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Character Info
Name: De'Zhelis
Age: Teenager
Alignment: CG
Race: Cursed Razorclaw Shifter
Gender: Male
Silver: 227
De'Zhelis watched from a short distance behind Iva and Rohan and Hazel as they approached the Soul Stream. It was the fastest mode of travel back to Angela's realm, and there was no doubt that she was going to want her children back swiftly. Rohan took Hazel's hand, and the still fatigued looking boy and his friend jumped into the Stream without looking back. Iva however did look back. 

"Don't worry, Dalanesca will fix you," she reassured him. De'Zhelis smiled sheepishly and glanced back at the palace of Domus Tenebris. "Maybe. I hope so," he replied. 
"Promise you'll come see me in Sularia," she insisted as she came up to him again. De'Zhelis almost jumped back afraid of getting decked again. "I'll try but–"
"NO buts!" Iva insisted as she swung in and pressed a kiss lightly to the older boy's cheek. De'Zhelis blinked in surprise. That he had not expected. He watched as she turned and headed back to the Soul Stream. 
"Hey, Red!" he called before she disappeared into the stream. She looked back at him. "See you topside," he said with a wolfish grin. She waved lightly before she jumped into the glowing Stream and vanished. 

De'Zhelis blew out his cheeks in a sigh before he turned and walked back towards Dalanesca's palace, his hands stuffed into his pockets. What exactly could he expect to happen now? He'd been down here in the Nine Circles for how long now? He didn't doubt Dalanesca had the power to fix his predicament, but really, at what cost. He swallowed hard, before he opened the door and walked into her throne room. 
"Well… I guess I am at your mercy, Lady Dalanesca… What would you have me do?"

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Porta Inferni bustled with activity, and Dalanesca was rather unsure as to whether or not she enjoyed the uptick in things happening within her realm. People were still filtering in and out of the realm - most perishing and only a few making it all the way to the palace. She did not mind the amount of souls that were piling up in the Circles - it just meant that she would be able to add to her staff within the manor.

With a heavy sigh, Dalanesca pushed through the door into the main throne room of Domus Tenebris. She had just left the grouping of Iva, Rohan, a girl named Hazel she had never met, and an intriguing character named De'Zhelis who seemed rather interested in Iva. This, of course, piqued her interest even further, as Iva's well being was of the utmost importance to Dalanesca. She had been a part of the girl's life since her ascension to Justiciar, and now the ties between Angela, Iva's mother, and Dalanesca were even tighter as they held the spheres of Life and Death, respectively.

Rohan had been infected with the plague of Sanguine Tenebris, and the Iva and Hazel had brought him to Inferos to seek Dalanesca's help, as they knew that she would help him. She held a vested interest in Rohan, as well, since she was his Godmother. The trio had another interesting fellow with them, a boy by the name of De'Zhelis. It seemed that he was trapped in Inferos for one reason or another, and Dalanesca had promised Iva that she would help him out. The girl seemed fascinated with him for one reason or another, and who was she to deny a young girl her first fancy?

After leaving the group, Dalanesca traveled back to Domus Tenebris, instructing the boy to come to her throne room after he saw the others safely back to the Soul Stream. She sat now in her throne, waiting. It was nothing extravagant, compared to some of the creations she had seen other deities have - though it was a bit more morbid.  It was a construction of obsidian with Sunstone and silver accents, with a base crafted from what appeared to be arm and leg bones of humanoid creatures.  She rather enjoyed its superior craftsmanship (after all, she had made it herself, with the powers that allowed her to craft her own realm), and did not mind sitting on it whatsoever.

She currently sideways on her throne, a glass of wine in hand.  Her legs poked out from beneath her black skirts, slung over the arm of her throne.  The moment De'Zhelis walked through the door, she swung herself around and sat up straight.  She took one more drink of the wine before the glass disappeared from her hand entirely, and stood up, walking towards the boy.

"De'Zhelis, if I remember correctly?" she said.  She recalled the name clearly, but she did not aim to intimidate him - not yet, at least.  "At my mercy?  Hardly." She let out a chuckle. "You're a friend of Iva's, I do recall.  I don't want to deal with her if I mistreat you.  Believe it or not, I may be the Reaper but that girl has been good at making my life Hell since she was a babe." She paused, smiling as she remembered Iva as a very small child.

"I guess that brings us to a different point. I promised Iva that I would get you out of Inferos so you could return the surface. I'm sure I can easily do this… but it's not going to be free for you, unfortunately. I must ask that you remain in my service. You will have your freedom, but when I call on you for your assistance with whatever matter I deem necessary, you will have to answer my call."
She paused to give De'Zhelis time to think of his answer. "What do you think? And may I ask how you came to be trapped here in the first place?" she added, realizing that she did not already know the answer. She was rather pleasant with him, as he had not given her reason to be otherwise.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: De'Zhelis
Age: Teenager
Alignment: CG
Race: Cursed Razorclaw Shifter
Gender: Male
Silver: 227
De'Zhelis watched the Lady of Darkness as she stood up and approached him and he quickly took a knee to show her proper respect. 

"Yes, ma'am, that's correct," he replied a bit nervously. Now that Iva wasn't here, he wasn't sure what kind of protection he was afforded but he wasn't about to test the boundaries, however, when she chuckled and explained his situation, he felt a bit more at ease. At least enough to the point where he stood up himself and was willing to look her in the eye. 

"I guess I didn't think about us being friends so quickly, but she seems to think so," he admitted scratching the back of his neck again with his elongated claws. "But, since friends are few and far between, I'll take it," he said with a slight shrug. He chuckled softly at the thought of the red-headed girl causing trouble for even the Goddess of Death herself. Somehow, based on what he had witnessed, he didn't doubt the sincerity of her words. 

He perked up immediately when she said she would get him out of Inferos. That was what he had really wanted. To finally be able to return to the surface world. His ears flicked back however when she said that this wouldn't come without a price. His heart sank a little, but when she explained he would simply be remaining in her service, he decided it wouldn't be so bad, especially that he would have the option of coming and going as he pleased so long as he returned as soon as she called him. 

When asked what he thought about it, he gave her a wry smile. "I guess I can't argue to your terms. Rather I'd be an idiot if I did," he admitted. He looked very uncomfortable at the last question however, even his tail curled around his leg. 

"I–I–uh… I screwed up a job back in Iria," he said. "I'm not sure how long ago it was now, I  mean, you can't really tell how time passes down here. But, uh, see, I was hired by this black market dealer guy I knew to keep tabs on a competitor. There was a rumor he had something really potent hidden and my guy wanted to know what it was and where he was hiding it. I screwed up and got caught for the first time in my entire career. This guy ended up being a high-end necromancer, and to punish me, he sent me here," De'Zhelis admitted slowly. 

"So, I ended up down here. The last thing I remember from the surface is…" he thought hard. "Oh, something messed up with the Soul Stream I think? I remember not being able to go near a mirror for a while for fear of ending up somewhere REALLY messed up," he said. "How long ago was that?"

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
"Let me make a suggestion to you, De'Zhelis."  Dalanesca's voice was far from threatening as she continued to speak to him.  "When Iva decides something, she tends to run with it.  If she's decided that you are friends - consider yourself awfully lucky.  Iva's mother and I are as close as friends can be," she continued, smiling fondly as she spoke of her friendship with Angela Rose.  "Their family is an ancient one - and a trustworthy one, save for a few outliers of course," she added, as more of a side comment than a precaution.  

"I don't, for even a second, want you to think that being in my service will not be rewarding for you," she added to him.  Though the Goddess of Death and Darkness was quite capable of using fear to her advantage if she so chose, she was not planning on doing so with this particular one unless he gave her a reason to.  She held Iva very near to her heart, and if Iva saw De'Zhelis as an important person and her friend, then Dalanesca would treat him with near the same respect that she did Iva.  "We will discuss what you can do for me later on," she said, and took a few steps towards him so that she could lay a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner.

She stepped back as she could see his discomfort at the question of how he ended up there, and listened rather closely as a sign of respect.  Her eyes narrowed at the moment the necromancer was mentioned.  She let him continue, however, wanting to hear the end of his tale.  "That was quite some time ago," she said, recalling the odd happenings that he spoke of.  "And as for the necromancer you speak of, it is certainly not the place of mortals - even those skilled with magic - to be deciding who is sent to Inferos.  That is my job, and the job of those who reside down here and serve me," she said, her eyes narrowed once more.  "Therefore it is only right that I release you from the confines of this place."

Dalanesca's words took pause, as she struggled to find the best way to phrase her next sentence.  "You will be free to travel the surface as you please.  I will have chambers drawn up for you here, and you may use Domus Tenebris as your home if you please.  All I ask in return is that if I am in need of your service, you assist me with my request… whatever it may be." She looked at De'Zhelis, her bright blue eyes penetrating his own.  "What say you?"

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: De'Zhelis
Age: Teenager
Alignment: CG
Race: Cursed Razorclaw Shifter
Gender: Male
Silver: 227
He nodded simply, understanding that perhaps whether he liked it or not, he was considered a friend, and possibly an ally to Iva, and thus to Dalanesca and the house of the Rosenites. There was little point in arguing that point, as it would have been more or less futile. He certainly could have had worse allies, like that silver-tongued bastard Adraejen Porthyrius back in Iria. Little did he know…

Dalanesca must have sensed him becoming crestfallen and reassured him that being in her service was not without his its rewards, and this made his ears perk forward again. His end of the bargain was sounding better and better by the moment, and he wondered briefly what kind of things he would be expected to do within the service of the Lady of Death. 

"I'm grateful you feel that way," De'Zhelis said as he finished telling his story, his tail wagging slightly behind him. "I don't know if this guy is still around, but I sure have a bone to pick with the silver tongue who sent me to spy on the bastard," he said darkly. His mood visibly improved as she carefully phrased what some of his perks would include. Freedom of movement between the realm of the living and the dead, accomodations in a plush and swanky albeit dark temple, in exchange for his continued services? He couldn't get a better deal in Iria without a vial of his blood demanded in return, and even then it wasn't this good. 

His ethereal green eyes were locked with hers for a moment, and he lost his control of his tongue for a brief moment before he came to his senses. "You've got yourself a deal La– my Lady," he said, quickly correcting himself to not refer to her in familiar terms. She deserved more respect than that. His tail wagged eagerly, and his ears were perked forward, attentive and alert.

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca snorted in audible laughter as De'Zehlis mentioned the 'silver tongue' that had sent him to spy on the necromancer.  How ironic it was that Adraejen had been the catalyst in all this.  She cleared her throat, waving her hand rather apologetically at him as she regained her composure.  "Sorry," she said, shaking her head slightly.  She did wish to explain to him what she had found so funny, but it was not her place to relinquish the information that Adraejen, the 'silver tongue' of which she assumed he referred to, was, in fact, Iva's stepfather.

"I'm glad you accept the terms.  There are a vast number of unused rooms in this manor, so you may choose whichever you like.  You are welcome to bring guests into the manor as well, so long as they abide by my rules and treat me with respect, as well as the other denizens of the manor." She gave De'Zhelis a warm smile.  "Also, when we are not in the company of others, you do not need to address me as anything other than Dalanesca," she said.  "I am, strangely enough, not one for formalities.  However, if we are in the presence of others - save those I am already close with, formalities will be necessary, I am afraid," she said with a slight cringe, clearly hating the idea.  She just knew that it was a necessary evil that came with her position.

"So, first things first," she said, clapping her hands together.  A couple of chairs appeared out of thin air, and she sat down in one.  They were crafted from black velvet and were extremely plush.  She gestured at him to sit in the other chair.  "You seem to have some unfinished business with this 'bastard' that sent you to the mage," she said, a bit of a smile spreading across her lips.  "What if I were to… pay him a visit, with you?"  she asked.  She assumed that taking De'Zhelis to see Drae would be an amusing experience for herself - and of course, should De'Zhelis accept the offer, she would have to alert Angela - after all, she would not want her missing out on the fun.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: De'Zhelis
Age: Teenager
Alignment: CG
Race: Cursed Razorclaw Shifter
Gender: Male
Silver: 227
"You mean that you'll put me up here as well? I won't have to go back to the streets of Iria? Heh, that would make some of the old boys squirm. Me, living it up like a toph? Sure as hell beats scraping the streets for crumbs," De'Zhelis said, clearly excited with the idea of living in some posh chamber within Dalanesca's realm. "You're own hellhounds won't be near as well behaved as I will be fore you, my lady," he promised raising his hand in promise. "I guess neither of us are up to formalities. It might take me a bit to really pick up on all the ettiquette stuff, but I will do my best to pay the proper respects when it is needed," he replied. 

He flopped unceremoniously into the chair she provided for him, and felt as though he had sunk into a cloud. Yeah, he could get used to this sort of luxury. His ears perked forward, and his mouth turned into a slight snarl at the mention of the man who had been to blame for his banishment to the Circulorum Inferni. 
"Heh, I'd like that. I'd like to see the look on his smug face when I show up with the Goddess of Death. He might be Parvporan, but he's no idiot. He knows who the true powers are in the world. I'd have to get cleaned up though. It wouldn't be…. enough to show up in my current state. Gotta be able to rub his nose in something right?"

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