Archive Home > Archives > 2017 Archives > Porta Inferni > Won't you spare me over ‘til another year? [p:r]

Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
The sky was burning.  Logan lifted his head, for perhaps the hundredth time, as a means of trying to ascertain just where he was.  The last thing he clearly remembered was chasing an extremely annoying little vampire hunter around a corner…   Then everything went into a crimson haze after that.  He remembered screams, and the taste of blood in his mouth.  He remembered the dull thud of blows against his body.  But Logan couldn't remember what had happened after that.  And this place… he couldn't leave.  He had certainly tried, and Logan had nearly given up trying.  There was only unbearable heat, and fiery rivers kept him from traveling beyond their shores.

Then there were the harpies.  They didn't bother him, but Logan finally listened to their screeches.  He was finally able to discern some of his situation by focusing on one of the harpies, and the screams of the man whose bowels she was tearing out.  "You died… No, killed yourself, really.  Too much wine.  Just had to go to the Winking Mermaid one more time.  And you knew better.  You knew you were going to die if you took one more drink.  But you did!  And here you are.  Now I get to play with you for all time, hehehehe!" the harpy screeched, a sadistic glee completely unconcealed in her voice.  That told him enough, but he kept listening to other harpies.  And it dawned on him that he had died.  

That realization threw Logan's train of thought off.  He at least knew where he was, but he lost himself to wandering along a river for a few moments.  Pride had kept him from this path until now.  But Logan had absolutely no intention of staying here.  If he had to beg, he would.  Moving away from the river, he found a place that was a bit sheltered from the constant heat.  He drew on his past, forming a prayer.  But the order would have been absolutely horrified to hear what he was saying.  "Dark Mother, Lady of Woe, I beg you, hear my words.  Take me from here, and I will serve you until the end of my days.  My loyalty, my devotion, they will be yours.  I only beg you take me from this miserable place," he murmured to the wind.  He had once been a man of holy faith, and not all the mannerisms had been forgotten.  Perhaps they would serve him well again.


Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
The blood red sun of Porta Inferi beat down on Dalanesca as she sat in Paraiso Venenum, her prized collection of poisonous flora growing around her. There was something comforting about the gardens to her - an odd sentiment for one to have about a flourishing expanse of plants that could kill you from merely touching them. As she rested in the warmth, a familiar feeling began to wash over her. Someone was in one of the Circles, and that someone was praying to her, begging her for mercy. She brushed it off, as she normally did - it was a rather common occurrence and she simply did not have the patience to deal with the hundreds of poor souls that passed into her realm. She had learned to tame the noise of their pleas to a dim drone in the back of her mind, much like a small mosquito buzzing about her head. There was something off about the most recent voice to join the chorus of beggars, however, and she singled it out, listening to its words. 

The voice came from Impetu - the circle in which those who lived a life which found its end by means of suicide. Usually, these were the most woeful - they were the ones who found regret in their choice to take their own lives. Upon learning what was in store for them when they arrived to Inferos, they wished to be transported back to the land of the living, claiming that it was all a big mistake and that they had never meant for it to end that way. She usually laughed in their faces - but there was something slightly different about the circle’s newest inhabitant. His pleading did not seem to be in vain, or because he had a regret for his actions - there was something that seemed as though he truly did want to serve. 

With a begrudging sigh, she got up from her chair and stretched her arms high above her head, resolving to the fact that she would travel to Impetu and see what this soul had to offer. It did not take her long to travel places in her own realm, and with less than a snap of her fingers she found herself standing before the speaker of the prayer. The moment her feet touched the ground within the Circle, the harpies silenced, cowering and bowing their heads to their ruler. Dalanesca glanced away from the man before her momentarily, looking at the harpies. Dismissively, she waved her hand at them. “Carry on,” she said, indicating that they could continue on with their torture. “But stop that incessant screeching while I’m in your presence, or I’ll be the one disemboweling you,” she said, her eyes flashing a deep crimson. The harpies seemed to oblige, gleefully going back to destroying their prey but lacking the high pitched screeches that they once emitted. 

She stepped towards the man now, looking at him with her head tilted to the side. “Your begging interrupted my afternoon,” she said, softly, though there was an apparent darkness to her words. “But loyalty and devotion… if you can offer those things to me, perhaps it is not such a waste…” she continued, her voice trailing off as she contemplated different situations in her mind. After a moment, their surroundings began to shimmer and fade out of existence, rematerializing back in the garden where the goddess had been earlier. They were in the exact positions they had been in whilst in the circle. 

“So,” she said, continuing to speak and placing her hands on her hips. “What’ve you got that’ll make you worth my time?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
He repeated the words to himself like a mantra, seeing no way out of here without divine intervention.  And soon enough, she appeared.  He stole a glance at the Dark Mother while she addressed the harpies, but quickly returned his eyes to the ground when she finished.  The boots stepped closer to him, and Logan knew well enough that he should wait to be addressed before saying anything more.  "My apologies for the interruption, Lady of Woe.  Had I known, I would have waited.  Unfortunately, circumstances have left me somewhat bereft of knowledge outside of this place," he said, a trace of humor in his voice.  It was that dark sense of humor that had carried Logan through many days.  And he hoped it would endear him to the lady before him.

It took a moment, but he realized he was out of the dreadful plain of fire and screeching harpies.  Though he remained on a knee in a gesture of supplication, Logan lifted his head to take in the new surroundings.  It certainly was an improvement, though he knew better than to move just yet.  "I am a warrior, born and bred.  I was a holy man once, though those days are long past me," he said with a grin, showing his fangs.  His fall had been rather complete that night, and he hadn't seen any way to climb back into the light.  So Logan had decided to embrace the darkness.  "I could be many things for you, Lady.  I could be priest and prophet, I could be your harbinger of wrath, I could be your words into the world.  I learned to serve a long time ago, and I would rather chose whom I serve, of my own will.  At least, as much as my current situation allows.  I am but one man, though one man can make all the difference," Logan added, pleading his case.  She was judge, jury and executioner here, and his only chance to get out.


Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca tilted her head as she stared at the man she had now transported to her realm, her hands resting on her hips as she surveyed him.  She raised an eyebrow as he explained his past, finding herself a bit amused at the fact that he was grinning.  She caught sight of his fangs, of course, but gave no reaction - she had seen many things and fangs on a vampire were nothing new to her.  She looked down to him while he still knelt, listening as he continued his explanation of what he could offer her.  Most of what was being said to her was just like the rest who had come begging - but she felt something slightly different from this man.  When he had finally finished speaking, she remained silent, her icy blue eyes staring at him unblinkingly, studying him.

After a moment, she parted her ruby lips and spoke.  Her voice was smooth as silk with a hint of darkness to it - as was to be expected from someone in her position.  "You say you could be many things for me," she began, taking several steps towards him until she was within touching distance.  She crouched down in front of him, reaching a hand out to drag a delicate finger down the side of his face.  "There are many things I require, from those of the mortal plane," she continued, her finger trailing down the side of his neck before she pulled her hand away and stood once more, circling him, continuing to speak as she did so.

"I've no need for priests of prophets - I prefer to handle delicate situations on my own," she said, her voice taken on a rather contemplative tone.  "And no one will be my Harbinger," she said, a hint of anger to her voice and her eyes flashing crimson for a brief moment.  "I am the Harbinger.  The only Harbinger," she said, her voice returning to normal.  She continued to pace around him, discussing his suggestions with herself, allowing no moment for him to speak.  "If I find myself wanting to speak with mortals, I'll appear and do it myself."  She paused, standing behind him, and crouched down once more, her feet on either side of his legs behind him from kneeling.  She pressed her chest against his back and brought her lips to be only mere inches from his ear.  "And from what I've seen, the difference one man can make is…" she paused, licking her lips before speaking again.  "Mildly satisfying, at best," she concluded, before pulling away from him and standing up once more. 

"But perhaps you can be of use to me - you look strong, at least," she said, eyeing her way up and down his physique.  "Get up," she said, waving her hand at him, and gesturing to some chairs near where they stood.  "Let's have a little chat, shall we?  Tell me something, a story about your life… something that can prove your worth to me," she said.  "And perhaps, you can start by telling me your name?"  She walked towards the chairs and sat down sideways on one, slinking her legs over the arm and gesturing to the other for him to take a seat.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
He stayed as still as possible while she spoke, but that became impossible when a finger traced down his face.  Her touch made the skin of his neck quiver, even in death the nerves were still sensitive.  But otherwise, Logan did not move.  She spoke, leaving no room for his own words, but he had a feeling that interrupting her would be the biggest mistake in this moment of his life.  Besides, the wrath of a woman was a force of nature.  Throw in the power of a goddess, and he knew that little could compete.  The press of her against his back was… arousing, but Logan understood what she was trying to do by then.  Distraction.  At least, that was how it seemed to him.  But he could again feel his skin twitching involuntarily, and Logan allowed himself a small grin while she was turned away.  Perhaps he should enjoy those touches, the Lady of Woe seemed to be quite temperamental.  

But then he was given permission to rise and to speak, which he took advantage of.  Sinking into the chair, he let out a grateful sigh, and bowed his head for a moment.  "My thanks for hearing me out.  I am Logan Blackwood, once of Adeluna.  I was an orphan of a noble family, taken in by an order that hunted vampires, demons and other wicked creatures," he said, pausing for a moment, sifting through his memories.  It had been a long time since he had thought of his childhood, or lack thereof.  "The training they put myself and others through lasted from dawn to dusk, and many failed.  It was rather brutal, but the order had an endless supply of orphans and unwanted children.  The lucky ones got to go home.  Since i had no home to return to, well, the only thing I could do was succeed.  Which I did," Logan added, arrogance showing through his voice.  It had been that arrogance that had been his downfall, but now he knew how to draw on it for his advantage.

Looking around the garden again, he inhaled.  The jumble of smells was intoxicating, especially after the brutal heat and brimstone of where he had ended up.  But one smell slithered through the others like a serpent, reminding him of the woman who had cost him much.  "What the order did not know was that the High Prophet was one of the very evils it sought to eliminate.  And she chose me to act through," Logan explained.  He was somewhat distracted, eyes searching for the plant that reminded him of the woman from his past.  Then his eyes snapped back to the woman before him, the only one that mattered at the moment.  "I hope I am not boring you, my Lady," Logan added after a moment, seeking permission to tell more of his story. 


Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca was not unaware that Logan knew exactly what she was up to.  She could tell that he would not give way to such, but that he rather enjoyed her being so close to him - after all, even in death he was still a male, and she was not only a woman, but a goddess, and she certainly had her divinity to thank for increasing the effects that her playfulness could have.  With an air of curiosity, she watched him as he listened to her commands, lowering himself into the chair she had indicated.  She was impressed, to say the least, that he was so respectful.  Many had come to her realm seeking to 'serve' her, but they lacked the general proper behavior that she wanted from her 'associates,' as it were.

As he spoke, answering her question about his name, she listened, her gaze intently fixated upon him.  She nearly laughed at his comment about the order he was taken in by being one that hunted vampires.  It was cruelly ironic, of course, that he himself was now a vampire.  She managed to stifle back her amusement, allowing him to continue on with the tale of how he came to be where he was on this day.  She continued to watch him as he seemed to take pause in his story, his eyes scanning his surroundings.  "I would be careful not to inhale too deeply - though it seems you have already lost mortality, so perhaps you will be fine… But I wouldn't take the risk," she said, quirking an eyebrow at him, clearly indicating that the rumors about the Porta Inferni gardens being made of poisonous flora were correct.  

She shifted positions in her chair, her stare fixed unbroken on him as he continued to speak, catching his own gaze when he directed his eyes back to her.  "Far from boring," she said, a smirk rather apparent on her face.  No matter how long she had been one of the divine, she never got sick of the rapt attention and respect that people paid to her.  She got up from her chair and walked towards him, circling around to the back of his chair, her delicate hands coming to rest on his shoulders as she leaned down once more, much in the same manner she had when he had been kneeling.  "Though you do know you won't be eliminating evil, if you are to come into my service," she said, her lips mere centimeters from his ear, and her voice barely above a whisper.  "More… promulgating, if you will,"  she concluded, allowing her lower lip to just barely brush the skin of his ear before she pulled back once more.  

"Go on then," she said, heading back to her own chair, and reclining herself with her legs slung over the arm once more, the pale white skin of her legs poking out from beneath the black silk skirts.  The man certainly showed promise, but she wanted to find out a bit more about him before allowing him into her service.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
He shrugged at the suggested caution, and searched for the flower that brought back the memories he told her of now.  "The oleander was the High Prophet's favored flower.  She wore it as her perfume… which I suppose should have been a hint.  And she later told me that was how she disposed of her predecessor," Logan explained, gesturing towards the tree full of delicate white blooms.  They were quite beautiful, but also quite deadly.  Fitting for both the woman in his memories, and the one before him now.  His smile turned cold when she explained just what he would be doing, if he were accepted into her service.  "Milady, it was a hard learned lesson.  But the notion of bringing justice is a laugh.  I fought for many years to bring it to the people, to help those in need.  But there was always some disaster lurking around the corner, something to snatch even the smallest victory away.  It is far more satisfying to bring about the evil.  You at least get to enjoy the fruit of your labors that way," he said, experience ringing clear in his words.  

At the request to continue, Logan nodded and gathered his thoughts again for a moment.  "I was called to her chamber one night, told of a grand destiny she had seen in the smoke for me.  Young, proud man that I was, I couldn't question her.  I was sent to lead cleansing against villages, captured targets of interest for her personal interrogation.  I did exactly as she asked, because her words were always so calm, so reasoned.  I did not see what lurked behind her mask of calm.  It wasn't until I had brought her a child and never saw it again did I begin to question what I was doing.  And so I confronted the High Prophet.  And do you wish to know what she told me?" Logan asked, bitterness coming through his voice for a moment.  The pain of betrayal was still there, even after all these years.  ""You have done well, my chosen one.  You've done exactly as I asked, without question.  And I didn't even have to use magic" she told me.  And she was right.  I had fallen blindly, willingly.  After that, I embraced my inner darkness, the evil that lurks within all hearts.  I quite enjoy dragging it out of others.  And it is that which I offer to you.  My service, my devotion, to do with as you will," Logan said, rising, and dropping into a bow before the Lady once more.  It was now or never.  Logan left his fate in her delicate hands.


Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
As Logan explained the meaning that the oleander held for him, Dalanesca listened to him with interest.  "Oleander is not high on my list of favorites, but when used correctly it can be quite effective," she said, following along with him as he continued to speak.  "I used to hold dominion over Justice.  It is no laughing matter, of that you are mistaken.  However, the way in which some people choose to handle the way justice is doled out, on the other hand, are a laughing matter."  She grew quiet once more, but felt the need to chime in as Logan said another thing that piqued her voice.  "I do not bring about evil.  Evil is inherently there in every creature already, without my help.  I control the evil, and I help the evil within people rear its head.  I cannot say that I have never coerced such evils to come out, as it is quite an enjoyable past time for me… But I do not create it," she said.  She was proud of the work she had done as Justiciar, but she was even more proud of what she was capable of as the Reaper.

She relaxed as Logan continued his tale, allowing him to speak without interruption.  She noted the distaste and the bitterness in his voice that appeared momentarily, but did not comment on them, instead allowing him to go on.  When he had finished, she remained silent for a fair amount of time.  He had essentially offered himself to her for whatever bidding she chose, and it seemed that he had the taste for what she could use him for.  The problem she encountered was more than she was unsure what to utilize him for at the current time.  "Perhaps," she said, beginning to speak after her bout of silence.  "Perhaps you can be of use to me.  Many people in this world want many things that they cannot have, or cannot attain on their own.  Given my… nature, if one wants to call it that, I am capable of giving these things." She paused, thinking best how to continue the phrasing of what she was offering.  "Perhaps you could offer these things to them.  But after a time.. we would come calling.  For their souls, as payment," she said, awaiting Logan's reaction. 

She got up from her seat and walked to stand behind him again, though this time she did not make any physical contact.  She was surveying him, seeing if he would be capable of what she was asking.  "This is a job that would require a strict lack of conscience.  Do you think you could handle that?" she asked.  If he answered yes, she would give him essentially anything he wanted - he would live damn near the life of a king.  If he were to refuse… other things would happen.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!


Character Info
Name: Logan
Age: Around 230 years
Alignment: TE
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Class: Fallen Paladin
Silver: 218
He hesitated just a moment, almost wanting to argue the point.  But Logan knew that argumentative side of himself was part of what had gotten him here in the first place.  And once he thought about it, she truly did have a point.  "You are right.  The order tried to teach of that some are capable of rising above evil, of purging ourselves of it.  But now I do not think that is truly possible.  Those who try and hide or deny their inner devil, they seem the most susceptible to temptation," he said, a rueful smile on his face.  It was something he had come to realize in himself far too late to do any good.  

When the Dark Mother remained silent for what felt like ages, Logan felt his nerves beginning to come through.  He kept himself from twitching, but the fine sheen of sweat could not be contained.  The first word she spoke was a relief, and Logan listened intently.  He thought for a moment, considering what she offered, and what it would entail.  "I would become your devil at the crossroads, am I correct?  There to offer the foolish and greedy their heart's desire, only for a price they cannot imagine.  A gift for which someone should know better, but the fruit is oh so tempting.   Hm.  I rather like the sound of that," he said, thinking back to the stories from the old woman who had played mother to the order's orphans had told.  There was always someone willing to do something completely stupid to accomplish what they wanted.  And most never even considered the consequences.

He nodded at the question, raising his right hand to where a beating heart had once been.  "I can, and I would be honored to perform that duty for you, milady.  I do have one question though.  When can I begin?" Logan asked, dark humor flashing in his eyes.  He was eager to not go back to where she had claimed him from, and the duty that she offered sounded quite fulfilling in its own way.  It only seemed to right want to start as soon as she would allow.

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