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Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:40 PM, Post Subject: The legendary hero foretold of in the ancient prophecies Scrubble is back to once again bring balance to the universe and be a cool guy while doing it [P] [R]

Dalanesca stood with her mouth slightly open, her hand remaining slightly clenched up from when she had been holding the parchment that he had so eagerly snatched back from her.  She snapped her mouth closed, and just stared at the goblin as he went on his rant about ‘the most holy god Scrubble’ and what this Scrubble had planned for the Scrubble that stood before her, and how it involved Dalanesca.  Truth be told, even trying to figure it out in her mind was a bit confusing.  “So you, who are named Scrubble, just do what your god, who is also Scrubble, tells you to do?” she asked, though she still did not entirely understand the situation at hand.  

“Do you know where you are going?” she called to Scrubble as he plunged forward into the darkness, somehow miraculously in the right direction of Domus Tenebris.  She hurried after him, her aura keeping the darkness from pressing in on the pair.  “I’m pretty sure if Fear got to you, Scrubble, you would lose, no matter how strong your god is,” she said, though she was quite certain that Scrubble’s god was just a voice in his head - but then again, she had seen stranger things in her time.

She gave up as Scrubble ran off into the darkness, willing the Fear that lurked within to stay away from the goblin.  “I’m growing tired of this, Scrubble,” she said, slowly walking in the direction that he had gone.  She could make out his form in the darkness ahead.  “What is it that you - that the holy God Scrubble - wants?” she asked, her exasperation clear in her voice.

Author: Scrubble, Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:31 AM, Post Subject: The legendary hero foretold of in the ancient prophecies Scrubble is back to once again bring balance to the universe and be a cool guy while doing it [P] [R]

Great success through cunning and guile Scrubble had found Dalanesca. When she confirmed her identity Scrubble took back the piece of parchment. For such parchment did not belong to her it belonged to Scrubble. Then this God questioned why the holiest god Scrubble sent Scrubble to find her and for what purpose she as a lesser god could help Scrubble. "Even the lesser gods have a role to play so says Scrubble! As for why Scrubble has sent Scrubble to find you is an enigma. For it is not for Scrubble to question the orders of Scrubble it is only for Scrubble to carry out such acts. For Scrubble is the mighty hand of Scrubble through which Scrubbles will is acted out!".

After finishing declaring his most holy job as the holiest paladin of Scrubble Scrubble paused for a moment then began talking again. "This darkness thought it could defeat Scrubble! But Scrubble cannot lose for Scrubble is the mightiest warrior of Scrubble." Nodding after saying this fact as if to further show that yes that was the truth. "Yes let us move on Scrubble will lead the way!". Scrubble then began walking in the direction Dalanesca had come from or at least where she'd appeared from. Holding the holy blade of Scrubble forward as if pointing the way.

Or at least he was until Scrubble sensed a creature in the darkness. Scrubble realized this is what had been giving him a strange feeling earlier. This! Would! Not! Stand! Scrubble seemingly abandoning any idea of leaving the darkness charges off into the darkness after the creature to show it not to mess with Scrubble!

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:26 AM, Post Subject: The legendary hero foretold of in the ancient prophecies Scrubble is back to once again bring balance to the universe and be a cool guy while doing it [P] [R]

Dalanesca fought very hard not to laugh at Scrubble as he handed her a piece of parchment with a drawing on it.  She looked at the drawing, which Scrubble then asked if it was a rendering of her appearance.  She fell silent for a moment, letting him continue on his small rant - losing control and laughing out loud as he referred to her as the ‘lesser God known as Dalanesca.’  “Yes, that is me,” she said, fighting the urge to roll her eyes at the goblin.  

“So, Scrubble.  Your god - Scrubble, am I right? - he sent you on a mission to find me?  Pray tell, if I am such a ‘lesser’ god, what could the ‘most holy Scrubble’ want with me?” she asked, her words dripping with sarcasm.  When she had encountered the goblin before, she had learned quite quickly that there was something slightly off with the goblin, and it was easiest to just indulge him in whatever he thought it was that he could accomplish.  

“So, you’ve made it to Inferos and through the darkness, have you Scrubble?” she asked, and motioned for him to follow her.  “If there is something that your ‘most holy Scrubble’ god desires, let us head into the Domus Tenebris, my home, and we can discuss it?  The darkness is filled with things that you would rather not meet, I should say, so let us step into the light of the palace.  What do you say to that, Scrubble?” she asked.  There was something about the little creature that she could not quite put her finger on, but she found herself curious as to why he had come all this way.  Especially with the going-ons between herself and Angela Rose, Inferos was not a friendly place for anyone - but there was clearly a reason why he had come. 

Author: Scrubble, Posted: Thu Jan 5, 2017 6:29 PM, Post Subject: The legendary hero foretold of in the ancient prophecies Scrubble is back to once again bring balance to the universe and be a cool guy while doing it [P] [R]

Scrubbles fight against the darkness was one of the most intense battles in history. If you ignore every battle ever fought in recorded history. Scrubble's valiant attacks seemed to have little effect on the darkness and anything that might be crawling around in it. However Scrubble was an unrelenting force of holy Scrubby light against the all pervasive ever encroaching darkness. There was no way Scrubble could lose this fight, Scrubble never lost. For in the mind of Scrubble losing is impossible. If Scrubble wins then Scrubble hasn't lost, if Scrubble dies then Scrubble is dead you can't lose when you're dead, and if Scrubble has to run he hasn't lost it just means Scrubble gets to come back and win later. 

Therefore Scrubble is an unbeatable unrelenting force of holy light against the creatures who wish to stop the will of the most holy god Scrubble. But however much of an unstoppable force Scrubble is he's still lost in a dark room swinging wildly at the darkness. Meanwhile the embodiment of fear that prowls around in here looking for prey in the darkness must be confused at this small green creature swinging wildly at the darkness. However soon Scrubble realized there was another presence in the darkness. Scrubble turned to face it when a voice spoke out to him from the darkness.

Scrubble recognized the person for Scrubble never forgets! Yes Scrubble was 100% sure that this was a woman! Truly Scrubbles deductive skills were unmatched. Scrubble then pulled out a piece of parchment with a face drawn on it. As the goddess was a woman and this was supposedly a drawing of Dalanescas face. Scrubble took a close look at the parchment then back at the woman before handing it to her "Is this you?". "For if it is you you must tell Scrubble for Scrubble has been sent on a holy mission by the holiest god Scrubble to find the lesser god known as Dalanesca." Scrubble nodded after saying it as if confirming to himself that that was indeed his mission.

Author: Dalanesca, Posted: Wed Jan 4, 2017 9:56 PM, Post Subject: The legendary hero foretold of in the ancient prophecies Scrubble is back to once again bring balance to the universe and be a cool guy while doing it [P] [R]

At the present moment that Scrubble was battling the darkness before the doors to Domus Tenebris, the Reaper of Souls and Harbinger of Darkness was busy torturing a poor soul that she had plucked from the Ninth Circle of Inferos.  This particular soul was, in fact, not a poor soul - rather that of someone who had found his way with children in his previous life.  These were the ones that Dalanesca hated the most, and she took her rage and anger out on them while she stewed in which method to get back at Angela for failing her when she most needed it.  Sometimes, if she did not want to listen to the screams, she would sew their mouths shut before, but on this particular night she wanted to hear the screams. 

She was halfway through disemboweling her current plaything when something felt off to her - someone had ventured into the darkness before Domus Tenebris and had not taken the lantern with them.  “Damnit,” she muttered, and dropped the double-edged dagger that she had been using to work on her victim.  It fell to the floor with a clatter.  Closing her eyes, she reached her vision out to the darkness, and she could not believe what she was seeing.  Scrubble was back - the same, odd little goblin that had visited her in the Blinded Scales and had been under the impression that he was actually in the Sundering Gardens, the realm of Angela Rose.  The thought gave her a quick flash of anger, her eyes flaring red as she thought of Angela.  

“I’ll be back, my sweet,” she said in a very dark tone to the body on the table.  She stormed out of the chamber, leaving the victim bleeding but undying.  She walked quickly out of the palace and into the darkness.  In the distance she could see the flames from Scrubble’s sword, so she walked in that direction.  As soon as she approached the near vicinity, the fear-being in the darkness ceased to exist - at least for the time being.  The area lit up a bit, and she put her hands on her hips, looking down at the goblin.  “Hello Scrubble… we meet again,” she said, wondering if he would remember their past meeting, but truly doubting it.

Author: Scrubble, Posted: Wed Jan 4, 2017 6:37 PM, Post Subject: The legendary hero foretold of in the ancient prophecies Scrubble is back to once again bring balance to the universe and be a cool guy while doing it [P] [R]

In times of great trouble there's only one goblin fit to put things back together. That goblin is Scrubble! We join our hero as he enters the realm of the lesser god Dalanesca on orders of the most holy and righteous god Scrubble. Scrubble in order to find out what is going on has come to the Palace of Darkness. Scrubble walked straight through the entrance not noticing the lantern that had materialized when Scrubble got near it. Instead plunging straight into the darkness with no plan on how to get through. For Scrubble knew that Scrubble would guide Scrubbles feet along the right path so spoke the holy scriptures of Scrubble.

So Scrubble walked through the darkness with total confidence that he was on the right path. However there was a strange feeling that something was watching Scrubble. Something that definitely did not feel nice truly Scrubble was seemingly constantly beset by the enemies of Scrubble. But such is the life of the most holy Paladin of the holiest god Scrubble. Scrubble however decided to keep moving and let this enemy of Scrubble strike first. For that would be its final mistake you don't mess with Scrubble especially when he's on a mission from Scrubble.

After a bit more walking Scrubble began to feel an impending sense of doom coming from the darkness. This was rather strange as usually darkness didn't give Scrubble such feelings. So the only recourse for this was to fight the darkness! Scrubble drew the holiest blade of Scrubble slayer of a thousand enemies of Scrubble (actual numbers of enemies slain may vary) and began to slice at the darkness. However the darkness proved to be made of sterner stuff and Scrubble stopped the intense onslaught for a moment. Scrubble decided that in order to defeat the darkness he'd need to go all out. So Scrubble not only consecrated his weapon he also lit it on fire! With this new flaming even holier blade of Scrubble the attack against the darkness continued with renewed fury!

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