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Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
“Now Mother, we’ve talked about this.” Foxglove came over and took the cakes and sweets from the little goddess. “No sweets this late at night.” 

“Listen, Savage, I need my energy. Do you know how much it takes to not tear my hair out? I JUST GOT MY HAIR.” She fluffed out her hair and looked up at Fox with a dirty face. The Avatar rolled her eyes a bit at her mother. “It’s pretty and it needs the sweets.” Angela was already bouncing off the walls but she had actually been using the energy for projects. It was just that no one could stand her being awake twenty-four seven. 

Foxglove glared down. “No. Sweets.” She took all the sweets and put them on the tallest shelf with some sort of lock on it.

“I’m a GODDESS OF EARTH. That lock is metal. I COULD OBLITERATE THAT LOCK,” Angela ran over to the door and yelled out at her daughter. “But I respect you savages enough not too.” Dumb savages and their dumb rules. Suddenly a very awesome and very good idea came into that little redhead’s noggin. She dropped and rolled her way across the temple going in directions no one was in. Until finally she opened a portal and dropped herself in Dal’s realm.

She stuck to the shadows, she knew that Dalanesca would be on patrol. OR MAYBE she did sleep. Green eyes darted back and forth as she rolled into the temple. She threw herself up against the wall as some of Dalanesca’s mangled servants came by. She was small enough that she could fit under the stands and other décor that Dalanesca had. She rolled her way to what she perceived to be the kitchen.

Suddenly the door came open and she hid underneath a prep table and stared at one of the ones with their mouth’s shut. She put her finger to her lips as he noticed her. She had been caught. Tumbling away from the area she began to pull out drawers and stack things until she could open up the cabinets and look what was inside. She was making a lot of noise as she accidentally started to knock things off the shelves. Glass bottles broke on the floor and she was fairly certain some of this wasn’t food. “Gross.” She brought out a jar with what looked like a tentacle in it and threw it. The prep table extended and caught it thanks to her magic. 

She bobbed her head up and down as she sought some sweets out from her sister goddess.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
The punishment that the Voice had doled out had not been nearly as severe as it could have been.  After all, Dalanesca had essentially killed her fellow Triune member, shattering her into tiny pieces of crystal and scattering her throughout Revaliir - but something unbeknownst to Dalanesca had taken place, and Angela’s divine soul had been saved, and now resurrected into the form of a small child.  The Voice had tasked her in keeping this child safe along with Drae.

Presently, the Goddess was asleep in her room.  Angela was in her own realm for the time being, under the (apparently not so) watchful eye of her husband, Drae.  Dalanesca took the time now that she had calmed slightly to enjoy the comfort of her bed.  She was still rather sad about the loss of her child and husband, but she had come to realize that it had not really been Angela’s fault that Katja had been lost.  Fortunately for Dalanesca, her elder had completely forgiven her and still loved her nevertheless.

Her eyes snapped open in the darkness of her bedroom.  She could sense that something powerful had entered her realm, something powerful but rather small - and it dawned on her.  It had to be Angela… but what was she doing here in the middle of the night.  Why wasn’t Drae watching her more closely?  She swung her legs out of bed and got up, walking to her dresser and grabbing a robe.  She tied it around herself and walked in the direction of the presence she could feel.

After a few moments, she had found Angela.  She watched her silently in her own realm, and she could tell at once that the child was looking for something sweet to eat, as children were want to do.  She found the little Angela rather terrifying, if she were to be honest.  She had the energy and look of a child but all of the knowledge of an ancient goddess… bad combination.  After a moment, she waved her hand through the air and the darkness of the room receded, and she walked towards the little one.  “What are you doing awake at this hour, and how did you get past Drae?” she asked, as though she were secretly hoping that Drae hadn’t let her out on his own.

After a moment, she realized that she knew why.  “You’re hungry, right?” she asked, with a bit of a laugh.  “Sit down, and tell me what it is you want, little one,” she said, a playful emphasis on the last one.  She knew that Angela would understand her humor.  “I’ll get whatever it is, as long as you don’t tell Drae,” she added, with a devious glint in her eye.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela was throwing things left and right to let her magic catch it. She knew that she wouldn’t break anything as her magic gently laid down all the bottles and jars down on the counters. When Dalanesca did show up there was shock as she had throw a few last things out. These things were not caught and smashed against the floor as her green eyes stared at the Triune sister. “He was talking care of the little savage. The older savages were left in charge. I escaped like a shadow in the night while they switched post.” She turned back to the cupboard and sifted through it as she paused. “I am earth… I could just meld into the ground and appear anywhere that I want.” She reminded Dalanesca. “But this game of cat and mouse we play is amusing.”

Turning towards Dalanesca she put her arms up for the goddess to pick her up. “I am really hungry.” She managed to squeak out as she was picked up. “I want a lot of sweets. Cakes, cookies, and pies… Fabor came to me today and asked for an expansion off the edge of the highlands. Some sort of floating city he said. He gave me a cart full of sweets and three tea parties but it made me very, very tired.” She yawned at her. “No time for sleep.”

She smirked up at Dalanesca. “A tea party with sweets.” But after a few moments as they began their journey Angela was terrified of something. “She escaped Dal. She got loose.” She was whispering now. “I’m so scared.” Perhaps that was the real reason she had come to Dalanesca. She was the darkness but could she protect from the things that went bump in the night. She clung to Dal. “I don’t want to be alone in the dark. I don’t want to be alone. Ever.” She buried her head into Dalanesca and softly pouted.

The time spent in the crystal had put a noticeable scar on her psyche that her child mind could not understand. It made her afraid.

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca almost laughed at the words that came from Angela’s tiny mouth.  For such a small, sweet-looking child, to hear the words that she used to refer to her children (who were, ironically, helping to take care of her in her new ‘state’) was rather alarming.  “Drae’s got his hands full with you, I think…” she said, trailing off slightly.  “Then again, so do I,” she added.  “It makes sense, for you to come here if you melded into the shadows,” she quipped, but she knew full well that Angela was still incredibly capable of many things, small appearance aside.  “I am glad you are able to find amusement in things, still,” she said, with a smile.  

At Angela’s behest, Dalanesca stooped down and reached the child up, hoisting her up to rest on her hip so she could hold her up with one arm.  Now that she was at eye level with her, she looked her directly in the eyes as she spoke.  “Sweets aren’t what you should be eating if you’re hungry,” she said, narrowing her eyes at the small one.  “I could have one of the Mutes bring you some food, if you’d like.  A big feast, perhaps?” she suggested, though when she saw the look on Angela’s face, the guilt set in.  “Or, you and I could have some treats,” I suppose, she said with a glinting smile.

Within moments, as though Dalanesca had mentally willed it, several Mutes came in with trays full of sweets and drinks.  They set them down before the two, and left quickly.  Dalanesca turned to Angela and smiled.  “How does this look?” she said, carrying her closer.  She frowned as Angela’s demeanor changed, and held her a bit closer.  “I know,” she said, quietly.  She had been filled in on the situation, now that she was aware of why Angela had been unable to help her when Katja was under duress.  “Until you are returned to your full form, I am tasked with protecting you - but I am happy to do it,” she said.  Remember… the Darkness cannot hurt me.  I am the Darkness,” she said, and as foreboding as those words may have been taken out of context, they were said with a promise of safety.  “I am here,” she said, holding her closely.  “But maybe one of these sweets will calm your nerves?” she asked, putting her free hand under Angela’s chin to tip it up.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Her big green eyes stared at Dalanesca. They were so full of innocence where before she just had a soft set of eyes that had seen many horrible things. It was a change, to say the least. “The gem was really dark…” She whispered. “I couldn’t feel anything or see… and I just heard thump thump thump.” Her gem had been next to Drae’s heart. Her little mind twisted and turned. “The only way to survive is to enjoy.” It was big words but there were some leaks from her internal self that much could be seen whenever she struggled for words.

She tilted her head. “That is true.” She thought but she also knew as a god she could not die from ingesting whatever she felt like at the time. “A big feast sounds fun…. Can we do both?” It was something for her to do and Dalanesca oddly appeared lonely to her.

Watching as the treats came in she felt her mouth begin to water. Looking up at Dalanesca she smiled and nodded. “Looks really good.” But now it seemed like it was time for business. “You may be the darkness Dalanesca but my sister is evil incarnate. You are not fully evil no matter what you tell yourself.” Those big eyes looked deep into her sister goddess’s eyes. “Cyprus will pull no punches. That is why she stays in Parvpora. I am sure that is where she’s at.” 

She nodded for the sweet and chewed on one quietly for a little bit. “She sent me a bear head. A big black one… like Drae.” It had been a warning shot. Her sister already knew she was back. “Before long she will make attempts on my sisters’ lives again.” It appeared like it did little for her nerves but she was more calm about it. “I worry about Rohan and Iva the most. Rohan is too small to be able to defend himself and Iva has not grown into her powers yet.” It was big talk but like the Voice had said only her adult reasoning was gone. Her motherly instincts, on the other hand, were more powerful than ever. 

Her eyes flickered for a moment down to the food as she picked up a sweet and held it for Dalanesca to eat. “You’ll protect them right? Until I can?”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca frowned as Angela looked up at her.  A sort of sadness washed over at the fact that she was unable to soothe her worries, but she couldn’t blame her.  She remained quiet as the little yet ancient goddess explained what she had experienced in the gem, only patting her head rather awkwardly as a response.  Though her life now was surrounded with gloom and darkness, she could not imagine going from being an all powerful deity to being trapped within a tiny gem.

She imitated quiet contemplation as Angela asked if they could do both of the things she had offered.  “Hmm…” she said softly, stroking her chin with the hand that was not holding Angela up.  “I guess, if you promise to behave yourself,” she said, a devious glint in her eyes as she playfully poked fun at her.  Angela’s assumption that Dalanesca was lonely did not stray far from the truth.  Since the loss of her child and the disappearance or possible death of her husband, she had been alone.  Admittedly, she did have a guest staying in the palace - one who had successfully assisted her in breaking free of the magic chains that had bound her to her realm, but it was not a guest of romance.  Though there were underlying tensions that either had yet to acknowledge, it did not lighten the load of being alone.  Having the company of little Angela, although a bit strange, was a welcome break from that solitude.  

“And good it shall be,” she said, giving Angela a small laugh.  When the tone of their conversation shifted from playful to serious, the smile dropped from the goddess’s face.  The admission from Angela that she knew that Dalanesca was not purely evil, even with what she had done to her, was enough to bring a tear to her blue eyes.  She quickly swiped at it, and looked down at Angela.  “Even Parvporans find themselves in Inferos in the end,” she said, noting her connection the land of the non-believers.  While her powers were dampened there, she would still be stronger than a non-immortal - though the stories that Angela had told her of Cyprus were enough to make her, the goddess reigning over death, shiver.  “You’ve seen what I can do,” she said quietly, and of course Angela would know that she meant in regards to her defeat.  “I’ll take her out, if I have to,” she said, solemnly.

Her eyes flashed at the mention of Cyrpus sending her a bear’s head, presumably in a threat towards Drae.  A hot rage bubbled inside of her, but she did her best to hide it, even though she knew Angela would be able to sense it.  “We’ll protect all of them, especially Rohan and Iva,” she said, a promise to her words.  “On my powers as Triune, I swear I will protect them to the limits of my capabilities.  We can even bring them here, if you think it would make them safer,” she added.  She knew that Inferos was no place for children, but at least they would be safe there.

After a moment of silence, she looked back to Angela, and reached for a sweet herself.  “Now, my dear.  This is no such talk for a feast of treats!” she exclaimed, and took a bite.  “Let’s shift things back to the happy, yes?” she added, ruffling her hair a bit and setting her down so she had free reign of the trays of goodies.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela frowned a bit at her sister goddess. “If I made a promise like that it would be easily broken. Promises like that are a waste of time.” It came out with a bit of sass. “I shall, however, promise to remain out of trouble for the duration of our time today.” That seemed more doable. Though that in itself seemed like a rude thing to promise on but Angela kept it to herself.

Munching on the sweets Angela listened intently to Dalanesca as they spoke of her sister. “In all fairness, I would like her to be ripped apart limb from limb. Again. I didn’t do it properly enough last time and I let her live. That was a mistake on my part. This time it will be different. I’ll see her ferried down her and let her suffer.” There would be no escaping Dalanesca this time.

Nodding she smiled up at Dalanesca. “You are a good woman when you are not on a rampage.” She was glad that Dal was there to look after her little savages. “I think Iva would paint your world with rainbows. I would be careful you don’t want death to look like a picnic.” Angela joked softly. 

When Dal ruffled Angela’s hair there was a purr that left the little one’s mouth. She did like when people pet her hair. Not tug at it but gently pet. It was something that the child in her had always found comforting. “Yes! Happiness!” She reached out for some more treats as she was set down to go after the treats.

After a while, she perked up. “Dal.” It came out flatly. “Why are you thinking about another man? Is that a dragon?! ARE YOU MOVING ONTO ANIMALS NOW DALANESCA? Do you know how wrong that is? You are a goddess not above taboo!” Her jaw was dropping on the floor. “How does that even work?!”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

Character Info
Name: Story
Age: Unknown
Alignment: TN
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Tulpamancer
Silver: 297
While normally a being of purpose, constantly on the move, Story was also content at times to become lost in reveries. Dalanesca had been freed. He had upheld his end of the bargain they had struck, and could very well have been on his merry way. Something kept him here, though…something indescribable. It gnawed at him like a whisper that one could not quite make out but strained to hear. No words he possessed could describe the ongoing, fettering curiosity he felt towards the goddess and her underworld.

The dragon had spent much of his time in Porta Inferi in the library, where they had originally convened. Story loved the smell of old books, but loved what said books contained even more. There were multiple reasons and sources for his handle, but this singular detail could have birthed the moniker all on its own.

Age and inquisitiveness did eventually give way to fatigue. Story had passing thoughts of traversing the many levels of hell surrounding the manor somehow. He could not help but wonder how the various realms of sin would react to his presence…how he would be punished. Surely, he was guilty of all of them at one point or another in his long existence.

Wandering the halls of the manor aimlessly, Story's sensitive ears picked up on a conversation. He heard Dalanesca's voice…and…a child's? He'd heard word of the Earth Mother being reborn as a girl.

Treading as quietly as possible, Story made his way to the kitchens, smoothing his mane of dark and silver hair. Peering around the corner, he saw them both, chattering away happily, and began to walk towards them until the last thing that spilled from the child's mouth made him halt. Clumsily, he stumbled into a rack of pans, barely keeping himself from toppling into it. He made quite a racket all the same, however, which made the blush already present in his cheeks darker than the crimson in his eyes.

"Bonsoir," he managed to utter with his usual elegant, even tone, despite lack of composure. He bowed his head to the child he assumed to be Angela, and dared to meet Dalanesca's glacial gaze. "Apologies…am I intruding?"

Character Info
Name: Dalanesca
Age: Unknown
Alignment: CE
Race: Former Deity
Gender: Female
Class: Assassin/Rogue
Silver: 10180
Dalanesca could not help but to laugh at Angela as she spoke the truth.  “At least you are honest,” she said, still chuckling while she spoke the words.  “I appreciate your concession for the remainder of this particular day, however,” she said, smirking a bit at the child.  She could tell that she was not entirely receptive of the idea, but was more doing it out of respect for Dalanesca than anything, which was a true testament to their friendship.  The fact that she had already forgiven her for her transgressions, and was still willing to concede her behavior, was a sign.

She selected one of the few pieces of fruit from the tray, a strawberry, and brought it to her mouth, but froze just before taking a bite as Angela made a comment about wishing Cyprus to be torn apart limb from limb. She remained in frozen contemplation as Angela finished talking, and a very dark look crossed her visage, if only for a moment.  “I shall be of as much assistance to you in this endeavor as I can be,” she said, simply, and it was clear that her words were a promise.  If Cyprus found her way to Inferos, whether by choice or not, Dalanesca would see that her soul was enslaved in the deepest Circle for all of eternity.  

“I try,” she said, her face warming up as she smiled at Angela once more.  “Let’s be careful not to leave little Iva on her own down here,” she said, frowning slightly.  While color was not something that Dalanesca disliked, she could not help but to think that the colors would give a different sort of atmosphere to the realm - and she did not doubt that Iva would do it the first chance she got.  She watched Angela with some amusement as she moved towards the treats after she was freed.

Her jaw dropped as Angela tuned in to her thoughts, misinterpreting them. “What?” she exclaimed, her face turning a deep shade of red.  “Another man, what? No,” she said, though her words were rather stuttered and gave way to the fact that she knew exactly what Angela was talking of.  Since his arrival and assistance of breaking her free of the magical chains that had bound her to Porta Inferi, Story had been spending a fairly large amount of time in her realm.  Of course, nothing had happened between the two in any sort of sense save several long conversations, but there was something about Story that kept him at the front of Dalanesca’s mind.  She had yet to decide if it was the curiosity of his true being, how she had never encountered anyone such as him before, or perhaps it was just the loneliness brought on by Marth’s absence.  Either way, he was on her mind, and Angela had sensed that to say the least.

“He’s a guest of mine.  He helped me with some things, that’s all… and I told him he was welcome here as long as he would like,” she said, with a shrug.  She knew Angela could see into her mind that there were other smaller, nagging thoughts that accompanied that, so she continued.  “I mean, I won’t say the thought hasn’t crossed my mind,” she said, quietly, taking a thoughtful bite of the strawberry..  “I mean, if you’ve seen him… he’s rather intelligent and good looking,” she said, knowing that this would appeal to the adult part of Angela’s psyche.  “So I don’t think anyone could blame me for thinking of him in less than… proper ways, if you understand what I’m sayi-”  Her words were abruptly cut off by the clattering sound made by Story running into the rack of pans, and she turned around rather quickly, facing him.  Her face reddened further, and she cleared her throat, making an effort so as if to pretend that she did not suspect he had heard a fair part of that conversation.

”Oh, er.. Hello, Story,” she said, her voice pitched a bit higher than usual.  ”No, you are… not intruding in the slightest,” she said, rather awkwardly, pulling her robe tightly around her, not out of discomfort but more embarrassment - she was not exactly dressed in the manner one would consider decent.  ”In fact, I’ve something to do in… in Paraiso Venenum,” she said, hastily coming up with an excuse.  She turned to Angela, and gave her the best ‘behave’ look that she could muster, and turned back to Story.  ”Nice to see you,” she said.  She walked past him on her way out, bumping her shoulder softly into his arm completely by accident - but she made no motion to apologize or remedy in the situation, instead padding in her bare feet out of the kitchen in the direction of the garden, her cheeks alight with embarrassment.

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold… nothing satisfies me but your soul

OOC: I'm Whitney!

Angela Rose

Character Info
Name: Angela Rose-Volkov
Age: Immortal Looks 20s
Alignment: CG
Race: Rosenite
Gender: Female
Class: Goddess/Herbalist/Advisor
Silver: 17895
Angela’s ears almost perked up since they were elven shaped. “Handsome and intelligent? You didn’t steal my Drae, did you? I would be rather angry with you.” Angela’s little fingers reached out for another sweet as she stuffed it into her face. The stumbling and noises were making her chuckle. “We have a guest.”

When Dalanesca began to answer if he was interrupting. “Yes, completely interrupting you should go shame yourself in a corner. Savage.” They had just been getting to the good part. “Oh fine, I suppose you aren’t.” There was a tad bit of sass in her words as she reached out for another sweet.

Angela watched the encounter and popped a cherry into her mouth after she dug the pit out and dropped it onto a plate. “Liar. Nose is going to grow.” She stuck her tongue out as Dalanesca shot her the behave look. “So you're the hot lizard who knows a thing or two,” she said lightly as she stood up and peeked around the chair to make sure Dalanesca was gone.

She lounged her arms on the back of the high chair and stood on her toes so she could get a good look at Story. “You are alright but if Dalanesca thinks you are… You’ll do.” She looked at the chair. “Come have a tea party with me. You can be Lord…” She had seen the vision of Dalanesca and her eyes went over to the tray of sweets. “You will play the role of Lord Sweet Roll and you will like it.”

She conjured up an ruffled apron mess and held it out to him. “Oh..” She got back up on the chair and it began to walk over to him. She put her fingers through his hair for a moment before a bonnet appeared in her hands. “You must look your best for the royal tea party Lord Sweet Roll.” Oh, now she was just rubbing it in. “The Fair Lady Dalanesca requires it.” She tugs the bonnet over his head and tied it. Deciding white was not his color it changed to a deep orange with a snap of her fingers. The chair began to walk away as soon as she put the apron on him.

“This way Lord Sweet Roll.” She held onto the chair as it got back to its original spot. She patted the seat next to her. “I wish you to be next to me in case.. I can’t reach something.” She put five sweet rolls on a plate for him and put it in front of him. “Tea!” She looked at the mutes. “You don’t have tea. You must make tea! The finest your lady has.” She clapped a bit as she giggled and watched them run to get her what she wanted.

“I’m Angela, Dalanesca blew me up and HERE WE ARE! You are Lord Sweet Roll until I have figured out what to do with you…” In a moment the very sword he wanted to find appeared in her hands. “We can play later and you can use this.” She placed it down on his place. “And no it doesn’t work. I don’t do favors for people I don’t know, Lord Sweet Roll.”

OOC: Brittlez the lovable Head Admin and Server Mom
IC: Angela is The Weaver of Life and Love.
Angela's 3 God Rules
1. Angela can create a garden of protection and healing around her on command.
2. Angela has supreme control over her domains and can trump the efforts of all others.
3. Angela can bestow her blessing upon the earth, accelerating the growth and vitality of all life present.

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