasn’t for my mother ascending we might not have ever realized just how many there were. The colors are what I know of. The Soul-Stream. It is a place that exists after death for all Rosenites. No heaven nor hell. Rosenites choose to be one with the Stream and help out the generations after their deaths… or they can be reborn.”

She took a look around. “But it’s not a place at least I never thought it was. The colors are so very vivid in my mind when I think about it. It might be because Rosenites are so in tune with the spirits of Arri. It could be very possible that the soul-stream became an actual place when my mother took the mantle of life.” 

She found a giant portabello mushroom and looked at the arrow pointing at it. She twitched her lips a bit. “What the hell is this supposed to be?” Maybe her mother was losing her mind. She picked up a rock and threw it. She didn’t know if it was a creature or what. Just that it had an arrow pointing at it. The rock went flying! More like it was enchanted and going far into the distance now. Her eyes could only keep up with it for a while as she turned and looked at Justice. “I’m not sure what this is… but it sent that rock flying.”

Author: Justice, Posted: Mon Mar 6, 2017 11:14 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Justice followed Holly, feeling reassured that Rizka would be alright especially if this place was controlled by Angela. Angela liked Rizka, so he didn't think she would allow her to be harmed. At least he hoped so. He followed Holly, and found himself in awe of how vast the variety of flowers were there, and how big they were. He couldn't tell you what they were, but he could tell you that some of them were really pretty. 

"I try not to think of things like that. Anything that makes me feel insignificant and small tends to bring out the grumpy in me," Justice admitted. "Sometimes it is bad enough trying to go through the Harena Wastes and Sarchu Valley, what with the dragons and wyverns that frequent the skies there," he explained. "The last thing I want to feel is vulnerable to something bigger than I am." There was an edge to his voice that suggested there was significance to this comment. His brows were furrowed, and his lips were set into an uncharacteristic thin grim line. It changed to a smile quickly when he realized that Holly was looking. "Sorry, that was grim," he apologized. "If you had to guess, what would you say this place is? I mean, this is your mother we are talking about."

Author: Holly, Posted: Mon Mar 6, 2017 10:25 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

“Have to get people interesting in my dancing somehow.” She teased him but she was mostly joking. She looked around and back down at the necklace. “This metal is also the metal she was puking up during her conflict with Dalanesca. It has to be her. I hope she has a good explanation too.” Holly watched at Justice began to slightly panic. She took a step forward following him and securely wrapped her arms around one of his. “She’ll be alright Justice.”

She nodded. “Mother isn’t one who just opens worlds for no reason. Everything she does has a purpose and I’m sure we’ll figure it out. Rizka will be fine. If we’re here so are others.” She tugged lightly at the necklace and found that she couldn’t get it to go any higher. “I can’t get it off.” She tugged a bit and it found it was too strong even for her own strength. “I don’t get it. Well, I don’t get any of this.” She let go of his arm and soon she was making her way towards the river in the sky that she had seen earlier. 

“Maybe if we follow this we’ll find the way out.” She looked around and started to notice all the different flowers. “These aren't even supposed to grow within the same reason or region.” She knew her plants growing up in her mother’s temple. Large hibiscus with flowers literally made of ice. It made no sense. “It really has to be her. No one else could sustain a place like this.” She was musing as she beckoned him along. They walked along the small and the tall of all the world’s flowers. Some of them were from Horae and she could tell because they were bigger than Justice was. 

“Ever feel like you are just a tiny insect in a big world?” She wanted to take her mind off everything around her. So why not talk about the large flowers they had come across.

Author: Justice, Posted: Mon Mar 6, 2017 10:16 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

"It isn't peeking if you aren't trying to hide," Justice pointed out as he carefully grabbed Holly's arms and pulled her up to her feet. "If this is your mother's work, then I sure as hell hope she has an explanation," he commented dryly before he looked around. "This place… it is reminiscent of a dream," he mused softly. He looked around. "I don't know… she should be right here. I mean, you fell close by and we were all together…" he looked visibly distressed and lifted his hands again. 


There was no answer and Justice ran his hands through his hair, the way he was prone to do when when was distressed. "Seven years… seven years and she has never been out of earshot," he said, and looked on the verge of having a panic attack. He climbed over the rocks of the island they had landed on, looking for the best vantage point, hoping to maybe get an eye on Rizka. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be seen besides the mists of waterfalls in sheen of purples, blues and pinks. He sat down on a rock and began taking deep breaths. 

"Its ok… she'll be fine on her own…" he said, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself that reassure Holly. He took a steadying breath before he stood up again and turned to Holly. "I don't think there is a point in just staying here. If your mother is responsible for opening up this world, then there is a reason, and I am going to assume that the only way out is forward," he sighed. "Rizka's clever enough. Maybe we aren't the only ones who fell in here. Maybe she will meet up with someone and find the way out on her own," he suggested. "In any case, we can't stay here."

Author: Holly, Posted: Mon Mar 6, 2017 10:01 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

Holly woke up with quite the headache. She found a thin blue chain around her neck. All she could remember was admiring the mirror with Justice and his sister before she hit the ground and blacked out. The world was so different here. The air felt a bit heavier than what she was used to.  Her silver eyes looked out over the purple and blue landscape. The floating isles made her feel a bit dizzy as she watched the floating river float away.

Justice’s voice startled her as she turned around and looked up. He was above her. “Help me up.” She was stuck wearing one of her many vibrant dancing uniforms. “And don’t peek,” she playfully jabbed at him as she offered him her hand. He took her hand and pulled her up. “I don’t know where we are but this is screaming my mother.” It was the energy around them that sparked. It felt like her. “No, I take that back. Only one person has that kind of magic.” It was definitely her mother now.

She looked around and she couldn’t see the way that they had come. “We’re stuck it looks like. What should we do and where is Rizka?” She was concerned now as her finger lifted up and gently twirled a strand of dark hair. “This place is so confusing to me…”

Author: Justice, Posted: Mon Mar 6, 2017 8:57 PM, Post Subject: Through a Looking Glass [P]

The world was spinning all around him, and he couldn't be sure if it was head that was causing everything to spin, or if perhaps things were really actually spinning. The colors of the world seemed off, and it was clear that wherever he had fallen, it was not the normal world of Canelux. Sure, Sularia was full of vibrant colors, but not like this. He slowly sat up, his head throbbing and tried to recall what had happened. He felt something slide across his wrist and there was a slight tinkle. He opened his eyes to examine the blue metal chain. 

That was right. They found the chains sitting on the step of the vardo, and had thought them gifts of some sort and had put them on… after that…

Justice sighed. That was right, they had been examining a rather large gilded mirror. A beautiful piece really, and then it had started showing a strange world of purple and blue with floating islands. Then a couple of men moving something heavy had bumped him, and the three of them had fallen through the mirror. 

He slowly got to his feet, checking for injury before he took stock of his surroundings. How strange it was here, with all the effects and colors of the faerie forest that he and Rizka had past by many times going from Sularia to Canelux. Both of them had known better than to go in on their own. Now, it seemed, that they had no choice. 

Justice lifted his hands and cupped them about his mouth. "HOLLY! RIZKA!" he hollered, his voice echoing off the islands and waterfalls. "HOLLY!"

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